The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 256: Use the heavy rain to fight back! (First update!)

Chapter 256 Use the heavy rain to counterattack! (First update!)

The British and Indian troops without heavy weapons were no match for the Japanese troops and were beaten everywhere.

 Especially those troops who were considered elite to the British army, had no power to fight back against the Japanese army.

“This place is really suitable for colonization.” Yahara Hiromichi said with emotion.

 He finally understood why the British army would rather abandon Burma than Tianzhu.

 The Japanese army would never allow Tianzhu to be lost.

"Yes, the people here are too docile. I originally thought there would be fierce resistance, but what happened? They are all very docile, which really makes me a little uncomfortable." Kawabe Masami said.

“Indeed, the last time we attacked a village, the people inside showed no reaction and continued to be busy, as if they couldn’t see us.” Mutaguchi Lian also agreed.

 He originally thought there would be a **** battle, but what was the result?

Those natives are incredibly docile.

 So much so that he suspected whether there was an ambush.

 It was not until the entire village was checked several times to confirm that there was no danger that we relaxed our vigilance.

"When Tianzhu is captured, the territory of the Japanese Empire will become the largest country in the world." Kawabe Masami said with a crazy look.

 Hearing this, everyone was very excited.

  After all, for generals like them, opening up and expanding territory is a huge achievement.

 “When will the reinforcements from the base camp arrive?” After everyone calmed down, Kawabe Shozo asked again.

“The first batch of troops is about to arrive at the mouth of the Ganges River.” the combat staff officer said quickly.

Hearing this, the smile on Hebian Zhengzo's face became even bigger.

 He is now very glad that his original decision was the right one.

 Otherwise, I would have committed suicide by committing seppuku.

"Report, telegram from Southern Army Headquarters." At this time, the communications staff officer walked in and said seriously.

 “What’s the matter?” Hebian Zhengzo asked calmly.

 Now everything is developing as expected, so the mentality is also different.

Unlike before, he had a gloomy face every day, so that his subordinates were frightened when reporting.

Looking at the expression of the communications staff officer, Kawabe Masami guessed that it was definitely not good news.

 No bad news can defeat him now.

“After the Sichuan Army captured Siam, it also captured Hanoi. At the same time, the Fourth Division rebelled and joined the anti-war Allied Forces.” The words of the communications staff were like a thunder, which made everyone in the headquarters feel dizzy.

Even the usually calm and composed Yahara Hiromichi was shocked and speechless at this moment.

"Nani, the Fourth Division rebelled? How is this possible?" Hebian Zhengsan opened his mouth, and it took him a long time to recover, and he looked at the communications staff with disbelief.

 Although he was mentally prepared, the current news really shocked him.

 He really did not expect that the Fourth Division would rebel, which was really unbelievable.

“It’s true, it’s signed by the Southern Army Headquarters. Not only that, His Excellency General Juichi Terauchi suffered a stroke as a result, and is currently unable to command the entire Southern Army.” The words of the communications staff once again shocked Kawabe Shozo and left him completely speechless.

 It is absolutely true that a stroke can make the temple live longer.

 It’s just that he didn’t understand why the Fourth Division rebelled.


 It seems that rebellion is not a particularly surprising thing to the Fourth Division?

  After all, for Osaka merchants, if the price is right, the emperor is not impossible to sell.

 Hebian Zhengsan touched his chin and fell into deep thought for a while.

"Are there any other orders from the Southern Army Command?" Yahara Hiromichi came back to his senses and asked.

“No, they just announced it.” The communications officer shook his head.

At this time, Yahara Hiroshi was even more confused as to how he could tell them this matter without any other orders.

"Are you confused? In fact, this is normal. Now those people in the Southern Military Command are thinking about competing for the position of commander. How can they have the heart to give us orders? Moreover, the base camp seems to have decided to establish the Tianzhu Expedition Army. Judging from the status of both parties Look, we are already on an equal footing with the Southern Army, and they are not qualified to give us orders." Kawabe Shozo added in a timely manner, which made Yahara Hōtō suddenly realize.

He really didn't expect so much, he simply thought that the Southern Army would have other orders.

"Okay, whether the Fourth Division rebelled or not is something that the base camp needs to worry about and has nothing to do with us. As for the reason, I believe the base camp will investigate clearly. What we have to do now is to continue to expand our territory. "Kawabe Shozo decided to forget about the Fourth Division.

 After all, this kind of rebellion is too weird. Maybe there is something else inside.

What's more, the Fourth Division is so far away from them, and he can't worry about these things.

 The most important thing right now is to expand the territory.

 “Hai.” All the officers responded in unison.

 According to Yahara Hiromichi's combat plan, the Japanese army is currently focusing on defense and waiting for reinforcements to arrive before continuing the attack.

 During this period, property, steel and other materials were searched everywhere.

You must know that the Navy got more than 100,000 tons of steel from the Mediterranean. The steel from that ship was constantly transported back and then turned into new warships.

And their army is in a miserable state, and Nanyang can only plunder some rubber and other resources.

 Steel is basically invisible.

Now the army base camp is counting on the steel brought back by Zhengzo by the river.

If it weren't for the sake of the steel, would Shozo Kawabe still want to be promoted?

  It is simply a dream.


On the other side, the battle in Port Said became extremely anxious, and Rommel's original hope of quickly taking Port Said was completely shattered.

 Because it rained.

 That’s right!

  Originally, the sky was clear and clear in Port Said, but in an instant, dark clouds swept across the entire sky.

 Not long after, the heavy rain filled the entire sky with haze and gray.

 On the distant sea surface, the sea water was stirred up by the strong wind and huge waves were rolled up.

Even a 10,000-ton warship is like a coir boat, rocking back and forth in the sea.

 Looking at this heavy rain, the British army was saved.

 For the German army, it was the real test.

 They have to grit their teeth and get through it.

  Victory was imminent.

 As a result, the air force's support operations were also stopped due to heavy rain.

 After all, with such a heavy rainstorm, it is easy for planes to have accidents.

 In other words, the German army at this moment can only rely on itself.

 At the same time, it was also a time to test the German army’s fighting will.

"This **** heavy rain, if it weren't for it, we would have penetrated the British position on the opposite side." A German commander looked at the falling raindrops with some annoyance and said dissatisfiedly.

"Yes, the road is muddy now. If you are not careful, the tank will get stuck in the mud. Without the support of the tank, you can only rely on the infantry." The driver continued. "Not only that, the support of the air force is gone. Now is the time to really test us." The gunners were also helpless. They originally penetrated the British defense line in one go.

 But because of the heavy rain, we had to stop.

 More importantly, without air support, we now have to rely on infantry.

 Because of the heavy rain, it is easy for the tank to get stuck in the sand.

 Many German vehicle commanders hated the heavy rain and gritted their teeth.

If it hadn't been for this heavy rain, maybe they would have captured Port Said by now, and they could even open champagne to celebrate their victory.

 Unfortunately, there is no if.

 They can only wait for the heavy rain to stop.

Compared with the frustration of the German troops on the front line, the British commander was extremely happy.

“Great, thank God for bringing us this heavy rain in time.” Montgomery said excitedly as he looked at the heavy rain outside the window.

Other British commanders also praised that the rainstorm came just in time.

If it were a little late, I'm afraid their defense line would be penetrated.

Originally, their mission was to delay the attack of the German armored forces. As a result, the Germans cracked the anti-tank trenches in two days.

 Facing the German air superiority, the British troops on the ground could only passively defend.

However, the German offensive was too fierce. It would be difficult for them to block the Germans with the fortifications they built.

 They were even ready to withdraw to Port Said and fight street battles with the Germans.

Who knows, it suddenly started raining heavily.

 The German offensive was halted in an instant.

"This heavy rain is so timely. It would be better if the heavy rain could turn those anti-tank trenches into rivers. For us, it is a natural defensive position." Lieutenant General Patton suddenly said, Montgomery was stunned.

This is a really good idea.

If it can really be turned into a moat, then the defense of Port Said will be increased several times.

 But he soon came back to his senses, that is, the desert cannot hold water.

Is it called a desert because it doesn’t rain?


 There is rainfall here all year round.

However, sand cannot hold water. Once water can be held here, the desert will become an oasis.

 However, people at this time did not think about environmental protection at all.

What’s more, if you want to turn a desert into an oasis, the investment required is astronomical.

 So Patton’s proposal of turning anti-tank trench dogs into rivers is simply impossible to realize.

 As Montgomery explained, Lieutenant General Patton looked embarrassed.

"It's a pity. If it can really turn into a river, then for the German army, the difficulty of attacking will suddenly increase, and it will become easier for us to defend Port Said." Lieutenant General Patton said with some regret.

“However, we can take advantage of the heavy rain to fight back,” Montgomery said.

"Lieutenant General Montgomery, the morale of the frontline troops is very low. I suggest that you take this time to rest and restore morale. If you attack forcefully, the losses may be very heavy, and the German army will definitely take precautions." Lieutenant General Patton suggested.

"I know all this, but if the heavy rain does not fight back, then when the heavy rain stops, we will have to face the German armored forces again, and the losses will be even greater." Lieutenant General Montgomery shook his head to refute his opinion.

 For him, this is the best time to fight back.

 If you miss it, you may really have no chance.

 At that time, the British army could only die slowly.

 “But what’s the counterattack?” Lieutenant General Patton asked doubtfully.

  Counterattack is not something you can talk about casually, especially in the desert area. It is usually a duel between dealers and an infantry charge.

By the time you reach the opponent's position, you will be exhausted.

“Use the newly formed armored forces and let them act as fist troops.” Montgomery said.

Port Said also has a batch of American-made M3 tanks, which were originally used to support the British army in North Africa and were used in the Battle of El Alamein.

 This batch of tanks is now ready for use.

Although the armored division is newly formed and has average combat effectiveness, it is still numerous in number.

There are two hundred tanks, which is enough to show the terrifying industrial power of the United States.

 This is still not the peak.

Even so, this terrifying industrial production capacity also made Montgomery speechless.

 This is also the source of his confidence in guarding Port Said.

 Otherwise, wouldn’t it be **** to rely on those fighter planes and infantry lacking heavy weapons to defend Port Said?

“Two hundred tanks are still too few. It is said that new support is already on the way. There are at least 500 tanks, including the new M4 medium tank, which is definitely a weapon on the battlefield.” Lieutenant General Patton said proudly.

“With a thousand tanks, we can definitely defeat the Germans.”

"No, that's enough. With these two hundred tanks, we can definitely defend Port Said." Montgomery said confidently.

“But they have just been formed, can they win against the German army?” Lieutenant General Patton asked uncertainly.

"Don't worry, now is the fairest time for us to have a fair showdown with the German armored forces. Their armored forces have no air support. Such a battle is difficult to encounter."

“You must know that in previous battles, the German air force was never absent. Most of our tanks were destroyed by Stuka bombers.”

 “Such a fair duel is rare nowadays.”

“If we miss this time, our armored forces behind us will not be a match for the German army at all.” Lieutenant General Montgomery explained.

He also did not want to use this newly formed armored force to attack the German armored forces head-on.

 But after comprehensive consideration, I found that this is the fairest matchup.


 I’m afraid I won’t meet you next time.

Hearing this, Lieutenant General Patton couldn't help but nodded.

 Because he thinks what the other person said makes sense.

 If they can't win in such an environment, then they really can't win.

 More importantly, the armor strength of the British army at this moment is no weaker than that of the German army.

You must know that the German army in North Africa only has Panzer III tanks, not even Panzer IV tanks.

 The M3 tank is at least not without the power to fight back when facing the Panzer III tank.

If the German army can be caught off guard, there may be unexpected results.

“Order, the 7th Armored Division immediately launches a counterattack, and the remaining 22nd Armored Brigade begins a flank attack. The remaining infantry immediately launches an attack.” Lieutenant General Montgomery took a deep breath and then issued the attack order.


Following his order, the resting British armored troops roared against the violent storm and attacked the German positions, aiming to wipe out the Germans in one fell swoop.

 (End of this chapter)

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