The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 58: The Sichuan Legion fought **** battle to the end!

Chapter 58 The Sichuan Legion fought **** battle to the end!

 Looking back to the outskirts of Tonggu Airport again, thousands of people from the Sichuan Army Corps had already arrived at the designated location.

Li Liansheng and Bula both stared at their watches, fearing that they would miss the time and delay the attack.

When the three red flares were rising, Li Liansheng, Bu La and others waved their hands, and the soldiers of the Sichuan Army jumped up and headed towards the airport.

 The Japanese soldiers at the airport subconsciously raised their heads and looked at the rising red signal flares with a puzzled look on their faces.

Who fired the flare?

 Just when they wanted to find out who it was.

 I saw waves of sharp whistling sounds coming from the sky.



 The pupils of all the Japanese soldiers shrank sharply. They realized that it was an artillery shell and wanted to find a bunker. As a result, they did not know where to run.

Major Tanaka, who was imagining that he could be promoted, looked at the falling shells with dull eyes.

 “Heavy artillery? 120mm???”

"How can this be?"

 “This is absolutely impossible…”

“Impossible, how can the Chinese have heavy artillery?”

“If they had heavy artillery, why did they use it now?”

 I don’t blame Major Tanaka for being crazy, it’s really unbelievable.

If they had used heavy artillery before, they might not be able to hold on.

 It's a pity that everything was too late, and the shells didn't give him any time to think.




 A series of violent explosions sounded.

 Some Japanese soldiers who were unable to dodge were directly blown to pieces by artillery shells.

 Especially those Japanese artillerymen who were resting and recuperating were given special care.

 “Get down, get down, and look for cover.” The Japanese soldiers who came back to their senses began to flee in all directions, trying to find cover.

"Counterattack, counterattack, where are our artillery? Counterattack quickly." Major Tanaka shouted loudly.

 At present, the only way to hope to hold the position is to fight back.

 But in order to take a small road to raid the airport, they did not carry mountain guns at all, all were mortars.

 As a result, the range of the mortar was simply out of reach.

 So now they can only be passively bombed.

“Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, it’s been so long, and you’re still taking so long?” Krupp looked at the busy artillerymen and said with some dissatisfaction.

  He personally operated the 120mm heavy mortar, but still disliked the speed of artillery transportation.

  After all, he was very excited to be able to let the little devil suffer from the heavy artillery bombardment.

 So the speed of firing is much faster, and naturally we hope that the transport speed can be faster.

"Let everyone stop and bomb me hard. The regimental commander said, even if the mortars are damaged, don't stop. Today's task is to shoot out all the shells." Krupp's words made all the artillerymen look pale. A change.

  If it were before, they would have been overjoyed, but now they are really fed up.

Thousands of cannonballs were fired, and after all the shells were fired, it is estimated that even one's arms would not be able to lift up.

 Fortunately, there were two platoons sent by the engineer company to help carry the shells. Otherwise, with just their few people, they would probably not be able to finish the fight from exhaustion.


 They are in pain and happiness now.

The Japanese army on the opposite side suffered a disaster. Originally, they thought they would only fire a few rounds of artillery shells, and that would be enough.

The results of it?

The bombing has been going on for a full ten minutes and it hasn’t stopped yet.

 This made Major Tanaka collapse.

 When did the expeditionary force become so extravagant?

 Countless bombings?

This kind of scenario is simply impossible to occur.

If it weren't for the explosions that sounded in his ears from time to time, he would even suspect that he was hallucinating.

“Baga, how come the expeditionary force has so many artillery shells?” Major Tanaka roared angrily.

 It’s a pity that no one can answer him because everyone is being bombed.

The artillerymen who originally wanted to counterattack were frightened by the terrifying artillery fire, and they didn't know where to hide.

On the other side, in Tonggu City, Dai Anlan looked at the telegram sent from the coalition headquarters, his expression not very good.

The above are all kinds of questions, why was the airport lost and why weren't troops sent to recapture it?

 Don’t you know the importance of airport loss?

 For a moment, Dai Anlan felt extremely bitter.

He also knew the importance, but who would have thought that the little devil would take a small path and go around to the back of the airport.

 The troops sent out were also repelled by the powerful Japanese artillery fire.

At the same time, the main force of the Japanese army also took the opportunity to launch an attack. Even if he wanted to mobilize reinforcements now, he had no chance.

Just when he was wondering how to take back the airport, Zheng Tingji walked in excitedly.

 “Division’s seat, division’s seat, there is fierce gunfire from the other side of the airport.”

 “What?” Dai Anlan looked at the other party in disbelief.

“There are gunfire sounds, there are gunfire sounds over the airport, and there are heavy artillery, it should be the arrival of reinforcements from the Fifth Army.”

 “Reinforcements from the Fifth Army?” Dai Anlan was confused again.

 Why didn’t he know that reinforcements from the Fifth Army were arriving so soon?

Just now, Du Yuming was still considering whether to let the Fifth Army retreat. After all, losing the airport meant that Tonggu City would also be lost.

There is little point in sending another fifth army.

 As a result, reinforcements have arrived?

Isn’t this too ridiculous?

“Are you sure it’s really the sound of gunfire?” Dai Anlan asked again.

"It's really the sound of gunfire. I have been a veteran for more than ten years. Can I still hear the sound of gunfire correctly? Among them is the sound of heavy artillery. Except for the Fifth Army, I really can't think of any other troops leaving. We are the closest." Zheng Tingji shook his head and said.

Hearing this, Dai Anlan couldn't help but feel a little confused, but she still told the other party the contents of the telegram.

"What? You mean, not the Fifth Army? Who could it be?" Zheng Tingji was also a little dumbfounded, but he didn't expect that he guessed wrong.

“But besides the Fifth Army, who else can we have nearby?”

These words also stopped Dai Anlan. He didn't know who else was nearby. "I can confirm that it is definitely not the Fifth Army." Dai Anlan said with certainty.

At this moment, the two people looked at each other, and then Dai Anlan decided to send someone to contact him to see who it was.

"Forget it, send someone to investigate and see which army it is. If it is a friendly army, bring them to the city."

 He never thought that this force was here to seize the airport.

Perhaps the other party just went south to Tonggu, and then happened to encounter the Japanese army at the airport, and the two sides fought.

“Yes, Master.” Zheng Tingji responded quickly.

On the battlefield, the sharp whistling sound still hit the Japanese army's position, and the continuous flow of artillery shells made the Japanese army's mentality collapse.

Cun Yunsheng, who had been observing the battlefield, saw this and fired a signal flare again, signaling everyone to launch an attack immediately.

 “Come on, kill the Japanese.” Xue Tian took the lead and jumped out of the position holding a Thompson submachine gun.

The other soldiers of the guard company also jumped out of their positions and rushed towards the airport.

On the left and right sides, two battalions of soldiers began to shuttle quickly with the help of artillery fire cover.

Hundreds of semi-automatic and fully automatic firearms fired wildly, and Japanese soldiers were constantly shot and fell to the ground.

“Baga, it’s the China Army, it’s the China Army, fight back quickly.” Major Tanaka shouted immediately when he saw this scene.

“This is the Sichuan Army? Why is there the Sichuan Army here?”

 Originally, he thought they were reinforcements sent by the 200 Division in the city, but who knew they were actually a Sichuan Army Corps? This made him completely confused.

 He thought it was incredible.

 The Sichuan Legion unexpectedly appeared on the Tonggu battlefield.

The key point is that this Zhichuan Army is different. It can be said that it is armed to the teeth.

 Mortars, heavy artillery cover, a large number of automatic weapons, and countless grenades.

 Such a powerful firepower caused the morale of the Japanese army to plummet.

 “Come on, kill all these little devils.” Li Liansheng was also very fast. Although he was responsible for the left wing, he did not say that outflanking on the left side could not be the main attack.

  After handing over the command of the first battalion to Snake Butt, he led the first company as a death squad, charging and killing all the way.

The Thompson submachine gun fires at any enemy in front of it.

 After the improvement, the firepower of the squad has become very powerful. It is basically guaranteed that each squad has a submachine gun, so in terms of close combat, it is not inferior to the Japanese army at all, and is even slightly stronger.

 Faced with such powerful firepower, the Japanese army finally couldn't hold on any longer.

Especially the loss of a large number of mortars and light machine guns. The bolt-action rifle in hand is no match for automatic firearms.

Not long after, Major Tanaka realized something was wrong. His task force seemed to be surrounded, with enemies on all sides.

“Baga, this is the Sichuan Army? Why do they have so many mortars?”

"Why do they have so many automatic weapons?" Major Tanaka couldn't figure it out for a while.

 First heavy artillery, then large numbers of mortars, and finally large numbers of automatic firearms.

It is simply unimaginable that they far surpass them in terms of light and firepower.

"Major Commander, withdraw." Captain Sakai looked at his retreating subordinates and couldn't help but persuade him.

 “Baga, the warriors of the empire will never retreat.” Major Tanaka refused without thinking.


 Another 120mm mortar shell landed not far away, making his ears buzz.

“Prepare grenades.” Xue Tian led the guard company to charge all the way, but encountered a group of Japanese troops blocking the way. Without saying a word, he signaled his subordinates to take out grenades.

 Swish, swish, swish!

More than a dozen grenades were thrown at them.

 Boom, boom, boom!

 The explosion was mixed with howls.

 “Follow me!” Xue Tian, ​​who was about to fight, was completely desperate for his life. He rushed forward with a dozen people and did not wait for the remaining Japanese troops to react before pulling the trigger.

Da da da!

 A round of bullets sent away the still wailing Japanese troops.




 The roar resounded throughout the entire camp for a time, approaching the roar of thousands of people, deafening.

 Heaven and earth all changed color.

Cun Yunsheng, who was watching the battle from behind, couldn't help but feel excited. He wanted to go to the battlefield with his gun, but Meng Fangliao and others stopped him and refused to let him go forward.

“Leader, you are still responsible for commanding, it is not your turn to fight.” Meng Fanxiao said with a smile.

If something happens here, he will definitely be finished.

 “I just want to kill a Japanese with my own hands.” Cun Yunsheng said somewhat unhappily.

“No problem, I’ll ask Li Wula to capture a few prisoners and let you test the sword yourself.” Meng Fangna’s words made Cun Yunsheng roll his eyes.

 What’s the point of killing prisoners!

How can there be any feeling like this kind of fighting?



 “Fuck Xiao Dongyang to death…”

There were roars, gunfire, wailing, and various sounds everywhere.

The Sichuan Army soldiers with high morale rushed in front of the Japanese soldiers with the help of mortars, and used their powerful weapons to kill the Japanese soldiers.

Facing the heavily armed Sichuan Army, the Japanese army was unable to fight back.

 Some Japanese troops who really couldn't stand it began to retreat.

There were still some Japanese troops who wanted to fight back, but they escaped the mortars and were greeted by grenades all over the sky.

Before I could wake up, countless bullets struck again.

 Many Japanese troops were completely frightened and retreated one after another.

Wherever the soldiers of the Sichuan Army went, the Japanese troops wailed and screamed all over the field.

 Hurrying all the way for hundreds of meters, twisting the Japanese troops everywhere.

 “Blow the charge horn and charge in all to let the little devils know that our Sichuan Army is not a coward.” Seeing that the time was ripe, Cun Yunsheng immediately ordered a general attack.

 “Yes.” The messenger who received the order began to blow the charge horn.

Suddenly I was notified that it would be put on the shelves. The first two chapters are 6,000 words, and there will be two more chapters like this during the day tomorrow. When it is put on the shelves, you still have to have an attitude of updating! Also, thank you for everyone’s support! Thank you!



 (End of this chapter)

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