The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 82: When it comes to cheating people, you are the one!

Chapter 82: When it comes to cheating people, you are the one!

“Tuanzuo, the sound of gunfire at the airport has become very weak. Could it be that the British army is doomed?” Lin Yi asked worriedly as he listened to the sound of gunfire and gunfire in the distance getting weaker and weaker.

“If the British army is destroyed, will we be affected?”

This is the real reason why Lin Yi is worried. After all, the airport is equivalent to their back road. There are solid fortifications there. With more than 2,000 people from the Sichuan Army, there is absolutely no problem in holding it.

If the airport is lost, it will have a huge impact on morale.

 Only Long Wenwen and Meng Fangliao looked at each other without saying anything else.

I can only admire my group in my heart, they are really brave.

 Hurting an ally like this.

I’m afraid the British people will never know how they were tricked until they die.

 As I say, don't offend your own group, otherwise you won't even know how to die.

“Maybe the Japanese army couldn’t capture the airport and decided to retreat.” Cun Yunsheng glanced at the direction of the airport and said nonchalantly.

  From the moment he led the Sichuan Army to leave the airport, he sentenced the British Army to death in his heart.

Now that the British army is finished, he is happy to see it happen, otherwise he would feel uncomfortable holding this breath in his heart.

"Okay, don't worry about the Japanese troops at the airport. What we have to do now is to completely wipe out the Japanese troops in front of us, the Field Artillery Regiment. This is a big meal." Cun Yunsheng waved his hand and then looked away. In the distance, the 56th Field Artillery Regiment is preparing to quickly pass through the mountain road.

At this time, the Japanese army had no idea that there would be ambushes on the hills on both sides of the mountain road.

 After all, when the search team passed by before, there was no sound of gunfire.

 So this led to them subconsciously thinking that there was no ambush here.

Coupled with the urgency of the search team's urging, they didn't even send out the search team.

“Inform the artillery company to move the artillery fire line back three hundred meters, and don’t give those mountain cannons a chance to fire.” Cun Yunsheng put down his telescope and ordered.


 With an order, the prepared artillery batteries screamed again without any suspense.

 The sound of artillery blasted the marching Japanese artillery into the sky.


Then there was intensive and rapid gunfire, and the Japanese advance troops were immediately hit by violent bullets.

 The ones at the front are always side three-wheelers. This is the Japanese army’s marching habit.

 Because the side three-wheeler is not considered a heavy weapon, it can also mount a light machine gun and can provide reconnaissance missions at any time.

 And there are not many troops, only three people. Even if they are attacked, there will not be too much loss.

If they encounter a real mixed army and the first wave of bullets hits, I am afraid that many people will survive in three rounds.

However, facing the Sichuan Army Corps, which is full of semi-automatic and automatic weapons, coupled with the supplies provided by the US military, and Cun Yunsheng's weapons and equipment from time to time, it can be said that the Sichuan Army Corps has no shortage of weapons and ammunition.

  The dense bullets instantly hit the Japanese soldiers at the front three times, knocking them off their feet, and no one survived by chance.

At the same time, the heavy machine gun positions on the hilltop that had been waiting for a long time began to roar.

The bullets were like tongues of fire, attacking the Japanese army.

The Japanese army was stunned on the spot. Before their truck had time to react, the tires of their truck were blown out by the intensive bullets. The artillerymen on the truck had no time to react, and blood spilled on the spot.

In an instant, the entire mountain road became extremely lively, and artillery shells hit the Japanese troops on the mountain road from their positions on the top of the mountain.

Countless bullets were fired at the Japanese troops on the mountain road.

  Truck after truck was destroyed.

 Each artillery piece was turned into junk before it had time to exert its power.

Some Japanese soldiers who reacted quickly managed to escape the hail of bullets and tried to counterattack.

 But what came was more intense artillery fire.

"120mm heavy artillery?" Colonel Tomei Souji looked at the chaotic scene in front of him in disbelief. When he heard a sharper whistling sound, his face became even paler.

 At this time, the artillery battery of the Sichuan Army Corps had five 120mm heavy mortars from the original one.

 In addition to the three guns supported by the US military, Cun Yunsheng exploded another one and hundreds of artillery shells.

It can be said that the artillery battery at this moment is absolutely ferocious in terms of firepower.

 Five 120mm heavy mortars, lined up in a row, with dozens of boxes of artillery shells behind them.

With an order, all the boxes were opened. The gunner held the cannonball in his hands and slowly put it into the barrel.

 But the cannonball was not fired immediately.

 The artillery immediately retreated to a safe distance of more than ten meters behind.

According to Cun Yunsheng's request, Krupp modified the 120mm heavy mortar.

 Use a pull cord to fire!

 The advantage of this is to prevent the gun emplacement from being unstable and causing displacement, thereby injuring the surrounding soldiers.

 After all, artillery is much more valuable than artillery.

Especially now that we have Stilwell at our back, the most indispensable thing is artillery, and artillery is especially cherished.

 The second is to reduce the damage caused by the muzzle shock wave when firing.

  The damage done by the 60mm mortar is not bad, not very large, and can be accepted by normal people.

The 81mm mortar is barely acceptable, but the 120mm heavy mortar will definitely not be able to hold a few.

 Hence, the 120mm mortar at this time has been changed to a pull-rope firing method, which greatly reduces the damage of the artillery.

Not only that, the launch speed has also been accelerated a lot. Several artillerymen can take turns holding the shells and putting them into the barrel, without having to catch one person to collect them hard.

"Why are there so many heavy artillery?" Considering the rhythm of heavy artillery firing, Colonel Souji Tomomi immediately judged that the opponent had at least ten 120mm mortars, which was already an absolutely elite force.

 Unfortunately, no one can answer his question.

 Because Colonel Tomami Soji had already considered preparing to retreat. After all, the Japanese army wanted to organize a defense, but found that they could not organize a defense at all.

From the front, there was ferocious firepower, there were countless artillery shells in the sky, and the enemy was in a condescending position. As a result, they had no bunker to hide in and could only be beaten passively.

Hence, Colonel Tomami Soji immediately ordered a retreat.

 At the same time, let the engineering brigade organize defense to prevent enemy pursuit.

The Japanese army will fight to the end at all times. When encountering an enemy ambush and encirclement, they will definitely choose to retreat. If they just charge blindly, they will die.

Not to mention that the field artillery regiment is still an elite unit of the 56th Division and must not be lost here.

The soldiers of the Sichuan Army naturally would not give up this great opportunity, so the heavy artillery of the artillery battery began to block the enemy's retreat road.

 The remaining soldiers jumped out of their positions and chased the Japanese army.

Seeing this scene, Colonel Souji Tomei was heartbroken and immediately roared loudly.

“Immediately send a telegram to the 56th Search Regiment and request their tactical support.”

 “Hai.” The signal soldier immediately sent the message.

At this moment, Colonel Hirai Usuke at the airport was enjoying a British dinner.

I have to say that this was indeed a rich dinner for Colonel Hirai Uosuke who had been marching for several days.

 In the past few days, they had been living like ascetic Japanese soldiers. Many of them had lost serious weight, and the phenomenon of non-combat attrition was even more serious.

Just as he was enjoying all this comfortably, the sudden sound of gunfire startled him.

 “Where is the sound of gunfire?” Colonel Hirai Usuke shouted loudly immediately. He thought it was the harassment of the defeated army again.

 After all, they encountered too many defeated troops along the way, and they all chose to give up in order to rush on their way.

 Now that there was the sound of gunfire, I thought it was another attack by broken troops, so I didn't take it seriously.

 But when the sound of gunfire became louder and louder, Colonel Hirai Usuke finally couldn't sit still.

“Your Excellency, Colonel, this direction seems to be the field artillery regiment.” The chief of staff said with some worry.

If there is a problem with the field artillery regiment, it will be troublesome.

 In addition to destroying the Sichuan Army at the airport, they also wanted to capture Lashio.

 Without the field artillery regiment, they would not be completely sure of attacking Lashio.

 “Heavy artillery?” Colonel Usuke Hirai heard the sound of the artillery getting louder and louder, and his expression finally changed slightly.

“Is it that Sichuan Army Corps?” According to information issued by the military headquarters, the Sichuan Army Corps has varying numbers of artillery, including 120mm heavy mortars.

Now that he heard the familiar voice, Colonel Hirai Usuke naturally had a bad look on his face.

Their mission was to eliminate the Sichuan Army. However, they did not encounter the Sichuan Army. Instead, they were humiliated by the British army. They finally took revenge and returned. As a result, the field artillery regiment encountered the Sichuan Army.

Thinking of this, Colonel Hirai Usuke no longer cared about enjoying the delicious food, and immediately gathered his troops to prepare for support.

  Unfortunately, everyone in the 56th Search Regiment was enjoying the food, and their tense spirits relaxed accordingly. The reassembly was not so fast, but became a drag.

After all, people are not machines. The long march and the battle just now exhausted their physical strength to the extreme. They finally replenished their physical strength. As a result, they had to assemble a rapid march to fight, so they naturally slacked off a lot.

Even if their fighting will is very tenacious, the physical fatigue caused by them is insurmountable.

“Baga, don’t wait any longer, the field artillery regiment is waiting for our rescue.” Colonel Hirai Usuke roared angrily.

"Hai." Each officer could only bite the bullet and urge his subordinates to assemble quickly.

On the other side, Cun Yunsheng saw the field artillery regiment beginning to retreat and immediately ordered the entire army to attack.


 “Kill the devils.”


 “Go for it!”

Long Wenwen next to him was the first to jump out of the trench, holding a Thompson submachine gun and howling like a wolf.

  "Rush up to Yang Liulang, but if you can't rush up to drink rice soup..."

 “Kill Xiao Dongyang.”

"Tuan Zuo, you are not a reliable messenger at all. When the battle started, you rushed in first. Those who didn't know thought he was the Tuan Zuo." Meng Fanlian looked at Long Wenwen who had disappeared and couldn't help but smack his lips. Tongue.

"Blow the charge horn and destroy these Japanese troops in one go. In addition, let the artillery and engineer companies lay booby traps on the artillery. The reinforcements of the little devils will be coming soon. Give them a drink, and use our grenades and Plant all the bombs," Cun Yunsheng didn't bother to pay attention to him and then ordered.

 “Are we not here to guard anymore?” Meng Fangli asked doubtfully.

"Why are you still defending? Take Tangji City in one go. Don't forget Old Boy Stilwell's order. We are now a force directly under the Allied Forces Command. Orders must still be implemented. Is US aid so easy to get?" Cun Yunsheng He glared angrily.

  It’s not like I disobey orders.

Meng Fan looked at the other party with doubtful eyes, you are indeed like this.

The courage is not ordinary, all allies dare to pit, and now they have to execute orders, which is really unspeakable.

“You know a hammer, there must be an arsenal left by the British army in the city, won’t it all be ours by then?” Cun Yunsheng glanced around and said in a low voice.

“The weapons for the volunteers haven’t been found yet, why don’t we find a solution for them?”

Hearing this, Meng Fan couldn't help but give a thumbs up, and he guessed that you are the guy who can't afford to get up early without any benefit.

  Change first and then change, it will be updated early today!



 (End of this chapter)

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