Chapter 16 The whole family is loyal!

"Look for those big households. They must have pigs, sheep, cattle, chickens, ducks, geese, etc." Cun Yunsheng glanced at Xue Tian and said calmly.

“Now is the period of the Anti-Japanese War. Tell them that it is everyone’s responsibility to support the Anti-Japanese War.”

“Besides, we are buying with money, not robbing. Let’s talk to them nicely and bring more people with us.”

“If the ocean is not enough, I will issue an IOU first and pay them back later.”

Xue Tian was speechless after what he said.

“Send another person to this place to deliver some supplies.” Cun Yunsheng warned again.

"Yes, Master." Xue Tian didn't ask any more questions. He just needed to complete the task.

 Watching Xue Tian leave with a few people, Meng Fangliao and others were busy again, so he simply left the shelter as well.

 He has to take out the stored weapons and equipment in advance, otherwise how can he trade at night?

On the other side, Milong hurriedly left the shelter, came to a courtyard, and knocked on the door.

"It's you, why are you here so soon? The goods are sold out? I didn't expect those poor ghosts to still have money to squeeze out?" The person who received Mi Long was a middle-aged man wearing a long gown and said to himself Said coquettishly.

"Hey, you are joking. There is nothing they can exploit. A new commander has arrived. He has a batch of food in his hand. I wonder if you can eat it." Milong chuckled. He didn't want to eat it here. Dare to be more presumptuous.

 Those who can open a black market have considerable energy behind them.

 He is not a mountain cannon, so he naturally knows who cannot be offended.

"New chief? Is there anyone in this poor place willing to come here?" The middle-aged man was also a little surprised and asked doubtfully.

If it weren't for the fact that there were thousands of broken troops here and they could squeeze out three ounces of oil, he would have no interest in staying here permanently.

There are so many places where you can make a fortune, so why stay in such a miserable place.

"Yes, he is very generous in taking action. He has already recruited hundreds of soldiers. From the looks of it, he seems to be recruiting thousands more." Milong said with some worry.

 “Who is it? Such a big deal?” The middle-aged man was even more confused now.

 It is rare to be able to recruit so many soldiers at one go.

  Unless you have a certain background, you will definitely not be able to recruit.

“The 126th Division Independent Regiment of the 45th Army, his name is Cun Yunsheng. Do you know him?” Milong quickly recounted Cun Yunsheng’s situation.

"Cun Yunsheng? Is your surname Cun?" A person flashed in the middle-aged man's mind, his brows slightly furrowed, and he asked again with certainty.

 “Are you sure his surname is Cun?”

"Of course, I can still deceive you? Do you really know him?" Milong's heart skipped a beat. He didn't expect that this guy had quite a lot of background.

 Looking at the dragon, the middle-aged man seemed to have come to his senses and said lightly.

“In May of this year, more than 8,000 men from the 12th Division, from the division commander on down, all died heroically on Zhongtiao Mountain.”

“The commander of this division is called Cun Xingqi.”

Hearing this, Milong's eyes widened instantly. He didn't expect that the other party's background was so big.

 I originally thought it was just a little bit, but I didn’t expect it to be so big.

"The other eight sons of the Cun family are all serving in the army. I didn't expect that Cun Yunsheng would appear here again. The Cun family is really full of loyalty." The middle-aged man's tone was also full of tragedy. It was obvious that he was deeply concerned about the heroic deeds of the Cun family. Feeling admired.

 Milong clicked his tongue, no wonder the other party said he wanted to kill the Japanese.

 Even if you cross the river, you must kill the Japanese.

With this blood feud, it is unjustifiable not to take revenge.

 “What does he want to trade?” Seemingly feeling that he said a little too much, the middle-aged man turned around and asked.

“Four small yellow croakers need to be replaced by Da Yang, and there is also a company of weapons and equipment, said to be fine equipment, as well as bicycles, mortars, etc.” Milong quickly handed over the list of items to be sold.

Hearing this, the middle-aged man showed an incredible expression.

These are all hard goods.

 I didn’t expect that the other party could come up with so many good things.

 Not to mention anything else, just that one company of fine equipment can defeat the enemy. Especially now that weapons and equipment are in short supply, all warlords are trying to find ways to collect weapons.

 This is the meaning of the existence of the black market.

"It seems that the Cun family still values ​​this young man very much, and they actually got so many beautiful weapons and equipment." The middle-aged man obviously has a very broad network, and naturally he also knows that the beautiful weapons and equipment have begun to be transported to the mountain city.

The direct troops have begun to change their uniforms, and some warlords have also privately obtained a batch of beautiful weapons and equipment to arm their own troops.

 So he was not surprised at all that Cun Yunsheng owned a company of fine equipment.

 Even feels a little bit less.

 After all, there are eight children of the Cun family serving in the army, under different warlords.

 It’s really not too much to scrape together a company’s weapons and equipment.

 “What about time and place?”

"It's nine o'clock in the evening, room 78 in the alley. When I came here, I saw that it was a courtyard house. It was very safe." Milong said quickly.

“Yes, I understand, I will arrive on time.” The middle-aged man nodded, and then ordered his men to start preparing for the ocean.

 According to his estimate, tonight’s transaction must exceed tens of thousands of dollars.

 So be prepared in advance.


On the other side, Cun Yunsheng led people to Chen Xiaozui's house again.

 Because he promised the other party to have dinner here tonight, he couldn't break the promise.

“Brother, wait a moment, there is another dish.” Chen Xiaozui was busy in the kitchen and shouted during the break.

 Looks like he has recovered from the sadness in the afternoon.

Cun Yunsheng felt a lot more relieved now, but he was afraid that the other party would not be able to think about it.

 Next, it’s all about time.

 He believes that time will smooth everything out.

“Hey, spicy chicken.” Cun Yunsheng looked at the dishes that were served, his eyes lit up, and he asked with a smile.

 “Well, I don’t know if it’s to your liking.” Chen Xiaozui was a little cautious.

"Don't be formal, come on, sit down." Cun Yunsheng knew that the other party was still a little reluctant to let go, and then looked at the four guards on the side and said to them.

 “Let’s all sit down and eat together.”

 The four guards looked at each other and quickly shook their heads in rejection.

"Okay, I don't have so many rules here. We all sit down and eat together. From now on, we will all be brothers sharing life and death. There are not so many rules in private." Cun Yunsheng shook his head and motioned for them to sit down together.

Now the four of them were too embarrassed to refuse and quickly found a seat to sit down.

"Eat, I'm starving, don't be polite, anyone who is polite will be hungry." After Cun Yunsheng finished speaking, he ignored them, picked up his chopsticks and started to taste.

 After one bite of spicy chicken, I couldn’t help but feel satisfied.

“It’s delicious, I can open a restaurant with this skill.” Cun Yunsheng praised it.

  Chen Xiaozui, who was a little embarrassed by the praise, couldn't help but lower his head.

 “No, I just have a normal fever.”

“Hahaha, eat, eat, eat, finish all for me today.” Cun Yunsheng also knew that he had to give the other party a chance to adapt, so he stopped talking and started gobbling it up like a hungry wolf.

 The four guards did not give in much, and started to eat voraciously.

Such a small stove is not available all the time.

 (End of this chapter)

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