Chapter 44 Killing two birds with one stone!

"Is there anyone else in the village?" Cun Yunsheng frowned slightly when he heard Snake Butt's report.


“No, they seem to be a group of natives.” Snake Butt shook his head and said.

At this time, Cun Yunsheng's heart was even more pounding. He didn't have a good face towards these natives.

 It was also because in order to control Myanmar, the Japanese army supported a puppet army with more than 10,000 people, commanded by Aung San.

This guy was an accomplice of the Japanese army, killing more than a thousand expeditionary troops before and after.

 The indigenous people in each village were accomplices of the Japanese army and were responsible for providing intelligence and material supplies to the Japanese army.

 This is why in the original work, Mi Long and others were shot down because their plane was shot down. They wore indigenous clothes and were considered friendly forces by the Japanese army and did not attack.

It can be said that most of the natives are accomplices of the Japanese army. For a moment, Cun Yunsheng's eyes showed a hint of murderous intent.

“Tanzuo, is there something wrong?” Snake Butt also felt something was wrong with Cun Yunsheng and asked in a low voice.

“Bring all the natives to me and let the brothers who are escorting them pay attention to be careful of fraud.” Cun Yunsheng did not answer, but asked people to gather all the natives and **** them over.

 Although he didn’t understand what Cun Yunsheng was doing, Snake Butt still followed orders very well.

“Tuanzuo, do you suspect that there is something wrong with the natives?” Lin Yi asked doubtfully.

"It's not suspicion, but there must be something wrong. I was originally wondering why this village was still intact with the brutality of the Japanese army. Now I can confirm that these natives are the accomplices of the Japanese army." Cun Yunsheng said calmly.

"Is this too hasty? Why don't you send someone to investigate?" Lin Yi hesitated for a moment, feeling that it was still a bit hasty, and put forward his own suggestions.

"When have you ever seen the Japanese army show kindness? Qiu didn't commit any crime? Is this still the Japanese army? I can't think of any other reason except that they are friendly forces." Cun Yunsheng looked at Lin Yi and continued.

“For us, we are here to drive away the Japanese army, but for the indigenous people, we are not necessarily justice. After all, they are still nominally a colony of the British army.”

“They are not an independent country. On the other hand, the slogans used by the Japanese army were to help them break away from the control of the British army.”

Lin Yi was not a fool. He reacted almost instantly. He broke out in a cold sweat and said with some fear.

“Tuanzuo, according to what you said, we not only have to face the Japanese army, but also have to guard against the natives?”

"Yes, people who are not from my race will have different minds. Be careful. Since you set foot on this land, don't trust anyone except our own people." Cun Yunsheng warned again.

"Yes, Tuanzuo." Lin Yi felt a little numb. He really didn't expect that there were so many complicated relationships here.

 No wonder Cun Yunsheng would say that what Yu Xiaoqing will face is a hellish situation.

Now it seems that it is not a lie.

Not only did they have to face the Japanese army, they also had to guard against the British army abandoning their allies and the natives stabbing them in the back.

This situation is really nerve-wracking.

 Not long after, more than thirty natives were brought in front of them, surrounded by soldiers from the guard company with live ammunition.

According to Cun Yunsheng's order, as soon as something is found to be wrong, shoot immediately and suppress them all.

“Everyone, don’t be afraid. We are an expeditionary force and we are here to help you drive away the little devils.” Cun Yunsheng said in a deliberately derogatory tone.

The reason why he did not use the indigenous language was because he knew that the business exchanges between China and Myanmar are very close, so ordinary people here can speak Chinese.

At the same time, the purpose of belittling the little devils is to test the reaction of these people.

As expected, several people's emotions obviously changed after hearing the little devil's words.

With this scene in mind, Cun Yunsheng continued speaking calmly.

"Those are the little devils, we have wiped them all out." He said, pointing to the piled up Japanese corpses.

There was more commotion now, and many of the natives had expressions of disbelief in their eyes.

  The Japanese troops, who were like heavenly soldiers in their eyes, were all dead.

Who made the Japanese army invincible and defeated the British army steadily, so in the eyes of the natives, the Japanese army were magic soldiers descended from the sky to save them.

The results of it?

 It was somewhat unbelievable for them to be killed by all of them.

“These **** actually defeated the heavenly soldiers.” A native cursed in a low voice in native language.

These words instantly caused a sudden change in the expression of a soldier next to Cun Yunsheng.

In order to prevent these indigenous people from communicating in indigenous languages, Cun Yunsheng specially called a soldier who could speak indigenous languages ​​and asked him to stand beside him and provide translation at any time.

 “Tuanzuo, he is cursing us.”

Cun Yunsheng nodded, the expression on his face did not change at all, and he continued to speak pleasantly.

"If you know where the little devils are hiding, you can tell us. We are here to help you drive away the little devils."

 After saying this, Cun Yunsheng did not wait for the reaction of the natives, waved his hand to let them go, and at the same time ordered the troops to withdraw from the village immediately.

 “Tuanzuo, why is this? How did you withdraw so well?” This move puzzled more people.

“Yeah? Didn’t you say you need to take a rest?”


 “Do you want to die or live?” Cun Yunsheng’s words shocked them.

“Tuanzuo, are you saying there is a problem with these natives?” Meng Fanlao did not change much, and he immediately guessed the meaning of Cun Yunsheng’s words.

"That's right, I just mentioned the Japs. Some people in the crowd were very excited. They even cursed us in Aboriginal languages ​​and wished us to die. So I suspect that these people have channels to communicate with the Japs." Cun Yunsheng's eyes Showing a trace of cruelty.

 In fact, if he had not found a reasonable reason, he would have wanted to have these natives exterminated.

 But that would only alienate the subordinates.

 After all, these natives are ordinary people in their eyes.

 Killing innocent people indiscriminately will only arouse resentment among his subordinates.

 But if they were found to be accomplices of the Japanese army, no one would have any objections.

“Are you going to let them lure the little devils here and catch them all in one fell swoop?” Meng Fangli’s eyes lit up and he guessed.

“Yes, after leaving the village, Dong Dao left a few people nearby to see if the natives were going to contact the Japanese army.”

"The Second Battalion and the Third Battalion will leave first with the transportation company and logistics company. The First Battalion and the Guard Company will stay. Let's set up an ambush and see if we can catch a big fish." Cun Yunsheng nodded and immediately began to arrange combat tasks. .

As expected, as the Sichuan Army Corps left, the natives couldn't bear it anymore, and several of them ran in the opposite direction, without thinking that they were definitely going to notify the Japanese army.

"These **** are really the accomplices of the Japs." After Meng Fangliao and others received the news, they all gritted their teeth. They came to help the other party drive away the Japanese army, but instead the other party fought fiercely with the Japanese army.

  I really fed the dog with sincerity.

"Now it depends on the importance of these natives in the eyes of the Japanese army." Cun Yunsheng was not angry at all. In his eyes, these natives had to die. The only thing that interested him was how many little Japs could come.

 (End of this chapter)

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