Chapter 21 The first payment!

"Sir, I have a letter home from you." Colonel Cun Xingfu, who was checking the defense map at Leiyun Airport Garrison Headquarters, was a little surprised when he heard his subordinate's words.

The last time I received a letter from home was half a year ago. At that time, my eldest brother died heroically, and the old man wrote a letter to them.

 I hope they can put the hatred of the country and the family first, serve the country, and fight to the end.

Unexpectedly, I received another letter from home half a year later. Could it be that there was another problem at home?

 The old man was already in his eighties, and Cun Xingfu felt a thump in his heart for a moment.

 When I received the letter from home and saw that it was from Cun Yunsheng, I couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

"Didn't this kid join the army? How come he still has time to write to himself?" Although he was a little confused, he still opened the letter home.

 The greetings were normal from the beginning to the end, and the more Cun Xingfu looked at them, the uglier his face became.

 “You brat, the autumn wind is coming to me.”

 “You **** boy, why didn’t you notice it when you were a kid? He also has a rogue style.”

Although Cun Xingfu was cursing, the smile on his lips could not be suppressed.

He is still very optimistic about the third generation of the Cun family.

 Being the captain of a lieutenant colonel at a young age still has a bright future.

 Him is also very competitive. I heard that after a **** battle, there were only a dozen people alive in the whole camp.

 This fact made him very happy. None of the men in the Cun family were greedy for life or afraid of death.

Now that the other party is asking for your help, he will definitely provide some support.

Thinking of this, Cun Xingfu flicked his fingers on the table subconsciously.

“Old Liu, please prepare two hundred rifles, 20,000 rounds of ammunition, fifty boxes of grenades, and two 60mm mortars, and send them to Zenda.”

He naturally still wants to protect his nephew.

 So give the greatest assistance within your capabilities.

"Another five thousand yuan will be sent to him." After thinking for a while, Cun Xingfu felt that the gift was still too little, so he asked someone to add another five thousand yuan.

 After all, he is only a colonel, and being able to mobilize so many supplies is already his greatest ability.

"Yes." The man called Lao Liu was his confidant. Naturally, he knew that his parents had such a nephew, but he still had some worries.

“Sir, there are so many of them. What if we go to the peak to check them out?”

 “Don’t worry, there won’t be any problem, these things can’t be found.” Cun Xingfu shook his head.

 In addition to hoping for help, the letter home also proposed that one month later he would lead his troops to fight in Myanmar.

 This is the reason for his strongest support. The men of the Cun family are sworn to defend the country to the death.

 As an uncle, he naturally has to provide support.

"I understand." Lao Liu was not a talkative person and nodded immediately.

Scenes like this are happening one after another in various places, which are all aids that give oneself the greatest strength.

 There are oceans, weapons, and some even provide assistance to some special talents.

At this time, Cun Yunsheng didn’t know anything about it.

 He was busy holding a military pay distribution ceremony.

That's right, as this was the first time for an independent regiment to pay, he would definitely give the pay to the soldiers personally, in order to strengthen the soldiers' impression of him and improve his prestige.

 After breakfast, the soldiers were still chatting and bragging.

Before they had finished eating, they were greeted by a whistle.

"Gather, gather, hurry up." At this moment, Cun Yunsheng was not gentle and elegant at all, but looked very veteran.

He was full of curses, which made many veterans feel a little friendly.

 It turns out that our superiors are human beings too.

Looking at the somewhat chaotic team, Cun Yunsheng couldn't help but shake his head and cursed even harder.

 “Damn it, what do they all look like?”

"Look at you, what are you doing?" "If the little devils come here, you will all die."

“Stand still, you guys have just eaten two meals of meat and want to go back to eating grass?”

 “Stand up for me within five minutes, otherwise I will eat grass at noon.”

Seeing that the regiment leader was really angry, the soldiers did not dare to be perfunctory anymore. They all stood up with their heads held high and their chests high.

Even Meng Fanlie limped behind Cun Yunsheng, resolutely carrying out the three-meter order without compromise.

“Tuan Zuo, I told you, they are a bunch of grass-eating things. After eating two meals of meat, they forget that they were grass-eating in the first place.” Meng Fangli also scolded him.

“Okay, stop talking nonsense and organize the queue for me. I’ll be in trouble soon.” Cun Yunsheng glared at him and then motioned to organize the queue.

  Hearing that the voyage was about to take place, the soldiers did not complain at all. They were all secretly looking forward to it, so the queues were sorted out quickly.

 According to yesterday's queue, we quickly adjusted, and the new ones quickly integrated into the queue under the command of Meng Fangliao and others.

Soon, the entire shelter was filled with people, while Cun Yunsheng stood at the foot of the steps, looking at the soldiers in front of him, and nodded with satisfaction.

“It seems that Dayang’s charm is still great, and his standing is very standard. I hope you can maintain it at all times.”

“Yesterday, I promised you that I would give you three yuan as a settlement allowance and three months’ additional military pay. Now is the time to fulfill my promise.”

 “Lao Xue, has the luck arrived?”

“Here we come.” Xue Tian led a few people to move several boxes to the steps.

 As the box was opened, everyone's breathing quickened a lot because of the ocean of white flowers inside.

Cun Yunsheng took advantage of the situation and raised his foot to step on the edge of the box and said to everyone.

“I am a person who keeps my word, and I have clear rewards and punishments. I will reissue the military pay if I say it will be reissued. I know many people are skeptical. It doesn’t matter. I understand. We will start distributing military pay now.”

With that said, Cun Yunsheng opened the roster and shouted loudly.

 “I’m annoyed.”


 Hearing that his name was read out first, Meng Fanlao looked surprised. He didn't expect that he would be the first.

Immediately walked to the front, stood up straight with all his strength, and gave a standard military salute.

“With the rank of lieutenant, the monthly salary is 60 legal currency, and the repayment is for three months, a total of 180 legal currency. According to the latest exchange rate of legal currency, the actual salary is 45 yuan.”

 Hand out 45 yuan?

 Not only was Meng Fanxiao very surprised, but all the other soldiers were also surprised.

 Before this, before the Anti-Japanese War, they received legal currency, and military pay at that time was higher than it is now.

Now it’s pretty good to be able to issue forty legal currency a month, and there are even various arrears.

Unexpectedly, Cun Yunsheng distributed the money directly according to the standards before the Anti-Japanese War. This was really beyond their expectations.

 Even if it were exchanged for Dayang, it would depreciate a part, but it would still be pretty good.

 The things that can be bought with current legal currency are really pitiful.

 It is really a blessing to be able to give them a large amount of money.

“Not enough?” Cun Yunsheng asked with a smile, looking at Meng Fansi who was in a daze.

“No, I just didn’t expect you to pay according to the military pay issued before the war of resistance.” Meng Fanlao shook his head quickly and said.

“Oh, that’s too much. How about I give you a little less?” As he was about to take it back, Meng Fanglia quickly put it in his arms.

He still owes a lot of debt. How can he send the ocean he just received away?

Cun Yunsheng burst into laughter seeing Meng Fanfan looking like he was obsessed with money.

 “Why are you running away? You still have three yuan for settling in?”

Hearing that there were still three pieces of ocean left, Meng Fanlai ran back lamely, took the three pieces of ocean, and saluted him as a military salute.

 “Thank you for your seat.”

 (End of this chapter)

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