The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 43: From being afraid of fighting to being brave enough to fight!

Chapter 43: From fear of war to courage to fight!

  "It's not spicy, what do you want to do? Steal my main attack?" Li Liansheng looked at the opponent with an unkind expression. If Cun Yunsheng hadn't been there, he would have wanted to go up and tear the opponent alive.

On the other hand, Bu La looked at Cun Yunsheng and did not take Li Liansheng's threat seriously at all.

"Bu La, I'll challenge you to a duel." Seeing that Bu La didn't take him seriously, Li Liansheng was so angry that he wanted to go up and beat him up, but Bu La didn't give up, so he rolled up his sleeves and started to have **** with him.

"Shut up, do you all look like officers?" Cun Yunsheng glared at him, and everyone shut up and didn't dare to say anything.

“Tuanzao, give the dozens of little Japs from Kamezi to our third battalion. I only need one company and one charge to take them down.” Kaname also agreed.

Seeing that everyone was about to quarrel for the main attack, Cun Yunsheng couldn't help but rub his head.

Lin Yi next to him looked confused. Is this the cannon fodder who is greedy for life and afraid of death?

Are these the cannon fodder that I hear every time they brag about how they dodge bullets and how they fight passively?

What Lin Yi doesn't know is that cannon fodder are not afraid of death, but are afraid of dying like a fool and meaninglessly.

 They are now.

 Know what you are fighting for.

  Knowing that even if you die in battle.

 The motherland and nation will not forget them either.

  It is also because of the generous military pay and treatment.

 Let them change from being afraid of war to being brave enough to fight and be happy when they hear about war.

"No army can be formed without Hunan. Our Hunan Army is the most insecure. Leave the regiment to our Second Battalion. I promise that you will not be disappointed." There was no fear of war on Bu La's face, but a look of expectation. .

He is a member of the Hunan Army, and what he lacks most is blood.

This sentence made Ma Dazhi, who had been silent, jump up.

“You’re not cool, you want to steal our first battalion’s main attack? Who do you think you are?”

“Also when it comes to bloodiness, our Guangdong army has no shortage of it.”

 In terms of bloodiness, their Guangdong army is the most indispensable.

Not to mention that the Northern Expedition started with the Guangdong Army. During the December 8th Incident, the 19th Route Army began to fight against the Japanese army, and the Japanese army changed their generals four times.

 It can be said that when it comes to fighting, the Guangdong army is not afraid at all.

 About death? Their Guangdong army is not afraid of life and death at all.

“Snake butt, you are an amateur when it comes to fighting. We are not playing house, so you are still suitable to be a cook.” Bu La said seriously.

 “What a bastard…” Ma Da ambitiously wanted to beat him up.

"Okay, what are you arguing about? The battle hasn't started yet, and our own people started arguing first. What? Do you want the little devils to laugh at us?" Cun Yunsheng glanced at everyone and cursed angrily.

 Everyone was honest and did not dare to say anything.

"Li Liansheng, are you confident?" Cun Yunsheng looked at Li Liansheng again and asked.

In the past, Li Liansheng would have had no confidence and would even hide away. But now he can be said to be a completely different person. He is not afraid of death at all. Instead, he has the idea of ​​​​defining his ambition through death.

“Yes, Tuan Zuo, please don’t worry, we can’t destroy these little devils. I’ll come and see you.” Li Liansheng gritted his teeth and replied.

“Okay, I’ll give you ten minutes to prepare. The artillery battery will provide you with artillery support. Remember, the battle is quick and you must not get away with a little Japanese.”

"Besides, I don't want to take prisoners." Cun Yunsheng's voice was very soft, but there was no doubt about it.

When everyone heard this, their hearts skipped a beat.

But no one objected. Each of them had a blood feud with the little devil.

There is only one way for the two sides to meet, and that is life and death.

“Yes.” Li Liansheng stood at attention and saluted.

“Krupp, how is the infantry and artillery coordination training of the artillery company going?” When Li Liansheng left, Cun Yunsheng looked at Krupp and asked again.

 Infantry and artillery coordination has long been a compulsory subject for the great powers.

Since Cun Yunsheng chose to take the path of strengthening the army, it is natural to have infantry and artillery coordination.

"Not yet. It not only tests technology, but also tests cooperation and communication. At present, we can't keep up with communication." Krupp shook his head and said.

He also tried infantry and artillery coordination, but the result was that the artillery shells fell when the infantry did not reach the designated position. Either the infantry has arrived at the designated position and the artillery battery has just obtained the coordinates.

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng sighed softly. He knew that Krupp could not be blamed for this. It was because his foundation was too weak.

“I will let Fanla take care of the communication aspect and let him train as many transmitters as possible.”

“But to cooperate with this, you need to solve it yourself.”

 “Yes, Tuanzuo.” Krupp nodded.

On the other side, Li Liansheng began to arrange his men to move towards the village in the distance.

  Maybe it was the series of victories that made the Japanese so proud that they did not even do basic sentry duty.

Normally speaking, when an army is stationed in a place, sentries must be arranged.

There are both open and concealed whistles, but what’s the result?

The Japanese army made no arrangements at all. Instead, everyone gathered together to eat.

“There’s not even a sentry? Is this little devil so arrogant?” Snake Butt is the deputy commander of the first battalion and the commander of the first company.

 Originally, Cun Yunsheng arranged for him to be assigned to the logistics department and be responsible for cooking, but he refused.

According to his words, cooking is only his side job, and fighting is his main job, and he cannot reverse it.

  Just silenced Cun Yunsheng on the spot.

Are you sure you didn’t say the opposite?

Looking at Ma Dazhi's serious look, Cun Yunsheng finally made him the deputy commander of the first battalion and the commander of the first company.

This is when Bu La wants to steal the main attack mission of the first battalion, Ma Dazhi will fall out with him.

“Go up.” Snake Butt waved his hand and motioned for his subordinates to continue touching him.

As a result, a Japanese soldier turned his head and saw this scene. He was stunned for a moment, and it took him a long time to realize. Is this an enemy attack?

 It’s a pity that he didn’t wait until he could react.

 The bullet had penetrated his chest, and blood was pouring out.

"The enemy...attacked..." Before he could finish his words, more bullets penetrated his chest again, beating him into a sieve.

The little devils who were having a dinner were beaten into pieces by countless bullets before they had time to react.

 “Replenish the guns, replenish the guns.” In case there were still little Japs who were not dead, Ma Dazhi ordered to stop advancing and continue to replenish the guns.

 Even threw a few grenades himself.

 Boom, boom, boom!

 After several explosions, Ma Dazhi ordered his men to move forward, and then asked them to continue firing when they saw something was wrong.

 This is all battlefield experience, how many recruits have failed at this step.

 The battle ended quickly. Dozens of little Japs were wiped out without even pulling the trigger.

 Perhaps they will never understand until their death why there are enemies here?

Weren’t the British troops being chased and beaten by them?

 Why are there enemies here?

 It’s a pity that no one can answer them.

 It can only be said that successive victories have swelled the Japanese army to the point of becoming arrogant.

 They never thought that someone would attack them.

When the Second Company and the Third Company arrived, they found that they had not even had a drink of soup, and they couldn't help but feel a little resentful.

 “Snake butt, you don’t even give us any soup.”

“Hahaha, I didn’t expect the little devil to be so stubborn, I’m sorry.” The excitement on Ma Dazhi’s face couldn’t be suppressed. No one expected that it would go so smoothly.

 Originally, I thought that if the war was stalemate, fire support from the artillery battery would be needed.

Looking at it now, I just thought too much.

"Clean the battlefield and see if there is anything useful." After Ma Dazhi calmed down, he immediately gave the order.


Cun Yunsheng also brought people from the security company to the village. Looking at the corpse of the Japanese in front of him, the smile on his face never broke.

 (End of this chapter)

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