The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 83: Unexpectedly, I became a joke!

Chapter 83 I didn’t expect to become a joke!

“Your Majesty, Colonel, what should I do with those heavy artillery?” Major asked sadly, looking at the heavy artillery in the distance.

 “Throw it all away, throw it all away.” Although Colonel Tomi Souji was heartbroken, he also knew that the most important thing was to save those artillery units at the moment.

 The heavy artillery is gone, so it’s not a big problem.

 After all, there were abandoned British artillery pieces everywhere.

 But if the artillery is gone, it is completely finished.

So Colonel Tomi Soji decisively ordered to abandon all heavy artillery and ordered all artillerymen to run towards Tangyoshi City in the distance.

The soldiers of the Sichuan Army Corps behind them had already received orders to pursue the Japanese army one after another and took advantage of the opportunity to capture Tangji City.

 These are all learned from the Japanese army.

What the Japanese army likes to do most is to chase after them and take advantage of the situation to seize cities, positions, etc.

 So the Sichuan Army followed suit.

Colonel Souji Tomei saw this scene and couldn't help but vomit blood.

He now has only one way, to escape into the city, rely on the defenders in the city, and wait for the arrival of reinforcements.

 Otherwise, all that is left for him is death.

 But he knew that if the field artillery regiment was destroyed, the 56th Division would become the greatest humiliation in the history of the Imperial Army.

So he could only bite the bullet and run towards Tangji City. Even if all the defenders in the city were destroyed or even the city was lost, he still had to preserve the essence of the field artillery regiment.

“These little devils run so **** fast, and they look like they have great short legs.” Bula joked while chasing after him, panting.

“Everyone speed up, the regiment commanded, as long as our second battalion can capture Tangji City, the next main attack will be handed over to our second battalion.”

Hearing Bu La's words, the soldiers of the Second Battalion's eyes lit up, and then they ran away like crazy.

Of course, the rifle in his hand did not stop shooting. After chasing for a while, he stopped and shot for a while, and then continued the pursuit.

Krupp and the people from the artillery battery in the rear also followed closely. Looking at the heavy artillery and mountain artillery abandoned on the road, they couldn't help but feel sad.

 They are all good things!

If everyone can stay, then the artillery company will stand up completely in the future, and the battalions and companies will not be able to look at his face.

 At that time, it will no longer be called an artillery company, but an artillery battalion.

But he just thought about it. After all, there were Japanese troops at the airport behind him, and they were fighting so brutally.

 As long as the Japanese troops at the airport are not fools, they will definitely come to support.

 So we can only cooperate with the engineering company to lay mines.

 Kang Huoyan is worthy of having served in the transportation platoon. He has always been very conscientious and managed the engineer company very well.

 After receiving the task of laying mine, he took out all his property.

According to what Cun Yunsheng said, there are countless weapons and ammunition in the city, so don't be petty.

"Kang Ya, your engineering company has moved out all the property? Even the gunpowder to blow up the bridge?" Krupp looked at the explosive pack in front of him and couldn't help but clicked his tongue.

“Okay, let’s stop talking nonsense and see if we can find a way to bury those shells together. When the time comes, we will detonate them together and give the little devil a big drink.” Kang Huoyan rolled his eyes and then asked again.

Hearing this, Krupp did not answer immediately, but opened the ammunition boxes.

"The mortars are fine, but those heavy cannons may be a bit troublesome. They need to install fuses, which may take a certain amount of time. And there are not many people in my artillery company who can do it. I'm afraid I won't be able to install a few of them by myself." After reading the ammunition box, Lupp said helplessly.

 It is difficult for heavy artillery shells to explode before they are equipped with fuses. Only when fuses are installed can they explode.

"Forget it, just install as many as you can." Kang Huoyan didn't understand this either, but Krupp said so, which meant it must be very difficult, so he simply stopped forcing it and asked the other party to install it first. indivual.

Hearing this, Krupp didn't waste any time. He immediately took out the wrench, found the fuse, and started installing it.

The men of the engineering company quickly laid mines, and when the men of the reconnaissance company notified the Japanese army that they were not far away, they immediately ordered a retreat and pursued the main force.

 The Japanese troops who came to support came to the mountain road and looked at the mess on the ground and the constant gunshots in the distance, so they could only continue their pursuit.

 The result was that the Japanese troops at the front stepped on landmines in three rounds.


There was a violent explosion, and Bisanlun was sent directly into the sky, and then fell heavily.

The three-wheeler behind him who couldn't dodge also hit him, causing a chain reaction.


The sound of gunpowder being ignited sounded, which frightened many Japanese soldiers. They wanted to retreat but it was too late.

  An explosion louder than before sounded again.

 Heavy artillery shells were detonated.

 In an instant, a crater as big as a basketball court appeared, and the original Japanese army was directly blown to pieces.

Such a terrifying scene that frightened the Japanese troops in the rear to immediately lie down.

The Japanese major who led the team was even more frightened and trembling.

 He never thought that landmines would be laid here.

Moreover, the heavy artillery shells were disassembled and buried together with mines. This power is really terrifying.

Didn’t you see that all the Japanese troops in a detachment were wiped out?

"Major, what should we do now?" A captain looked at the scene in front of him and swallowed his saliva. Although they were not afraid of death, the sight of a body that had been blown up without a single intact body still frightened them.

“Report the situation here to His Excellency the Colonel and let him decide.” The Major hesitated for a moment, but still felt that he should be cautious first and not rush in so quickly to see what His Excellency the Colonel thought.

 Hairai Uosuke, the commander-in-chief, was in disbelief when he received the report from his subordinates.

 Place mines on the road?

Has the Sichuan Legion anticipated all their actions?


 Is the airport a trap?

 But why did the British troops cooperate with them?

 This is unscientific?

Had the British army done this earlier, they would not have swept across half of Burma.

 For a time, Colonel Usuke Hirai was stunned for a long time, wondering what was going on.

"Your Excellency, Colonel, do you want to continue to reinforce? Otherwise, the field artillery regiment will be doomed." The chief of staff said anxiously.

"How to reinforce? If there are mines in front of us, wouldn't it be a joke on the lives of the Imperial warriors?" Colonel Hirai Usuke said angrily.

“However, if we do nothing to save the field artillery regiment and the field artillery regiment is destroyed, we may not end well.” The chief of staff advised again.

Who knows? Colonel Usuke Hirai shook his head and said.

 “We have other ways to remedy this.”

 “What method?” the chief of staff asked curiously.

"Now divert the attack to Lashio. As long as we capture this place, all the expeditionary forces on the eastern front will be turtles in the urn. Then we can turn around and slowly eliminate this **** Sichuan Army." Colonel Hirai Usuke said murderously .

"But, abandoning Tang Ji and the field artillery regiment like this? The division commander will not agree." The chief of staff hesitated and said again.

 From a strategic perspective, this is indeed very good.

As long as Lashio is captured, the expeditionary force on the eastern front will be cut off. Even if they recapture Tangji, it will be useless.

 In the end, the entire army will be annihilated due to running out of ammunition and food.

“And Lashio is a transit station. There must be a lot of supplies there, and the lost heavy artillery can definitely be replenished.” Colonel Hirai Usuke said ambitiously.

 Because he knows that even if he reaches Tangji now, the field artillery regiment will be useless. Without heavy artillery, they are not even as good as the engineer regiment.

It's better to take a big gamble. As long as we win Lashio, all those doubts will disappear.

"Send a telegram to the division commander, and then the radio will enter a silent period, and then turn it on again after Lashio is captured." Colonel Usuke Hirai decided to go alone, and immediately ordered his subordinates to send his battle plan to the division headquarters, and immediately turned off the radio. .

 “Hai.” The chief of staff was also convinced, and asked again when he was about to turn around.

“What to do with the British troops at the airport? Have they been released?”

“Take them all with you. Their help is needed. All the British soldiers who are unwilling to go will be executed on the spot.” Colonel Hirai Usuke was not a soft-hearted person and said immediately.


On the other side, at the headquarters of the 56th Division, Masao Watanabe received a telegram from the field artillery regiment, feeling heartbroken.

Unexpectedly, the field artillery regiment that had high hopes was attacked before firing a single shot, and all heavy artillery was abandoned.

“Baga, this **** Souji Tomei, what does he do for a living?” He originally wanted to see the 55th Division’s joke, but he became the joke, which made him extremely angry.

“Where is Hirai Usuke’s search regiment? What does he do for food? Why not go to support?”

At this time, the communications staff hurriedly walked in with a telegram. Upon hearing Masao Watanabe's inquiry, he immediately handed over the telegram and said quickly at the same time.

“Colonel Usuke Hirai called back. They will lead the 56th Regiment to Lashio. In order to ensure the top secret of the plan, the radio has been turned off. Now we cannot contact them.”

Hearing this, Masao Watanabe was instantly furious. One was beaten and lost his armor, while the other walked alone and turned off the radio.

 For the first time, he felt like a loser.

 But there was nothing that could be done about Colonel Hirai Usuke walking alone.

 Because this is the traditional habit of the Japanese army, it is very normal for the enemy to walk alone and defeat the enemy from above.

 So it didn’t take long for Masao Watanabe to calm down. He believed that if Colonel Hirai Uosuke could quickly capture Lashio, the situation could still be reversed.

 Finally, after weighing the situation, it was believed that the new 29th Division stationed in Lashio should not be a match for Colonel Hirai Uosuke, and he immediately ordered the Tangji garrison to withdraw from Tangji.

  After all, this place is already useless, and there is no point in continuing to hold on. As long as the artillerymen of the field artillery regiment are preserved, it is enough.

 After all, the British army abandoned so many heavy artillery and could reorganize a field artillery regiment at any time.

When the Sichuan Army Corps arrived at Tangji, they found that the city had fallen into chaos and the Japanese troops had already withdrawn.

 “This little devil runs really fast.” Lin Yi couldn’t help but sigh with emotion.

"Okay, now is not the time to lament. Inform the battalions and companies and ask them to take over Tangji immediately. Give them two hours to restore order in Tangji. If you encounter people who are burning, killing and looting, you are welcome. All Do it right on the spot," Cun Yunsheng said in a cold tone.

“Let Sun Yunfei’s volunteer team cooperate with the Sichuan Army’s operations, especially carefully screen the indigenous people to prevent them from causing rebellion.”

“At the same time, take over important areas such as railway stations and grain stations.”

 “Yes.” Everyone responded in unison.

"Excuse me, send a telegram to the Allied Forces Command and tell General Stilwell that Tangji has been recaptured by us. Our department is maintaining order in Tangji and hopes that they will send other troops to take over as soon as possible." Cun Yunsheng said to Meng Fanglia again.

 “Yes, group seat.” Meng Fanlao stood at attention.

  Change first and then change! I will change it slowly later! There’s more in the afternoon!



 (End of this chapter)

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