The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 61: Each one is more outrageous than the other!

Chapter 61 Each one is more outrageous than the last!

If he hadn't been concerned about the opponent's identity, Stilwell would have really wanted to take off his military boots and give the opponent a slap on the forehead.

 Ever since he came to Myanmar, this guy always found reasons for him not to send troops.

 Either the weather is bad or there is no aviation kerosene.

 Otherwise, there is insufficient ammunition.

  It is absolutely impossible for them to attack anyway.

 It was hard to convince this guy, but now he changed his mind.

 For a moment, Stilwell had the idea of ​​​​wanting this guy to go back to the British Isles.

Even though Stilwell has no foundation here, he still has great power.

 He has the authority to decide on the rationing of supplies and can also send telegrams directly to the White House.

 Once the situation here is explained to the White House, considering the development of the war situation, the White House will definitely put pressure on the British Empire.

 And the British Empire still needs the United States to continue its life, so there is a high possibility that this guy will be transferred back.

"Lieutenant General Stilwell, even if Tonggu Airport is recaptured, the infrastructure will definitely be severely damaged. The aircraft of the British Empire are very precious, and we cannot waste them here meaninglessly." Lord Alexander's words are very decisive, that is, it is impossible to agree. send troops.

Stilwell took a deep look at the other party. He knew that the other party had already made a decision, that is, to completely abandon Myanmar.

  In other words, capture Rangoon from the Japanese army.


It should be that after the 140,000 British troops in Malaysia were wiped out, the British army made up their mind to give up everything except India.

But Stilwell definitely disagreed with the other party giving up Burma so easily.

 This may be related to the safety of the road to Burma.

 The opposite side of China is also at the end of its rope.

Weapons and ammunition are also extremely scarce.

 Without the assistance of the US military, it would not be able to hold on for long.

 So he must ensure the safety of the Burma Highway, allow more supplies to enter the mountain city, and ensure that the other side can continue to resist the war.

 Otherwise, if the other party chooses to surrender, the situation will become very bad.

 It means that more than one million Japanese troops in the Chinese battlefield will enter the Pacific battlefield.

 In that case, it will be a huge disaster for the US military.

The current focus of the US military is to first solve the Japanese army in the Pacific battlefield.

 Only then can we be able to open up a second battlefield.

 After all, the two fronts are fighting, and the pressure is too great. See the German army that is stuck in the quagmire.

Weapons and equipment are nothing, but the troops are not enough, and the new soldiers recruited are not very useful.

 There were more than two million German troops on the European Western Front, although most of the elite troops were transferred to the Eastern Front.

 But the remaining troops are not capable of being dealt with by recruits without combat experience.

 Hence, Stilwell’s first task is to ensure that the mountain city has the determination to continue to resist.

 The source of determination is military assistance.

Burma cannot be lost, nor can the Burma Highway be lost.

Since the British army is unreliable, they can only find a way on their own.

 Fortunately, he had the foresight to put the Sichuan Army directly under the Allied Forces Headquarters. Otherwise, he would really have no way to defeat the British army.

The meeting broke up unhappily, but Stilwell was still in a very good mood overall.

"Tom, send a telegram to the Sichuan Army at Tonggu Airport and tell them that starting from today, they will be commanded by the Allied Forces Command. They do not need to obey anyone's orders except my orders." Stilwell returned to his office , immediately called his adjutant.

"Huh? Sir..." Tom was stunned and didn't understand why Stilwell would do this.

"You don't understand." Stilwell did not explain too much, but motioned to the other party to send the message immediately.

“In addition, let Chennault send out a transport squadron. I need to airdrop weapons and ammunition for the Sichuan Army Corps at Tonggu Airport.”

Since the British army was unreliable and the expeditionary force was acting against the will, Stilwell decided to find a way on his own. The first step was to turn the Sichuan Army into an art regiment.

Tanks and artillery may not be equipped for the time being, but light and heavy machine guns, mortars, etc. can still be equipped.

"Sir, do those Chinese people know how to use it? Do you want to send some instructors?" Tom added in a timely manner.

"Well, you are right. Considering their military quality, they do need some instructors." Stilwell's eyes lit up. There were still many resources he could mobilize.

For example, Chennault's Flying Tigers, he has the right to transfer.

 So Chennault had to obey his orders.

In addition, there were many military instructors who came with him, specially used to train the expeditionary force.

“Deploy a platoon of military instructors, mainly artillery, to fly to Tonggu Airport with the transport squadron.” Stilwell said again.

 “Yes, sir.” Tom responded quickly.

 After Tom left, Stilwell began to stare at the map and think about the next battle plan.

Since the British army decided to abandon Burma, Tonggu must give up.

The Sichuan Army Corps, which is affiliated with the Allied Forces Command, must be rescued. This is the only military force in his hands.

 “Evacuate to Mandalay? Or evacuate to Tangji.” Looking at the map, Stilwell felt a little worried for a moment.

On the other side, the Sichuan Army Corps was cleaning up the airport. They never expected that such wealth would fall on them.

“Young Master, this British guy is really stingy and doesn’t leave anything good.” Lin Yi walked into the regiment headquarters and said angrily.

 Originally, I thought there would be some good things left at the airport, but what happened?

There is nothing good, just junk.

 There are no decent weapons and equipment.

Krupp also wondered whether he could find one or two heavy guns to increase the firepower of the artillery battery.

 In the end, there weren’t even any cannonballs.

 He was extremely disappointed.

"The British are not fools. How could they leave weapons and ammunition for us?" Cun Yunsheng was not surprised at all. Unless he retreated hastily, don't think about the weapons and ammunition in the arsenal.

With the moral character of the British, even if it is bombed, it is impossible to leave it to the expeditionary force.

“But we got so many weapons from the previous village.” Lin Yi wanted to argue, but was interrupted by Cun Yunsheng.

 “Where did Meng Fan go? Where did he die?”

“The radio station is here.” As soon as Lin Yi finished speaking, he heard Meng Fanlao yelling.

"Tuan Zuo, Tuan Zuo, good news, good news." "What good news? Shancheng has sent us money?" Cun Yunsheng looked at Meng Fan, who was running over panting, and joked.

 “It’s better news than Shancheng giving out money.” The ecstasy on Meng Fanlao’s face could not be concealed.

 “We have been incorporated.”


 “Being included?” Lin Yi didn’t quite understand what it meant.

Aren't they the Sichuan Army Corps?

 Why was it included?

  Could it be that he was incorporated into other troops?

In that case, wouldn’t you have to be controlled by others in the future?

While thinking, Lin Yi looked at Cun Yunsheng next to him, trying to see something on his face, but what he saw was a calm face without any expression.

 “Tanzuo? Why didn’t you respond?” Meng Fanxiao looked at Cun Yunsheng’s lack of response and asked in confusion.

"What's there to be excited about? Tell me about the situation, how come you were taken into custody." Cun Yunsheng was also a little confused in his heart, but on the surface he was still very calm.

 Incorporate him?

 See if you are a bird of prey or not.

 Unless he can be given a benefit that he cannot refuse.

 Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to agree.

“It’s either that we were integrated, or that we were classified as a force directly under the Allied Forces Command.” After Meng Fanlao finished speaking, Cun Yunsheng breathed a sigh of relief.

 Lin Yi is still very puzzled.

How did he manage to become directly under the Allied Forces Command?

“Tuanzuo, what’s going on?” Lin Yi asked in confusion.

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng was also a little confused. He thought for a while and then guessed.

“I guess it’s possible that our outstanding performance has attracted the attention of the Allied Commander.”

 “Bang.” This reason made the two people laugh.

 Defeat a large group of Japanese troops head-on?

What kind of achievement is this?

 Can't say that, it seems to be quite a feat.

 The 200 divisions in the city destroyed more than 30 Japanese troops, and everyone wrote a big book about it.

In total, after they entered Myanmar, they wiped out less than a thousand Japanese troops, which was dozens of times more than their thirty soldiers.

 The record is indeed pretty good.

"Okay, how do we know what Shangfeng thinks, but I only know that from now on, our Sichuan Army will really become richer." Cun Yunsheng put away his joking expression and said solemnly.

“Excuse me, send a telegram to the Allied Forces Headquarters, try to make our situation as miserable as possible, order more weapons and equipment, and preferably get a few military instructors.”

Although I don’t understand why his Sichuan Army Corps became a force directly under the Allied Forces, Cun Yunsheng will never show mercy when it comes time to ask for benefits.

Who knows, before the telegram from his side was sent out, the telegraph operator came running in with the telegram.

"Sir, you are so **** generous..." Looking at the contents of the telegram, Cun Yunsheng couldn't help but curse.

If Stilwell was in front of him, he would definitely hold the little old man in his arms and give him a few kisses.

He didn't need to rush him. The other party was very considerate and sent him various weapons and equipment. Not only that, he also provided a platoon of military instructors, for fear that his troops would not know how to use these weapons and equipment.

Such considerate service moved Cun Yunsheng very much.

This thigh is really too thick.

Not only that, the back of the telegram also tells the reasons why they were classified as troops directly under the Allied Command.

His words revealed that as long as you follow him and have enough weapons and equipment, even military pay can be solved.

 For a moment, Cun Yunsheng's eyes turned red.

Suddenly, he felt that the weapons and equipment he had on his golden finger were nothing.

 Hold Stilwell’s thigh, that’s the real golden finger.

 At this time, he just hoped that this little old man could live longer.

"From now on, our Sichuan Army Corps will be the well-known ace of art weapons." Cun Yunsheng said seriously as he handed the telegram to the two people.

“This American is too kind to us, isn’t he?” Meng Fanglia felt like he was in a dream, it was so outrageous.

"It's really like a dream." Lin Yi was also dizzy and couldn't believe it.

 Only Cun Yunsheng roughly guessed something.

Stilwell, the old boy, wants to use sugar-coated bullets to tie them up, and then make them work for him in a daze.

It can't be said that he sacrificed his life. It can only be said that this old boy has many ideas, but he has no soldiers in his hands.

 So he focused on his own Sichuan Army Corps, which had no background.

 It’s a pity that he didn’t know that he was an unfamiliar wolf.

At the moment, he accepts all sugar-coated bullets from the US military. As for orders, he has to selectively execute them.

With Stilwell's assistance, the origin of his weapons was explained.

 Otherwise, weapons and ammunition are always found in the basement. Over time, it will definitely arouse suspicion from others.

 Compared with the upcoming wealth and wealth on Cun Yunsheng's side.

 On the other side is Yu Xiaoqing, who is also from the Sichuan Army Corps, and his eyes are almost red with jealousy.

“Defeat a large group of Japanese troops head-on? Save Tonggu Airport?”

“Force directly under the Allied Forces Command?”

 Looking at each telegram that was more outrageous than the last, Yu Xiaoqing felt dizzy.

"Isn't this outrageous?" It took a long time for Zhang Lixian to say this.

He Shuguang next to him was speechless.

 Remembering that not long ago, I had secretly mocked that guy for having a hairless mouth and not knowing how to fight.

 As a result, the opponent held back a big move with his backhand, which made his face feel burning.

“Tuanzuo, is this news true?” He Shuguang couldn’t help but ask.

“Can the telegram sent by Commander Du Yuming be fake?” Yu Xiaoqing said speechlessly.

He also didn’t expect that the young lieutenant colonel could achieve such a dazzling performance. It was really unbelievable.

 The Cun family is truly worthy of having generations of generals and talented people.

Five chapters, 16,000 words, full of sincerity, military zone, I am definitely sincere enough, the others are two pages of 4,000 words, I can handle it! Thank you all for your support and rewards. Thank you very much. I will keep updating tomorrow! no sooner said than done.



 (End of this chapter)

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