Chapter 22 The upcoming collision!

 Actually, they are divided according to military pay. Meng Fanglio used to be in the Sichuan Army, so he basically belongs to the type without military pay.

 That's right, soldiers basically have no military pay.

Not only the Sichuan Army, but also the Northwest Army, soldiers rarely see military pay.

 As for officers, there are only a few.

Not to mention, the army Meng Fan was in was still a mixed bag, and the military pay was pitiful.

 Otherwise, there would be no injuries and no money for medical treatment.

 Among all the armies, the Central Army received the best treatment, followed by the Northeastern Army before the Anti-Japanese War.

Their lives are considered prosperous, and there are also the Yunnan soldiers who have been selling cigarettes.

The officers all have money, and the soldiers live an average life, but they are stronger than the Sichuan Army and the Northwest Army.

 This is why the Sichuan Army was called the Beggar Army in the first place.

And now Cun Yunsheng's military pay standard is based on the Central Army, which shocked everyone at once.

 It’s so atmospheric!

 This officer is very capable.

 That’s right, this is the only thought in the minds of all the soldiers.

Not long after, the military pay for more than 500 people was distributed, and each soldier received his own military pay.

 The smallest bean cake was worth more than ten yuan.

Everyone had an expression of joy on their faces. Some even took a bite with their teeth, while others blew a breath and placed it next to their ears.

 The result is that everyone is very satisfied.

"The military pay has been paid, and the resettlement allowance has also been paid. Then let me train well. Annoying, Ayi, take them to train and practice formation. At least they look like soldiers." Wait until everyone is in a good mood. After almost calming down, Cun Yunsheng issued the first order.

 “Yes, group seat.” Lin Yi and Meng Fangliao responded immediately after receiving the order.

The person who has received the most money here is probably Lin Yi. He has over a hundred yuan, which is a huge sum.

Even though he had never fought in a war, Cun Yunsheng was still paid according to the rank of major without any deductions.

This made Lin Yi very moved. He had no hope at first.

 After all, a major who has never fought in a war is really not qualified to receive military pay.

 When I heard the name, I was still very surprised.

 In any case, this money did greatly relieve his financial pressure.

 From the fact that he had to **** his father's watch to buy a piece of pork, it can be seen that he is also very poor.

 So, according to the game, their loyalty to Cun Yunsheng is not one hundred, but at least ninety.

 “Milong, stay.”

 Everyone else went to train, but Milong, who had just joined, was left alone, which made him very confused.

 Actually, others were also confused, especially Li Liansheng.

 He did not expect that the mysterious dragon actually came.

This guy was so arrogant before that he said he didn't want to be a soldier. Unexpectedly, he took the initiative to become a soldier.

I really don’t understand what this guy is thinking.

However, he was very happy that Mi Long could come. After all, Mi Long was his only fellow villager here.

 “Tuanzu, what are your orders?” Facing Cun Yunsheng, Mi Long no longer had the arrogance as before, but asked respectfully.

"Do you know any cloth merchants? Get some cloth and get two decent military uniforms for all the brothers in the regiment. We are regular troops, not bandits. We are all dressed like beggars. If you don't know, you think we are beggars. "Yeah." Cun Yunsheng said a little speechlessly.

He had long wanted to give everyone in the regiment new military uniforms, but he had no money.

 Now that I have money, I can just put it on the agenda.

"I know, if I take action, the price will be cheaper." Milong said confidently, patting his shoulder.

“The regiment headquarters is short of a division chief. What do you think? Are you interested? I’ll leave all this to you from now on.” Cun Yunsheng felt that Mi Long could definitely adapt to the position of division chief.

Hearing this, Mi Long was stunned for a moment, and then said simply.

 “No problem, I’ll take it.”

"Tuanzuo, don't worry. What I got is definitely good cotton. Don't worry when I go out." Cun Yunsheng said with a smile as Falong patted his chest to assure him.

 “Okay, I’ll leave it to you, don’t let me down.”

"Yes, don't worry." After Milong said that, he took a few familiar people and walked outside.

Xue Tian, ​​who was busy, finally took advantage of the opportunity to come to Cun Yunsheng.

 “Master, what are you having for lunch today?”

“When I make braised pork, I must make it smell fragrant. I want the smell of meat to fill the whole city.”

“Yes.” Xue Tian finished speaking and was about to leave.

He has now become the leader of the cooking team, and all the eating, drinking, and drinking are left to him.

 “Wait a minute.” Cun Yunsheng stopped the other party and said immediately.

“Find a reliable person and ask him to come up with a menu, rotate it every seven days, try to ensure that there is meat every day, and let him be responsible for the food of the troops.”

"Ah? What about me?" Xue Tian was stunned and asked subconsciously.

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng explained.

"Don't be anxious, you have new arrangements. I am going to form a regiment security company. You will be responsible for recruiting soldiers, and you will be the company commander."

 “Complete the formation as soon as possible, I don’t have that much time left for you.”

He had already thought of leaving the one hundred M1 Garand rifles to the newly formed guard company, which was the fist force of the independent regiment.

"Yes, I understand. Give me three days and I will complete the task." When he heard that he was going to be the company commander, Xue Tian could not suppress the smile on his face. Sure enough, his young master still remembered him.

 “Go.” After dismissing the other party, Cun Yunsheng began to think about his next plan.

 According to the development of the plot, Yu Xiaoqing will come to the shelter to recruit soldiers in a few days.

 If nothing else happens, a head-on conflict is very likely to break out between the two sides.

 After all, the opponent is also interested in the defeated troops here.

And that is a man who is even prouder than himself. He is also confident that he can lead this defeated army to fight a hearty and victorious battle.

As a result, reality gave him a severe lesson. Not only did he fail miserably, he was also rumored to have died.

 Fortunately, he later escaped back to Nantianmen.

But this guy’s family background is indeed remarkable.

 Normally speaking, if you suffer a defeat and lose troops and generals, you will definitely be subject to military law.

Even if the responsibility does not lie with him, he cannot be promoted.

The results of it?

Not only was he not injured, he was promoted one level and became a colonel and division commander.

Although he does not have a lot of real power as a division commander, at least he is a division commander, which sounds good.

Every time he sees this place, Cun Yunsheng is very confused.

 When he was still the leader, he had a lot of autonomy.

 You can command the troops at will, but after becoming a division commander, you are restricted in various ways.

Even if he wants to give the cannon fodder regiment more weapons and equipment, he has to look at Deputy Master Tang's face.

 So he boldly guessed that when he entered Myanmar to fight, Yu Xiaoqing was eager to prove himself in order to get rid of the family's influence.

 As a result, reality slapped him hard and turned his proof into a joke.

 As a result, after he was promoted, he was sidelined.

‘It seems that Yu Xiaoqing can still fight for it, but if you want to convince this guy, you have to be stronger than him. Otherwise, with this guy’s arrogant character, a lot of conflict will definitely break out. ’ Cun Yunsheng muttered.

"No matter what, the soldiers will come to cover up the water and the earth. It's nothing to just Yu Xiaoqing. My family background is not weaker than him, and even a little stronger than him. If we really have to fight head-on, who is afraid of whom?"

With this mentality, Cun Yunsheng took out a pen and paper and began to scribble and make corrections. He was going to turn the independent regiment into an art-maker organization.

 So, some changes are needed in terms of personnel.

 (End of this chapter)

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