The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 71: Are you familiar with this song?

Chapter 71 Are you familiar with this song?

"Tuanzuo, do you think this person is a psycho? He keeps crying and howling." Meng Fan frowned slightly. If he hadn't seen that the other person was wearing one of his own military uniforms, he might have given him a thumbs up.

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng ignored him, but looked at the man in the distance with a smile on his lips.

I didn’t expect to meet this guy here. It was so unexpected.

Looking at it like this, it seems like he is cheating again.

 Before this, Meng Fangliao and others said that Cun Yunsheng was extremely courageous.

 Actually, what Cun Yunsheng wants to say is that no one bolder than him has yet appeared.

But well, it has appeared now.

"Let's go and take a look." As he said that, Cun Yunsheng tore off the military rank on his collar.

This scene made Meng Fangliao and others a little puzzled, but they did not say anything and followed closely.

When he reached the middle of the road, Meng Fanxia realized that the person in front of him was actually a lieutenant colonel. He subconsciously looked at Cun Yunsheng, and then stared at the lieutenant colonel in front of him.

However, Meng Fanglia always felt that this lieutenant colonel was a little weird.

 Normally speaking, a lieutenant colonel is at least the leader of a regiment. Even if his subordinates are scattered, it is impossible that there will be no one around him.

You should know that when Cun Yunsheng took office, he also brought an art class with him.

It’s just that Meng Fan couldn’t tell what was weirder.

But Cun Yunsheng still kept smiling and did not say a word.

“Tuanzuo, this guy is a bit strange. Is he really a lieutenant colonel?” Meng Fanlai muttered and looked at Cun Yunsheng again.

“Tuanzuo, why don’t you speak? Do you know this person?”

Meng Fanxiao glanced at Cun Yunsheng suspiciously. He always felt that something was wrong with Cun Yunsheng since this person appeared.

  Even the military rank was removed, which is a very rare thing.

 “What are you talking about?” Cun Yunsheng asked with a smile.

 “Sir Ayi, what do you think?” Meng Fan couldn’t find anything to ask, and then looked at Lin Yi who was aside.

"Ah? I can't tell, it's just a bit strange. How could a dignified lieutenant colonel appear here alone?" Lin Yi was stunned for a moment, and then expressed his inner doubts.

“Yeah, I think so too.” Meng Fangliao nodded in agreement with Lin Yi’s doubts.

 “You can find out if you go and ask.” Cun Yunsheng chuckled and made a suggestion.

"That's right." Meng Fanliao thought for a moment and couldn't figure out anything after guessing, so he might as well ask, so he simply stepped forward and stood at attention and saluted.

“Sir, why are you here alone? Which regiment are you from?”

 Seeing Meng Fansi, Long Wenwen's eyes lit up, especially when he saw that the man was also wearing Sichuan Legion clothes, he couldn't help but said excitedly.

“That’s great, that’s great. I didn’t expect someone from the Sichuan Army to escape. I am your commander, and my name is Long Wenwen.”

As soon as these words came out, Meng Fanle and everyone behind him were all turned to stone.

 They all looked at each other blankly, their minds filled with questions.


For a moment, the entire road was silent except for the chirping of birds. Everyone looked at Long Wenwen and then at Cun Yunsheng.

“Tuanzuo, someone is pretending to be you.” Lin Yi came back to his senses, immediately woke up, looked at Cun Yunsheng and whispered.

Only Long Wenwen felt something was amiss.

 You won’t admit your mistake, right?

 It shouldn’t be!

 There is a Sichuan Army Corps nearby!

These people in front of me are all wearing the clothes of the Sichuan Army. They must be the Sichuan Army.

It is impossible for me to admit my mistake.

"You said you are our leader? What evidence do you have?" Cun Yunsheng stood up with a smile on his face, looked at Long Wenwen and asked with a smile.

Long Wenwen had long realized that the man in front of him was extraordinary, but he did not have a military rank, which made him confused again.

 Considering that the other party was so young and had just joined, he didn't pay much attention.

In fact, if Long Wenwen was smarter, he would have discovered that this Sichuan Army was completely different from the Sichuan Army he knew.

 Not to mention anything else, in terms of weapons, they crushed Yu Xiaoqing's Sichuan Army.

"Is your captain's name Yu Xiaoqing?" Although Long Wenwen was a little panicked, he was still very calm on the surface, and there was no trace of any nervousness at all.

On this point, Cun Yunsheng had to give the other party a thumbs up.

When the others heard this, they instantly realized that this person was from the Yu Xiaoqing Regiment, and they mistakenly thought they were from the Yu Regiment.

Just when he was about to say something, Cun Yunsheng continued to ask.

"Then what?"

Although the members of the group didn’t understand why they asked this, everyone knew that there must be other reasons, so they all just shut up and just watched the show.

“Yesterday, a brigade of the Japanese army attacked the airport. Commander Yu led his men to block the Japanese army. He died at the airport. I am the deputy commander of the Sichuan Army. Before his death, Yu Xiaoqing gave me command of the Sichuan Army.”

“Now, I am the leader of your group.” Long Wenwen even pointed to the blood stains on his clothes to prove that he was not lying.

If Cun Yunsheng hadn't known the real details of the guy in front of him from beginning to end.

 It is possible that he was really deceived by this guy.

 That’s it for acting!

 It would be too much to not win a Best Actor.

It’s no wonder that Meng Fangliao and others in the original novel were deceived by him.

Thousands of defeated soldiers were deceived into willingly committing suicide, and in the end only about ten people survived. I'm afraid that the defeated soldiers never thought that this regiment leader was a fake until the moment they died.

 “Yu Xiaoqing is dead?” Meng Fanglia and others exclaimed before Cun Yunsheng could speak.

  Unexpectedly, the arrogant Yu Xiaoqing died?

 Fate is really tricky.

 Long Wenwen continued without waiting for others to express their feelings.

"Of course it's true. I don't need to lie to you. I really am the commander of the Sichuan Army Corps who succeeded Yu Xiaoqing. Look, is my military rank the same as Yu Xiaoqing's? There can be no mistake."

“You are all the best, the best.”

“You don’t know, I ran all the way from the airport. The British were running and the Americans were fleeing. When I heard that the Japanese troops were coming, I was frightened and had no will to fight.”

 “But I see something different from you, and that is courage.”

“It’s very good. You dare to stay and fight the Japanese army. It’s really very good.”

 “We, Longzhang, need soldiers like you.”

"I need to find the scattered Sichuan Army Corps. From now on, you will be my temporary regiment headquarters."

"Captain, from now on, you will be my messenger, responsible for driving for me." Long Wenwen's self-reflective words really shocked many people.

Especially the words he said to Meng Fanglia at the end almost made Meng Fanglia burst into rage.

I am a captain, and I am acting as a messenger?

 That’s not right either!

 Isn’t what I’m doing now just a messenger?

 For a while, Meng Fanglia even felt a little autistic.

I am so like a messenger?

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, I have to say, you are really brave enough to let my communications company commander serve as your messenger. It's great, it's really great." Cun Yunsheng looked at Long Wenwen and sighed. After a while, he immediately imitated the other person's tone.

"How about this? I am a bit rebellious as a messenger. I don't really want it anymore. How about you come and be a messenger for me?"

 “Don’t worry, it’s absolutely the best.”

At this time, no matter how stupid Long Wenwen was, he knew that he had hit a brick wall.

Especially when these people in front of him looked at him like fools, it made him feel hairy all over.

"Aren't you from the Sichuan Army?" Long Wenwen didn't answer the other party's question, but asked cautiously.

"Of course we are the Sichuan Army Corps, but the designation of my Sichuan Army Corps is the 45th Independent Regiment of the Sichuan Army, which is different from Yu Xiaoqing's Sichuan Army Corps." Cun Yunsheng looked at the other party with a smile, and what he said made Long Wen Wen's face changed.

Long Wenwen’s first reaction was to run away, but when he saw the other party pulling out a pistol and pointing it at his head, he was frightened and stayed in place.

“You idiot, you still like to use this trick to scare people.” Mi Long couldn’t help but muttered when he saw Cun Yunsheng pull out a pistol.

"Why are you running? I haven't finished speaking yet." Cun Yunsheng looked at Long Wenwen who was trying to escape and said with a half-smile.

“I don’t know, are you familiar with the Liuzhou 714 Defense Regiment? I am quite familiar with it.”

As soon as these words came out, Long Wenwen's expression completely changed, and he was no longer as calm as before.

 “Tuanzuo, what is the 714th Defense Regiment?” Meng Fanlian asked doubtfully.

Team seats!

 Long Wenwen knew why he was discovered.

 I dare to say that Li Kui met Li Gui.

 But he was very confused, why didn't the other party reveal his identity immediately?

You have to tease him to be happy?

"It's just a local militia group, but this militia group is quite unique. It compiled a very interesting military song." Cun Yunsheng didn't look at Long Wenwen's expression at all, and turned to Meng Fangliao and others.

 “Do you want to hear it?”

 “Of course I do.” Several people nodded quickly.

"Left and left, left and right, brothers from all walks of life come to join the group, wearing yellow leather, with a fire ring on their backs, leather shoes and straw sandals are all recognized."

“Left, left, left, right, left, left, right, if you are willing to play with your life, you will make a lot of money.”

  "Divide the silver reward between you and me. After eating rice noodles, we will have hot pot."

“Left and left, left and right, our Gui army has more money.”

Before the song was finished, Long Wenwen started singing along.

 “Hoo **** ho **** ho, ha ha ha ha, **** ho **** ho ho.”

Others were speechless. Is this guy too shameless?

“I didn’t expect that sir, you know our military song.” Long Wenwen changed his expression and said with an apologetic smile.

 As a result, Cun Yunsheng still ignored him and continued to talk to himself.

“Long Wenwen went to school in the 24th year of the Republic of China, joined the Guangxi Army in the 26th year, and became a member of the Guangxi 714 Garrison Regiment, and later.”

Others were attracted by Long Wenwen's resume and looked at Cun Yunsheng, as if asking, why not continue?

 “What happened next?” Meng Fangliao urged.

"Later, I stole a box of cigarettes to bribe the superior, attended the special training class for officers, and was awarded the rank of lieutenant. Finally, I bribed the superior from nowhere and became the caretaker of military supplies." After Cun Yunsheng finished speaking, he smiled half-heartedly. looking at each other.

“Mr. Long, you are a logistics quartermaster. Why did you end up on the front line instead of staying in the logistics? And you became a lieutenant colonel? Who did you bribe this time?”

"Yu Xiaoqing? He doesn't tolerate criticism. If he finds out about you, he will definitely be shot."

 Hearing that his previous experiences had been recounted, Long Wenwen was completely speechless.

I didn’t expect that when I was hunting geese all day long, I would be pecked in the eye by a goose.

"I admit defeat, but I'm curious, sir, how did you know my identity?" Long Wenwen looked confused.

You know, he has been cheating for so long and has never failed. This is the first time he has failed, so he is very curious about how the other party recognized him.

"Want to know? I won't tell you." Cun Yunsheng had a bad taste again, then looked at Long Wenwen and said again.

"Tell me, why do you want to impersonate Yu Xiaoqing? And also spread rumors that he is dead?"

It’s the fifth update! I am really tired from writing today! No more updates in the early morning! Put it to tomorrow! sleepy!



 (End of this chapter)

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