The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 60: Directly under the Allied Forces Command!

Chapter 60 Directly under the Allied Forces Command!

"Sichuan Army Corps?" Dai Anlan looked at Zheng Tingji in front of him and confirmed it several times, fearing that he had heard wrongly.

 In fact, he had some luck in his heart. Perhaps the Fifth Army did not receive the battle report and continued to come for reinforcements.

Or if the radio station is damaged, you get lost, and you accidentally end up behind the airport, he can accept it.

The only thing that is unacceptable is that the opponent turns out to be the Sichuan Army.

 It is the army that is looked down upon by countless people.

Although the Sichuan army has proved it with blood, they are also very capable of fighting.

 But it is undeniable that the weapons and equipment of the Sichuan Army are indeed not good in combat effectiveness.

 That’s why many Central Army troops still look down on the Sichuan Army.

 As it turned out, it was the Sichuan Army Corps that came to save them now.

This was hard for Dai Anlan to accept for a while.

"How could it be them? Where did they come from? Which army do they belong to?" Dai Anlan took a deep breath, and asked Zheng Tingji one after another, which made Zheng Tingji confused.

He really didn't ask these questions, he just invited the other party into the city to discuss the next battle plan. He really didn't know anything else.

"According to my understanding, there is only one Sichuan regiment in the expeditionary force, and the leader of this regiment is named Yu Xiaoqing." Dai Anlan looked at the other party and said word by word.

Hearing this, Zheng Tingji’s mind was filled with questions.

Is the Sichuan Army Corps at the airport fake?

its not right?

 If nothing else, the beautiful equipment cannot be fake, right?

 The Japanese corpses all over the ground can’t be fake, right?

"I don't doubt that they are fake." Seeing the other party's confused expression, Dai Anlan shook his head and then expressed his guess.

“I suspect that this unit may have entered Myanmar spontaneously without the consent of Shangfeng.”

 Spontaneously entering Myanmar?

How can this be?

 Where does such great ability come from?

 Not to mention anything else, how to solve the problem of weapons and equipment, soldiers, and logistical supplies?

 Let alone military pay and the like.

 Without the allocation from the peak, it would be too difficult to feed an army of more than 2,000 people.

 For a time, Zheng Tingji’s mind was filled with incredible thoughts.

"These are just my guesses. I will report the situation here in detail and let Shangfeng have a headache. At the moment, what we have to do is to defend Tonggu City."

"Now that the airport has been recaptured, let the Sichuan Army garrison it for the time being, which will reduce our pressure." Dai Anlan felt that instead of making random guesses, it would be better to let Shangfeng have the headache. He only needs to defend Tonggu City.

Now that the airport is back in our own hands, we can continue to fight a battle in the ancient city to severely damage the Japanese army and dampen their arrogance.

  No matter what, the reputation of the 200 Division must be revitalized.

Otherwise, if you just go back in despair, you can't afford to lose this person.

On the other side, the telegram from the Sichuan Army came to the coalition headquarters again.

The coalition headquarters, which was originally quarreling, became completely silent because of this telegram from the Sichuan Army.

 Lord Alexander, who had been clamoring, also shut up.

"Sichuan Army Corps? What kind of army is this? Does the expeditionary army have such a unit?" Stilwell looked at the telegram in his hand and asked doubtfully.

Not only was Stilwell confused, Du Yuming and others were also confused.

"Lieutenant General Stilwell, is the commander of this Sichuan Army Corps named Yu Xiaoqing?" Du Yuming thought for a while, and it seemed that the expeditionary army actually had a Sichuan Army Corps.

Originally, he was going to be incorporated into the New Sixth Army as the regiment leader, but this guy didn't like it, so he recruited a regiment by himself, and the external designation was the Sichuan Army Corps.

 Could it be them?

 That shouldn’t be the case. According to the battle plan, they should help defend Tangji at this time. Shouldn’t they appear in Tonggu City?

 Are you lost?

This is possible. After all, Myanmar has high mountains and dense forests, and it is quite normal to get lost.

“No, the officer of this unit is called Cun Yunsheng.” Stilwell shook his head and handed over the telegram after speaking.

 For Stilwell, who was familiar with China, the Sichuan Army was no stranger to him.

 In his impression, the Sichuan army was wearing shabby clothes and carrying two guns.

  The Japanese army was very troublesome for a time when they fought without fear of death.

  Unexpectedly, there would be a Sichuan Army Corps here, which really surprised him.

 All along, Stilwell wanted to have a good fight and let the Japanese army know how powerful he was.

 But he has no real power at all, and the US military has little strength here.

The British army did not care about him at all. If it were not for military assistance, it is estimated that the British army would not even bother to attend such a military meeting.

According to Lord Alexander's wishes, the whole of Burma can be given up. It doesn't matter to them, as long as they keep the jewel in their eyes, India.

As for the expeditionary force, his orders were more often obeyed and disobeyed, because the man in their mountain city particularly liked to intervene.

 He has expressed his dissatisfaction more than once.

 Obviously they are only at the battalion and company level, but they must be commanded by force.

 Fortunately, the expeditionary force has a division commander who graduated from the Virginia Military Institute, and he is fairly respected.

 So the relationship between the two parties is still very good.

 But this is not enough.

 He hopes to have more troops at his disposal.

 It would be great if we could win over this Sichuan Army.

 He knows the contradiction between the local motley army and the central army.

 As long as you can make good use of this, you can definitely make the other party obey you.

 After all, no one can refuse a large amount of beautiful equipment.

 If there is, it means there are not enough beautiful weapons.

 But what Stilwell was most indispensable for was beautiful equipment. But now we still need to figure out the origin of this army.

Du Yuming and others were also confused after reading the telegram.

 A Sichuan regiment that even he, the commander, didn't know.

 Where did it come from?

However, the record is really good, defeating a Japanese brigade head-on.

 More than 500 Japanese soldiers below the rank of Major were killed and countless captured.

  Is this a record that a group can achieve?

Even a regiment of the Central Army cannot guarantee that it can defeat a Japanese brigade head-on and annihilate so many people.

Although there was an element of surprise attack, it was also defeated head-on, and the military exploits were real.

 For a time, Du Yuming developed a love for talents.

 Such a person will definitely become a strong warrior when trained.

"Guangting, this Cun Yunsheng looks so familiar." Luo Zhuoying scratched his head, always feeling that this person was very familiar.

“My surname is Cun, oh, I remembered it. Our expeditionary force has a lieutenant colonel named Cun, wait a minute, General Cun Xingqi.”

As he spoke, Luo Zhuoying completely remembered.

"You mean this person is a descendant of the Cun family?" Du Yuming was naturally familiar with General Cun Xingqi, and he asked with sudden realization.

“I heard that all the eight sons of the Cun family joined the army. Is he one of them?”

 “Probably not.” Luo Zhuoying hesitated.

“The eight sons of the Cun family are all in other armies, and it seems that there are none in the Sichuan Army.”

At this time, Stilwell asked again where this army came from.

"Lieutenant General Stilwell, there is no such unit in the current expeditionary force, but they are indeed affiliated with the Sichuan Army. I don't know why they entered Myanmar. We will investigate this clearly." In the spirit of not wanting to offend. Du Yuming said about the other party's principles, avoiding the important and taking the easy.

Who knows, Stilwell's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard this sentence.

The expeditionary force is like an iron bucket. If he wants to intervene, except for the newly formed 38th Division, other troops cannot be commanded at all.

 So he eagerly wanted to command an army.

Hearing this now, it was like a piece of pie falling from the sky. There was absolutely no way he would give up.

"There is no need to investigate the reason. Since they entered Burma to participate in the war against Japan, it means that they are patriotic." Stilwell shook his head and then continued.

“Considering that they are fighting alone and have no direct superiors, I think they should be placed directly under the Allied Forces Command.”

Hearing this, Du Yuming and Luo Zhuoying's heads were buzzing and they looked at Stilwell blankly.

 When entering Myanmar, Shangfeng talked to them alone. He must take good care of the troops and lead them well.

You must not be lured to the Americans, you must be on guard against them.

 As soon as something goes wrong, pull the troops back immediately.

 This is why the 200 Division would rather go over the Foreigner Mountains than go to Myitkyina.

Now that Stilwell directly took away the command of the Sichuan Army, Du Yuming and others felt a sense of crisis.

Shangfeng really guessed it, this old boy Stilwell really has no good intentions.

But it’s really hard for them to refuse.

 First of all, this Sichuan Army Corps is not affiliated with the expeditionary force and should have entered Myanmar privately to fight.

 Normally, this guy should be punished by military law, but now that he has made great achievements, treating him like this will definitely chill the hearts of some people, and it will also be a huge blow to morale.

Not to mention Stilwell's expression, he was obviously determined to protect the other party.

Thinking of this, Du Yuming couldn't help but have a headache. He also wanted to cultivate the other party well.

"Guangting is just a miscellaneous army. Even if it can fight, it is still the Sichuan Army and is not of the same mind as us." Luo Zhuoying said softly.

The Sichuan Army has been torn into pieces after a series of splits. On the surface, they surrendered, but in fact they were not of the same mind. They scolded them secretly.

So Du Yuming immediately understood what the other party meant, which was to hand it over.

“For the sake of beautiful weapons and equipment, after all, this old boy holds the power of military assistance. Offending him and tampering with the distribution of materials will be a troublesome thing for us.” Luo Zhuoying reminded again.

Hearing this, Du Yuming sighed lightly. He always felt that if he handed it over like this, he would regret it in the future.

But Luo Zhuoying was right, it would be unwise to offend Stilwell for a motley army.

 They did not have the confidence of the British army to dare to talk to Stilwell like this.

Thinking of this, Du Yuming looked at Stilwell and said with a smile on his face.

“No problem, I think this suggestion is very good. The Allied Command does need a direct force for defense.”

Hearing this, Stilwell almost jumped up with excitement.

Only God knows, he thought of countless ways to have a force directly under the coalition headquarters.

Except for the commander of the newly formed Thirty-Eighth Division, who expressed his closeness, the other generals acted in both ways.

If it weren't for the US aid in his hands, no one would be interested in him.

For a time, Stilwell wanted to immediately allocate a large amount of beautiful weapons and equipment to this Sichuan regiment.

 If they are built completely according to the standard infantry regiment of the US military, they will definitely have an amazing combat effectiveness.

"Lord Alexander, now that the airport has been retaken, I hope the British army can send the air force to support and complete the previous strategic plan." Stilwell suppressed the excitement in his heart and looked at Alexander again and said.

 “No, I refuse.” Lord Alexander refused his proposal outright.

 “???????” Stilwell looked at the other person in confusion, as if he didn’t understand what this guy was having trouble with.

“Who can guarantee that the airport will not be lost again?” Lord Alexander said righteously.

I have been thinking about this chapter for a long time, and there is another chapter tonight. The current number is 400, which is almost as expected. Thank you everyone for your support! I will promise not to be a eunuch, finish the book, and write a different leader! Subsequent characters will appear one after another, and there will be about 10,000 updates every day from now on! Thank you for everyone’s support!



 (End of this chapter)

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