Chapter 46 What awaits us is glory!

"Since we want to play, we must play big. What's the point of playing small? If we want beautiful weapons and equipment, we have to show some real skills to let the Allies see our value."

"Otherwise, why should we have priority in obtaining beautiful weapons and equipment over those direct troops?" Although Cun Yunsheng's words were a bit harsh, they were true.

 The motley crew wants to gain respect by fighting tooth and nail on the battlefield.

“Now the Japanese army is invincible on the battlefield in Burma and is victorious in every battle. If we can take out the little devil’s lair, then this is who we are.”

Cun Yunsheng gave a thumbs up.

 “What is this? Hero!”

“We will be greeted by flowers and applause.”

 “Think about it, what a glorious moment it was.”

Cun Yunsheng's words made everyone feel in a state of excitement. Only Meng Fangli curled his lips, and his group began to lie again.

Meng Fangliao has always kept a clear mind and can see through the tricks of his group to deceive people at a glance.

 But just as Meng Fangliao said, when did a bunch of grass-eating things like them be seen by other upright people?

With the arrival of Cun Yunsheng, they discovered that it felt good to be treated as a human being.

When Zenda set off, the eyes of the people who came to see him off were full of respect. This was a scene they would never forget.

 So, even if they knew that Cun Yunsheng was deceiving them, they were still willing to do so.

 “Tuanzuo, do it, you’re a turtle, you’re just a bunch of little devils, afraid of a hammer.” Li Sifu gritted his teeth and said loudly.

“Tuanzuo, I want to kill the Japanese and avenge my father.” Lin Yi, who has always been gentle and elegant, also said with a fierce look.

"Look at what I do, when did the young master say he won't do it anymore? The little devil only has three axes. If we break his three axes, the little devil is nothing." Meng Fangli said lazily.

 Seeing this scene, Cun Yunsheng couldn't help but smile with satisfaction.

These are his true confidants. As long as he can convince them, others don’t have to worry.

“Tuanzuo, Dong Dao is back.” Just as a few people were discussing what to do next, Xue Tian came to report.

 Seeing Dong Dao come back, Cun Yunsheng asked.

 “Is the little devil coming?”

"Yes, Tuan Zuo, your guess is correct. Those natives really went to contact the Japs. Just now, dozens of Japanese soldiers appeared in the village." Dong Dao looked at Cun Yunsheng's eyes, full of admiration.

"Huh? Just a few dozen people?" Cun Yunsheng couldn't help but feel disappointed when he heard that there were only a few dozen people.

At first I thought I could catch a big fish, but it turned out to be a small shrimp. I made so many preparations in vain.

"Tuan Zuo, originally I thought there were only a few dozen people, but then I realized something was wrong. This group of little devils did not pursue them immediately, but turned back. Not long after, more than a hundred people came." Dong Dao finished quickly.

"A squadron?" Cun Yunsheng's eyes lit up. At least he was not a shrimp, but a small fish.

“Yes, close to two hundred people.” Dong Dao nodded.

“That group of little devils are chasing us this way according to the footprints we left. They are expected to arrive in twenty minutes.”

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng didn't panic and immediately looked at a few people.

“Order, according to the predetermined plan, enter the ambush point, wait for my signal before shooting, and strive to annihilate all the little Japs.”

 “Yes, Tuanzuo.”

“Remember, no one is allowed to shoot first without my signal. Violators will be subject to military law.” Cun Yunsheng said with murderous intent.

 “Yes.” Everyone responded in unison. Not long after, everyone entered the ambush point and lay in ambush. No one spoke. Even if snakes, insects, rats and ants passed by, they did not dare to make any noise.

“Here we come.” Just as Cun Yunsheng was looking at his watch and estimating the distance of the Japanese army, Dong Dao’s words made him confused.


 Don’t see anyone?

It's not his fault that he was confused, even Lin Yi next to him was dumbfounded. Where is the enemy?

"Sangmenxing, are you too nervous? Where are the little devils?" Meng Fan glanced at the distance, and then asked in a low voice in confusion.

“No, here they come, I can smell their scent.” Dong Dao shook his head and said firmly.

"This is really ridiculous..." Before he could finish his words, Meng Fan was stunned when he saw a slight noise coming from the jungle in the distance.

 “You’re really here?”

I saw a Japanese sergeant walking out of the jungle in the distance with three soldiers. His movements were very gentle but very vigilant.

His eyes kept moving, not missing any suspicious location.

At this moment, Meng Fan was completely convinced. He was an absolute talent just by listening to sounds and identifying positions.

Lin Yi next to him didn’t say anything, he was also impressed in his heart.

"This is the reconnaissance force of the Japs. These Japs are really cunning. They even know how to send reconnaissance troops. I thought they had been dazzled by the successive victories." Cun Yunsheng shook his head and couldn't help but feel regretful. said.

If the expeditionary force had not entered Burma, the Japanese army might not have dispatched a reconnaissance force and would have just rampaged all the way.

 After all, the weak appearance of the British army has been completely torn to pieces by them, and they did not take the British army seriously at all.

But the expeditionary force is different. Not to mention that the two sides have been fighting for several years and are familiar with each other. Not to mention that those who can enter Myanmar to fight are all elites.

 That's why the Japanese army was so cautious, for fear of being ambushed.

"Send a signal to Krupp and tell him to prepare for a fire strike 100 meters ahead. Tell him not to be reluctant to part with the artillery shells and blast these little devils hard." The original plan was for the little devils to rush into the ambush circle with all their brains. , and then everyone fires together, and that's it.

Now it seems that it is not that simple. If you want to completely annihilate this group of devils, you must use some trump cards.

"Yes." The signal soldier responded immediately, and then carefully retreated. After retreating to a certain safe position, he got up and trotted quickly.

“Sir, are you too cautious?” a Japanese soldier couldn’t help but ask.

“Yes, those Chinese people may have withdrawn long ago.”

"Be careful, those Chinese people are too cunning." The sergeant shook his head. He had dealt with the Chinese army before and it was not easy to deal with them.

 After searching for a while, nothing was found out of place. The Japanese sergeant asked his men to send a signal to the troops behind them.

With the command flag waving, not long after, a Japanese army squad of dozens of people appeared in everyone's sight.

Until now, the Japanese army is still very cautious and only sends a small team of dozens of people to act as a forward.

"Isn't this little devil too cautious?" Lin Yi said dumbfounded.

This is his first time on the battlefield, so he said these words.

"Sir Ayi, the kid is not a fool. If they charge in a stupid group, no matter how many people there are, there won't be enough bullets to kill the kid. The kid is not as weak as imagined." Meng Fangliao still had the same venomous look.

“Tuanzuo, what should we do? Do you want to open fire?”

“Wait a minute.” Cun Yunsheng shook his head and then looked at the sky.

 (End of this chapter)

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