The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 25: Even the dragon crossing the river has to pay a visit to the local snake!

Chapter 25 Even the dragon crossing the river has to pay a visit to the local snake!

"How's it going? Are the military uniforms ready?" Cun Yunsheng asked with concern as he looked at the panting Mi Long.

"Of course, what can't be solved if I take action?" Milong said proudly, while pulling the bowl he just brought over and taking a quick bite of the braised pork.

 “Yes, this braised pork is cooked well.”

"It will be delivered in the afternoon. A thousand pieces of military uniforms have just been made. You don't know, but I have gone to great lengths to get these uniforms. I even went out to several people just for favors." While eating, While eating, he complained.

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng patted his shoulder and said with a smile.

 “Eat two more bowls of rice at noon.”

Milong was still eagerly waiting for the next sentence, but the result was this sentence, which made him stunned.

Beside him, Meng Fanxiao laughed wildly. He found that only Cun Yunsheng could crush the mysterious dragon to death.

Looking at the speechless look on the other party's face, Cun Yunsheng was very happy.

“Okay, I’ll keep your merits in mind, and I’ll reward you with something when I have the opportunity in the future.”

Cun Yunsheng's promise was thrown away as if it was free of money. For a moment, Mi Long felt that he had been deceived.

  I simply didn’t ask any more questions and continued to concentrate on making rice. Braised pork was rare.

Even he had not eaten it for a long time, and he missed it extremely for a while.

“Milong, a thousand military uniforms are not enough, we need at least three times more.” When Milong had almost eaten, Cun Yunsheng spoke again.

Having heard a thousand things is not enough?

Milong was not surprised. After all, he knew from the beginning that the opponent was not limited to an independent group of thousands of people, but wanted to pack up all the veterans of Zenda.

“Tuanzuo, the remaining military uniforms still need time. They should be in place within three days. This time it took a lot of effort.” Milong rubbed his round belly and said lazily while picking his teeth.

"Okay, I have remembered your contribution. In addition to military uniforms, we also need to purchase water bottles, belts and other items, as well as military boots and the like. Think of a way, money is not an issue." Cun Yunsheng continued to order.

Hearing this, Mi Long sighed. He suddenly felt that the chief clerk was not a good person. He had just finished eating here and gave orders over there.

The cow and horse still have time to breathe, and he doesn't even have time to rest.

 For a while, he missed his days at the canteen.

That was so relaxed and unrestrained, unlike now like a cow and a horse.

"We also need to purchase some flour, canned food, and other storable food. If we need logistical supplies after crossing the Nu River, basically forget about it. These need to be prepared in advance." Cun Yunsheng warned again.

 When he was the battalion commander, he didn't need to think about these things at all, but it's different now.

From weapons and equipment to eating, drinking, sleeping, etc., he needed to figure out a solution himself.

"Okay, leave it to me, but the amount of money needed is not a small sum." Milong hesitated for a moment, and thought it was better to make a deal first.

“The price on the black market is changing every day, and it may be very high.”

"Don't worry about Dayang." Cun Yunsheng shook his head, indicating that he didn't have to worry about money.

With these words, Mi Long felt confident. He called out to the soldiers before him and ran out in a hurry.

 The members of the cannon fodder regiment finished their meal and rested for half an hour before continuing to train.

 It is still mainly about queues.

Cun Yunsheng wandered to the stationmaster's room.

 In fact, Cun Yunsheng was planning to visit this local snake yesterday.

 After all, a strong dragon cannot overwhelm a local snake, not to mention that he is not a strong dragon, at most he is just a dragon crossing the river.

 It’s just that I was too busy, so I was delayed.

Now that I have some free time, I naturally have to pay a visit.

 There are also some minor problems that require help from the other party.

“Stationmaster Wang, you are living a good life these days.” Standing outside the door, Cun Yunsheng coughed lightly. Originally, he wanted to open the door and enter, but the voice of a dead ghost came from inside, which stopped him.

Hearing the sound outside the door, there was a panic inside.

Not long after, the door opened, and Station Commander Wang was seen hurriedly fastening the buttons and saluting at the same time.

"Sir, are you looking for me?" Stationmaster Wang didn't look down on the other party because he was young, but looked very respectful.

"Stationmaster Wang is so polite." Cun Yunsheng had a faint smile on his face, and then exchanged some pleasantries, leaving the other party confused. He didn't know why this gentleman came to see him.

 Since Cun Yunsheng came, the whole Zenda can be said to be in a state of turmoil.

 The originally stable life was completely disrupted.

If the opponent had an average background, he might have blasted him away long ago, or he might have taken advantage of him easily.

  After all, being able to be the head of the shelter naturally has some energy.

 But he had already found out the other party’s background through the Mystery Dragon, so naturally he didn’t dare to make any small moves.

 So the two parties have always been in peace, so what he is confused about is, why is this man coming to see him?

 Is it because you are bored?

"Stationmaster Wang, I would like to ask how many defeated troops this Zenda has?" This is the question that Cun Yunsheng has always been concerned about, and he believes that the stationmaster in front of him is absolutely clear about this question.

The opponent must have a list of defeated troops.

Hearing this, Stationmaster Wang breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out to be this.

“There are about 3,500 people, and some of them are not registered.”

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng was a little confused and looked at the other party.

"It's like this. Some of the defeated troops have been completely wiped out. They are stragglers. They come here just to hang out, so they are not registered. There are also some disabled people who come here just to find spiritual sustenance." Wang The webmaster explained quickly.

“But this part is very small, probably only more than a hundred people.”

"Sir, the defeated troops here are very complicated. They include the Northeastern Army, the Northwest Army, the Shanxi-Sui Army, the Lu Army, the Sichuan Army, the Yunnan Army, etc. They are all miscellaneous troops, as well as some garrison regiments from various places."

“Really, this is a paradise for cowards. It’s really a waste of your time to come here.”

 “It’s all the officers who want to eat free money who come here.”

"Even if I come here, I won't spend a lot of money like you."

“Meng Fannie is right, it’s really a waste if you let a group of grass-eating things eat meat.”

 Webmaster Wang’s words opened Cun Yunsheng’s eyes.

I didn’t expect that the money-hungry and lustful shelter director in front of me would have such a realization.

"Webmaster Wang, I'm very curious. Based on your understanding, being the webmaster here is really an incompetence." Cun Yunsheng asked doubtfully.

“Only those who are unyielding will not give in. This is really paradise...” Stationmaster Wang said with a look that everyone understands.

Looking at the other party's expression, Cun Yunsheng was speechless for a while, but he still had something to ask for, so he continued to ask patiently.

“Stationmaster Wang, are there any broken soldiers recently?”

“???” Stationmaster Wang was confused, what do you mean?

These more than 3,000 defeated troops are not enough for you?

 How many people do you plan to recruit for a regiment?

 For a moment, Stationmaster Wang didn’t know what to say.

“Sir Cun, I don’t know what you mean?” Stationmaster Wang asked cautiously.

"Oh, that's it. My regiment still lacks some technical units such as artillery. Do you think you can think of a way." As he said this, Cun Yunsheng took out a brand new Browning pistol and handed it over.

 (End of this chapter)

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