The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 78: It seems like playing Dafa!

Chapter 78 seems to be playing Dafa!

"Let's talk about it. This is a telegram from the Allied Forces Command. I hope we can capture Tangji." Cun Yunsheng handed the telegram in his hand to everyone, and then pointed to the map and said.

“Tuanzuo, it goes without saying that there is at most one brigade of Japanese troops in the city, and we can take them down with a single charge.” Bu La said without thinking.

“You son of a bitch, aren’t there just a large group of Japs? We’ve even defeated a whole group, so why are we still afraid of them?” Li Sifu also echoed.

“Tuanzuo, I’ll do whatever you say.” Li Liansheng always had an expression that meant hitting wherever he pointed.

 “Where’s Ah Yi? What do you think?” Cun Yunsheng nodded, then looked at Lin Yi and asked curiously.

Hearing this, Lin Yi scratched his head, hesitated for a while and said.

“Tuanzuo, how are you going to fight?”

"Oh? What do you think?" Cun Yunsheng stared at the other person and gestured to continue.

"I think the defenders in the city should be mobilized. In this case, the casualties in the fight will be smaller." Lin Yi thought for a while and said.

 “This is just my immature suggestion.”

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng chuckled, and then said with a smile.

“The Japanese troops are not fools, and they are not easy to mobilize.”

 “But it can be an ambush for the Japanese army.”

 Speaking, Cun Yunsheng revealed his plan.

“How easy would the Japanese army get into the ambush we set up in advance?” Li Sifu asked doubtfully.

“Don’t worry, the Japanese army will definitely come out.” Cun Yunsheng said confidently.

Meng Fangliao and Long Wenwen looked at each other and said nothing, because they knew that the Japanese army would definitely come.

 After all, the Japanese army has never suffered such a big loss since it landed in Myanmar. Now that it has suffered such a big loss, it must take revenge.

 Everyone else looked at each other and didn't say much. They just carried out their tasks anyway.


  The Japanese Army's 56th Search Regiment is a new formation that has stronger mobility capabilities and even armor protection capabilities compared to ordinary Japanese infantry regiments.

As the name suggests, this unit is responsible for important battle reconnaissance missions, but it does not stop there. It is also responsible for multiple tasks such as battle breakthroughs, battle maneuvers, and battle pursuits.

It can be said that the search wing is a sharp-edged force. Originally, Masao Watanabe was planning to transfer the 56th search wing to Lashio.

 Strive to capture Lashio as quickly as possible.

Who would have known that the Sichuan Army Corps would appear at Tangji Airport during the flight.

In order to wash away the humiliation of the Imperial Army, Masao Watanabe transferred the regiment to Tangji Airport.

"Yo Xi, tell the tank squadron to speed up. Be sure to get to the airport before dark, notify the field artillery wing, and ask them to find ways to increase the speed. You must not give the expeditionary force time to react." Search for Hirai, captain of the 56th Wing After reading the telegram, Colonel Maofu ordered to his subordinates.


 After receiving the telegram, Colonel Souji Tomomi, commander of the 56th Field Artillery Regiment, frowned.

“Yaga, Mr. Hirai can only urge. Doesn’t he know that the mountain road is rugged and the march is very slow.” Colonel Tomami Souji said with some annoyance.

 "Sir Colonel, what should we do? Colonel Hirai has the order of the division commander." The words of the chief of staff made Colonel Souji Tomomi very helpless.

After thinking about it, I could only order the troops to speed up, and at the same time send a telegram to the Engineer Regiment, asking the Engineer Regiment to find a way to repair the damaged road.

Just as the Japanese army was rushing to Tangji Airport day and night, Cun Yunsheng brought Long Wenwen and others to Colonel Rogers' office.

“Humph, what are you doing here?” Due to the previous unhappiness between the two parties, Colonel Rogers’ attitude was naturally not very good.

It can be said that Colonel Rogers hopes to never see an inch of cloud happen in his life.

"Colonel Rogers, we came here specially to thank you. Now we have received orders to retake Tangji City, so we specially bid farewell to you." Cun Yunsheng did not feel uncomfortable because of Colonel Rogers' rude attitude. Angry, but smiling.

This made Colonel Rogers feel a little embarrassed, wondering if he was being too stingy.

No one else cares about this matter anymore, so why should he hold on to it? However, his arrogant character prevents him from letting go of his pride, so he still has an unwelcoming expression.

 “Then please leave my airport.”

"Okay, let's leave now. The main reason is to say hello to you, the master. After all, we Chinese people pay attention to courtesy." Cun Yunsheng still had a smile on his face, and after saying that, he left with Long Wenwen.

 When he left the door, his expression changed to a cold one.

“Master, this Colonel Rogers is really arrogant to the extreme.” Long Wenwen was also a little angry and said dissatisfiedly.

"Hmph, what's the point of being angry with a dead man? Let everyone set off immediately and ask Dong Dao to come over." Cun Yunsheng snorted coldly and asked Long Wenwen to call Dong Dao over.

Not long after, Dong Dao hurried over and saluted Cun Yunsheng.

“Tuanzuo, are you looking for me?”

“Well, there is something you need to do personally.” Cun Yunsheng looked at Dong Dao and said directly.

“The troops will leave the airport soon. Pick a few of your confidants to stay and monitor the airport. If there is any movement, send a telegram immediately.”

 “Remember, it must be someone you can trust.”

"Yes, regimental leader, I asked Dong Jian to stay, and you can rest assured that he will do the work." Dong Dao didn't ask why he stayed to monitor the British army, he just carried out the task faithfully.

 On this point, Cun Yunsheng was very satisfied.

“Go, tell Dong Jian to pay attention to safety, and if you find anything wrong, retreat immediately.” Cun Yunsheng warned again.



On the hills on both sides of the road leading to the airport from Tangji, soldiers of the Sichuan Army Corps were nervously building fortifications.

The US military instructors were very puzzled. Shouldn't they take the initiative to attack?

Now digging these fortifications is obviously not an attack, but a defense?

 Steve approached Cun Yunsheng with a puzzled look on his face and raised his doubts.

“Captain Steve, the best attack is to lure the enemy out.” Cun Yunsheng did not explain so much, but said with a profound expression.

Now Steve was even more confused. He always felt that the method of fighting in front of him was too unreasonable.     It is not in line with basic military science at all.

“Luring the enemies out of the city? Will they come out?” Captain Steve asked his question.

 In fact, he was not the only one, others were also confused.

Will the Japanese army come out on their own initiative?

"Don't worry, the Japanese army will definitely come out. I have sent people to the city and are spreading rumors. The Japanese army will definitely come out." Cun Yunsheng dismissed Captain Steve with a random reason.

  After all, he is not of my race, so his mind must be different, and it is impossible for him to tell him the plan to deceive the British army.

  If he stabs it up there, it will be over.

 After all, the crime of harming friendly forces is not a small one.

Especially if this friendly soldier is an old man, the crime is even greater.

When Captain Steve returned to the fortifications to instruct the soldiers on how to dig the fortifications, he heard several gunshots from the other direction at the corner of the road.

As the sound of gunfire got closer and closer, suddenly there was the sound of a car, which made Steve instantly react, the Japanese army was coming.

At the same time, I was also very shocked. Were the Japanese soldiers really lured out?

 How did he do it?

 Suddenly, he felt that he could not understand the man in front of him at all.

 Very mysterious, as if there are countless secrets in him.

 “Get ready for battle.” Without Cun Yunsheng’s instructions, soldiers from each battalion and company entered the position one after another, loaded their bullets, and lay down on the trenches.

Cun Yunsheng also lay on the trench, picked up a telescope and started observing, feeling very confused at the same time.

 “Is it so fast?”

“Young Master, it’s probably not the Japanese army.” Long Wenwen’s eyes were very sharp, and he immediately realized that it was not the Japanese army, but one of his own.

 “It seems to be one of our own.” Lin Yi also said.

“He is really one of our own.” Cun Yunsheng looked through the telescope and saw the soldiers wearing the uniforms of the expeditionary force, and couldn’t help but frown.

 “Strange, why are there people of our own here?”

“Forget it, tell the battalions and companies not to fire and let them pass.”

“Yes.” The messenger immediately waved the flag and conveyed the order through flag language.

 The orders were passed on one after another, and all the soldiers turned off the safety again.

Sure enough, after a while, I saw several cars heading this way, and at the same time, there were soldiers shooting behind them.

 There were five cars in total, all crowded with people.

You can imagine how panicked they were when they ran away.

Since the Sichuan Army Corps was digging fortifications on the hilltop and the positions were camouflaged with weeds and trees, these broken troops did not notice any ambush.

“It seems to be the temporary 55th Division.” Long Wenwen immediately recognized these defeated troops and said in surprise.

“Strange, weren’t they beaten and scattered in all directions? Why are they still here?”

"Let Dong Dao take the people to the back and find a way to stop these people." Cun Yunsheng did not answer his question, but gave the order.


"It looks like the Japs are chasing us behind us. It seems we are quite lucky to meet the Japs so quickly." Lin Yi also said at this time.

“Tuanzuo, do you want to destroy this Japanese army?”

"No, let them pass and don't attract the attention of the Japanese army. I have a big appetite, which cannot be dismissed by the Japanese army." Cun Yunsheng shook his head and said.

The pursuing Japanese army could only hold on to a small team. This exposed the Japanese army's intentions. He would definitely not do such a deal.

"Yes." Lin Yi said with some regret.

As expected, a small group of Japanese troops also pursued them in trucks, and the two sides kept shooting at each other.

However, the Japanese trucks were equipped with machine guns, which overwhelmed the broken soldiers in front and made them unable to raise their heads.

As this small group of Japanese troops passed through the ambush circle, not long after, there were bursts of roaring sounds behind them.

Cun Yunsheng, Long Wenwen and others looked at each other.

"It can't be the main force of the Japanese army, right?" Lin Yi murmured.

The first few were three-wheelers with plaster flags, followed by a Type 95 light tank, followed by a Type 96 tank, and the Japanese who couldn't see the convoy clearly.

 Seeing so many Japs, everyone took a breath of cold air.

Have you encountered the main force of the Japanese?

 Long Wenwen, Lin Yi and others all looked at Cun Yunsheng, as if to ask if they wanted to shoot.

“Wait a moment.” Cun Yunsheng shook his head and signaled everyone not to rush.

I have to say that these devils are really arrogant. The tank commander directly exposed half of his body, not caring whether he would be shot in the cold.

But this is not clear. After all, the Japanese army can be said to have swept thousands of troops in Myanmar and had no opponents at all.

Even with the expeditionary force, they crushed each other.

 Such behavior is normal.

“Tuanzuo, are these Japanese troops heading for the airport?” Long Wenwen looked at the Japanese convoy advancing in the distance and couldn’t help but guess.

"Don't tell me, it's really possible. It seems that the Japanese army takes us very seriously. There is almost a regiment here, right?" Cun Yunsheng said with a click of his tongue.

He also felt that the firepower of the Japanese army was a bit excessive. It was a tank, an armored vehicle, etc. It was obviously not an ordinary infantry regiment.

"Commander, do you want to send a telegram to the British troops at the airport to tell them that the Japanese troops are coming and ask them to prepare in advance." Lin Yi couldn't help but ask.

 Only Cun Yunsheng looked at him like a fool.

“Do you think the British army will believe what we say?”

  It’s long overdue, mainly because it’s a bit broken, please change it first! There will be more later, try not to eat and write more!



 (End of this chapter)

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