The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 99: Not enough artillery camps? What about the artillery regiment?

Chapter 99: Not enough artillery battalions? What about the artillery regiment?

 One thing I have to admit is that Du Yuming's strategic vision is absolutely first-rate.

 After the Japanese army occupied Lashio, they immediately ordered the expeditionary force to retreat back to the country.

Had it not been for the British army and Luo Zhuoying holding them back, the expeditionary force would not have suffered heavy losses.

 Now it is even more obvious that the Japanese army is going to attack southwest Yunnan, so this view definitely gives a thumbs up.

“I think the Japanese army is definitely not just cutting off the China-Myanmar Highway, but more importantly, they want to use southwest Yunnan to invade the mountain city.” Since Du Yuming talked about strategic ideas, Cun Yunsheng couldn’t pretend to be a fool.

"Invade the mountain city?" It was Du Yuming's turn to be a little shocked. He only thought that the Japanese army would attack southwest Yunnan, but he did not expect this.

"Yes, the Japanese army stopped at the Changsha area on the frontal battlefield. It is impossible to invade the mountain city. This is the consensus of everyone." Cun Yunsheng explained.

To this point, Du Yuming did not refute, but nodded in agreement, and then motioned to continue.

“Then the frontal battlefield cannot be invaded. Since the Japanese army is accustomed to the roundabout tactics of outflanking, they naturally want to enter the mountain city from southwest Yunnan.”

“Although the terrain in this area is steep, there is one problem: the mountain city cannot mobilize elite troops, and some are just local miscellaneous troops.”

“How can we resist the Japanese army if we can’t even get together the most basic rifles?”

Cun Yunsheng's words shocked Du Yuming. He didn't expect that the loss of Myanmar would cause such a chain reaction.

 He now wants to return to the mountain city immediately and report the situation here to Shangfeng.

However, he still waited patiently for the other party to say.

“Sir, don’t worry too much. In fact, the Japanese army will not be able to advance at most if they stop in southwest Yunnan, because the Pacific battlefield will be their focus.”

“After all, if we lose in the Pacific battlefield, the Japanese army will lose everything.” Cun Yunsheng said with a smile.

"How is this possible? The Japanese army has been victorious in the Pacific battlefield. If this were not the case, the US military would not have sent Stilwell to negotiate and form an allied force." Du Yuming shook his head, feeling that Cun Yunsheng's view was too one-sided.

Although the United States has strong industrial strength, its military capabilities are average. If it wants to win the Pacific battlefield, it may have to pay a high price.

"Sir, although the U.S. military has average military capabilities and was defeated steadily by the Japanese army, it has a terrifying industrial background, with an annual output of tens of millions of tons of steel. As long as they are given a period of time to accumulate, they will explode into terrifying production capacity." Cun Yunsheng didn't show any anger, but continued talking.

“For example, it would take the Japanese army two years at the fastest to build an aircraft carrier. What about the US military? It only takes seven days to build an aircraft carrier and launch it in a month.”

“Even if they spend their energy, the Japanese army cannot defeat the US military.”

“To put it bluntly, the Pacific War still uses the navy to determine the direction of the war. As long as the naval battle is won, the remaining battle for the islands is just a waste of artillery shells, and these US troops are the most indispensable.”

Du Yuming looked at the other party in stunned silence. He did not expect that the US military had such terrifying military capabilities. It was really beyond expectation.

“So the Japanese army must be defeated?” Du Yuming was silent for a while and said in a hoarse voice.

“Yes, it will definitely fail within three years.” Cun Yunsheng nodded and said.

In fact, if the US military had not been eager to open a second battlefield and wanted to seize the fruits of victory in Europe, the Japanese army would not have lasted less than three years.

 After all, most of the military power was invested in the European battlefield at that time, so the Far East battlefield became very slow.

Hearing this, Du Yuming took a deep breath, then patted the other party on the shoulder and said.

"Why don't you come back with me? My Fifth Army still lacks a combat staff officer. Your abilities are too limited to be a regimental commander."

 “Sir, that’s ridiculous.” Cun Yunsheng shook his head and rejected his proposal.

"First of all, I come from a mixed army, and those arrogant and powerful generals will definitely not obey me."

“Secondly, I still bear a blood feud. I want to kill all the Japanese soldiers and bury my uncle with him.”

“In the end, all the men of the Cun family died in the war, and it is not my ambition to live in the rear.”

If he really wanted to survive in the rear, wouldn't it be more comfortable if he could directly become the leader of the main force at that time?

Hearing this, Du Yuming stopped persuading him. Let’s not talk about other things. First of all, if he is not a direct descendant, it means that the other party will not be used much.

If he was not a direct descendant, it would be impossible to command a proud and powerful general like Dai Anlan.

“Sir, my troops are being bombarded by Japanese artillery fire on the riverside and have suffered heavy losses. I wonder if we can support some artillery here?”

"As long as artillery is enough, there is no shortage of artillery for the time being." Cun Yunsheng thought it was better to bring it up first. If he didn't mention it, the other party would pretend not to know, and he would definitely be the one to suffer.

 Besides, I am young and thick-skinned, so I will be fine even if I refuse.

More importantly, he knows that the other party is thin-skinned, and since he is complaining and sending supplies, he should not refuse his proposal.

As expected, Du Yuming blushed. Being asked this by someone who was more than ten years younger than him, he was really embarrassed to refuse.

 After all, the other party had just saved them, and then turned around and refused, which seemed so heartless.

Not to mention, he still admires the other party very much.

Thinking of this, Du Yuming pondered for a while and recounted the previous discussion with his adjutant.

"Wounded soldiers?" Cun Yunsheng was stunned. He didn't think it was inappropriate to wound soldiers, but he thought it was too generous, right?

He just made a visual inspection for a while, and found that there were at least hundreds or thousands of people.

 Some of them were seriously injured and they would definitely not survive without medicine.

 But for Cun Yunsheng, this is not a problem.

 He has penicillin, and it is too simple for a wound to become infected.

"Well, I hope you can understand that the Fifth Army is not my private army, and I have no right to transfer soldiers to you. I need to obey the orders of the mountain city." Du Yuming explained bravely.

Looking at the other party's embarrassment, Cun Yunsheng sighed inwardly. He really knew how to catch an honest person and bully him. "Although Stilwell sent a telegram, as a Chinese soldier, I am executing the orders of Shancheng, so I cannot give you artillery. However, many of those wounded soldiers are also artillery. As long as they can be cured, they can go to the battlefield." Du Yuming was afraid that the other party would disagree, so he emphasized it again.

"Wounded soldiers are okay, but the battle on the front line is really critical right now. Can the commander dispatch a battalion of artillery to help operate the artillery? After the Japanese army is defeated, all the artillery of this battalion will be presented to the commander." Cun Yunsheng was a little confused. Said anxiously.

This is not really a misfortune on his part. He did underestimate the power of the 150mm cannon. Once this thing is fired, it will create a huge pit.

 Many soldiers were shocked to death, and some suffered internal injuries and bleeding from their orifices.

 But he did not want to give up the shore position, so he could only let the troops continue to hold on.

Now that the Fifth Army has arrived, he naturally aims at the opponent's artillery.

I heard that I was just borrowing it, and a battalion of artillery was sent as a gift.

To be honest, Du Yuming was also a little shocked. This guy is really generous.

Completely unlike the picky character of the no-name army.

"Okay, is one battalion enough? I have an artillery regiment here. Although there are only a few artillery pieces, there are still a lot of artillery troops." Du Yuming was afraid that the other party would not be enough.

This is really not an exaggeration. The artillery regiment at this time had only a few artillery pieces, but a lot of artillery.

"That's great. Myitkyina has a lot of artillery. My artillerymen are still having a headache on how to use the 105mm howitzer. There are also British-made BL-type 140mm howitzers, which they don't know how to operate at all." Cun Yunsheng said with a look of helplessness. .

Hearing this, the corners of Du Yuming's mouth twitched. Isn't this kid really showing off?

Immediately asked the adjutant to inform the commander of the artillery regiment and ask him to obey the orders of the Sichuan regiment.

 In addition, he added in a low voice, asking the other party to behave well and try to bring back a few more artillery pieces.

When the adjutant heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he quickly promised to convince the other party.

Sure enough, when Zhu Maoqin, the commander of the artillery regiment, heard this, his eyes gleamed.

 “Really?” I don’t blame him for being so excited. Is it really a favor to send an artillery battalion?

 If you perform well, you might be able to get more rewards.

This is simply pie in the sky.

You must know that the Soviet-made howitzers originally equipped by the artillery regiment of the Fifth Army had already burned out all the shells.

  It can be said that the artillery regiment has only a frame, and the artillery is not as effective as the mortar.

Now that I heard that I could send artillery battalions, it almost made the opponent jump.

“Of course it’s true. Commander Cun said it himself, how can it be false?” The adjutant patted his chest to show that it was true.

"However, you have to behave well. Don't have diarrhea when the time comes. The military seat will be embarrassed, and the artillery camp will probably be ruined."

The adjutant thought it was better to give him a warning so as not to cause embarrassment if something really goes wrong.

"Don't worry, I will definitely perform well. If nothing else, I will charge the Sichuan Army to defend Myitkyina and save the Fifth Army. I will also cooperate well." Zhu Maoqin promised.

With these words, the adjutant felt relieved and immediately asked Zhu Maoqin to go to the artillery position by the river.

 At this moment, Krupp in the artillery position was having a huge headache.

 The arsenal and artillery at Myitkyina exceeded his imagination.

 In addition to the US-made 105mm howitzers, there are also British-made BL 140mm howitzers and four 155mm howitzers.

 In total, there were more than 20 artillery pieces. Such a large number of artillery pieces made him worried for a while.

Where did he get so many artillery to operate these artillery pieces?

 Even if he and the US military instructors were exhausted, they still wouldn't be able to do it.

 This is a heavy artillery piece.

 Requires a rope to launch.

 Otherwise, the shock wave generated during the explosion can injure soldiers.

At the same time, he was also curious, why did the British army leave so many artillery pieces in Myitkyina?

  In fact, among these artillery pieces, except for the British BL-type 140mm howitzer, which was left by the British, the other howitzers were rewards obtained by Cun Yunsheng through Gold Finger during this period.

It's just that he found an excuse, saying that it was dropped by the British army.

Considering that during this period, they received a lot of supplies in many cities, they just assumed that the British guys were rich and didn't think too much.

“Company commander, a colonel came outside and said he was supporting our artillery regiment.” At this time, a soldier walked into the position and said to the worried Krupp.

"What? A colonel is here? He also brings an artillery regiment?" Krupp was stunned, and then without saying a word, he stood up and ran outside.

At this time, Zhu Maoqin was drooling and looking at the rows of heavy artillery on the position.

Just an idea in my mind!

 The Sichuan Army Corps is really fat!

 A regiment has more heavy artillery than an artillery regiment directly under the military headquarters.

 And they are all large-caliber heavy artillery!

 Several times more powerful than our own Soviet-made howitzers.

  Not to mention the mountains of artillery shells piled next to it.

 (End of this chapter)

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