Chapter 17 Huge profits from arms!

“It’s really good.” As he walked on the road, Cun Yunsheng was still thinking about the meal he just had. The authentic Sichuan flavor left him with endless aftertaste.

 He and the four guards ate all the pot of rice.

“Be smarter later.” After Cun Yunsheng sighed, he looked at the three guards behind him.

 In order to ensure Chen Xiaozui's safety, he deliberately left a guard behind.

“Yes.” The three guards nodded quickly.

 After a while, a group of people came to the courtyard of No. 78 in the alley.

 Before this, Cun Yunsheng had already put weapons into the house.

 Looking at his watch, he saw that it was still a quarter of an hour before the appointed time. Cun Yunsheng was not in a hurry and sat at the door.

 After a while, the sound of dogs barking was heard in the distance, and a group of people gradually caught the attention of Cun Yunsheng and others.

 “Here we come, regimental seat.” the guard whispered.

“Be careful.” Cun Yunsheng nodded.

 The one walking in front of the team was Milong, holding a lantern in his hand.

 “Sir, we have brought them.” Seeing Cun Yunsheng, Mi Long became extremely respectful.

This made Cun Yunsheng a little surprised. How did this guy change his gender?

With no time to think about it, Cun Yunsheng looked at the middle-aged man wearing a long gown behind him.

"Who is this?"

 “Sir, this is Mr. Chen.” Milong quickly introduced.

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng's pupils shrank, his surname was Chen, and he kept thinking about where the other party was coming from.

 But with a warm look on his face, he invited the other person into the room.

After entering the room and both parties taking their seats, Milong couldn't help but say.

 “Sir, where are all the things?”

As he spoke, he rubbed his hands together, looking impatient.

This made Cun Yun speechless for a while. He originally wanted to touch the other party's bottom.

"They are all in the next room. You can bring someone to move them here." Cun Yunsheng pointed to the next room and said casually.

 When Milong took the people to move things, Cun Yunsheng looked at him again.

“Sir Cun, I’m curious, why are you interested in Zenda?” Mr. Chen took the lead in breaking the awkwardness before Cun Yunsheng could speak.

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng was not surprised. Instead, he looked at the other party and asked.

“Why are you interested in a small border town like Zenda? As far as I know, this place is a group of broken soldiers with no money and no money.”

 In response to Cun Yunsheng's rhetorical question, Mr. Chen didn't seem to panic at all, but said calmly.

 “No matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat.”

"I'm just curious. With Commander Cun's family background, no matter where he goes, there is no problem with being a main regiment commander. Even if it is the Central Army, he is definitely an elite regiment commander. Why would he come here to recruit troops?"

"The soldiers here are all broken soldiers, coward soldiers, the kind who can't hold up the wall with mud."

 "Such a force being brought out will definitely damage the reputation of the Cun family."

Cun Yunsheng was not surprised to be called out for his family background. Behind the black market, there was a lot of energy, otherwise he would have been beaten to death long ago.

The reason why Zenda can only confuse the dragon and work in the black market is, on the one hand, his strength, and on the other hand, because this guy knows how to study and take advantage of the opportunity to get involved in the black market.

  Otherwise, why is it that only Milong can do this in Zenda?

  Why in the original work, in order to make money, Long Wenwen had to go to Mi Long to sell weapons? Couldn't he sell them himself?

  Otherwise, with Long Wen Zhang’s ability, how could he not know about the black market?

 Because he knows that it is impossible to operate in the black market without background.

 Here we can also see that Lai and Milong are still very capable.

"It depends on who leads them. If it were me, I would definitely be famous, even several times stronger than those so-called aces." Cun Yunsheng said confidently.

This time it was Mr. Chen's turn to be surprised. He looked at Cun Yunsheng, hesitated, and asked directly.

“I wonder what the relationship between Commander Cun and General Cun Xingqi is?”

"My uncle." Cun Yunsheng's tone was calm, without any fluctuation. Hearing this, Mr. Chen nodded. It was obvious that he was not surprised, and even looked as if he was.

 So young, he must be the third generation of the Cun family.

I just didn’t expect that the other party would come out to fight against Japan at such a young age.

At this time, Milong also moved all the weapons and equipment to the yard, and the two of them stopped chatting and walked towards the yard.

Three bicycles were placed in the center, along with fifty M1 Garand rifles, some ammunition, and a mortar.

Especially the 60mm mortar. When Milong saw it, he secretly smacked his lips. This person's energy is really quite big.

 Actually, Cun Yunsheng was originally hesitant whether to take action, but after thinking about it later, he decided to sell it first.

 The main reason is that he currently does not have artillery, and more importantly, he believes that there will be more such mortars in the future.

 There will even be large-caliber artillery.

 At the moment, it is better to raise funds and build up the team. Weapons and equipment can be easily solved.

According to his estimate, there is still one month left before entering Myanmar to fight. This period of time is enough for him to work hard. If he is lucky, he can also gather weapons and equipment.

 At the same time, this month he will strengthen military discipline training in the army.

Mr. Chen has obviously seen the world. This weapon seems a bit surprising at best, not too shocking.

“The brand new Wuqi bicycle is worth 700 oceans.” Mr. Chen is obviously very knowledgeable. He can tell at a glance that this bicycle is imported and immediately gives a quotation.

 Seven hundred oceans, Cun Yunsheng nodded, he did not expect the price of this bicycle to be so high.

 The Mystic Dragon next to him also clicked his tongue a little.

Three vehicles are equivalent to two thousand oceans, not counting the weapons and equipment.

"The M1 Garand semi-automatic rifle is a good thing. It costs one hundred U.S. dollars to import. And that's just import. On the black market, it costs one hundred and fifty U.S. dollars, which can be exchanged for 500 U.S. dollars." Mr. Chen took it. I picked up a brand new M1 Garand rifle, operated it skillfully, and sighed with emotion at the same time.

“Shangfeng has just reached a cooperation with the US military, and the equipment has not yet been fully installed. I didn’t expect you to be able to get so much. It’s not easy.”

Cun Yunsheng was not interested in answering the other party's question. Instead, he secretly clicked his tongue.

Is it so expensive?

Such a huge profit?

 No wonder everyone wants to make war fortune, it’s so profitable.

“Mr. Chen, do you have too many questions?” Cun Yunsheng replied calmly.

 “Sorry, I made a mistake, I want all these weapons.”

“Sixty mortars, one thousand eight hundred oceans, one shell fifty oceans.”

“Rifle ammunition, per thousand rounds, one hundred and thirty oceans.”

“There are also three small yellow croakers, each of which can be exchanged for eight hundred and fifty oceans.”

“A total of thirty-one thousand three hundred oceans.” Mr. Chen quickly gave a number.

At the same time, I was secretly surprised. Fortunately, I had someone prepare more oceans before I came. Otherwise, it would not be enough.

 Cun Yunsheng, on the other hand, seemed very calm when he heard this number.

Of course, I am still a little excited inside.

He didn’t expect that arms would be so expensive now?

 In fact, it is mainly due to successive wars that the current military output has dropped sharply, and many troops simply do not have enough ammunition.

 You don’t have any connections with Tongtian, but you want to get arms? It is simply as difficult as climbing to the sky.

This is why the phenomenon of arms reselling on the black market is very serious.

 So there was no surprise to the other party when Cun Yunsheng sold the arms.

 Because every unit sells arms on the black market.

Even the Japanese army is no exception.

But Cun Yunsheng thought that with these 30,000 oceans, the current difficulties would be solved.

 (End of this chapter)

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