The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 73: Either accept the reorganization or get out!

Chapter 73 Either accept the reorganization or get out!

"Why did you recruit us?" A dozen of the soldiers who fled in panic looked at Dong Jian in front of them and said with dissatisfaction.

 “Hmph, a bunch of deserters, where do all this nonsense come from?”

"Disarm you if I ask you to." Dong Jian frowned slightly, raised his hand, and all the men behind him raised their guns.

“I will count to three, and all those who do not disarm will be shot on the spot.”

 “Why should we be shot?” One of the defeated soldiers scratched his neck and said in dissatisfaction.

"I suspect that you are Japanese soldiers pretending to be Japanese soldiers, what? Is this a valid reason?" Dong Jian yelled.

According to Cun Yunsheng's order, the broken soldiers found must be carefully screened to prevent Japanese troops from impersonating them.

The best way is to take off your pants to check, because no one likes wearing a kid’s diaper.

"䱱..." The defeated soldier wanted to argue a few words, but he saw that the opponent's bullet was loaded and the safety was pulled open. I'm afraid that if he said any more nonsense, he would be greeted by cold bullets.

"Hand over your gun, a gun without bullets is worse than a fire stick." The defeated soldiers found a step for themselves, and the other soldiers obediently handed over their guns.

Scenes like this were staged in several places. Due to the Japanese raid, the Yu regiments fled in all directions, so there were many defeated troops of the Yu regiments in the dense forest.

 They hid in the woods in the hope that they would come up to the peak to collect the defeated troops.

Who knew that he would be recruited by other regiments? I felt very conflicted for a while.

 “Tuanzu, these hundreds of people are soldiers of the Yu regiment.” Dong Jian pointed at the hundreds of broken soldiers in front of him and said.

Cun Yunsheng, with Long Wenwen and others, frowned as he looked at the hundreds of defeated soldiers in front of him.

“The Yu regiment of more than a thousand people was defeated at this point?”

This time he is trying to devour at least a thousand people.

 In the end, there were just over a hundred people?

 Where are the beggars sent?

 At the time of the original work, Long Wenwen's defeated troops numbered nearly 2,000.

 So, he was a little dissatisfied.

 “Let the person with the highest rank stand up, I want to ask questions.”


 Soon a lieutenant came to Cun Yunsheng, stood at attention and saluted.

“Temporarily organized 55th Division, Lieutenant and Deputy Commander of the Third Infantry Company, Yang Chuan, met with the commander.”

“Temporary 55th Division?”

 Not only was Cun Yunsheng a little confused, but the others were also at a loss, especially Dong Jian, whose head was buzzing.

 Aren’t you from Yu Tuan?

 Why did a temporary 55th Division appear again?

 Do you doubt your ability?

 For a while, Dong Jian was a little confused.

Cun Yunsheng didn't think too much, but looked at the other person, frowned slightly, and spoke slowly after a long time.

 “Have you lost Luoyikao?”

“Yes.” Yang Chuan lowered his head and said sheepishly.

“No, not even one of your divisions withstood the Japanese attack?” Long Wenwen found it a bit strange.

“Fuck you, I know why the Japanese army got behind Tang Ji. It’s because your temporary 55th Division failed to hold the line of defense.”

As he spoke, Long Wenwen felt something was wrong. He was still wondering why the Japanese army suddenly raided behind Yu Tuan with light armor.

Normally speaking, there is another line of defense to the south of Tangji, which is Luo Yikao, which is temporarily defended by the 55th Division. This is the only way to Lashio.

As long as they hold here, the Japanese army will not be able to move northward in a short time.

The expeditionary force can then mobilize its troops calmly and stop the Japanese army.

The results of it?

After Tonggu was lost for three days, the Japanese army rushed to Tangji. The Yu regiment was even more confused and dispersed.

 Such a frustrating battle naturally made Long Wenwen very angry.

"You can't blame us. The Japanese army's firepower is too strong. Our temporary 55th Division is a newly formed unit. Shangfeng clearly uses us as cannon fodder."

“We also want to hold our position, but our troops are disorganized and poorly equipped. How can we fight?” Yang Chuan argued.

"Why don't you report to the summit? You know, what does this mean? Once Lashio is taken, all the expeditionary forces in the east will be finished, including us." Long Wenwen said angrily.

This hat was a bit too big, and Yang Chuan was too frightened to answer.

"Why are you scaring people? It's not that exaggerated. I think you are just greedy for life and afraid of death. If you lose it in Lashio, just throw it away." Cun Yunsheng looked very indifferent, not panicking at all. After scolding Long Wenwen, he continued asked.

“Although the temporary 55th Division is a newly formed unit, Shangfeng should have equipped you with the radio stations you should have, right?”

"We are equipped, but our troops are too dispersed. The Japanese troops rushed directly to the division headquarters in trucks and under the cover of tanks. They fled in a panic before they had time to send a report." Yang Chuan's voice became softer as he spoke.

“Your radio station and code book were all captured by the Japanese army, right?” Meng Fanlao immediately sensed something was wrong and asked quickly.

“It should be, I don’t know.” Yang Chuan was not sure.

"Don't think about it, the radio station and the code book must have been captured by the Japanese army." Cun Yunsheng still looked calm and unfazed at all.

“Tuanzuo, you are not panic at all. If the little devil determines our position through our telegram, it will be over.” Meng Fangliao said angrily.

"Boss, you know, here in Dian Province, basically every village has an accent. Do you know what it means?" Cun Yunsheng looked at the other person and said calmly. “It means that we can have dozens of codebooks, and even with the little kid’s brains, it will be impossible to guess it until death.”

Meng Fan thought about it and it was true that there were so many dialects in various places that it was impossible for a kid to master them all.

 If nothing else, Dong Dao communicated with Dong Jian in the Dian dialect, but he couldn't understand a word of it.

There is also Lin Yi. When he speaks Shanghainese very fast, it is like listening to a book from heaven.

Not to mention, the Cantonese word for "snake's butt" is even more confusing.

“Sir, you really can’t blame our temporary 55th Division for this matter. We are just a cannon fodder division, with only seven or eight thousand people in total, and we don’t even have two thousand rifles. How can we be our opponents in the face of the heavily armed Japs?”

“And the original mission of our temporary 55th Division was to prevent the Myanmar Independence Volunteer Army from harassing the supply line.”

"It's okay to deal with those stragglers, but there's really nothing we can do against the Japanese 56th Division." Yang Chuan wanted to explain something, but was interrupted by Cun Yunsheng.

"Okay, I understand." Of course Cun Yunsheng knew that the temporary 55th Division could not be blamed for this incident. No one expected that the Japanese offensive would be so fast.

 Otherwise, it would be impossible for a cannon fodder division to stop the elite Japanese troops.

As Yang Chuan said, it's okay to deal with the stragglers, but it's pure nonsense to fight a tough battle.

Stilwell of the Allied Forces Command did not see it that way. He believed that the Japanese offensive was so fast that it could only be due to the incompetence of the expeditionary force.

  He didn’t know what kind of cannon fodder division the temporary 55th Division was.

 So they must bear the blame.

This is also the reason why Yang Chuan pretended to be Yu Tuan at the beginning. He was afraid of being beaten to death by Yu Tuan's people.

Wouldn’t it be the incompetence of the temporary 55th Division that would lead to the Yu regiment being surrounded by the Japanese army?

“Tuanzuo, what should we do next?” Meng Fanlao asked.

 Now that Tang Ji is lost, if you want to go around it, you will definitely not be able to do so.

 They don’t want to stay in this **** jungle for a moment.

 If nothing else, the Americans can hardly stand it.

More than once, they protested that they didn’t want to eat some weird things.

Although the craftsmanship of the snake **** is good, there are some things that really challenge human taste buds.

"Go to the airport first. There should be supplies there." Cun Yunsheng thought for a while and decided to go to the airport first.

"Ah? Die la die la, didn't you say that the Japanese army has occupied that area?" Cun Yunsheng thought it was too troublesome to shout Long Wenwen, so he gave him a nickname, "die la die la".

Originally Long Wenwen expressed his protest, but Cun Yunsheng said that if he had not shown such kindness, the other party would have died long ago, so regardless of whether he agreed or not, he was just called dead.

His arm couldn't twist his thigh, so Long Wenwen had no choice but to admit it, so Meng Fanlie and others followed suit.

"He only said that it was possible to be captured, but it was not really captured. Besides, even if it was captured, how many Japanese troops would there be? A squadron of more than 200 people would be killed. How many of us would there be? More than 2,000 people. Are you afraid of this little devil?" Cun Yunsheng said angrily.

 Seeing that everyone in my group said this, a few people no longer objected.

“Sir, what should we do?” Yang Chuan looked at the people in front of him who seemed to have forgotten them, and couldn’t help but remind him aloud.

"I have just formed a supplementary battalion. You all go to the supplementary camp and wait until the relevant training is completed before you are incorporated into other battalions." Cun Yunsheng looked at the more than a hundred people in front of him and said with a big wave of his hand.

Hearing that they were really going to be recruited, Yang Chuan was stunned, and then said excitedly.

“Sir, we are temporarily part of the 55th Division. If you want to recruit us...”

“What’s wrong with the temporary 55th Division? It’s just a cannon fodder division. Does it really take itself seriously?”

“Either accept the reorganization or get out, choose one.” Cun Yunsheng was too lazy to talk nonsense with them and said straightforwardly.

Hearing what Cun Yunsheng said, Yang Chuan blushed and wanted to say something, but was annoyed by Meng who continued to mock him.

"Do you feel wronged by being recruited by us? Do you know who we are? Have you seen the Sichuan Army Corps, which is directly under the Allied Forces Command? Do you have all American equipment? Have you seen it?"

Yang Chuan, who was originally blushing, didn't know what to say.

“A bunch of idiots, do you understand what it means to be directly under the Allied Forces Command? There are countless beautiful weapons and equipment, endless bullets, and artillery fire that can support you at any time.”

I have to say that Meng Fangliao’s mouth was really powerful. The soldiers who were still a little dissatisfied were instantly attracted by it.

Especially those soldiers who were holding rifles made in Hanyang couldn't help but feel angry when they looked at the rifles with smooth rifling in their hands.

They are all soldiers, why is there such a big gap?

"Think about it carefully. This is Burma. Japanese troops are everywhere. It's still hundreds of kilometers away from Tengchong. If you don't follow us, just your troops will be defeated. Whether you can go back alive is another matter." These words are completely different. Break down their psychological defenses.

 After everyone looked at each other, they chose to join the Sichuan Army.

“Fan La, I didn’t expect that you are really smart with your bad mouth. I’m going to make you a communications company commander.” Cun Yunsheng couldn’t help but give Meng Fan La a thumbs up.

"No, no, no, compared to you, I'm still far behind, and I still need to learn more." Meng Fanlao shook his head quickly, but he knew that his group member was certainly not holding anything back when he spoke like this.

As expected, Cun Yunsheng could not allow him to refuse.

"It just so happens that you are no longer in the position of messenger. You are not so busy anymore. From now on, you will be responsible for reorganizing the defeated soldiers. You must tell them carefully and make sure you explain clearly the welfare benefits of our Sichuan Army."

Hearing this, Meng Fangli's face suddenly looked like a bitter gourd. He knew that something was wrong, but he couldn't refuse, so he could only say weakly.

 “Yes, Tuanzuo.”

   Change first and later, there will be more later!



 (End of this chapter)

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