The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 56: The oriole that just arrived!

Chapter 56 The oriole that just arrived!

"Regiment seat, there is the sound of gunfire ahead." The Sichuan Army Corps, which was leading its troops walking in the dense forest, stopped when they heard Dong Dao's report.

 “There is still fighting in this jungle area?” Cun Yunsheng did not answer. Lin Yi beside him looked at Dong Dao in front of him and asked in confusion.

“It’s an airport, and the attacker seems to be our people.” Dong Dao didn’t understand, so he ran back after a rough observation.

"Airport?" Lin Yi was stunned, then took out the map, compared it, and called over the Chinese Sun Yunfei who had joined temporarily.

  He is a second-generation Chinese. He has traveled frequently between the north and the south in the past few years and has a good understanding of the terrain.

This is the reason why Cun Yunsheng dared to lead the Sichuan Army through the dense forest. Otherwise, even if he had some courage, he would not dare to walk through the dense forest.

“Look, where are we now? There is an airport in front of us.” Cun Yunsheng already knew that we should be at Tonggu Airport, but he still pointed at the map and repeated Dong Dao’s words.

"Airport? There is only one airport nearby, Tonggu Airport. Sir, we have arrived at Tonggu Airport." Sun Yunfei was stunned and said subconsciously.

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng's eyes lit up, and then he looked at Meng Fangliao, Lin Yi and others.

 Several people looked at each other with strong fighting intentions.

Dog Day, every day, the woods are almost the same as the savage.

The originally brand-new military uniforms were now as dirty as those of beggars. Some people's clothes were even scratched by branches and were in tatters.

 So, they couldn’t wait to get out of the **** woods, hoping to fight the Japanese army.

“Is there a way around to the back of the airport?” Cun Yunsheng asked casually.

 He didn't expect any unexpected surprises, he just asked more out of habit.

“Yes, local people sometimes sneak through the dense forest to pick up things that the British don’t want at the airport.” Sun Yunfei nodded heavily.

“If I remember correctly, there should be a small road nearby, directly behind the airport.”

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng was stunned for a moment, and then said ecstatically.

“Okay, okay, if you can win the airport in this battle, you will be the first to win.”

Cun Yunsheng has no doubts about such small roads, such as some scenic spots in later generations.

 In addition to the main gate, local people have also built some small roads to facilitate their own people.

 After all, there are dense forests all around, so it is normal to open a path.

Even the British army probably didn’t know that there was a path leading directly to the back of the airport.

"Dong Dao, send all the reconnaissance companies out. I want to know the details of the airport. The first and second battalions, the guard company, and the artillery company all rush to the airport with me. The third battalion rests and acts as a reserve team and can go into battle at any time. The other companies Guard the supplies." Cun Yunsheng immediately issued the combat order.

 During the march, in order to reduce the physical exertion of the combat troops, materials and ammunition were carried on their backs in rotation. This was to ensure that there were troops ready to go into battle with a good mental outlook at any time.

Now it seems that this move is indeed good, at least nearly a thousand combat troops can be invested.

 “Yes.” Everyone responded in unison.

 After receiving the order, all the reconnaissance companies went out, each one moving through the dense forest in a vigorous manner.

“Brother, the Japanese army’s defense is very tight, and the attacking troops have been repulsed twice.” Dong Jian had been observing the situation at the airport through a telescope in the tree, and said softly when he saw someone coming.

Hearing this, Dong Dao frowned slightly. This was not good news.

"What weapons are there?" The reconnaissance company not only had to figure out the number of enemies, but also the weapon configuration, so Dong Dao continued to ask.

"There are at least 30 mortars and several grenade launchers. They also carry a lot of artillery shells. Both attacks were knocked back by the artillery shells." Dong Jian said quickly.

“Hiss, this Japanese army is very powerful. So many mortars? They have been fighting for so long? And there are so many artillery shells?” Dong Dao couldn’t help but take a breath.

You must know that even their Sichuan Army currently only has nearly twenty mortars, which can be considered an elite force. I didn’t expect that the Japanese army in front of me was equipped with so many mortars.

 Obviously, if we didn't find out clearly and attacked rashly, the Sichuan Army would definitely suffer heavy losses.

“Where are the machine guns? How many are there? Where are they distributed?” Dong Dao asked again.

“No heavy machine guns were seen, mainly light machine guns. This force should have raided and captured the airport from other places. Many military facilities are incomplete.” Dong Jian analyzed.

  “Why do you say that?”

“If the troops were originally stationed at the airport, they must be mainly equipped with heavy weapons. This can maximize the damage to the enemy. Even if they are bitten off, they will pay a huge price.”

“It is obvious from the various performances of the Japanese army that they do not have enough heavy weapons, not even heavy machine guns. There is only one possibility, and that is to raid the airport on a small road.”

“Only in this way will we not carry too many heavy weapons, because it will reduce the marching speed.”

“The mountain road is difficult to travel, and heavy weapons will be damaged if you are not careful.”

 For Dong Jian’s analysis, Dong Dao nodded in agreement.

 “Not bad, the analysis is very good.”

 After a while, Dong Dao came to Cun Yunsheng with analysis.

"Dong Jian's analysis is very reasonable, but there is another point, that is, the Japanese army should not have many artillery shells." Cun Yunsheng praised it first, and then said again.

“Although a sudden attack will catch the defenders off guard, it will also consume ammunition. Now we have repelled two attacks, so I am sure that the Japanese ammunition at the airport should be insufficient.”

“Krupp, it’s up to you to see how well you perform. The reconnaissance company has already figured out the coordinates. Find a way to knock out all the Japanese mortar positions for me.”

“In addition, I give you permission to use the 120mm heavy mortar.”

 After saying that, Cun Yunsheng looked at Krupp again.

 The meaning is obvious. Whether we can quickly capture the airport depends on Krupp.

Hearing this, Krupp was happy at first, and then he patted his chest and promised.

“Commander, please rest assured that the artillery battery will definitely knock out the Japanese artillery positions as soon as possible. What about the artillery shells?”

 It’s not surprising that he said that, it’s just that he was used to fighting in the past, and he was a little unaccustomed to fighting with such generosity all of a sudden.

"Young man, when will you get rid of this habit of searching for me? Don't worry about ammunition consumption. Just ask me to knock out the Japanese artillery positions in the shortest possible time." Cun Yunsheng cursed angrily.

"Yes, regimental seat." Krupp stood at attention and saluted, and then went down to prepare.

"The bombardment is the order. The first and second battalions are outflanking. The guard company is responsible for breaking through in the middle. Remember, don't worry about anything. Your mission is to attack the airport as quickly as possible and don't give the Japanese a chance to counterattack." Cun Yunsheng issued the order again. Order.

 He was certain that once the Japanese army defeated the attacking expeditionary force, they would become lax.

 When the artillery shells fall, the Japanese army will definitely be stunned.

The rest of the people will swarm forward and they will definitely be able to take over the airport in the shortest time.

“Yes.” Li Liansheng and Bula responded quickly.

Xue Tian didn’t hesitate at all. The security company had the strongest firepower, so it was very suitable for them to be responsible for the breakthrough in the middle.

“Tuanzuo, the gunfire has stopped, the battle should be over.” At this time, Dong Dao’s voice came again.

 “Order: Everyone prepare to attack.”


 (End of this chapter)

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