The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 89: Tell them to pack up and get out!

Chapter 89 Let them pack their things and get out!

"Gold mine? Tuanzu, you really dare to think about it." Meng Fangli pouted, feeling that his group must have had a brain attack, why should he return the gold mine?

“I guess it’s an arsenal. The British guys are really rich. We picked up so many weapons from the previous train station, enough to equip two regiments.”

Cun Yunsheng was too lazy to pay attention to Meng Fangliao's words, so he replied.

“Didn’t you notice that there are all kinds of supplies at the train station, but there is no gold, silver, and jade?”

“The British have been in Myanmar for hundreds of years. I don’t believe they don’t have any of these things?”

Hearing this, Meng Fan was stunned for a moment, and then thought about it, that’s right.

 Why are there no gold, silver, and jade articles?

“Could it be that the British took them all away when they escaped?”

“The Japanese army captured Tangji in a surprise attack. The British guys were just running for their lives in a hurry and had no time to worry about gold, silver and jade.” Cun Yunsheng said confidently.

 No wonder he is so confident. After taking Tangji, all kinds of materials are available, but there is no gold, silver, jade or the like.

At that time, he also wondered whether the British army had already thought about retreating and had transferred all the money in advance.

Now that he heard the news, he felt that there was a high possibility that it was a treasure base.

 After all, there were so many things to be transported away in a hurry, and there was no time at all, so the collected gold, silver, and jade articles were hidden in advance.

"Okay, I'll take Long Wenwen and the guard company to take a look. You command the troops to pass through this town quickly. If anything goes wrong, shoot immediately and keep Dong Dao on alert. Japanese troops may appear in all directions now." Cun Yunsheng made a simple arrangement, and then led the guard company and Long Wenwen to follow the natives toward the so-called cave.

“Tuanzuo, is there any problem?” Long Wenwen said in a low voice.

"Probably not. Brothers, please be vigilant. If anything goes wrong, Bullet calls me. You're welcome." Cun Yunsheng sneered.


 After receiving the order, the guard company immediately put their finger on the trigger and fired at any time.

The natives leading the way did not notice it at all, but thought happily that this must be a great achievement. When the time comes, they can ask the Japanese army if they can send them some weapons.

 In troubled times, without weapons, you are just a lamb to be slaughtered.

Soon, we came to the so-called cave. If the natives hadn't led the way, they wouldn't have noticed that there was a base inside even if they passed by.

 With the help of dense trees, the entrance of the cave was perfectly covered.

"It's so **** hidden. If it weren't for these natives, we probably wouldn't have known. The British really know how to choose a place." Long Wenwen couldn't help but praise it.

“This is right here, it has been sealed by cement.” The native said with some regret.

Cun Yunsheng glanced at Long Wenwen, and upon receiving the signal, he immediately led his people forward, grabbed a handful of soil with his hands, squeezed it, and after confirming that it was new soil, he had people start setting up explosives.

 Soon, grenades and explosive packs filled the hole.

"The hole will be blown up in a while. If something is wrong, shoot immediately and kill all the natives." Cun Yunsheng said to Xue Tian in a low voice.

“Yes, Tuanzuo.” Xue Tian nodded quickly.



Two violent explosions sounded in succession, and a gap half a man's height appeared in front of everyone.

“Blow it up again.” Long Wenwen saw that the gap was too small and signaled to continue bombing.




This time the gap is enough for one person to be tall, so two people can get in and out without any problem.

The base is not very big, only about twenty meters deep. It didn't take long for Long Wenwen to return with his people.

"How?" Cun Yunsheng did not enter the base immediately, but stood outside and waited.

"There is everything in it, and the most numerous ones are gold, silver and jade. You guessed it right. When the British retreated in a hurry, they didn't have time to take them away, so they left all these gold, silver and jade here." Long Wenwen first said to Cun Yunsheng Give a thumbs up and then talk about what you have seen.

 “Where are the natives?” Cun Yunsheng nodded and then asked again.

"As per your instructions, everything has been solved. I'll do the work, don't worry." Long Wenwen was not a soft-hearted person, and he didn't have a good impression of these natives, so he struck very decisively, inserting a knife directly into the opponent's heart, killing him instantly.

Those natives did not understand until their death why the heavenly soldiers attacked them?

 From the beginning to the end, they never mentioned that they wanted to share the wealth.

"What should I do with the things? I took a look and there are quite a lot of things, enough to pay the whole regiment for half a year." Long Wenwen was Cun Yunsheng's messenger, so he naturally knew that the other party paid the soldiers of the Sichuan Army out of his own pocket.

Now with this gold, silver and jade article, it can greatly alleviate the problem of insufficient military pay for the Sichuan Army.

 In fact, Cun Yunsheng already had his own idea. During the war, he can still rely on US aid. Once the war is over and there is no use value, it will not be so easy to obtain US aid.

 So, he has always been paying attention to talents with mechanical skills.

 This is why the volunteer team is asked to recruit more knowledgeable Chinese.

 Everything is preparation for the future.

 The volunteer team is his backup or retreat.

Although he still has golden fingers that can replenish some weapons and ammunition, as the number of personnel expands, the demand is also greater.

 Especially ammunition, which consumes more.

 There is a saying that it is better to build than to buy.

“Let me tell Meng Fan, weave some bamboo baskets and take everything with you. When we get to Imphal, we will need to purchase machine tools and so on. Gold and silver are the best.” Cun Yunsheng said.

 Purchasing machine tools?

Long Wenwen was stunned, why do you want that thing?

If Krupp were here, he would immediately understand that his group wanted to produce its own weapons and ammunition.

“With so many refugees following us, how will they rely on food and drink? Will they always rely on relief?”

"In the eyes of the Yankees, these refugees are not human beings at all, and it is none of their business if they starve to death." "But since they choose to follow us, we must find something to do for them when the time comes."

“Buy some machine tools and equipment, let them produce something to sell, and make sure they don’t starve to death.”

"We can also make some money and give some subsidies to the brothers. We can't let the brothers follow me and starve."

Cun Yunsheng casually made up a reason, which made Long Wenwen stunned for a long time before he gave him a thumbs up.

“Tuan Zuo, you really have a bodhisattva heart.”

 “That’s all, but we still haven’t forgotten the brothers.”

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng was too lazy to talk to him and asked him to transport all the things out as soon as possible.

 It has to be said that the British are still better in terms of looting. There are almost three hundred kilograms of gold and five thousand kilograms of silver.

"There must be a gold mine nearby. Otherwise, there wouldn't be so much gold." Cun Yunsheng's eyes turned red. This is just a small city, but it has such a huge amount of wealth. If it were other cities, it would definitely be more big.

 In fact, this is normal. It is popular in Myanmar to worship Buddhas, which are all made of gold. Later, the Japanese army became jealous and looted all these golden Buddhas back.

 It is enough to see how much gold is produced here.

“Tuanzuo, you really guessed it right. It’s really a gold mine.” Meng Fan was speechless, but he didn’t expect that it was actually a treasure cave.

“Okay, let’s have people carry all the things on their backs and tell the brothers that when we get to Myitkyina, these things will be the foundation for us to settle down and live a good life.” Cun Yunsheng said.

“Yes, group seat.” Meng Fan nodded, and then called for people to start carrying gold, silver and jade.

The next march went very smoothly. After all, the Japanese army's goal after capturing Lashio was not northern Myanmar.

 At this moment, the Japanese army focused on establishing a firm foothold, so it did not send troops to continue attacking northern Burma.

Instead, the main force was left behind, and the main task was to search for the 56th Regiment and form a Panasonic detachment, with the goal of attacking along the China-Myanmar Highway towards western Yunnan.

The purpose is to completely cut off the expeditionary force's return home and strive to completely annihilate the expeditionary force on the eastern front.

The reason why the main force stayed behind was because it absorbed Tang Ji's experience. The city was empty and was counterattacked by the expeditionary force.

 Now Lashio has a large amount of supplies, enough for the Japanese army to use for two years, so now the Japanese army has begun to move steadily and no longer takes risks to advance.

 The other route is to outflank Mandalay's left side and strive to eliminate the main force of the British army and the Western Expeditionary Force.

In fact, the British army was still the main force. After all, the Western Front Expeditionary Force did not have many troops and they were all newly formed troops, so the Japanese army looked down upon them.

 At this time, the British army immediately turned in after receiving the news.

 Only the newly formed Thirty-Eighth Division was left waiting for the Japanese army in Mandalay.

This act of betraying his teammates at a critical moment made Sun Liren almost vomit blood.

  Let's not say that we can't return home. It's really insidious to run away without saying hello and let the newly formed 38th Division act as a rear-blocking force to cover the British army's withdrawal first.

But Alexander looked indifferent. His mission was to withdraw all the main British forces from Burma.

“Master, what should we do now?” The subordinate looked at the gloomy Sun Liren and asked cautiously.

"What else can we do? Evacuate, abandon Mandalay, and retreat to Imphal." Sun Liren said through gritted teeth.

Although he had promised Luo Zhuoying and Stilwell to withdraw the newly formed 38th Division to Imphal.

 But this betrayal of allies and forcing them to serve as rearguard troops really made him very angry.

As long as the British army took the initiative to send a telegram to discuss that they needed to cut off the rear troops, or wait until they evacuated to Imphal, and then make compensation or something, he would accept it.

 So he was really angry, and sent a telegram to the Allied Command to report the British army's betrayal of their allies.

Stilwell was also very angry when he received the telegram. He had already warned Alexander and asked him to restrain himself. Who knew that this guy agreed on the surface, but in the end he still went his own way.

“Asshole, **** Alexander, he is a son of a bitch,” Stilwell couldn’t help but cursed. Originally, he was planning to evacuate to Imphal by plane.

As a result, because of Alexander, he decided to withdraw to Imphal on foot with the newly formed Thirty-Eighth Division to express his determination. He would advance and retreat together with the soldiers of the expeditionary force.

"Where are the Sichuan Army?" Lashio was lost, the British troops on the Western Front fled on their own initiative, and Mandalay could no longer be held. The entire situation in Burma was in ruins. Stilwell knew that he could not hold it anymore, so now he only hopes that the Sichuan Army is safe and sound. I hope they can evacuate to Imphal as soon as possible.

 As for the plan to recapture Lashio, he had long since abandoned it.

Even if it were recaptured, it would be of no use, because the Japanese 18th Division was rushing to reinforce Lashio.

 The Sichuan Army Corps of two thousand people faced tens of thousands of elite Japanese troops, and there was no other way out except defeat.

 It is better to let them withdraw to Imphal as soon as possible, reorganize, and fight again another day.

"They sent a telegram not long ago, saying that they were evacuating to Myitkyina. According to the itinerary, they should be near Bhamo at this time, but according to aerial reconnaissance, the Japanese army is also attacking western Yunnan." The adjutant said quickly.

“Immediately send a telegram to the Sichuan Army and order them to quickly withdraw to Myitkyina and hold on to Myitkyina.” Stilwell said immediately.

“What about the British troops in Myitkyina?” the adjutant asked hesitantly.

 “Tell them to pack up and get out,” Stilwell yelled.

It is enough to see that Stilwell is really angry this time, otherwise, he would never say such words that hurt the relationship between allies.

The adjutant also felt Stilwell’s anger, so he didn’t dare to say anything!

 The Sichuan Army Corps, which received the telegram, had just arrived at the outskirts of Bhamo.

“Let us take over Myitkyina? Is old boy Stilwell crazy? Will the British agree?”

 (End of this chapter)

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