Chapter 79: Is the leader crazy?

Thinking about it carefully, given the attitude of the British troops at the airport, they would definitely not believe what they said.

 You may even wonder if there is some conspiracy.

 So Lin Yi did not get entangled anymore, but continued to stare at the Japanese army in front of him.

"It's really a regiment, but there are quite a lot of soldiers in this regiment. The Japanese army really values ​​us." Cun Yunsheng looked at the long queue in the distance and couldn't help but said.

“Tanks, armored vehicles, trucks, tsk tsk tsk, they should be the Japanese search team.”

 Hearing the word "Search Wing", others looked over with curiosity, as if they wanted to know what a Search Wing was.

Following Cun Yunsheng's explanation, others suddenly realized, isn't this a mechanized force?

 Is it similar to the 200th Division?

 Cun Yunsheng felt that there was nothing wrong with everyone's understanding, and it was indeed understandable.

“Tuanzuo, it seems that we broke the sky last time.” Meng Fangliao said with emotion.

“I didn’t expect that one day we would have such high treatment.”

“Tuanzuo, now that the Japanese troops are running towards the airport, what should we do next? Keep waiting?” Lin Yi always felt a little weird, but couldn’t tell what was weird, so he looked at Cun Yunsheng, hoping to get the answer.

“Don’t be anxious now, wait and see if there are any Japanese troops.” Cun Yunsheng shook his head, indicating not to be anxious.

Hearing this, Lin Yi was stunned. Are there still Japanese troops?

How can this be?

 A regiment attacking the airport already seems to be taking it very seriously. How could there still be Japanese troops?

At this moment, Lin Yi had no idea how big of a trap they had set.

 One regiment was defeated frontally, and more than ten officers at the rank of colonel were killed. This can be said to be the first time that the Japanese army suffered such huge casualties after entering Myanmar.

 That's why the Japanese army attaches so much importance to the Sichuan Army and vows to completely eliminate them in order to wash away the shame they carry.

"There shouldn't be any, right?" Long Wenwen also felt that there were enough Japanese troops in one regiment, especially with a large number of tanks and armored vehicles, which would definitely be enough for the Sichuan Army.

 Only Cun Yunsheng still shook his head and decided to wait a little longer.

As expected, not long after, the reconnaissance company reported that another Japanese regiment was discovered further away.

At this moment, everyone looked at each other, unable to believe that this was true.

 Two regiments?

 Are the Japanese soldiers crazy?

 Just to deal with them?

Have they done anything outrageous?

“Commander, I’m afraid we really need to notify the British troops at the airport.” Lin Yi said dryly. Originally, he thought that a regiment should be able to hold on with the fortifications at the airport.

 But now that the two regiments are in power, it may be impossible to hold on.

"No, if you send a telegram to the British army now, they won't believe it." Cun Yunsheng shook his head again and rejected his proposal.

“If you were a British soldier, would you believe that two regiments of Japanese troops were going to attack the airport?”

Thinking about it this way, it’s true.

Lin Yi felt that what his family member said was quite reasonable, but he just ignored it.

 Isn’t it not good?

If we were to pursue it later, they would definitely be in trouble.

"Don't worry so much. Maybe the British army blocked the Japanese attack with strong fortifications. Besides, our mission now is to attack Tangji. The loss of the airport has nothing to do with us." Cun Yunsheng shook his head and told Lin Yi not to worry too much. Worry.

This guy is good at everything, but he is worried about this and that. He is always worried about disobeying the orders of his superiors.

On the other side, Colonel Rogers was eating steak and drinking red wine leisurely.

 Since the Sichuan Army Corps left the airport, Colonel Rogers has been in a much better mood.

 After all, if you can't see the clouds, you won't think of your embarrassing scene.

 Just when he was thinking about letting people have some fun.

The subordinates hurried in and said in a panic.

 “Colonel, no good, the Japanese army is coming.”

"What? What did you say?" Colonel Rogers was stunned, and then roared angrily.

“That **** Sichuan Army is back again? Didn’t they attack Tangji? How could they come back again?”

"No, this time it seems that it is really the Japanese army." The subordinate quickly explained.

"No, it must be the **** expeditionary force pretending to be another one. Tell everyone that the other party is not allowed to enter the airport. If necessary, you can use cannons to warn." After losing face once, Colonel Rogers could not lose face again.

Even if it was really the Japanese army this time, he would not be able to surrender.

Not to mention, he seriously doubted that it must be the expeditionary force again.

 After all, they couldn't tell the difference between the Japanese army and the expeditionary force. In Rogers' eyes, the yellow-skinned monkeys all looked the same.

"If it is a friendly force, will this violate military law?" The subordinate hesitated for a moment and asked again. After all, attacking friendly forces is a very serious crime.

Even Rutgers may not be able to afford it.

"Hmph, I have reason to suspect that they are fake. If it is true, then they should raise the white flag and surrender. In that case, I will give them certain supplies according to the treatment of friendly troops." Colonel Rogers was thinking eagerly now To wash away this shame.

If the expeditionary force can be allowed to surrender to them with a white flag, maybe this shame will be washed away?

 For Rutgers, the expeditionary force was not worthy of being their friendly forces at all.

 They are just a bunch of poor people who come to beg.

"Yes, Colonel." The subordinates thought it made sense. When the Allied Command asked about it, they would say that they thought the other party was a Japanese army.

I believe that the Allied Forces Command will not do anything to them.

I have to say that in addition to solid fortifications, the airport also has a large number of heavy artillery.

 Among them were twelve 18-pounder field guns.

 This is the confidence of Colonel Rogers.

 In fact, if the Japanese army came at the beginning, Colonel Rogers would have really surrendered. After all, he really did not want to fight the Japanese army.

 But the humiliating experience of surrender before made him feel that even the Japanese army would have to fight a battle before surrendering.

Not to mention, he seriously suspected that the expeditionary force on the other side was pretending to be the Japanese army.

 The British artillery at the airport received the order and immediately began to shake the muzzle.

 “The No. 1 gunner is ready...”

 “The second gunner is ready...”

 “Gunner No. 3 is ready...”

“No. 4 gunner is ready...”


 “Fire the guns.” Following the order from the British gunner, twelve field guns roared at the same time. The advancing Japanese army heard the whistling sound from the sky and subconsciously raised their heads. A lieutenant looked at the shells that were about to fall and roared with gallbladder.

 “Baga is a heavy artillery piece, a heavy artillery piece.”

 “Get out of here, get out of here.”

 Unfortunately, everything is too late.

 The shells dropped simultaneously by twelve 18-pound field guns were extremely powerful.

 The huge shock wave directly blew up the surrounding trees.

 Sawdust flew everywhere, and many Japanese soldiers had their chests stabbed with sharp wooden sticks, spitting out large amounts of blood.

They simply couldn’t figure out why the British troops at the airport opened fire on them?

Colonel Usuke Hirai looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

“How dare the British troops at the airport attack us?”

"No, it shouldn't be the British army. I suspect that the British troops at the airport have retreated long ago. It should be the Sichuan Army." The chief of staff shook his head and said.

"Only they are so bold and dare to attack us, but aren't the Sichuan Army a miscellaneous brand? Why do they still use heavy artillery? Could it be that they were taught by the British army?"

 “These **** British troops.”

 The words of the chief of staff made Colonel Usuke Hirai feel that they made sense.

 After all, the British troops they encountered all fled away, abandoning their armor. Even if they were riding in trucks, they could not catch up with them.

 Fight back?

 That doesn’t exist.

 So, Colonel Usuke Hirai felt that it must be the Sichuan Army that was counterattacking.

The trapped beast still fights!

Thinking of this, Colonel Usuke Hirai immediately ordered his men to start a counterattack.

 Fortunately, his regiment still has tanks, so it still has the ability to fight back.


I have to say that the Japanese army was still very ferocious. Even with heavy artillery, they continued to move towards the airport.

The Type 95 tanks even fired continuously at the fortifications.

However, due to caliber reasons, it was temporarily impossible to destroy the fortifications, and the two sides fell into a stalemate for a while.

“Colonel, it’s not really the Japanese army, is it? The expeditionary force shouldn’t have tanks, right?” The subordinates were startled by the ferocious attack and quickly said to Colonel Rogers.

"Probably not." At this moment, Colonel Rogers was also startled. He originally wanted to teach the other party a lesson and let him know that the sky is high and the earth is high.

Who knew that the Japanese army would actually be provoked this time?

 For a time, Colonel Rogers also fell into a panic situation.

 Withdraw or surrender?

After thinking for a long time, he couldn't make a decision.

"Colonel, why don't you surrender?" The subordinates didn't seem to feel ashamed at all. After all, everyone was surrendering and retreating, so they didn't regard surrender as a shameful thing.

"Let me think about it." From the bottom of his heart, Colonel Rogers still didn't want to believe that the Japanese army was on the other side.

 However, he had heard that the expeditionary force's firepower was not that strong at all.

There are also tanks, this is definitely the Japanese army.

 Just surrender now?

 Is it too late?

At this time, the artillery positions in the airport continued to roar. Anyway, they were heavy artillery, and the Japanese artillery fire could not reach them for the time being.

"Baga, ask where the field artillery regiment is? We need their fire support." Colonel Hirai Usuke felt that it was not a problem to be bombarded like this all the time, and immediately shouted angrily.

At the same time, I kept cursing in my heart that these artillery men always like to procrastinate.

Colonel Souji Tomei frowned after receiving the telegram and tore it up directly.

"Why are you urging me? Let him see for himself whether he can walk on this broken road?"

 Looking at the dilapidated mountain road in front of him, Colonel Tomei Souji became even more annoyed.

 He doesn’t want to speed up?

Then it must be able to speed up.

Haven’t you seen that the engineering brigade is already so busy that it’s out of breath?

How to speed up without hearing the sound of heavy artillery in the distance? He also knew that without the support of heavy artillery, it would be difficult to capture the airport.

Thinking of this, Colonel Souji Tomei could only ask the engineering brigade to speed up the progress and assist the heavy artillery in advancing.

Cun Yunsheng and others who were lying in ambush on the top of the mountain couldn't help but look at each other in shock when they heard the explosion coming from the airport in the distance.

 “The British guys are so arrogant.” Cun Yunsheng listened for a while and couldn’t help but clicked his tongue.

"It should be the British 18-pounder. When will we have such a heavy artillery?" Krupp asked enviously as he listened to the explosion in the distance.

“Come on, come on, do you see the heavy artillery in the distance? It will be ours soon.” Cun Yunsheng pointed at the field artillery regiment in the distance that was struggling to advance.

"Huh? The Japs' heavy artillery is not as good as the British's heavy artillery. The caliber is too small." Krupp looked down on the Japanese heavy artillery, leaving Cun Yun speechless for a while.

 “What do you want?”

“I heard that the US military has a 155mm howitzer. Do you think you can get it?” Krupp rubbed his fingers and said greedily.

Hearing this, Cun Yun suddenly pulled his crotch down with a face on his face.

  "The 155mm howitzer, you are really drifting now, do you understand the 120mm heavy howitzer?"

“Tell me, how many men are there in the artillery battery now?”

Cun Yunsheng felt that this guy couldn't do anything without beating him. For a long time, he couldn't even look down on the 120mm heavy howitzer.

“Hey, I’m just jealous of the British heavy artillery.” Krupp scratched his head and said sheepishly.

"Okay, there will be heavy artillery." Cun Yunsheng glared angrily, and then continued to sigh.

"If anyone tells me in the future that the British army doesn't know how to fight, who am I to worry about? Don't you think this is a good fight? The Japanese army must have suffered heavy losses. I must report it to the Allied Forces Command and request Rutgers The colonel commended him for his courage to fight and not fearing life and death when responding to the Japanese attack."

 “Defending the glory of the British Empire Army and showing the honor of a soldier.”

Except for Meng Fanxie and Long Wenzhang who knew the inside story, everyone else looked at Cun Yunsheng with shocked faces, as if to ask, is this still their own group?

Haven’t he always been very vindictive?

 Why should we still commend the British army?

Only Steve and others who did not understand the truth could not help but give Cun Yunsheng a thumbs up, thinking that he was a real soldier.

  Change first and then change! Hurry up and update. I delayed the update today because I had a lot of chores today. I ran from the hospital in the east to the hospital in the west and didn't come back until the afternoon!



 (End of this chapter)

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