The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 75: No, I cannot accept your surrender!

Chapter 75 No, I cannot accept your surrender!

“Tsk, tsk, tsk, how do you think the British will welcome us?” Cun Yunsheng looked at the airport getting closer and closer, turned to Long Wenwen and others and said.

Hearing this, Long Wenwen and others looked puzzled. A welcome ceremony?

“Tuanzi, are you dizzy from hunger? Will you still welcome us? With the way the British guy looks at people with his nostrils turned upward, it’s good to be able to let us in.” Long Wenwen didn’t have a good look on the British guy.

Yu Tuan was severely harassed by the British in Tangji.

“I think the British guys must have dressed up to welcome us. After all, we saved them.” Meng Fangli felt that if he were a British guy, he would definitely treat his saviors like his own father and provide for them.

 “Fanla is right, the British people will definitely line up to welcome him at this time.” Milong also agreed with Meng Fanla’s view.

“You all think so?” Cun Yunsheng glanced at the crowd and asked.

"Isn't it?" Lin Yi was also confused. Normally, it must be a welcome ceremony.

  Without answering his question, Cun Yunsheng looked at Steve standing aside.

“Steve, how do you think the proud British army will welcome us?”

"It should be flowers and applause. After all, we are heroes, and we must treat heroes with a very grand welcome ceremony." Steve thought with European and American thinking.

Only Cun Yunsheng shook his head and said with a sneer.

 “Steve, if you dare to make a bet, just one dollar.”

 “What are you betting on?” Steve asked curiously.

Others also looked curious, wondering what their group was up to.

"Believe it or not, the current British army must be holding a white flag. When they see us, they will beat gongs and drums, and then bend down and surrender." Cun Yunsheng's words directly made Steve's eyes widen, and he looked in disbelief. Looking at each other.

Even Long Wenwen and others were directly petrified. This is really nonsense.

“Tuanzi, you must be hungry and dizzy. Go and get some snake soup for the leader to replenish your appetite. What you made last time didn’t work.” Meng Fan said and shouted towards Ma Dazhi.

"Surrender? How is this possible? The airport has complete fortifications, and it is absolutely no problem to block a large group of Japanese troops." Lin Yi shook his head with a look of disbelief.

 “There is absolutely no need to surrender.”

"I don't think it's possible either." Meng Fanxiao hesitated for a while, then shook his head.

Although the British army is unreliable, this kind of voluntary surrender is really nonsense.

Moreover, he surrendered to the expeditionary force. This is no joke.

"Sir, I think what you said is too unrealistic. Although the British army is not good at combat, it is the world's largest power after all, and it still has the backbone it should have." Steve's impression of the British army still remains in the past, so He didn't believe what Cun Yunsheng said either.

"Okay, then the bet is established. Steve will give me one dollar if he loses. What about the others? Will they work as cows and horses for me for the rest of their lives?" Cun Yunsheng looked at everyone's disbelief and did not refute, but was happy He said after seeing the success.

"Being a cow and a horse for the rest of your life?" After hearing this, several people looked at each other, and they suddenly felt that this bet was not too big.

 “How about changing our seats?” Meng Fangliao reminded him kindly.

"What? Are you unsure? Do you think the British army might do something like this?" Cun Yunsheng said with a smile.

Hearing this, several people looked at each other and then nodded heavily.

"We agreed, but what if you lose?" Meng Fanlao asked.

 “No, there’s no way I can lose.”

 “Why?” Meng Fangliao asked relentlessly.

"Because no one knows the British army better than me." Cun Yunsheng said confidently.

 As for who knows the British army best in this era, I am afraid he is the only one, so he will not lose.

Everyone thought that Cun Yunsheng was crazy, but they didn’t say much and continued to move towards the airport.

 But when they arrived at the airport gate, they felt very strange.

 There isn’t even a guard. Is this still the heavily guarded airport?

You can’t really be guessed by your own group, right?

 Several people were thinking with extremely ugly expressions.

Beside him, Steve was also a little confused.

No way!

 You actually lost?

Is this still the army of the world’s largest power?

Although the British army is somewhat unreliable, many people have not experienced it personally.

At this moment, music from trumpets, snare drums and other Western instruments sounded from the airport in the distance.

 Steve, who was familiar with British military music, suddenly changed his expression.

  《The Upside Down World》

During the American Revolutionary War, this song was played when the British troops surrendered.

  Unexpectedly, he could hear this song now. For a moment, Steve felt that the scene in front of him was a bit ridiculous.

“Sir, maybe you are right, the British army is really ready to surrender to us.”

"They are simply a disgrace to the military. They chose to surrender without firing a shot." Steve said very sadly.

Although according to the laws of war in Europe and the United States, surrendering on the battlefield is not a shameful thing. Even after the war is over, you can still be treated like a hero when you go back.

 But that would only happen after all the ammunition and food were exhausted. It would be too shameful to surrender before even a shot was fired.

This is hard for Steve, a Yankee, to accept.

Others didn't look very good when they heard this. They didn't expect the British guy to actually choose to surrender.

At this time, a group of British troops came towards them in full force.

 From their advancing queue, it can be seen that the spirit of this British army is still very good.

This makes Long Wenwen and the others even more confused. Why should they surrender? Under the illumination of the lights at the gate, the British army walked towards them holding white flags and beating gongs and drums.

Colonel Rogers, who was walking in front of the team, was full of confidence. He believed that the Japanese army would be moved by his sincerity.

 After all, such a ceremonial surrender scene is rare.

As everyone knows, the next scene will be ridiculous.

"Your Excellency, I am Colonel Rogers of the Airport Guard Regiment. According to the rules of engagement, from now on, I will lead my men to surrender to you. I hope you can follow the Geneva Convention and protect our private property from infringement. This is the list." Colonel Rogers came to Cun Yunsheng and handed over the list and supplies list that he had already prepared.

Although he was curious about why the officer in front of him was so young, he didn't think much about it. Instead, he handed over his gun according to the surrender rules.

 The expressions of Meng Fangliao and others next to them almost turned into masks of pain.

  It’s really funny.

 Don’t the British army know what the Japanese army looks like?

 Actually, the British army really didn’t know what the Japanese army looked like.

 For them, there is really no difference between the expeditionary force and the Japanese army.

 The only difference may be that these people in front of me are all equipped with art equipment.

However, Colonel Rogers only regarded it as weapons and equipment captured by the Japanese army.

 After all, many towns have British arsenals. It is normal for the Japanese army to capture some weapons.

Looking at Colonel Rogers in front of him, for a moment, Cun Yunsheng really wanted to take the gun and tell him that you were captured.

 But he knew that he absolutely could not do this.

 After all, the two sides are still allies. If this is done, the British army will definitely go crazy, and even Stilwell will not be able to protect him.

 Don't doubt the British army's determination to deal with their allies. They can't defeat the Japanese army.

 But making your own allies is definitely first-rate.

 After all, the French army is a lesson learned from the past.

 To put it bluntly, I can’t defeat the Japanese army. How many allies can’t I win?

 Otherwise, where would I be able to put my face as the boss of the world?

 So the clouds cannot stimulate the British army.

However, there still needs to be some sarcasm.

"I'm sorry, Colonel Rogers, but I cannot accept your surrender." Cun Yunsheng said in fluent English.

 Colonel Rogers couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that Cun Yunsheng could speak English. It would be easier to communicate with him if he knew English.

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong with our surrender ceremony?" Colonel Rogers doubted everything, but he didn't doubt that the people in front of him were not Japanese soldiers.

"No, no, no, your surrender ceremony is completely fine, even very good, but I cannot accept your surrender." Cun Yunsheng shook his head and said.

 At this time, Colonel Rogers was even more confused, and the others were also very anxious.

Especially Meng Fanxiao, he didn’t know what his group wanted to do.

 Do you want to humiliate the British army?

These British gentlemen are not so easy to mess with.

Maybe, they will all suffer.

 “Why?” Colonel Rogers asked in confusion.

"Because we are not the Japanese army, we are an expeditionary force. I have never heard of the British army surrendering to its allies."

"But, today I opened my eyes." After seeing the teasing, Cun Yunsheng shook his head and told the truth, but the last sentence was in Chinese, because Cun Yunsheng had already seen Colonel Rogers' expression about to become furious, So it was changed to Chinese.

"Bastards, bastards, you bastards, I must accuse you to my superiors. You dare to pretend to be Japanese soldiers and deceive us." When he knew that the group of people in front of him were not Japanese soldiers, Colonel Rogers immediately changed his expression and jumped. Get up and shout insults.

He used all the insulting words, but Cun Yunsheng's expression became colder and colder.

"Colonel Rogers, I want to correct you. From the beginning to the end, we never pretended to be Japanese troops, but you mistakenly regarded us as Japanese troops."

“Colonel Rogers, can you answer a question for me?”

“Why did your troops surrender without firing a shot?”

"One more thing is that the Japanese army has not joined the Geneva Convention. You don't even know this basic common sense? I doubt whether you are capable of serving as a senior officer like a colonel."

Cun Yunsheng's words were like a knife thrust into Colonel Rogers' chest, making him furious.

"Assholes, I must accuse you, please leave my airport now, assholes." Colonel Rogers felt that today must be his worst day, and he actually surrendered to friendly forces.

If others find out, he will definitely lose all face and even become a joke.

 Especially those **** Yankees.

"Captain Steve, did you hear that? Colonel Rogers actually asked us to leave the airport and refused friendly forces to enter the airport. Does it mean that the British army has betrayed the Allies?" Cun Yunsheng did not pay attention to his words, but looked towards Steve behind him.

At this moment, Steve looked at Cun Yunsheng with a complicated expression.

"Colonel Rogers, I will report all your performance to the Allied Forces Command."

Hearing this, Colonel Rogers was immediately stunned. He did not expect that there would be Americans in the expeditionary force in front of him.

 I am really embarrassed this time.

 At that moment, Colonel Rogers even wanted to silence him.

 “Who the **** are you?” Colonel Rogers yelled, suppressing his inner anger.

"Since I introduced you, the 45th Independent Regiment of the Sichuan Army is currently under the command of the Allied Forces Command. My name is Cun Yunsheng." Cun Yunsheng looked at Colonel Rogers in front of him and said expressionlessly.

  The old rules should be changed first and then changed!



 (End of this chapter)

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