The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 72: I regret being the same Yu Xiaoqing!

Chapter 72: Regret for being the same Yu Xiaoqing!

"Sir, I'm not really pretending." Long Wenwen wanted to defend himself, but when he saw the dark muzzle of the gun, he changed his face and said.

"Well, except for the fact that he pretended to be the captain, everything else is true. The airport was indeed lost. The British are running, the Americans are also escaping, and the Yu regiment who was responsible for the blocking is also escaping."

"So, you took off someone else's clothes on the road? You just saw the rank of lieutenant colonel and thought they belonged to Yu Xiaoqing?" Cun Yunsheng sneered.

"You are really brave. You dare to impersonate Yu Xiaoqing. Do you know the consequences of impersonating him?"

 “I tell you, there is only one way to die.”

"He is such a proud person, and he will never remain indifferent to rumors being spread like this."

“Boy, what is the crime of pretending to be a superior, spreading rumors and causing trouble, and spreading false news?”

Meng Fan was agitated and said quickly.

 “According to military law, shoot to death.”

Hearing this, Long Wenwen's expression changed and he shouted quickly.

“Sir, you have no right to shoot me. I am not a soldier of your regiment, so you cannot shoot me.”

Didn't he pretend to be Yu Xiaoqing just to survive?

Now that you're going to be shot, what's the point of pretending?

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng glanced at him unexpectedly. Unexpectedly, this guy's reaction ability was quite fast.

“Master, what he said is right. You really have no power to deal with him. If you want to shoot him, you have to agree with Yu Xiaoqing.” Meng Fangliao said honestly.

"I know, but no one will care if there is one more corpse in this barren mountain." Cun Yunsheng's words made Long Wenwen's face turn pale.


Meet a rogue person.

 I am just pretending to be Yu Xiaoqing. As for such a big hatred, is there such a big hatred?

Moreover, it was also the first time for me to meet the other party, so why was there such a big hatred?

 Have you ever deceived him before?

 It shouldn’t be!

“Sir, we are all expeditionary troops, it’s not like that, it’s really not like that.” Long Wenwen begged for mercy.

He knew that the other party was right. There were many corpses in the barren mountains and no one really cared about whether he was killed by the Japanese army or by his own people.

Without looking at Meng Fan, the others whistled and looked at the sky, pretending not to hear what the other party said.

 He is not a fool. If the other party really wanted to kill him, he would have done it long ago.

Why wait until now!

 So, the other party must have something to ask for from him.

"Sir, I admit defeat. You haven't decided to kill me yet. You must think I'm useful. Why don't you bring it up? Let me see if I can do it?" Long Wenwen asked tentatively.

 O wise man!

As expected of a dog, he can turn his face faster than turning the pages of a book.

Just for this job, if you have the ability to bend and stretch, Cun Yunsheng must be included under his command.

"That's great. You're a little smart. You can still see that I don't want to kill you? You know, I hate people guessing my thoughts." Cun Yunsheng said while opening the safety cover.

 Seeing this scene, Long Wenwen was trembling with fear.

 Did you guess wrong?

In fact, Cun Yunsheng was beating him, and he gave this guy some color and climbed up along the pole.

 If he doesn’t hammer it properly now, it will give him all kinds of headaches in the future.

 The old Mysterious Dragon was like this. After beating him a lot, now he didn’t dare to be so bold in front of him.

“Sir, sir, I was wrong. I will definitely do whatever you asked me to do.” Long Wenwen begged again.

Who wants to die if you can live?

He pretended to be the leader, wasn't it just to survive?

"Yes, it's much more pleasing to the eye this time. Didn't I say it? I feel a little disgusted with my messenger. From now on, you will be my messenger, within three meters. If it is more than three meters, my gun will not be used." Recognize me." Cun Yunsheng said with a smile.

Meng Fan next to him was speechless for a while, as his family always had so much bad taste.

"Yes, regimental leader, I will be your loyal messenger from now on. Whatever you say will be whatever you say." Long Wenwen stood at attention and saluted.

“Tanzuo, can you tell me where I was exposed?”

This question has been surrounding Long Wenzhang. He didn't want to understand where he was exposed.

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng looked at it and said disdainfully.

“Have you ever seen a regiment leader carrying so many weapons?”

“It’s a shell gun, a rifle, and what’s more, it’s carrying a machine gun on its back.”

“If you want to pretend to be the leader, you have to change these bad habits.”

 “You are a commander, not a big soldier, and you need to carry so many weapons.”

Long Wenwen blushed when he was told this. He just felt that carrying more weapons would give him a sense of security. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be the biggest flaw.

 “Then how do you know my origin?” This question not only puzzled Long Wen Zhang, but also made others curious.

Had it not been for a sudden change, they might have been deceived.

 After all, this guy talks so much that they really can’t tell which sentence is true.

“Let me introduce myself, the 45th Independent Regiment of the Sichuan Army. My name is Cun Yunsheng.” Cun Yunsheng looked at the other party with a half-smile but not a smile.

 “Cunjia, Tengchong, Dian Province?”

“Colonel Lei Yunxingfu at Lei Yun Airport is yours?” Long Wenwen blurted out.

 “My uncle.”

"No wonder, no wonder you were able to tell me the truth." Long Wenwen finally knew why he was exposed. He could only shake his head and sigh, he was really unlucky.

"Okay, from now on, put away your deceptive tricks and serve me properly." Cun Yunsheng glared angrily. In other words, the eight sons of the Cun family are under the command of different miscellaneous armies, and they are well informed. Otherwise, it would be really difficult to fool the other party.

 “Yes, Tuanzuo.” Long Wenwen cheered up and answered.

"Tell me, what's the current situation of the Yu regiment." Cun Yunsheng began to return to the topic. He had been coveting the Yu regiment for a long time. He believed that with Yu Xiaoqing's ability, the soldiers he recruited would definitely be good.

"What else can we do? Just scatter and flee. The Japanese army suddenly attacked Tangji, and the British army retreated in panic. The back road was blocked. Yu Xiaoqing could only lead his troops to break out. Now he doesn't know whether he will live or die. Otherwise, I wouldn't dare to impersonate him." Long Wenwen held up his hands. After a while, he said helplessly.

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng nodded, which was pretty much what he had guessed.

Had it not been for the retreat of the British army, with Yu Xiaoqing's ability, it should be no problem to hold on to the position.

 You may not like his pride, but you cannot deny his ability to lead troops.

"Where is the airport? Is it still in the hands of the British army?" Cun Yunsheng asked again.

"It should be in the hands of the British army. The fortifications of the airport are very strong. The Japanese army attacked lightly and did not carry many heavy weapons. It is impossible to take down the airport."

“So the Japanese army directly abandoned the airport and pursued the main force of the British army.” Long Wenwen’s military literacy was still very good and his mind was very flexible. He made a judgment based on the general information.

"Well, that's a good analysis, but there's one thing you're wrong about." Cun Yunsheng nodded, then shook his head to deny the other person's opinion.

 “What’s wrong?” Long Wenwen looked at the other party in confusion.

"It's not that the airport can't be chewed off, but the Japanese army doesn't think it can easily capture the airport. In fact, the Japanese army only needs to send a small team to capture the airport." Cun Yunsheng said calmly.

"How is this possible? The airport is heavily guarded. In addition to solid fortifications, there are also heavy artillery. It is impossible for a small team to take down the airport." Long Wenwen has attended an officer training class. Naturally, he knows that having powerful fortifications and heavy artillery is by no means a simple task. The team can take it down.

"You are right, but you have overlooked one point, that is, the British army has no will to fight, and will even choose to surrender as soon as they see the Japanese army." Cun Yunsheng shook his head and said.

"This..." Long Wenwen hesitated. The performance of the British army was indeed beyond his expectation.

Retired without fighting, not even caring about the life or death of his allies, and ran away alone. As a result, Yu Tuan was attacked from both sides and could only flee in a hurry.

"You are wandering around here. Are there any soldiers from the Yu regiment nearby?" Cun Yunsheng didn't want to argue with the other party. He would know later.

"Yes, more than a thousand people fled in a panic at that time, and many people went directly into the woods. I guess they were nearby." Long Wenwen said honestly.

 “Dong Dao.”


“Spread out the entire reconnaissance company, search the surroundings, and bring back all the people who meet the Yu regiment.” Cun Yunsheng turned to look at Dong Dao aside and said.

“Yes.” Dong Dao responded immediately.

“Besides the Japanese army, what else did we encounter?” Cun Yunsheng asked again.

“Hey, stop talking, those **** natives, report all our whereabouts to the Japanese army, otherwise the Japanese army will never know those trails.”

"The position defended by the Yu regiment happened to be the intersection that the Japanese army must pass through on their way north, but they actually went around behind us. Only the local aborigines know this kind of path." Long Wenwen couldn't help spitting, otherwise, the Yu regiment wouldn't have known it. Why do you need to do these little tricks when you lose so quickly?

Hearing this, Meng Fangliao and others looked at each other in shock. Unexpectedly, what Cun Yunsheng said before setting off came true.

 What awaits Yu Tuan is indeed a hellish situation.

 The unreliability of the British, the betrayal of the natives, and the powerful Japanese army.

Yu Tuan can be said to be besieged on all sides.

They are now very curious about what Yu Xiaoqing thinks.

 What other ideas could it be?

 I regret it!

 Especially Zhang Lixian and He Shuguang, they really regretted not taking Cun Yunsheng's words seriously.

The British army is simply unreliable!

 Don’t trust the British army easily!

There are also those natives who only hate us and don’t have much favorable impressions of us, so we must be careful.

Thinking of this, several people's intestines turned green with regret.

 Out of the group, only a few dozen people are left, and the others have all fled.

 Without a single shot, the Sichuan Army is gone.

 Speaking out, it will be humiliating enough.

At this moment, Yu Xiaoqing's face was so gloomy that no one dared to touch his brow at this time.

"Damn British troops, **** natives, a bunch of **** things." After a long time, Yu Xiaoqing said through gritted teeth.

The battle that I had high hopes for ended in such an anticlimactic end.

Not only that, he also lost a whole regiment of people.

Thinking of this, Yu Xiaoqing wanted to pull out a gun, point it at her temple and shoot herself.

 Actually, Yu Xiaoqing doesn’t need to.

 Those who are worse off than him are still behind.

One hundred thousand expeditionary troops entered Burma, but in the end less than half of them returned, and many middle- and senior-level officers were killed.

 He just lost a miscellaneous group, it’s really nothing.

“Tuanzuo, what should we do now?” Zhang Lixian asked cautiously.

 “Go back to Lashio first.” Yu Xiaoqing took a deep breath and said immediately.

“I must report the situation here to the Allied Forces Command in detail.”

I worked until seven o'clock and slept for a full eight hours. I finally recovered and will continue to update today!



 (End of this chapter)

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