The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 47: There is no shortage of shells here!

Chapter 47 There is no shortage of cannonballs here!

 At the artillery position, Krupp was walking back and forth between each mortar position, muttering constantly.

 “Don’t be in a daze, be smart and see if it’s fixed.”

“What about you, have the ammunition been brought in?”

 Since it was their first actual combat, the soldiers in the artillery company were still very nervous.

Although I usually train a lot, I also fire a lot of artillery shells.

 Now that we are fighting against the Japs with real swords and guns, we are naturally a little panicked.

 Fortunately, there are still some veteran artillerymen in the artillery battery who can maintain basic operations. Otherwise, it would really be too busy for just one Krupp.

“The regiment has said, let us not be stingy with ammunition, so what you have to do next is to hit me hard and move the shells hard, do you hear me?” Krupp roared.

 “Yes.” The people in the artillery company responded in unison.

At this time, the communications soldier trotted over and said immediately when he saw Krupp.

“The regimental command is to fire the artillery immediately. These are the coordinates.”

 Speaking, he handed over the coordinates.

After getting the coordinates, Krupp took a look and then said loudly.

"Everyone is here, follow my orders, target XXX, direction XXX, five rounds rapid fire."

 The artillerymen, who had been waiting impatiently, quickly lowered their shells.


More than a dozen mortar shells flew into the distance.

At the ambush point, Cun Yunsheng looked at the sky and suddenly heard a sharp whistling sound.


The Japanese soldiers who had just entered the ambush circle subconsciously raised their heads and saw raindrops of artillery shells raining down.

"Baga, it's a mortar, take cover quickly, there's an ambush." ​​The Japanese squad leader who led the team roared with gallbladder.

 Unfortunately, everything was too late, because the shells had already fallen.

More than a dozen artillery shells were thrown down one after another. Many Japanese soldiers had no time to escape and were directly blasted into the sky, and then fell hard again.

 Followed by painful wails.

 Some of the Japanese troops were even worse and were blown to pieces.

“It’s so fun, it’s so fun, I’ll blow up these little turtles to death.” Li Sifu looked at the wailing little Japs on the ground and exclaimed that it was so much fun, the excitement on his face never disappeared.

"It's a pity that there is no heavy artillery, otherwise, one shell can wipe out most of the little devils." Cun Yunsheng was a little dissatisfied with the power of the 60mm mortar, which was still too small.

 One shell only took away a few little Japs, and sometimes it even missed the target, which made him a little unhappy.

"Tuanzuo, the power is not small. Besides, give us the heavy artillery. How can Krupp make it? Isn't he a combat artillery person? Heavy artillery is not a combat anti-artillery." Meng Fanlai felt that his group was a bit greedy. Not enough, he shook his head and said.

"The principles of artillery are all the same. With Krupp's cleverness and wit, he can figure it out a few more times." Cun Yunsheng retorted.

At this time, sharp whistling sounds continued to be heard in the sky.

 Five rapid fire shots landed one after another in a very short period of time.

 After all the fighting was completed, there were not many Japanese troops on the ground.

As for the Japanese squad leader who was still shouting, he was blown up and disappeared.

Of course, this does not mean that the bombardment is over. According to Cun Yunsheng's understanding of the Japs, the main force must not be far away, otherwise support will be inconvenient.

So when he asked the communications troops to convey the order, he requested that after the artillery fire ended, start plowing and bombing within a hundred meters back.

 That’s right, it’s plowing the ground and blasting forward one meter at a time.

 “Tuanzu? Aren’t you ready to rush?” Li Sifu asked impatiently. "Why are you anxious? The bombardment is not over yet. Wait until the bombardment is over before rushing forward." Cun Yunsheng shook his head and stopped the other party's urge to fight out.

This made Li Sifu a little confused. For them, when they met on a narrow road, the brave would win. It was all about close combat. This was the first time he had encountered such a luxurious fighting style.

Even Meng Fangliao and Lin Yi next to them were shocked by such a luxurious feat.

"Regiment leader, why don't you let the artillery battery stop for a moment? The artillery shells are carried on people's backs. Every time you fire one, you will lose one." Lin Yi said with some distress.

 This kind of play is really distressing.

Meng Fanxiao said with a slap in the face.

“Regiment seat, the regiment I was in before, until the whole army was wiped out, didn’t fire as many artillery shells as we did today.”

This is really not an exaggeration. The early Sichuan Army was called a beggar army and did not have any decent weapons. Mortars were a special treasure and they were reluctant to fight.

“If my leader were still alive and saw your prodigal behavior, he would definitely scold the turtle son for not being able to run a household at all.”

 In response to the persuasion of Meng Fangliao and others, Cun Yunsheng still had a calm expression.

“Don’t feel bad about the cannonballs. How much are the cannonballs worth? How valuable are the lives of the soldiers? Besides, you have already entered Burma. Do you still care about these cannonballs?”

 “Do you know what is most indispensable here?”

Several people shook their heads. They were not familiar with this place, so how could they know what was missing here.

"Let me tell you, the most indispensable thing here is weapons and equipment, artillery supplies, etc. Believe it or not, just look for any town and there will be a warehouse full of weapons."

“Remember, from now on all our weapons and ammunition will be reimbursed by the US military.”

“So, don’t feel bad about the shells, they are worthless.” Cun Yunsheng said with an indifferent expression.

"The US military is so heroic?" Lin Yi couldn't help but ask.

“Of course, he is the leader of our allied forces, and the most indispensable thing is artillery shells, so there is no need to worry about the artillery shells and ammunition, they are all open to me.”

“We are killing the Japanese and saving the British troops, so the US military has to reimburse us, do you understand?”

 “Don’t act like a country bumpkin who has never seen the world.”

“Do you know how the Americans fight?” Cun Yunsheng felt that he should teach these cannon fodder members a lesson and stop being petty every day.

"How did you fight?" Meng Fanxiao was also a little curious. No matter how smart he was, he wouldn't know so much.

 Otherwise, in the original novel, I wouldn’t have been shocked by the heroic spirit of the US military.

"Is the little devil a three-axe? After the artillery bombardment, the infantry charges?" Cun Yunsheng asked without answering.

 “Yes.” Several people nodded.

“The U.S. Army is similar, but after the heavy artillery bombardment, the bombers wait until the air raid is over, the armored troops come on stage, and bomb again. When the infantry actually comes on stage, there are battalion artillery batteries that can provide fire support at any time.”

“So the infantry of the US military is also called the corpse collection team.”

“Because when the infantry comes on stage, there will be only corpses left on the battlefield, and the remaining enemies will be frightened.” After Cun Yunsheng finished speaking, everyone was shocked and speechless.

"Is the U.S. military so powerful?" Lin Yi couldn't help but said with a sigh.

“What makes the US military strong is their industry. They have huge industries and can produce massive amounts of weapons and ammunition.” Cun Yunsheng shook his head and said. The US military’s individual combat capabilities are really not that strong.

At this time, the peak of the infantry should be the German army. Even if the firepower is stronger than that of the US military, it is still beaten by the German army.

“Tuanzuo, do you mean that from now on, we can have such powerful firepower like the US military?” Lin Yi asked excitedly.

"Of course, otherwise why would we go to Myanmar to fight? If it's not just for the assistance of the US military, is it possible that we really have good intentions to help the British army drive away the Japanese army?" Cun Yunsheng said angrily.

 (End of this chapter)

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