The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 57: The shamelessness of the British army!

Chapter 57 The shamelessness of the British army!

“Your Majesty, Major, we have once again repelled the expeditionary force’s attack.” Captain Sakai came to Major Tanaka and flattered him respectfully.

“When Tonggu is captured, your Excellency, Major, will definitely be promoted to Lieutenant Colonel, and you will be able to work in the regiment. I hope you can take care of me when the time comes.”

As he spoke, he took out another gold watch and handed it over. He took a closer look at this gold watch. It was the watch that Major Tanaka had given to the guide before. Unexpectedly, it came back to his hand after going round and round.

Looking at the gold watch in front of him, Major Tanaka said although he was full of appreciation in his heart, he still said dissatisfied on the surface.

“Sakai-kun, how can you ask for it back? That will make the natives of Myanmar think that we are not trustworthy.”

 Hearing this, Captain Sakai did not panic at all, and still spoke very respectfully.

“Your Majesty, Major, in the battle just now, the native was hit by a cannonball and died on the spot, so this gold watch is a trophy, and as the commander, you have the right to distribute it.”

I have to say that Captain Sakai is really good at flattering, at least these words are perfect.

 Major Tanaka patted the other party's shoulder and said with satisfaction.

“Yo Xi, if that’s the case, then I’ll accept it.”

 After saying that, he put the gold watch into his pocket again.

“When you enter the regiment, I will recommend you to your Excellency, the commander of the regiment, to be the captain of the third brigade.”

With these words, Captain Sakai finally felt relieved.

Isn’t it just to climb up when you are so humble?

If you don't become an assistant officer, you will end up being a low-level officer who can be manipulated by others.

At this time, Major Tanaka looked at the map again. Since entering Myanmar, the imperial army had not encountered such tenacious resistance.

 Especially after Tonggu suffered a big loss, the division commander even issued an order to raid the airport.

 The purpose is to completely defeat the 200th Division of the Expeditionary Force and destroy the enemy's arrogance.

 Now it seems that the first step of the strategy has been completed.

 They successfully held the airfield and all that was left was to wait for the attacks from the south and west.

 At that time, we will be able to completely capture Tonggu City.

 Thinking of this, the corners of Major Tanaka’s mouth raised slightly.

 According to the military merits obtained after entering Myanmar, it is enough for him to be promoted to one level.

  In other words, he will become a lieutenant colonel in the near future. It just so happens that the regiment lacks a chief of staff, and he is fully qualified.

 This is why Captain Sakai fawned over him.

"Sakai-kun, order the troops to be divided into two, one part to rest and the other part to repair the airport." After reading the map, Major Tanaka began to issue orders.

Hearing this, Captain Sakai was stunned and asked with some doubts.

 “Your Majesty, Major, what should we do if the Chinese attack us secretly?”

 “Sneak attack? Hahaha?”

"I'm afraid they can't protect themselves now. The main force of the division has begun to attack. Listen to the sound of gunfire in the distance." Major Tanaka laughed, and then pointed to the sound of gunfire in the distance with a proud look. Thicker.

“Both attacks by the Chinese Army were repelled by us. It is impossible for them to recapture the airport.”

“They can’t protect themselves now. It can be said that the current airport is very safe.”

 After hearing what Major Tanaka said, Captain Sakai showed an expression of sudden realization and immediately began to execute the order.

The Japanese soldiers who were originally nervous finally relaxed a lot, and some even closed their eyes to rest.

 Some also boasted about how many Chinese they had shot.

 Some people showed off the gold and jade they had snatched.

As everyone knows, danger is coming.

On the other side, the 3rd Battalion and the Engineer Battalion of the 598th Regiment returned to the city dejectedly because they failed to capture the airport.

Di Anlan was instantly furious after receiving the news. He didn't expect that neither of his battalions had recaptured the airport, which really made him feel very embarrassed.

The 200th Division, which had high hopes, turned out to be so incompetent, which made his face feel hot, so he directly imprisoned Li Shuzheng and awaited disposal.

 “Report the situation here to the coalition command.”

It wasn't that Dai Anlan didn't want to send out the main force of a regiment to retake the airport, it was actually the Japanese army that was pressing harder and harder.

 A large number of Japanese troops were found in the west and south. It was obvious that the Japanese troops had already planned to take advantage of the loss of the airport to capture Tonggu City in one go.

If we divide our troops again at this time, the number of troops defending the ancient city will be reduced. When the city is lost, the guilt will be even greater.

This is why he rejected Zheng Tingji's proposal to transfer the entire 598th Regiment to the airport.

“Master, why don’t you wait any longer?” the chief of staff quickly dissuaded him.

 After all, the airport was lost on the fourth day, so there was no telling what might happen to the British army.

 Furthermore, the strategic plan that the Allies finally formulated was ruined.

 It will definitely make Shangfeng furious, and it will be more difficult to end it then.

"Concealing the battle report? I thought about it too. The key point is that the Japanese army will not give us a chance. Believe it or not, their telegrams must be flying all over the world." Dai Anlan said bitterly.

“Rather than being questioned by the superiors, it is better to explain the truth first.”

Hearing this, the chief of staff fell silent and stopped trying to dissuade him.

 Not long after, the Allied Command received a telegram from Dai Anlan.

Sure enough, when the British army learned that the airport was lost, they were immediately furious. "Sir Stilwell, I have said before that those yellow-skinned monkeys are a group of straw-shoe soldiers. They are here to deceive us and receive weapons and equipment. We should not give those weapons and equipment to them." Lord Alexander said various things He was sarcastic, not caring about the commanders of the expeditionary force beside him.

Du Yuming and others were livid after what was said through the interpreter.

 Since they entered Myanmar, they have never received a good look.

 That is to say, Mandalay got a little better after winning a battle.

I originally thought that the other side would change their attitude, but I didn't expect that the British army still looked down on them.

 They wanted to get angry, but considering the strength of both sides, they held back.

"Your Excellency, they are our allies and deserve the respect they deserve. In addition, don't underestimate the expeditionary force. They are still very capable. In the Battle of Mandalay, the expeditionary force has proven with their strength that they are a fighting force. A powerful force." Stilwell still had a good attitude towards the expeditionary force, so he said good things.

“And your Lordship, our current defense line is in a mess, especially the performance of the British and Burmese troops is really poor. You should check the combat effectiveness of the army.”

“Otherwise, the loss of Myanmar will lead the Far East battlefield to an unpredictable abyss, and you and I will both become sinners.”

Stilwell's questioning made Lord Alexander look a little unhappy.

The performance of the British-Burmese army was indeed too disappointing, but if it weren't for the lack of combat effectiveness, would there be any need for an expeditionary force to enter Burma?

 They can defeat the Japanese army by themselves.

It’s just that in the Battle of Malaysia, 140,000 British troops were surrounded by 30,000 Japanese troops, which completely frightened the British and Burmese troops and had no will to fight.

 He still knows his subordinates very well. It is no problem to fight a smooth battle and bully the civilians.

 If you encounter the Japanese army, you will only get beaten.

 Otherwise, how could Malaysia be lost so easily?

He will not be ordered to be in danger. He is the commander -in -chief of the British Burmese Army and is responsible for the Burma War.

 Do you think he wants to come?

 Obviously, we are living a very prosperous life in our home country, so who would want to come to this shabby place where no one can shit?

"Your Excellency Stilwell, the loss of Tonggu Airport has prevented the British Empire's air force from dispatching, which means that Tonggu City will be lost. Our previously formulated strategic plan for a decisive battle with the Japanese army has been invalidated. I think the expeditionary force will bear all the responsibility. responsibility."

"In addition, I suggest that the military material assistance to the expeditionary force be reduced." After all, Lord Alexander is an old man. How could he be overwhelmed by Stilwell's words in just a few words.

At this time, the British and Burmese troops also lacked weapons and equipment, so they were naturally eyeing military assistance from the United States.

When Du Yuming and others heard this, their expressions changed drastically.

If they were to cut military aid for this reason, they would definitely not be able to live with it. For a while, they were angrily cursing Dai Anlan how on earth he could keep Tonggu. In just a few days, he lost the airport and asked the British army to find a way to cut military aid. material reasons.

Stilwell's face turned a little ugly when he was told this. He deliberately favored the expeditionary force.

 But the expeditionary force did lose the airfield, which led to the bankruptcy of the strategic plan.

"I will consider this matter, but now we need the British-Burmese Army to cheer up." Stilwell could not openly favor the expeditionary force. He could only say that he would consider this matter and at the same time throw the problem to the other party.

If you dislike the expeditionary force's lack of combat effectiveness, then let your British-Burmese army come in.

 Who knows, Lord Alexander said indifferently.

“Your Excellency Stilwell, in view of the loss of the airport, I think Tonggu will not be able to hold on, which means that the whole of Burma will also be unsafe. The British and Burmese troops are preparing to completely abandon Burma and retreat to India.”

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was stunned.

Du Yuming and others looked at each other dumbfounded.

 Such a large colony was abandoned like this?

 Are you sure you're not kidding us?

Stilwell also looked at the other party in disbelief.

 Just give up?

Moreover, we only lost one airport, so there is no hope of getting it back, right?

As long as the British army dispatches fighter planes to block the Japanese attack, there is complete hope.

 The 100,000-strong expeditionary force has finished changing its equipment and has begun to assemble southward.

 Ensuring air superiority can completely drive the Japanese army into the sea.

What the **** is this **** guy thinking?

 You bastard!

"Your Excellency Stilwell, there is no need to persuade him any more. I am authorized by His Excellency the Prime Minister." Seeing that Stilwell wanted to persuade him again, Lord Alexander's words shut him up completely.

Originally, Stilwell thought that if the British-Burmese army could gain some fighting strength, he could consider allocating some military equipment to them.

Now it seems that I have thought too much.

 Damn bastard, he really has had enough of this stubborn and stupid guy.

 He really didn't want this stupid guy to tell him what to do.

He wanted to let go and do something big, but this stubborn guy always caused trouble for him.

 often gave him some suggestions that were totally fatal.

Every time I ask the other party to give a portion of the supplies to the expeditionary force.

The results of it?

The British army would rather blow up than give up.

He was so angry that he wanted to beat up the **** in front of him.

"Report, Tonggu Airport has been recaptured again." At this time, a staff officer hurried in with a telegram and said excitedly.

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was stunned again.

 Lord Alexander opened his mouth even more, not knowing what to say.

 (End of this chapter)

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