The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 257: It would be great if the 88mm anti-aircraft gun was mounted on the tank!

Chapter 257 It would be great if the 88mm anti-aircraft gun was mounted on the tank! (Second update!)

The British army is busy counterattacking during the rainy season, while the German army is busy hiding from the rain.

This **** heavy rain made the German soldiers complain deeply.

"Where are the tents? Why haven't our tents been delivered yet?" A German commander looked at his men trapped in the tank and asked with some dissatisfaction.

"No, the rainproof equipment is not enough at all. No one expected that there would be heavy rain in the desert. It is said that even our division commander can only hide in the tank." The driver gloated.

"However, we can get together with the infantry. They are hiding in the tents now. The rain is probably not going to stop for a while." The gunner also suggested.

Hearing this, the German commander thought it made sense. After all, if you hide in a tank for a long time, your body will not be able to perform well. Over time, your body will get rusty.

It's better to go out and squeeze into the tent with the infantry.

 More importantly, he did not think that the British army would fight back in such heavy rain.

“Then go to the infantry’s tent to take shelter from the rain, and listen to their bragging.” The German commander thought for a while and decided to lead his men to take shelter in the infantry’s tent.

As a result, when we came to the infantry position, we found that their environment was not very good. They might as well be in a tank, at least they would not get wet in the rain.

"You don't have a tent?" the German commander asked his soul.

The German infantry lieutenant in charge of the defensive position glanced at the German commander and said lightly.

“No one expected it would rain heavily here, so no one brought a tent.”

"Now the logistics is working hard to transport the tents, but the road is blocked, the tents will not be transported for a while, and the troops are in short supply of ammunition. The logistics is working hard to transport ammunition and food. As for tents, a company can only be allocated three to five tents now. Enough for half the people to shelter from the rain.”

“So you made a mistake in coming to us to take shelter from the rain. You might as well go back to your tanks. At least you can still take shelter there.”

 Hearing this, the German commander was speechless for a while.

 I didn’t expect that the infantry was not as good as their armored soldiers.

"Want one? Logistics just sent it. I owe me a pack of cigarettes for several months. I finally got a pack. I don't know if the cigarettes I owe me can be repaid before the end of the war." The German lieutenant handed me a cigarette.

The German commander sniffed, took the cigarette, skillfully took out the lighter, lit the cigarette, then took a long puff of the cigarette, and after it was filtered by his lungs, he blew out a ring of smoke.

I have to say that the German commander is definitely a long-time smoker. This smoke ring is not something ordinary people can do.

 “Awesome.” The German lieutenant praised.

"Compressed biscuits, would you like some?" Perhaps it was a cigarette that started the conversation, and the German lieutenant enthusiastically handed over the compressed biscuits just delivered by logistics.

 Looking at the compressed biscuits in front of him, the German commander shook his head quickly.

 For them, they have had enough of this stuff for a long time.

 If it were not impossible, they would not eat it at all.

"Forget it, let's just eat canned food. You can keep it." The food of the armored soldiers is much better than that of the infantry.

 Hearing the can, the German lieutenant swallowed subconsciously.

You must know that before Alexandria was captured, their infantry could not see a can of food for a week.

They are all closely related to special arms such as armored troops.

 The combat tasks of each unit are different, so the food distribution is also different.

 The ones with the highest food standards are submariners.

 Of course this refers to the meals back to base.

 When fighting at sea, they are not even as good as armored soldiers, or even similar to infantry.

 After all, it’s a confined space and there isn’t even much room for sleeping.

 Let alone if you want to have a big meal, it usually consists of compressed biscuits, various cans, etc.

 The so-called feast is basically a legend.

 The military unit that can truly enjoy high standards every day should be pilots.

 As long as you are not on a mission, you can enjoy delicious food every day.

“Hans, bring some cans over here and give them to the infantry brothers.” Seeing the infantrymen eating compressed biscuits and catching cold water, the German commander thought for a while and ordered his men to get a few more cans.

 Just think of it for the sake of cigarettes.

"Thank you for your generosity." The German lieutenant looked surprised, but was not too polite. Both parties had been working together for more than a year and were relatively familiar with each other.

“I don’t know when this **** bad weather will end. I’m sure that as long as the heavy rain stops, the British army will definitely launch a counterattack.” The German lieutenant complained while eating compressed biscuits.

 It was not that they were dissatisfied with Rommel's decision, but that the **** weather made them unhappy.

"That's right. The British army will definitely counterattack when the heavy rain stops. But before that, maybe we launch the attack first. Don't forget, our armored forces are the most powerful in the world." The German commander looked proud. said.

"It makes sense, but do you think the British army will take advantage of the heavy rain to launch a counterattack? After all, at this time, our air force cannot be used at all. If they launch a counterattack, our advantage will be weakened by more than half." The German lieutenant finished eating in his hands. of compressed biscuits, and then looked at the heavy rain in the distance and asked speculatively.

Hearing this, the German commander was stunned, and then looked towards the heavy rain in the distance.

Perhaps the rainstorm was too heavy, and other than the sound of crashing, I couldn't hear any sound at all.

Moreover, the lightning and thunder in the distance covered some sounds very well.

If the British army launches a counterattack at this time, it will indeed be a trouble for the German army.

"Probably not, the British army is not a fool. Fighting in heavy rain will greatly affect the combat effectiveness." The German commander hesitated and said.

Hearing this, the German lieutenant shook his head and said.

"No, if I were the commander of the British army, I would definitely use the heavy rain, because the heavy rain can well cover up the roar of the engine. When we find traces of the British army, we will probably panic."

I have to say that these words made the German commander's heart skip a beat.

 If this is really the case, that would be troublesome.

Thinking of this, the German commander decided to let others return to the tank first, start the tank, and be on standby at any time.

“Captain, this will consume a lot of fuel.” The driver scratched his head and said.

“Start first to prevent a sneak attack by the British army.” The German commander thought for a while and said bravely.

"Yes." The German driver couldn't say anything. After all, the commander's orders still had to be carried out.

We returned to the tank with complaints all the way, and soon the roar of the engine sounded.

Other tank crews saw this scene and took out their radios to ask what was going on.

 When I heard that it was to prevent a sneak attack by the British army, many crew members showed mocking expressions.

Sneak attack on a rainy day?

 Unless the British army is crazy.

 Otherwise, this crazy weather attack?

That's not a joke.


The next piece of news from the reconnaissance platoon directly confused these German vehicle commanders.

“British troops were spotted five kilometers away, and a large number of tanks were suspected to be heading towards our position.”

"How is this possible?" The German commander's face looked a little ugly. He didn't expect that the other party was right.

The British army actually took advantage of the heavy rain to launch an attack.

 This was indeed beyond his expectation.

Originally, they thought they could take advantage of the heavy rain to rest, but now it seems that the British army did not give them this opportunity at all.

“Fortunately, we carried an 88mm anti-aircraft gun, otherwise it would have been dangerous this time.” The German lieutenant said helplessly.

 He really didn’t expect to be guessed.

 Fortunately, he was not a timid person. He immediately issued combat orders and called his men to enter the position.

  The German tank commander also returned to the tank. Fortunately, it had been started before. Now he could drive directly towards the British tank to buy time for the tank behind him that had not started. Not long after, they saw a British tank heading towards them through the periscope.

“It’s an American M3 light tank, bastard, there are so many tanks, the British army has planned this for a long time.” The German driver said in shock.


 A shell directly hit the American M3 tank in the distance.

 Because of the heavy rain, the line of sight was affected, so it did not hit the opponent.

 But it still shocked the British tank soldiers.

“Damn it, they found the German tanks, they actually found us.” The British tank commander roared in horror.

“Don’t panic, aim and fire.” The armored company commander’s voice sounded on the radio.

 The overall performance of the M3 tank is still acceptable, but at this time the tank needs to stop before it can be fired.


Here, just as it stopped, another shell passed by the turret.

 At a distance of 1,100 meters, it is not that simple to hit the target.

ˆ There are very high requirements for the cooperation of the crew, the command of the commander, etc.

 Basically, this distance is mainly based on intimidation, and the purpose is to scare the opponent.

It doesn’t matter whether you can hit or not, the key is to scare the opponent.

And the purpose of the German tank commander at this time is to delay the attack speed of the British tanks and gain time for the subsequent tanks to start.

"No, the distance is too far and we can't hit the opponent at all." The German gunner's voice was full of helplessness.

If they were driving a Panzer IV, I'm afraid there wouldn't be so much trouble.

The 75mm main gun can destroy the opponent with one shot.

Moreover, the armor thickness of the Panzer IV tank is much higher than that of the Panzer III tank. It can be fired at close range without worrying about being blown up by the opponent.

 “Get close and shoot.” Finally, the German commander issued a very dangerous order.

“Commander, in that case, we will be concentrated fire, and the armor thickness of the Panzer III tank cannot withstand the firepower of the opponent’s tank gun.” The gunner said again.

Hearing this, the German commander said in a deep voice.

“We must buy time for the tanks that are starting up, otherwise once the British tanks enter the range, our tanks will be living targets.”

Having said all that, what else is there to say? I can only bite the bullet and continue shooting at close range.

 When they reached one thousand meters, they could already feel the pressure brought by the British tanks.

 There are a total of two hundred M3 tanks, which look very spectacular.

 At least the German commander's heart was heavy.

 They may not be able to go back this time.




 The shells passed by their tank one after another.

If the heavy rain had not affected the vision, I would have been hit long ago.

 They dare not stop now because once they stop, they will be destroyed.

"Hurry, there is a **** there at nine o'clock." The German commander bravely opened the hatch, then stretched out his head and took out a telescope to observe the situation on the battlefield.

 Visibility is very low due to visual impairment caused by heavy rain.

 Fortunately, Huangtian paid off his hard work and finally allowed him to find a **** suitable for firing.

 A driver who gets orders, turns skillfully, and accelerates.

 Stop firmly on the slope.

 Due to the shooting angle, British tanks were difficult to aim.

 Either it is higher or it is lower.

 Or just pass through the dirt **** directly.

"At ten o'clock, armor-piercing shells, fire." The German commander raised his telescope and ordered loudly.

“Yes.” The gunner adjusted the turret and stepped on the trigger.


An armor-piercing bullet tore through the air, cutting a straight line through the continuous rain, and flew towards the target in the distance.

The British troops in the distance didn't know it yet, but the shell was heading straight for an M3 tank that was accelerating.


 The armor-piercing projectile accurately hit the front armor of the M3 tank.

 The explosion sounded!

 The tank instantly burst into flames, and all crew members in the tank were killed instantly.

The British commander at the rear was stunned. It was almost 900 meters away, and he could actually hit it with one shot.

 Sure enough, the shooting level of the German army far exceeded theirs.

"Concentrate fire and kill the opponent." The British army was not a vegetarian. When they saw their tanks being destroyed, they immediately roared for revenge.

 The number of M3 tanks stopped attacking, began to rotate the turret, and fired wildly at the German tanks.




 Several armor-piercing shells hit the German tanks.

 The result was no hit.

 But the German commander was startled.

 It’s really scary.

“Commander, why don’t you withdraw?” the German driver said with a numb scalp.

This is really exciting.

 If you are not careful, you will be ruined.


 A cannonball exploded next to them.

 The impact of the explosion made them dizzy.

“Keep holding on.” The German commander shook his head and calmly continued to direct his men to fire.


 Since there are so many British tanks, there is no need to search carefully.

This time the armor-piercing projectile hit the turret of an M3 tank. Due to the caliber, it did not destroy the opponent.

“Asshole, if it’s a No. 4 tank, it will definitely destroy the opponent.” The German commander looked helpless.

 Plank 4 tanks are given priority to supply the German army on the Eastern Front. It would be good if their North African Army had Panzer 3 tanks.

If there was a No. 4 tank here, it would be an indiscriminate killing.


At this moment, a British tank on the opposite side suddenly exploded, and a ball of fire shot into the sky.

"Huh?" The German commander was stunned, but when he turned around, he saw that the original German lieutenant was instructing his men to support them with an 88mm anti-aircraft gun.

 Compared to their 50mm caliber tank guns, the 88mm anti-aircraft guns should not be too effective against tanks after they are leveled.

 Basically one shot at a time.

 In just a short time, several British tanks were killed.

 Scared many British tanks to stop attacking.

“It would be great if the 88mm anti-aircraft gun could be mounted on the tank, then it would be the king on the battlefield.” The German commander murmured as he looked at the 88mm anti-aircraft gun.

As everyone knows, not long after, the German army did design a heavy tank with an 88mm anti-aircraft gun as the main gun.

 (End of this chapter)

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