Chapter 26 Yu Xiaoqing’s pride!

 Looking at the brand new Browning pistol in front of him, the station director's eyes lit up.

This is a good thing, and generally only a very small number of officers can equip it.

"Browning pistol, this is a good thing." Station Commander Wang looked at the handed pistol and said with a dry mouth.

I want to take it over, but I don’t dare.

"It seems that Station Commander Wang is also a lover of guns. Following him doesn't mean he has buried it." With that said, Cun Yunsheng put the pistol in the opponent's hand and did not allow the opponent to refuse.

Hearing this, Stationmaster Wang showed a greedy expression on his face, but he was also very embarrassed.

“Sir Cun, your request is too difficult. Technical arms have basically been picked away by others. The people who come to us are basically big soldiers, or they have no background.”

For the sake of the Browning pistol, Station Commander Wang made a heartfelt remark.

 In response to this sentence, Cun Yunsheng nodded in agreement. The soldiers who could indeed come here were all big-headed soldiers.

However, Cun Yunsheng believes that the other party must have the ability to obtain these technical units.

“I believe that Webmaster Wang’s ability can definitely help me solve these troubles.” Cun Yunsheng said with a smile.

 “I will definitely pay you back in due time.”

Looking at the Browning in his hand, and hearing Cun Yunsheng's promise, Stationmaster Wang gritted his teeth and said.

“In a few days, another batch of broken soldiers will be sent to the Zenda shelter. I’ll take a look at it then. I don’t know if I can bring a few people over, but don’t expect too much, maybe there won’t be any.”

The front line was defeated one after another, and some of the dispersed soldiers had nowhere to go, so they were assigned to various reception stations, waiting for new orders.

Every month, Station Commander Wang will bring back a group of broken troops. If he is lucky, he can still bring back a few technical units.

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng's eyes lit up. It seemed that the gun was not given away in vain. The stationmaster Wang in front of him was really a rabbit that never kicked off.

"Then please worry about Station Commander Wang. I want artillery, health workers, radio soldiers, tank soldiers, etc., even pilots, or have gone to school or something." Cun Yunsheng opened his mouth and mentioned a lot of things in succession. .

Station Commander Wang was so frightened that he was about to put the pistol back in his pocket, but when he thought that this game could be worth a lot of money, he became bitter again.

“Sir Cun, it’s very difficult for me to fulfill your request. I can only try my best.”

“Stationmaster Wang has to worry about everything.” For this person, Cun Yunsheng has always been kind and cheerful.

 After finishing speaking, he turned around and left without waiting for the other party to speak.

Watching Cun Yunsheng leave, Stationmaster Wang's original bitter face changed again.

 Playing with the Browning in his hand, a satisfied smile appeared on his lips.

 Especially with the one hundred rounds of bullets, the value of this gun can be maximized.

 A pistol without bullets is worse than a fire stick, but it is different with bullets.

 He believed that such a gun could definitely be sold for 500 yuan on the black market.

As a webmaster who has been working as a webmaster for so long, he only makes a little more money than this.

“This Chief Cun is really generous. He deserves to be a member of a noble family.” Stationmaster Wang muttered, and then walked into the room again.

 He was in a very good mood at this time, and his natural interest came again.


"Xiao Qing, Shangfeng has decided to send troops to fight in Myanmar. This is a good opportunity to increase your resume. You have been working as a lieutenant colonel for several years. You need a good military exploit to be promoted legitimately." In a luxurious and low-key office in a mountain city, a major general looked at his nephew in front of him and said.

"Xiao Qing understands that I will personally lead the troops to fight in Myanmar." Yu Xiaoqing, who had the rank of lieutenant colonel in front of him, said seriously.     "There may be danger."

 “A soldier’s destiny is to die with the country.” Yu Xiaoqing said without hesitation.

 For a while, the major general was silent for a while. He still admired this proud nephew very much, but he was still too kind.

"Okay, then you go to the Sixth Army. There is a fully equipped reinforced regiment there that needs a regiment leader. Go ahead."

Hearing this, Yu Xiaoqing's strong self-esteem surged up again. He didn't like this kind of fate where everything was arranged, so he stubbornly refused.

 “Why?” the major general asked doubtfully, not understanding what his nephew was thinking.

"Uncle, what I want is my regiment. I want my brothers in Paoze to think of my regiment leader when they mention the word Yu Xiaoqing! I, when I mention my brothers in Paoze, what comes to mind is my regiment. "Yu Xiaoqing said loudly.

 This is his long-cherished wish, and this time he can finally express it.

 He didn’t want to become a puppet, so he chose to fight this time.

Hearing this, the major general looked a little unhappy. Looking at Yu Xiaoqing in front of him, he decided to teach this kid a lesson so that he would suffer a loss and remember it.

"Okay, you want your regiment, no problem. The Sichuan Army has suffered heavy losses recently, and some of its establishments are about to be abolished. I will give you the establishment of a regiment and recruit troops yourself. I will take care of the weapons for you."

"Okay, the Sichuan Army will be the Sichuan Army." Yu Xiaoqing still looked proud. Although he wanted to refuse the other party to provide weapons, he thought that the unarmed troops were only a target for the Japanese army across the river, so he did not refuse.

"Have you thought about it? It's a Sichuan Army Corps with nothing."

"We need the Sichuan Army, because the Sichuan Army fought fiercely and fiercely with the Japanese army. I still remember the Sichuan Army saying that as long as there is one Sichuan guy, the Sichuan Army will not die. I admire the Sichuan Army very much." Yu Xiaoqing's voice It seems extremely tragic.

 Hearing this, the major general looked at him deeply.

"Yes, having this understanding means that you have really grown up. Go ahead and recruit your own troops with the approval slip. I hope you can make great achievements in battle, otherwise you will follow my arrangements."

"Yes." Yu Xiaoqing took the appointment letter, saluted a military salute expressionlessly and walked out.

Compared to Cun Yunsheng who only had one squad at the beginning, Yu Xiaoqing was much better. He had a company of soldiers as direct descendants, and there was also an entire regiment of equipment waiting for him to receive, so Yu Xiaoqing was very confident that he would be able to recruit soldiers.

"Zhang Lixian, He Shuguang." Yu Xiaoqing changed her expression as she walked out of the office, and shouted to the two officers waiting outside the door.


 “Let’s go, follow me to recruit troops.” Yu Xiaoqing gestured to the appointment letter in his hand, with a smile on his face for the first time.

 “Tuanzuo, where can I recruit you?” Zhang Lixian asked doubtfully.

He didn't quite understand this son of a general family. Why would he recruit his own troops when he could directly become the leader of a reinforcement regiment?

Isn’t this unnecessary?

 Why do these children from general families like to do this kind of thing?

“Where are there more Sichuan troops?” Yu Xiaoqing pondered for a moment and asked slowly.

"Are there Sichuan troops everywhere? As long as you can give me some money, there will be many people willing to serve as soldiers." Zhang Lixian was even more confused by the question.

"Idiot, the regiment must be talking about experienced veterans. What's the use of ordinary people who have just put down their hoes? Are they going to be cannon fodder?" He Shuguang said angrily.

"Oh, oh, oh, the defeated troops, we can only go to Chanda. There are three to four thousand defeated troops there, most of them are Sichuan troops." Zhang Lixian still had a wide range of news channels, so he said immediately.

“Then let’s go to Zenda.” Yu Xiaoqing’s eyes lit up, and without saying a word, she got in the car and motioned to the driver to drive to Zenda.

 (End of this chapter)

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