Chapter 76 There is a price to pay for arrogance!

"What, are you the Sichuan Army Corps?" Colonel Rogers had naturally heard of this unit directly under the Allied Forces, but he did not expect that the other party would actually come to his airport.

And he also knew one thing, that is, the Japanese army was looking for this unit like crazy.

 Because the Japanese army lost a regiment and even a colonel was killed in battle.

Such an astonishing record naturally attracted the attention of the Allied high-level officials.

"Yes, I am that Sichuan regiment. It seems that Colonel Rogers has heard my name." Cun Yunsheng had a faint smile on his face, and he did not seem to be angry at the previous insult.

This made Lin Yi and others very confused, when did his family become so good-tempered.

However, Long Wenwen felt that Cun Yunsheng was more flexible and flexible than him.

Only Meng Fanlie knew that his family was definitely harboring something bad.

The British guy in front of me is definitely in trouble.

“I heard it, but I also know that the Japanese army is chasing you. I didn’t expect you to come here.”

"But again, you are not welcome here. Please take your men and leave the airport." Colonel Rogers refused ruthlessly.

Hearing this, Captain Steve roared angrily.

“Colonel Rogers, we are the Allied Forces. You cannot deny the Allied Forces the right to enter the airport. I will definitely complain to the Allied Forces Command about your behavior.”

 “Hmph, then go ahead, you are not welcome here.” How could Colonel Rogers allow the other party to station at the airport after losing such a big face?

 He doesn’t want to see the other person’s face at all now.

"Boy, send a telegram to General Stilwell and explain everything here in detail. Captain Steve, do you have anything to add?" Cun Yunsheng was too lazy to coddle him. If he hadn't considered the alliance between the two parties, he would have I wish I could just kill the guy in front of me.

 So, he left this problem to Stilwell and let him solve it.

“In addition, the telegram must specifically state that we are now running out of ammunition and food, and the British army refuses our entry, suspecting that they want to use the hands of the Japanese army to eliminate us.”

“Remember, you have to say it’s very miserable, understand?” Cun Yunsheng pulled Meng Fanlao over and warned him in particular.

Hearing this, Meng Fangli couldn’t help but give a thumbs up, he’d better play alone.

 The telegram soon reached Stilwell's hands.

If it was just Cun Yunsheng's unilateral explanation, he might doubt the authenticity of the telegram.

 After all, it is too ridiculous for the British army to surrender to friendly forces.

 But there is Steve’s signature on the back of the telegram, indicating that it is true.

Now the British army still refuses allies access to the airport, which makes Stilwell extremely angry.

 But he knew that matters involving the British army were not easy to deal with.

Suppressing the anger in his heart, Stilwell found Lord Alexander and slapped the telegram directly in front of him. Unfortunately, Lord Alexander seemed to have known about it for a long time and had no expression at all.

"General Stilwell, I already understand the cause and effect of this matter. The expeditionary force pretended to be the Japanese army, making Colonel Rogers mistakenly believe that it was the Japanese army, so he surrendered." Lord Alexander's understatement made Stilwell Wei is extremely angry.

Had it not been for Steve's testimony, he might have believed it.

"Your Excellency, my instructors are also in the Sichuan Army. They witnessed this scene with their own eyes. Has the great British Army begun to confuse right and wrong now?"

 At these words, the corners of Alexander's mouth twitched slightly, and he could only continue speaking bravely.

"General Stilwell, I think this matter is just a misunderstanding. There is no need to go online. In the evening in Myanmar, there will be fog. It is normal for Colonel Rogers to think that the Sichuan Army is the Japanese army, but the Sichuan Army did not explain it in time. I think Colonel Rogers did the right thing."

Even if the British army was wrong, Alexander would not admit it.

Just as Cun Yunsheng guessed, if you can't deal with the British army, how can you deal with a few allies?

What's more, this ally is something that the British army has always looked down upon.

 So the British army will not admit this mistake.

 This is the arrogant British army.

If it were another person, Stilwell would definitely point at the other person's nose and scold him, but Lord Alexander, he must restrain his temper.

 This is why one division of the expeditionary force failed to block the Japanese surprise attack, and he wanted to shoot them.

There is a reason why more than 10,000 British troops were scared away by more than 1,000 Japanese troops, but they were not punished.

 To put it bluntly, they don’t really care about the expeditionary force from the bottom of their hearts.

 So the treatment received is also different.

"Your Majesty, I think we are here to help the British Empire hold on to the colony of Burma, but what you have done makes it impossible for us to see any hope." Stilwell took a deep breath and decided to persuade him from another angle.

  Unfortunately, Lord Alexander was not moved at all.

 In other words, the British Empire simply looked down upon such a colony.

Had it not been for the oil fields here, which were somewhat valuable, the British army would have given up long ago.

 So, for this reason, Alexander would not waver at all.

Especially when the Japanese army raided Tangji and pointed their troops directly at Lashio, they strengthened their determination to evacuate to India.

“General Stilwell, our Prime Minister has agreed with my decision to abandon Burma, so it doesn’t matter whether we keep it or not.”

“And judging from the current situation, it is impossible to defend it. The Japanese army’s attack speed is too fast.”

“As long as they capture Lashio, all the tens of thousands of expeditionary troops on the eastern front will be finished.” Lord Alexander is not a fool, so he can naturally see this.

Hearing this, General Stilwell looked at the other party, waiting for his next words.

"So I suggest that the United States can completely transfer military aid to North Africa, where your assistance is more needed." "After all, the threat from the German army is greater, and the Far East is useless."

“As long as we can defeat the German army, we can take back the Far East at any time.” Lord Alexander said in a persuasive way.

Hearing this, Stilwell took a deep look, then shook his head and refused.

“I am only the chief of staff of the Southeast Asian theater and have no right to decide these things. You should talk to those in the White House.”

 Lord Alexander was not surprised by this, but changed his tone.

"I know that I didn't let you be transferred to North Africa openly. You can use the black market to smuggle some weapons."

“You know, the situation over there is also very critical. The German offensive is too fierce.”

“We also need a lot of weapons and equipment over there.”

 “Especially tanks, and anti-aircraft weapons.”

Stilwell suddenly realized that this guy wanted him to smuggle weapons together.

If he really did it for money, he could indeed do it, but I'm sorry, he didn't do it for money.

 Everything he did was for America.

  Or the interests of the entire Far East.

Everyone knew that the British Empire was about to decline.

 The interests of these colonies require new empires to take over.

So the current policy of the US military is to first deal with the Japanese army in the Pacific, and then wait until the fight in Europe is almost done before sending troops.

 Coupled with the fact that Britain and France are currently free from the Far East, it is very suitable for the United States to take over all interests in the Far East.

 This resulted in Stilwell not agreeing to the other party's request at all.

 Only by continuing to bleed the British Empire can the hegemony of the United States after the war be established.

Although Lord Alexander does not know these deep strategic plans, he can still guess a little bit.

All British senior officials know that Fatty Qiu’s behavior is traitorous, but now only by winning the war can the British Empire rely on India to continue to maintain its hegemony.

 This is why we would rather give up Myanmar than keep India.

 The contradiction between the two sides existed from the beginning, and the situation faced by Stilwell was not necessarily much better.

"I'm sorry, I can't make any of these decisions. My mission is to let the mountain city continue to resist the war and consume the Japanese offensive." Stilwell shook his head and rejected his proposal.

 Lord Alexander looked at him with some disappointment. He didn't expect that this stubborn little old man was so stubborn.

"Your Excellency, I must remind you that we are allies. Colonel Rogers cannot refuse the entry and supply of friendly forces. If you really insist on your own way, I will report this matter to the White House."

“And suggest that they discuss with your Prime Minister whether you are really suitable to serve as the commander of the British-Burmese Army.” Stilwell didn’t bother to talk around him and directly made a big move.

At present, the British army still relies on the military supplies of the US military, so it will not offend the US military.

If Stilwell really made a strong request, Fatty Qiu would probably really consider his proposal.

Hearing this, Lord Alexander's face darkened. He didn't expect that the other party would even use this trick for a motley army.

 After pondering for a while, Alexander felt that there was no need to make both parties unhappy over this matter.

"I will send a telegram to Colonel Rogers to ask him to agree to the Sichuan Army entering the airport, but it is only for entering the airport and supplying supplies. I'm sorry, the supplies left at the airport are only enough for the British army."

Hearing this, Stilwell didn't bother to argue with him. It was just a few supplies and it was nothing. He just asked the Flying Tigers to fly a few more times.

 The two sides have reached a preliminary consensus.

Not long after, Colonel Rogers received the telegram from Alexander. With a gloomy expression, he let the Sichuan Army enter the airport without mentioning supplies or anything else.

“Tuanzuo, this British guy is really hateful. It’s obvious that they didn’t figure it out, and it’s all our fault.” Meng Fan said angrily.

The arrogant attitude of the British army made everyone in the Sichuan Army disgusted. They came all the way to help the British army fight, but this is what they received?

 Long Wenwen looked like he had known about it for a long time.

"I have said before that the arrogant British army will not give us a good look at all."

 Only Cun Yunsheng said calmly.

 “There is a price to pay for arrogance.”

Hearing this, Meng Fangliao's eyes lit up. He knew that his group would definitely not suffer any loss.

 Now that I have suffered such a big loss, I will definitely take revenge.

“Tuanzuo, what are you going to do?”

Cun Yunsheng said in surprise.

“We are an allied force and there will never be any retaliation.”

“I understand, I understand, what are you going to do?” Meng Fan looked like he understood and continued to ask.

"Hey, did Rogers just say that the Japanese army is chasing us? Do you think that if the Japanese army knew that we were at the airport? Would they be crazy and come to the airport to look for us?" Cun Yunsheng sighed lightly. He said with a look of compassion.

Meng Fanglia was stunned for a moment, and then gave a thumbs up.

 “High, high, it’s really too high.”

Long Wenwen, who was standing next to him, stared at Cun Yunsheng dumbfounded. He didn't expect that the other party would play so big?

  Change first and then change! The fifth update is over and I’m going to take a rest! Feeling so tired!



 (End of this chapter)

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