Chapter 45 A strange combination of circumstances?

"Nani? All of Tsukada's team are in pieces?" Captain Hashimoto, who received the news, looked at the communications soldier in front of him in disbelief.

"Yes, just now, several natives reported that Tsukada's team was attacked by the China Expeditionary Force, and all of them were shattered." The communications soldier said cautiously. In fact, he was also very puzzled.

 It is simply unbelievable that the imperial army, which had always been invincible, was completely wiped out.

You should know that a small team is enough to chase a battalion of British troops.

 They did not encounter any decent resistance along the way.

"Baga, bring those natives here, I want to ask them personally." Captain Hashimoto said with a cold tone in his eyes.


 Not long after, several natives who came to inform were brought to Captain Hashimoto.

Looking at the natives in front of him, Captain Hashimoto tried his best to smile and asked.

 “Who killed the imperial army?”

"Jiligulu, Jiliguala..." Several indigenous people quickly said in Aboriginal language.

 Fortunately, the Japanese army also brought translators with them.

"Expeditionary Force? Sichuan Army?" Captain Hashimoto frowned slightly. He already knew about the expeditionary force.

At this moment, southern Burma was already the territory of the Japanese army. After losing Yangon, the British army had no choice but to request the expeditionary force to enter Burma to fight.

Who would have known that he was still chasing the British army, but turned around and encountered the expeditionary force.

“Give them a few rice **** and let them rest first.” Due to the requirements of publicity, Captain Hashimoto could only be patient and let others give them some food and drink.

 After the natives left, Captain Hashimoto opened the map and started looking at it.

“Your Majesty, Captain, something is wrong.” A lieutenant looked at the map and asked doubtfully.

“What’s wrong?” Captain Hashimoto glanced at his subordinate in surprise and motioned for him to continue.

"Could it be a trap? A trap to lure us in?" The lieutenant thought for a while and expressed his thoughts.

“No, I don’t think it’s a trap.” Another team leader denied his opinion and picked up a pen to draw a straight line on the map.

"According to intelligence, the expeditionary force set out from Wanding, which is at least hundreds of kilometers away from us. So they traveled day and night, and it was impossible for them to arrive here so quickly."

“The only possibility is that this expeditionary force went down the Salween River with a secret mission.”

“Otherwise, it is difficult to explain why Tsukada’s team was completely shattered.”

“They don’t want their whereabouts to be leaked.” Captain Hashimoto continued.

“Your Excellency, the reason why the natives are still alive may be that they think the natives hate us. However, they do not know that these natives have already stood on the same front as us, and their whereabouts have long been leaked.”

“At present, the main force of our imperial army has captured Yangon and is launching an attack on Tonggu. The 200th Division of the Expeditionary Force is marching towards Tonggu, obviously to replace the British army in Tonggu.”

Don’t blame a Japanese lieutenant for knowing so much. It’s really Shancheng’s intelligence work that is so bad.

 Many times, the Japanese army learned about the plan as soon as it was formulated.

 The Japanese army had long known that the expeditionary force was gathering in the Wanding area.

 Even planned the march route of the expeditionary force after entering Myanmar.

It can be said that the Japanese army was well prepared to take over Burma.

 You can see it from a little lieutenant.

"The Echinese people are cunning and are no match for us on the frontal battlefield, so they will start with our logistics."

“So I guess they definitely want to cut off our logistical supplies.”

“Once there is a problem with our logistics, the plan to attack Tonggu will also fail.”

 After some analysis, Captain Hashimoto was shocked.

 Don’t say it yet, it’s really possible. After all, if you follow the Salween River all the way south, you can get around to the back of Tonggu.

 Once there is a problem with logistical supplies, the so-called attack plan will be a joke.

Thinking of this, Captain Hashimoto lost his previous calmness and even became a little panicked.

“Immediately report the situation here to Your Excellency, Major.” Captain Hashimoto thought for a moment and immediately asked the communications unit to send the report. At the same time, he ordered the troops to assemble and pursue the expeditionary force.

 According to information provided by the indigenous people, this expeditionary force has about a thousand people and is well-equipped.

 What he has to do is to follow the opponent, wait for the arrival of the main force, and then eat the opponent in one go.

 On the other side, Cun Yunsheng and others were bored, waiting for the Japanese army to take the bait.

“Tuanzuo, do you think this kid will be fooled?” Meng Fanglia asked everyone’s doubts.

“It depends on the weight of the natives in the hearts of the little devils.” Cun Yunsheng said casually.

“Don’t worry, the little devil will definitely come, but I don’t know if he can attract the big fish.”

 He was 100% sure that the Japs would definitely come after him, but he didn’t know how many would come.

 As a precaution, the guard company and artillery company were left behind.

“How big is the big fish you are referring to?” Meng Fangliao asked curiously.

“You have to be at least a colonel, right? Otherwise, you’re not a big fish. It would be better if you were a major general.” Cun Yunsheng had no interest in officers below the rank of colonel.

 “You really dare to think about it, you are still a major general.” Meng Fangli pouted, feeling that everyone in his family was daydreaming.

Cun Yunsheng didn't pay attention to Meng Fanglia's cynicism. Instead, he picked up the map and started marking the locations.

"Let the troops go south after we deal with the devils in front of us."

 Cun Yunsheng's words made everyone a little confused.

 Going south?

"Going south? Going further south is Tonggu? Isn't a war about to break out there?" Meng Fangliao asked in confusion.

“That’s right, let’s find a way to dig out the little devil’s lair.” Cun Yunsheng said nonchalantly.

 Just dig into the little devil’s lair?

 Is this a bit too much?

"Group? We only have more than 2,000 people? It's not 20,000 people. Just rush into the kid's lair like that?" Meng Fangli's tone was not as arrogant as before when he heard that he was going to raid the kid's lair.

  If more than 20,000 people said this, it would still be considered a grand statement.

 Two thousand people, isn’t this a death wish?

 “What? Are you scared?” Cun Yunsheng asked without answering.

“Tuanzuo, you are looking down on us now. We are not afraid of death, but we just don’t want to die for some reason.” Meng Fanlao shook his head and said.

"It's very simple. A big war is about to break out in Tonggu, and the 18th Division of the Japanese Army will serve as the main force." Cun Yunsheng said lightly, and there was silence for an instant.

“Tuanzuo, our regiment is just like the little devil’s division? Isn’t this crazy?” Lin Yi also asked.

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng shook his head and said.

"You think it's crazy, and the little devils never thought that someone would have the audacity to attack their home base."

“At this time, the main force of the Japs is heading north, and the rear is empty. This is the best time to raid their lair.”

"Tuanzuo, you are really crazy." Lin Yi was frightened by Cun Yunsheng's plan. He did not expect that his group would be so crazy.

But it must be said that although this plan is crazy, it is really exciting.

 Once successful, their Sichuan Legion will become completely famous.

 At the same time, he will also become a thorn in the little devil’s side and a thorn in his flesh.

“It’s exciting, it’s really exciting. Are you still planning to take back Yangon?” Meng Fan looked at Cun Yunsheng and said angrily.

 (End of this chapter)

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