Chapter 27 One sword at a time!

 “One two one, one two one.”

 “What are you looking at? Please concentrate on me.”

 “If you are not serious, don’t eat today.”

On the training ground, Cun Yunsheng whistled, shouted commands, and cursed from time to time.

 After two days of training, the team’s spirit has improved a lot.

Especially with adequate nutrition and brand-new military uniforms, the entire team does not look as lazy as before.

 At least it's more pleasing to the eye, and you can pass it off as an elite when you pull it out.

 “Left and right, left and right.”

 “Pay attention to the password and adjust your steps.”

 “Bean Cake, don’t mess around, just follow my instructions.”

Cun Yunsheng's voice echoed throughout the training ground. Every soldier was sweating profusely, but no one dared to complain.

 “Sing with me, the horses are upright and fluttering, and the horses are upright and fluttering.”

“The flag is fluttering and the horses are rustling.

 The gun is on the shoulder, the knife is on the waist, and the blood is like a frenzy.

  Good man, good man, good man, the country will be repaid today.

Get up quickly, don’t be an old and sick man;

 Unite quickly, don’t be dissatisfied and ridiculed.

  The country is destroyed and the family is ruined, and disaster is on the horizon.

 To survive, you must throw your head away! "

The loud singing resounded throughout Zenda, causing the defeated soldiers who were signing up at the registration office to subconsciously turn their heads to look at them.

 Some people couldn't help but hum.

The most lively place in Zenda in the past two days was the shelter. All the defeated soldiers knew that a generous commander had arrived.

 When you serve as a soldier, you will be given housing allowance and supplementary military pay.

Those who join the army at the earliest will receive three months of additional military pay, those who join the army later will receive two and a half months, and even less after that.

The defeated soldiers who were still hesitant at first could no longer hold back and came to sign up one after another.

 I'm afraid that if I delay it any longer, I'll lose half a month's military pay.

This move was indeed very effective. In less than two days, Cun Yunsheng's independent group increased from 500 people at the beginning to 1,800 people.

 The originally spacious training ground was already crowded with training personnel.

Meng Fanlie and others even suggested suspending recruitment, as there are already enough people.

But Cun Yunsheng said it was not enough and asked him to continue recruiting, so there was an endless stream of defeated soldiers coming to the registration office every day to sign up.

"I didn't expect this officer to be so generous. In the past few days, tens of thousands of dollars have been sent out. I haven't seen such a generous officer in a long time." A soldier who was queuing up looked at the long queue. sighed.

"Yeah, it's a pity that we just hesitated. Otherwise, we can get half a month's more military pay now, which is three oceans." The defeated soldiers in line in front turned back and said with some distress.

"Damn it, I just found out. If I had known it earlier, not only would I have received half a month more military pay, but I would also have been able to eat a few more meals of meat. I almost vomited after eating banana leaves these past few days. Those people on the top are not human beings." Bastard, I haven’t been paid for half a year. I’ve pawned everything I can, and I’m going to starve to death if I don’t get paid.”

 “You can pull it down, your regiment has been cancelled, and you still want to be paid? Just dream.”

 It's not embarrassing to be called out. In fact, he doesn't want to either.

Who would have thought that after a battle, there would only be about a hundred or so men left in a regiment. Shangfeng saw no need to reorganize, so he simply canceled the number, and he became a straggler, running back and forth from various shelters to make ends meet.

“Brother, aren’t we going back to the Yunnan Army?” After listening to what everyone said, a thin man pulled the arm of the man in front and asked in a low voice.

"I won't go back. I found out clearly that this team is also going to cross the river to kill the Japanese. We will follow them to kill the Japanese." Dong Dao turned around, touched his younger brother Dong Jian, who was a head shorter than himself, and said with a smile. "Okay, kill the Japanese and avenge your parents." Dong Jian nodded heavily.

The two brothers are now focused on killing the Japanese and taking revenge.

"Name." The person in charge of registration was Meng Fannie. His lameness was indeed not healed yet and he couldn't stand the high-intensity training, so he was kicked by Cun Yunsheng and came over to recruit soldiers.

 “Dong Dao, Yunnan Army.” Dong Dao was still the same, taciturn.

Meng Fan glanced at the sword behind him, nodded, and asked curiously.

 “From the 60th Army?”

“Well, the one behind is my brother, Dong Jian, who is also in the Yunnan Army.” Dong Dao nodded, pointed to Dong Jian behind him and said again.

"Okay, take your military uniforms, bedding, pots and pans, and go over there." After Meng Fanglia recorded the names of the two people, he said patiently again.

Instinct told him that these two people were definitely not simple, especially the big sword, which started at twenty pounds. The opponent was carrying it but breathing calmly, which meant that after two attacks, this time it was a good move.

"Yes." Dong Dao didn't waste any time and walked towards the other side with his younger brother.

 Here is responsible for haircuts, bathing, distribution of military uniforms, bedding and other daily necessities.

“This Sichuan Army is really good, they actually sent out so many things.” Dong Jian could not help but exclaimed as he smelled the cotton smell of the new bedding.

“Don’t they all say that the Sichuan Army is relatively poor?”

He didn't know how to answer his brother's doubts, so he chose to remain silent.

On the other side, after training for a while, Cun Yunsheng handed over the training task to Lin Yi, who was promoted to staff officer of the regiment.

 That's right, Cun Yunsheng still valued this talented student very much and directly promoted him to the regimental staff. Although he didn't have a commander, Lin Yi was still very moved.

 So the training is very responsible, which makes the cannon fodder miserable.

"How is it? How many soldiers were recruited today?" Basically every day, Cun Yunsheng would come to the recruitment office to inquire about the recruitment work.

Meng Fangli, who was sitting on the bench, was about to stand up and salute, but Cun Yunsheng held him down and signaled that he didn't need to stand up.

"There are two hundred people registered, and it is expected that there will be almost five hundred people today. You will almost fill up all Chanda's soldiers." Meng Fanlie took the roster and reported.

"It's still early. I learned from the head of the shelter that there are about three to four thousand people in Zenda, and this is only half." Cun Yunsheng shook his head, saying that it was far from enough.

"I think you may not be able to recruit the rest." Meng Fan thought about it and said it.

 “What do you mean?” Now it was Cun Yunsheng’s turn to be surprised.

"They are all veterans and bastards. They just want to take a sum of money and run away. The reason why they didn't come to you is because they were frightened by your name. Otherwise, with your little wealth, , It’s all been wiped out a long time ago,” Meng Fangliao said disdainfully, obviously knowing the secret behind this.

"Huh?" Cun Yunsheng was even more confused now. Following Meng Fanglia's explanation, he understood why there was a title of coward here.

There are some people who specialize in cheating for resettlement fees, and then run away for various reasons halfway, or fall behind, and continue to cheat after they come back.

This immediately made Cun Yunsheng very speechless. The reason why these people didn't come here was because Cun Yunsheng was ruthless enough to engage in pre-war training.

 In the past, after signing up, I was taken away directly.

It’s not like now, everyone still has to train and stand in line.

How can those old veterans endure this hardship?

"Okay, we'll recruit for two more days. If we can't recruit, we'll close it down. More than two thousand people are about right." Cun Yunsheng thought about it and felt that having more than two thousand people is about the same.

"Okay, it's just a regiment. We recruited two soldiers today. They are definitely elites, but their momentum is different." Meng Fangli suddenly remembered something and said quickly.

“One is named Dong Dao and the other is named Dong Jian, especially the one named Dong Dao, who carries a sword weighing more than twenty kilograms on his back and remains silent.”

 (End of this chapter)

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