Chapter 38 Could it be so unlucky?

Originally I had given up all hope, but I didn't expect that there would be an unexpected surprise.

 “Tell me about it.” Cun Yunsheng looked at the other party expectantly.

“Tuanzuo, there were a few people who were traveling with me and were planning to join the expedition together. Later, everyone was brought to Zenda.” Krupp’s words made Cun Yunsheng frown slightly.

 He specifically told Station Commander Wang that as long as it was a technical unit, he would take it, no matter what type of unit it was.

For a moment, Cun Yunsheng's face looked a little ugly, but he still suppressed his anger and listened patiently.

“This old king is really unkind, Tuanzu, you shouldn’t have the bodhisattva heart to agree to his conditions.” Meng Fangli curled his lips and said angrily.

Krupp was a little confused and looked at the other person in confusion.

It wasn't until Meng Fannie explained that Krupp suddenly understood, and looked at the other person with eyes full of admiration.

It is really rare to see someone treat a group of disabled veterans with such a bodhisattva-like heart.

“Regiment leader, you really can’t blame Station Commander Wang for this. He was talking about artillery and other technical arms. Two of the people traveling with me were charioteers.”

“They thought that a small place like Zenda wouldn’t need chariot soldiers, so they didn’t say anything.” Krupp explained.

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng let out a sigh. Unexpectedly, there were chariot soldiers. This was really rare.

You must know that the Central Army's tank unit has long existed in name only, and the few remaining tanks are only used to support the scene.

 At the same time, I also understand why these people did not report their family status.

 After all, tanks are not something that ordinary troops can afford.

 Just one diesel is enough to give you a headache.

 Just a Sichuan Army Corps, outstanding and poor.

 So they didn’t take it to heart.

"Chariot soldiers? This is too rare." Meng Fan didn't expect that it would be chariot soldiers. It was indeed beyond his expectation.

"Yes, they originally wanted to join the expeditionary force, but they heard that you can have enough food and the military salary is not bad, so they came to have a look." Krupp said with a naive smile.

After Cun Yunsheng heard this, he patted Krupp on the shoulder and praised him.

“That’s right, there are other classmates who I can recommend. It doesn’t matter if they’re not in the artillery department, or they can be in the infantry department or whatever.”

“Family and friends at home can all come. Our team is currently very short of talent.”

 Only Meng Fanlao rolled his eyes, he was trying to catch them all.

However, he also knew that Krupp, who was able to study in Germany, had a family that was definitely not simple, and there might be a few top students.

Who knows, after hearing this, Krupp shook his head with red eyes and said.

 “My home is gone, it was all looted by the little devils.”

When several people heard this, they also fell silent.

 After a long time, Cun Yunsheng patted the other party's shoulder and comforted him.

 “It’s okay, I’ll kill more Japanese in the future and avenge them.”

“I’m sorry, let someone call these soldiers.”

To be honest, Cun Yunsheng was also curious about these chariot soldiers.

 Those who can become chariot soldiers these days are at least intellectuals.

 After all, he has no knowledge and cannot operate a chariot.

 Not long after, several soldiers came to Cun Yunsheng.

 “Are you eighteen years old?” The person in front of him looked very immature, which surprised Cun Yunsheng and couldn't help but ask curiously.

“Sir, I just have a baby face, I’m already eighteen years old.” Zhao He’s eyes flashed with a hint of cunning, and he categorically stated that he was eighteen years old.

"Really eighteen?" Cun Yunsheng looked unbelieving and then threatened.

“If I find out, you will be dealt with by military law.”

Being so frightened, Zhao He was obviously a little panicked and quickly became hesitant.

"Tuanzuo, his name is Zhao He. He is only sixteen years old, but he is very talented. He has just been a soldier for one month and he learned to drive a chariot." A person next to him quickly explained. Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng looked at the other party in surprise.

These days there are many people who lie about their age to join the army, because my predecessor also joined the army at the age of sixteen.

 So, he was not surprised that Zhao He was sixteen years old.

Rather, it was because the name was very familiar to him, as if he had heard it somewhere.

After thinking about it for a while, I didn't think of it. Cun Yunsheng simply shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

"I didn't see it. Are you so talented at chariots? Can you ride a bicycle?" Cun Yunsheng looked at the other person and looked him up and down.

 Hearing about riding a bicycle, Zhao He looked disdainful.

 “A bicycle is nothing, I was driving a car on the streets when I was fourteen years old.”

He is a sixteen-year-old kid after all, and the pride on his face cannot be hidden.

 “Hey, I didn’t realize it, but he is also a child of a noble family.” Meng Fanxiao followed.

 Children from ordinary families cannot do this.

Zhao He did not refute this.

“Okay, I’ve just given you a task. There are ten bicycles in the logistics department. They are worried about how to learn to ride a bicycle.”

“My dragon has been bugging me for a long time, asking me to find someone to teach him. He happens to know how to ride, so go and teach them.” Cun Yunsheng patted Zhao He, who was a head shorter than himself, and said with a smile.

Zhao He’s face suddenly fell. Are you going to teach others how to ride a bicycle?

He is a charioteer, but he actually did such a thing, and it would be embarrassing to tell anyone about it.

 “What? Not willing? Embarrassing?” Cun Yunsheng had also been a child since he was a child, so he knew that the most important thing at this time was face.

“When you teach them all, I will get you a tank and make you the tank platoon leader.”

 When it comes to deception, Cun Yunsheng is still very good at it.

 Especially for a sixteen-year-old child, it is even easier to handle.

"Really? You didn't lie to me?" Zhao He suddenly became excited when he heard that he had a tank and could be a platoon leader, and he asked firmly without caring about the so-called face.

"Of course, I never lie to anyone." Cun Yunsheng said swornly.

Watching Zhao He leave happily, Meng Fangliao couldn't help but shake his head, another fool was sold and counted money for others.

The key was still pleased with himself, which made Meng Nuan speechless for a while.

“Tuanzuo, why do you have so many bicycles? I see there have been a lot more Yunnan horses in the group recently. Do you want to improve the food?” Meng Fangliao expressed his doubts.

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng looked at the other party and said lightly.

“With the three armies not moving, food and grass going first, and more than 2,000 people eating and drinking, how many days’ worth of supplies can be carried on shoulders and backs?”

“After crossing the river, we are all on jungle and mountain roads, and the materials carried by humans cannot go far.”

“Bicycles are very convenient. You can store supplies in the front and back, and people can ride them. The marching speed is greatly increased.”

“Not to mention Yunnan horses, which are stable and have long endurance and are suitable for dangerous mountain roads. We must not rely on them to carry weapons and ammunition across the country?”

 “You don’t want to go there empty-handed? Then go over there to receive the weapons?”

 Humbling these words, Meng Fan was speechless, and it took a long time before he came up with a sentence.

 “Isn’t it?”

Not only Meng Fangliao thought so, but also Krupp thought so. They could transport American equipment by plane and then arrive at the airport.

"Are you too naive? Let me ask you, what if the transport plane is attacked by Japanese fighter planes on the way? Then it falls down and encounters Japanese troops?"

“Facing the Japanese army empty-handed?” Cun Yunsheng asked rhetorically.

 “Are you so unlucky?” Meng Fanxiao curled his lips and said disdainfully.

  Sorry for being late! It won't be like this tomorrow.



 (End of this chapter)

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