Chapter 28 It has to be me?

 In the entire original work, the two swords that Cun Yunsheng admires most, besides Ma Dazhi, are the Dong swords.

Ma Dazhi’s knife was a kitchen knife, which was covered not only with the blood of little devils, but also with the blood of snakes, insects, birds and beasts.

 For this man who was born in the Guangdong Army, it can be said that he has studied all kinds of food, and he eats all kinds of birds and animals.

So Ma Dazhi became the cook for the cannon fodder, while fighting became a side job.

Therefore, Cun Yunsheng has been hesitant to transfer Ma Dazhi to the cooking class, so that he can specialize in cooking spoons.

 After all, his Cantonese cuisine is quite famous.

 The other sword is Dong Dao. Because he has a straight face all day long, he is also called Sangmenxing by Shi La Sila La and others.

Different from the knife with a snake's ass, his knife has one purpose, and that is to chop down Japanese soldiers.

  Especially when he is carrying his younger brother's ashes. Under his calm appearance, there is a murderous heart hidden.

 He only thinks about killing Japanese soldiers all the time in order to pay homage to his sacrificed brother.

Every time he kills a Japs, he talks to himself in front of the ashes, how many more Japs have he killed.

 His big knife has become a nightmare for little devils.

In the battle of Nantianmen, he killed hundreds of Japanese soldiers, but he was unscathed. Finally, he returned to his hometown with his brother's ashes.

Such a fierce man, even Milong was frightened when he saw him, and even Long Wenwen had to talk to him in a good voice.

He didn't expect that he would recruit such a fierce person, which really surprised him.

 For a time, Cun Yunsheng could not suppress the smile on his lips.

“Yes, yes, this is a fierce general who charges into battle.” Cun Yunsheng patted Meng Fangli on the shoulder and said with a smile.

 “Do a good job and recruit more soldiers like this for me.”

 Meng Fanlao had long been numb to Cun Yunsheng's empty promise, so he rolled his eyes and said angrily.

“Tuanzuo, you have been training for so many days and you haven’t seen a weapon yet. You don’t have a weapon at all, right?”

Meng Fangliao has always been a very flexible person. In the original work, Long Wenzhang only said that he wanted to get a cannon, but he guessed that the other party wanted to kill a little devil.

Even complained, does the other party think that there are not a thousand graves piled up in Nantianmen, which is too few, right?

 Having been training for several days now, he still has no weapons, which really arouses his suspicion.

"What are you talking about? What do you mean without weapons?" Cun Yunsheng patted him on the shoulder angrily.

“I haven’t seen the security company I just formed recently, which is fully equipped with beautiful weapons. How can I say that it has no weapons?”

As he spoke, he pointed at the guard company that was conducting formation training in the distance.

Looking at the guard company in the distance, all equipped with M1 Garand rifles, Meng Nuan's doubts were reduced a lot, and at the same time he felt a little more envious.

No matter what you say, the beautiful equipment of the entire company is enough to make many people jealous.

 The defeated soldiers who joined in the later period came for the beautiful weapons and equipment in addition to the high military salary.

After all, more than a hundred people train every day, fully armed and equipped with beautiful equipment. It is difficult not to cause a sensation.

 “What about other troops? When can they also be equipped with beautiful weapons and equipment?” Meng Fanglia asked again.

"It's coming soon. Weapons will be distributed to you when your training is completed, but before that, we must reorganize the troops." Cun Yunsheng passed by and changed the topic to reorganization.

The tree felling in the past two days was ordinary. There was a piece of large yellow croaker, a 60mm mortar and several artillery shells. The big explosion he imagined did not appear at all, leaving him speechless for a while.

If there are big explosions one after another, maybe the art group will be done.

The Art Arms Regiment is temporarily gone, but reorganization is imminent. Counting today's recruitment, the entire regiment has exceeded 2,000 people. Therefore, he came to Meng Fan not only to check whether the work was serious, but also to talk about the reorganization.

“Commander, you shouldn’t come to me for reorganization matters, right? I’m just a little lieutenant.” Meng Fanxiao asked hesitantly.

"You don't have any problems to give me, do you? I'm lame in one leg and can't run easily. I think you should leave it to someone else."

Meng Fanglia was worthy of being a smarter person than a monkey. He could guess at a glance that Cun Yunsheng would be up to no good when he came to him.

"Ahem, cough, cough, it's not that difficult." Cun Yunsheng was told what he was thinking. He coughed dryly first, and then said seriously.

"Stop, stop, I'm just your messenger, I can't do anything." Meng Fanglia thought it would be better to decline first.

Unexpectedly, Cun Yunsheng would not allow him to refuse at all and said directly.

“I am going to form a regiment communications company, with you as the company commander.”

Hearing this appointment, Meng Fangliao was overjoyed at first, and then felt like he was furious.

“Signal company? Company commander? Is this a promotion?”

“No, am I the only one in this company?”

Meng Fanglia’s face looked a little ugly and he looked at the other party.

“Ahem, yes, due to the shortage of personnel and equipment, there is only one person at the moment, but don’t worry, I will take care of all the equipment for you.”

"But as for the personnel, you have to find a way by yourself." Cun Yunsheng said a little embarrassed.

Hearing this, Meng Fanglia stood up immediately, stared at Cun Yunsheng, and said in a bad tone.

“Sir, my team leader, don’t you know that recruiting people is more difficult than equipment? How can I recruit a lame person?”

Regarding this point, Cun Yunsheng naturally took it into consideration, so he still looked at the other party with a smile and said.

“Cripple? I don’t think your leg is almost in good condition?”

“Don’t forget, you were a college student before, a top student. Is it difficult to train people who know how to use radio?”

"If I remember correctly, you can speak English, draw pictures, and your military theory is pretty good. Just a radio communication shouldn't be difficult for you."

Meng Fanglia now fully understood that the person in front of him had already plotted against him.

"Is it possible that you have to say no? This is not like Mr. Meng's style."

For a moment, Meng was annoyed and couldn't get off the tiger. It was obvious that Cun Yunsheng was in front of him and he was asked to serve as the commander of this **** communications company.

"Don't flatter me. I know how much I have."

"How about changing to someone else? Chief Ayi is also a college student, a top student. He will definitely know it." Meng Fanxia immediately pushed Lin Yi out.

"He is suitable to be a staff officer. He can make military plans for me, make plans and so on, but he won't be able to do anything else." Cun Yunsheng shook his head.

“Sir, do I have to do this?” Meng Fangliao said helplessly.

"That's right, it's definitely you, what do you think? I treated you well, right? I promoted you to the rank of captain and company commander. Isn't it much nicer than your original lieutenant and deputy company commander?" Cun Yunsheng said, "I am here for you." He looked like he was thinking about it, and Meng was so angry that his teeth itched.

"Come on, I'd rather you take it back. I still want to be a messenger." Meng Fan was helpless. He didn't know what kind of magic power the leader in front of him had. He actually restrained all the cannon fodder. Even he may not be able to take advantage.

"This does not stop you from being a messenger. The regimental communication company is directly under the regiment headquarters. You still have to stay with me."

"I won't talk nonsense to you. I'll try to get some people here. I'll have the equipment delivered soon. I'll leave the rest to you. I only have one request. Before crossing the river, get me a batch of equipment that can connect and generate electricity. Someone who wants to retaliate," Cun Yunsheng said seriously.

 “Yes, group seat.” Meng Fangliao replied weakly.

Thank you to book friend 20181029153623339 for your reward, thank you for your votes, thank you all! Write a different group leader.



 (End of this chapter)

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