Chapter 37: Still have to dig in!

If Meng Fanxiao had some doubts that Cun Yunsheng was a waste of money before, now after seeing so many supplies, he has completely dispelled his worries.

 Five hundred guns, enough to equip a regiment.

You must know that when Long Wenwen first became the regiment leader, there were only twelve people and not even a few guns.

 The current Cun Yunsheng is much better than the original.

  Including the 100 guns of the guard company, there are more than 600 guns, which are the main force of the Sichuan Army.

"They are all mid-level rifles." Opening the box and looking at the brand-new mid-level rifles, Cun Yunsheng's smile became even wider.

 Originally I thought it would be some kind of Wanguo brand rifle made in Hanyang.

Who would have known that they were all mid-level rifles? It was indeed beyond his expectation.

At the same time, his fifth uncle also brought him news that the Japanese army's offensive was very fierce and the British army was almost unstoppable. Maybe the progress of crossing the river would be accelerated, allowing him to prepare early.

His fifth uncle is also a lieutenant colonel in the expeditionary force, and he is very well-informed about some information.

 He was not surprised at all by the news, but had already known about it.

He even knew that with the addition of the Japanese 18th Division, the British army was defeated even faster.

“It seems like we don’t have much time left.” After reading the letter home, Cun Yunsheng said to Meng Fangliao who was still counting supplies.

 “What?” Meng Fangliao was stunned for a moment. After hearing Cun Yunsheng’s explanation, he suddenly realized.

"They are all veterans, and they are no strangers to fighting. The little devils only have three axes, and they just fight back and forth."

 “I didn’t see it, you are in a pretty good state of mind.” Cun Yunsheng said with a smile.

 “It’s all about working hard anyway, so it doesn’t matter.” Meng Fan spread his hands, indicating that he was already used to it.

 Seeing that Meng Fanglia was in such a good mood, Cun Yunsheng shook his head and said nothing more.

 After reading all the letters home, I feel a stronger sense of responsibility than before.

 He will definitely not disgrace the reputation of the Cun family.

 “Let Krupp come over.” After receiving the equipment, Cun Yunsheng asked someone to notify Krupp.

 Cun Yunsheng knew the importance of the artillery battery, so he had to capture it himself.

Krupp, who was in the canteen, heard the regimental commander looking for him and stuffed all the remaining food into his mouth in a few seconds. This scene stunned the officers in charge of logistics.

 Is this a starving ghost?

 “Three large bowls?”

 “It looks like I’m not full yet.”

“He alone can outshine several of us.”

 “It is said that he is still Tuanzao’s baby bump.”

 “I didn’t see it, I looked so naive, what could I do?”

 No wonder the soldiers in the logistics department were talking about it, it was really delicious.

If it weren't for the fact that the other person didn't feel any discomfort, I would have doubted whether he would have died.

Looking at Krupp, who still had rice in the corner of his mouth, Cun Yunsheng chuckled.

 “Are you full?”

 “No, half full.” Krupp’s honest look made many people laugh.

 “I’m sorry, you’re just attracting a loser.” Meng Fanlin’s mouth is always so poisonous, so don’t even expect to hear good words from him.

“I don’t know if it’s true or if it’s just bragging.”

Krupp did not defend Meng Fan's words, but looked at Cun Yunsheng.

 In fact, Cun Yunsheng was very curious about Krupp’s background.

 First of all, being able to study in Germany means that you are absolutely capable and know German. Otherwise, you will not be able to communicate and learn.

 The second is the accent of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, which shows that the family has considerable financial resources and can afford the expenses of studying abroad. In the end, he joined the cannon fodder regiment halfway. He was originally a member of the expeditionary force. Later, because of Milong's words, he took his wife to beg for more than 20 days and arrived in Chanda.

 From this it can be seen that he is a person who values ​​​​love and justice.

In addition, it must be explained that in order to obtain military aid from the US military as soon as possible, the early expeditionary forces sent out elites and people with certain academic qualifications in order to become familiar with American equipment.

 So Krupp was not cannon fodder at first, and even received good treatment. Later, he was conquered by Long Wenwen's charm and was willing to stay.

 After all, he has a good background and good abilities, so he is always a treasure wherever he goes.

 “Look at my little cannon.” Cun Yunsheng pointed to a row of mortars.

“60mm mortar and 81mm mortar.” After all, Krupp studied in Germany and studied gunnery. He has long memorized all kinds of artillery and recognized them at a glance.

“The 60mm mortar is old and has good wear and tear, but the 81mm mortar is new.”

 When he said the last sentence, Krupp was slightly surprised.

“Commander, do you want to form an artillery battery?”

“Yes, I have been worried that there was no suitable candidate before. Now that you are here, these mortars have room to play.”

"How is it? Do you have confidence?" Cun Yunsheng smiled and patted the other party's shoulder.

Hearing this, Krupp was not polite and said directly.

“No problem, but training consumes a lot of shells. Are you sure you have enough shells?”

 Except for the few years when I was studying abroad, I didn’t have to worry about cannonballs. Later, I had to count the cannonballs every time.

 So much so that Krupp now has developed the habit of searching.

"Of course I don't care. I have more than two hundred shells. Are they enough? If not, I will think of a way." Cun Yunsheng had a proud look on his face without any hesitation.

He also knows that artillery requires training. With enough artillery shells thrown at it, even an idiot can be trained to become an elite.

Hearing this, Krupp's honest face showed a long-lost smile.

These are not the main points for Cun Yunsheng to find each other. His real goal is Krupp's classmates.

“Krupp, did you have any classmates when you were studying in Germany? Did you have any comrades in the previous army?”

Meng Fanxiao next to him couldn't help but curled his lips, and his group started to deceive others again.

 Krupp was stunned for a moment, and then showed a simple and honest expression.

“Yes, but most of them are Germans and should be on the battlefield now. Some students returned home early because of the outbreak of the Battle of Songhu, and most of them died.”

As he spoke, Krupp showed a sad expression on his face, and then returned to his previous honest look.

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng understood. Some of his classmates studied abroad at public expense. When the war broke out, they graduated early and returned to China to join the war.

 He studied abroad at his own expense, so he returned to China only after completing the course.

 That's right. Before, he was still wondering why Krupp was so low.

"Where are your comrades?" Cun Yunsheng looked at him eagerly. He lacked everything now and could only dig out the people around him.

There's no need to dig out Meng Fan, he's just a **** and his comrades would have been dead long ago.

My classmates can dig it out, but they are all top students and may not be able to appreciate this small temple.

"There are not many left." Krupp also guessed the other party's thoughts. It was not that he was disgusted, but that most of them died on the battlefield.

 Artillery has always been the focus of the Japanese army. It was either taken care of by the Japanese artillery or bombed by fighter planes. Very few artillerymen survived.

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng felt a little disappointed.

Looking at Cun Yunsheng's disappointed expression, Krupp scratched his head, thought for a while and said.

“Tuanzuo, do you want me to recruit someone? There are a few candidates.”

I have a stomachache, so I’ll update one chapter first. There’s still one chapter left. I’ll try to finish it in the morning. Sorry!



 (End of this chapter)

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