The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 36: Forgotten group of disabled veterans!

Chapter 36 A group of forgotten disabled veterans!

Technical arms are scarcer than Cun Yunsheng imagined. Except for Krupp, a senior talent, the rest are also artillery.

  It's just that they have only fired 60mm mortars, and they are not the first main shooter, only auxiliary.

Even so, Cun Yunsheng couldn't help but feel excited.

No matter what, my regimental artillery company is finally established.

In addition, Station Commander Wang also brought back hundreds of defeated troops from various motley armies, mainly local garrison regiments.

Not only that, the other party also revealed a piece of news.

“The remaining artillery of Madang Fortress?”

“Yes, these people are currently in the mountain city and their life is not easy.”

Webmaster Wang didn’t say the reason, but Cun Yunsheng naturally guessed it.

 It was not because of the fall of Madang Fortress that it had a huge impact.

 The remaining artillerymen were very lucky not to be shot on the spot.

“Do you think I have heavy artillery like coastal defense artillery?” Cun Yunsheng was moved, but on the surface he was still very disdainful.

Stationmaster Wang was not surprised at all by Cun Yunsheng's performance. If these people had a way out, they would not ask him to find out.

“They don’t necessarily need shore defense guns, other guns are also fine.” Station Commander Wang quickly explained.

At this time, Cun Yunsheng became even more confused. What each army lacked most now was artillery. Those who had special skills had no shortage of prospects at all.

“Old Wang, tell me the truth, what’s going on with these people?”

“With their capabilities, they are also rushing to get them from other troops, so why would they want to come to my place?”

Hearing this, Stationmaster Wang became hesitant and finally said through gritted teeth.

 “Well, they are a little disabled.”


 Not only was Cun Yunsheng confused, but Meng Fanla next to him was also dumbfounded. You are really good at speaking.

 A group of disabled people throw it at you?

Honestly, our Sichuan Army Corps is being treated as a garbage collection station.

Well, they are indeed a bunch of scum, but at least they don’t lack arms or legs.

"Don't they care about them in the mountain city?" Cun Yunsheng asked in a hoarse voice after a long silence.

"In this world, who cares about a group of cripples? If they didn't modify some small parts for others, they would have starved to death long ago." Stationmaster Wang obviously understood and said in an angry tone.

 Hearing this, more people were silent.

Let alone a group of cripples, aren't there no one to care about and no one to ask about these defeated soldiers?



 When we need cannon fodder, we think of them again.

For example, isn’t Yu Xiaoqing just here to recruit cannon fodder?

 Still recruiting soldiers without giving anything.

Cun Yunsheng sighed softly, and then thought about how to deal with these veterans.

“Gentlemen, why don’t we forget it. We are going to cross the river to fight the Japanese. Taking them with us will affect our marching speed.” Meng Nuan glared at Station Commander Wang unkindly, and then advised him again.

 He knew that although his leader was sharp-tongued and unforgiving, he had more of a bodhisattva heart.

 He was afraid that the other party would not be able to bear it and would attract a group of procrastinators.

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng took a deep breath, exhaled slowly, and looked at Station Master Wang.

 “How good are they?”

“They are all veterans who have experienced hundreds of battles and are familiar with artillery of various calibers. They may not be as powerful as Krupp, but they are not bad either.” Stationmaster Wang explained quickly, but then looked at Krupp, feeling a little guilty.

"Hey, Stationmaster Wang, how much money did you charge from the other party? Are you helping them so hard?" Meng Fanxiao became sarcastic again.

Originally I thought that Webmaster Wang would be embarrassed, but who knew that the other person became anxious immediately.

"I swear, if I take away a piece of the ocean from them, I will be struck by lightning and die."

 Seeing the other party swearing such a vicious oath made Cun Yunsheng a little curious.

"Okay, I'll be honest. One of them is my cousin. I think he is pitiful and I want to find something for him to do. It just so happens that the commander needs artillery."

The following words were not said, but everyone present was smart, so they naturally understood what it meant. "Sir, what do you think our group is? A shelter?" Meng Fanxiao cursed excitedly.

 “Shut up and say less.” Cun Yunsheng glared, then looked at Station Master Wang and said again.

"Let them all come. I am about to form a supplementary battalion and let them be responsible for training the new recruits. As for the military pay, they will be paid as before the war."

 Cun Yunsheng still respects these veterans very much.

 After all, they are also fighting for the country. They cannot fight on the front line now, but they can still use their remaining energy.

 It is still okay to be responsible for explaining artillery knowledge to new recruits.

Hearing this, Meng Fanglia looked at the other party with incredulous eyes.

Stationmaster Wang happily thanked him non-stop.

 When the other party left, Meng Fangliao asked in a complicated tone.

“Tuanzuo, even if you have a bodhisattva heart, you shouldn’t be like this. A group of veterans with missing arms and legs are of no use. They are a waste of military pay.”

“Even if we recruit more cannon fodder, it will be more effective than these. At least we can withstand two artillery shells on the battlefield.”

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng looked at the other party and said angrily.

“If a country doesn’t respect its veterans, it will be destroyed.”

The provocative words made Meng Fan not know what to say for a while.

 Respect veterans?


 As for those **** in the mountain city, who remembers them?

Meng Fan was about to say something else, but was interrupted by Cun Yunsheng.

 “Okay, the nation will not forget us.”

“Let’s go, come with me to see the supplies and equipment.” Cun Yunsheng knew that these cannon fodders had been forgotten for a long time, and he felt somewhat unhappy.

But faced with the survival of the country, they will still sacrifice their lives without hesitation.

What Cun Yunsheng had to do was to appease their dissatisfaction.

"As long as I am alive and you are injured or disabled, I will support you for life."

This sentence was very light, but very heavy. For a moment, Meng was annoyed that what he wanted to say was stuck in his throat and he was speechless.

Looking at Cun Yunsheng in front of him, Meng Fan took a deep breath, regained his mood and quickly caught up.

 “Damn it, I’m touched by you again.”

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng chuckled and said nothing.

When he arrived at the door of the shelter and looked at the supplies in front of him, Cun Yunsheng was so shocked that he could not speak.

  More than 500 rifles, more than 50,000 rounds of ammunition, eight 60mm mortars, and more than 100 rounds of artillery shells.

  Ten ZB-26 light machine guns and several bullets.

 Hundreds of boxes of grenades, and more than 20,000 in the ocean.

 The remaining grain, cloth and five carriages.

Not only that, he also sent a group of talents that he urgently needed.

There are three health workers, all of whom are skilled in battlefield first aid.

 Two signalmen, proficient in sending and receiving telegrams.

 For a time, Cun Yunsheng was surrounded by all kinds of happiness.

 Part of this was a great gift from my grandfather.

“Grandpa has sold off all his family property?” Cun Yunsheng looked at the letter in his hand in disbelief.

The Cun family was also a well-known family in Tengchong, with numerous properties. Unexpectedly, my grandfather sold all the property in order to support him in the war of resistance.

 This moved him extremely, and he secretly vowed that he must work hard to kill the Japanese and live up to his grandfather's expectations.

I'm so late. I'm very sorry. I had something to do yesterday, so I didn't save the manuscript. I got up at 5:30 in the morning to write it. I revised it first and then revised it.



 (End of this chapter)

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