The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 90: It’s so enthusiastic that I feel embarrassed to deceive others!

 Chapter 90 is so enthusiastic that I’m embarrassed to deceive others!

 It’s no wonder that Meng Fanglia’s reaction was so big. It was really the performance of the British army that was so disappointing.

"Why won't you leave it to us?" Cun Yunsheng looked at the other party and asked with a smile.

"Uh? What do you mean, the British army will hand over Myitkyina to us?" Meng Fan asked in confusion.

"Why not? As long as the British army is not a fool, they will know that the Japanese army will definitely attack Myitkyina. Only in this way can the Yankees' military aid be completely cut off from entering the mountain city." Cun Yunsheng looked at Bhamo in the distance, his tone full of helplessness .

“So instead of waiting for the Japanese army to attack, it is better to hand over Myitkyina to us early and return them to India early. For the British army, they have no intention of continuing to fight.”

Hearing this, Meng Fangliao fell into deep thought. Based on his understanding of the British army, he might be happy to agree to this decision.

"Okay, let's wait until we get to Myitkyina. Let's enter Bhamo first. I guess the British troops here will find it hard to believe that the Japanese army is about to hit here." Cun Yunsheng shook his head and said.

Bamo is a border town with more than 30,000 residents. It is opposite southwest Yunnan, so it is also called Xinjie by the Chinese. It is an important passage connecting southwest Yunnan and Myanmar.

And this is also the only way to Myitkyina.

According to Cun Yunsheng's understanding, this place will soon be captured by the Japanese army, and then the Japanese army will attack Myitkyina again.

 So you can only stay here for a short time.

His troops were pretty good, because there was still a battalion of British-Burmese troops stationed in Bhamo at this time.

If it takes two more days, the British army will run away and fall into the hands of the Japanese army. The 200 divisions behind them will have no choice but to drill into the Savage Mountain.

 In fact, no one expected that the expeditionary force would one day withdraw from southern Myanmar to central Myanmar and finally to northern Myanmar.

 So when the British and Burmese troops in Bhamo learned of the arrival of the Sichuan Army, they were very welcoming.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t welcome them, because the British-Burmese army here is not a British army in the true sense. Except for the officers who are British, the rest are composed of indigenous people.

The mood of these indigenous people has been very unstable recently, especially when they learned that the Japanese army was coming, many of them were even more excited. For them, they were already very dissatisfied with the rule of the British army.

 The Japanese army came to rescue them.

 So, when seeing the Sichuan Army Corps, led by Major Taylor of the British Army, it was as if he was seeing a relative.

These days, he lived very fearfully, fearing that he would be kidnapped by the natives when he woke up and then become a prisoner.

Had they not had the foresight to put away all their weapons, they would have become prisoners by this time.

"You are finally here." Major Taylor looked at the clouds in front of him and said with tears of joy.

This made him a little overwhelmed. The British officer in front of him was so enthusiastic.

Not at all like an arrogant Brit.

“Major, I don’t understand, what do you mean?” Cun Yunsheng used his broken English again and asked doubtfully.

This kind of British officer who was suddenly very enthusiastic towards him made him very uncomfortable.

As long as the other party puts on a arrogant face, you may get used to it.


  Is this because I am used to being PUA?

Cun Yunsheng quickly shook his head, and then looked at the other person again.

"Are you from the Sichuan Army? I have heard of your name. All the British troops are retreating, and only your troops dare to fight the Japanese army." Major Taylor's words made Cun Yunsheng wary. What exactly is this guy selling? What medicine?

“Major, if you have anything to say, speak directly. I don’t understand what you mean?” Cun Yunsheng asked.

"That's it. My wife is in Bombay and I need to go back. Can you trouble your troops to garrison in Bhamo?" Major Taylor looked embarrassed.

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng was instantly dumbfounded.

How did this guy do it?

Such shameless words, but said so touchingly.

If the previous British officers wanted to escape and made up such an outrageous reason, I am afraid Du Yuming and others would not be so angry.

“What about the troops here?” Cun Yunsheng asked doubtfully.

"Actually, if you haven't come yet, I have decided to take my subordinates to prepare to evacuate. As for those troops, they are all local aborigines and have already colluded with the Japanese army. They will wait for the Japanese army to arrive and give the Bamo to Japanese army." Major Taylor said indifferently.

 Seeing the other party being so honest, to be honest, Cun Yunsheng was embarrassed to cheat the other party.

“I would like to ask, how much supplies does Bamo have?” Cun Yunsheng thought for a while and asked.

“There is also a lot of gasoline, food, and even a few fighter jets being assembled here.” Major Taylor listed all the supplies here.

“Hand it all over to us?” Cun Yunsheng asked in disbelief.

"Well, if you leave it to you, you can still fight against the Japanese army. Otherwise, when the Japanese army arrives, the natives will be handed over to the Japanese army. From now on, you will be the commander of Bhamo. I will return to Mumbai to reunite with my wife. ." After Major Taylor finished speaking, he breathed a sigh of relief.

No one knows how tense he is these days.

 He did not want to die, nor did he want to surrender.

“Well, it looks like I’m going to have another title.” Cun Yunsheng joked.

 “What title?” Major Taylor asked curiously.

"Before this, General Stilwell had just appointed me as the commander of Myitkyina to be responsible for garrisoning Myitkyina. Unexpectedly, there is another one now." Cun Yunsheng shrugged, indicating that his shoulders were much heavier. "It seems that Myitkyina is about to be evacuated. I'm sorry, but I have to leave too. The supply list and other things are in my office. From now on, that will be your office." After saying that, Major Taylor stopped following. Yun Sheng said a few more words, took several of his subordinates, got into the jeep that had been prepared and left.

 Looking at the packed luggage in the car, Cun Yunsheng couldn't help but feel jealous.

These British guys are really too fat. If it weren't for the fact that they are so knowledgeable, he would really want to do something dirty.

 After all, there are forests everywhere, and it is quite normal to bury a handful of British troops.

 “This British officer is too straightforward.” Meng Fangli stared at the jeep going away with his mouth open, and then said after coming back to his senses.

"This is what makes a person who knows current affairs a hero. You think they are all Rutgers. You don't know how that guy is doing now? Did the little devil kill him?" Cun Yunsheng said with emotion that Major Taylor was really a good person.

"Dead, dead, let Lin Yi lead people to receive those supplies, and take them all away without leaving a single one behind."

“Yes.” Long Wenwen responded, and then asked again.

“What about the plane? We don’t have a pilot? Did it explode?”

"You're a loser, you know how to explode?" Cun Yunsheng cursed angrily.

"But we don't have a pilot, and we can't take off the fighter jet. How can we push it? How can we push it on this mountain road?" Long Wenwen said helplessly.

He felt that Cun Yunsheng was just making things difficult for him, and there were not many literate people in the Sichuan Army.

 The pilot couldn’t even think about it.

That thing is simply a baby bump!

 So an airplane without a pilot is just a pile of scrap metal.

If it doesn’t blow up, what else will it be left for?

“Forget it, send someone to keep an eye on the plane. If anything happens, I’ll ask you. As for how to solve it, I’ll figure it out.” Cun Yunsheng emphasized again.

"Tuanzuo, how are you going to solve it? That's a fighter jet, not a cannon. Just let Krupp take it back and study it."

“I’m not a professional pilot. I don’t even know where the throttle is when I get up there.” Long Wenwen asked curiously.

Even Meng Fanxiao next to him looked confused. How to deal with the fighter jets?

“Tuanzuo, you’re not the one flying it yourself, are you? I didn’t realize it, but you’re still a pilot.” Meng Fan’s words provoked a kick from Cun Yunsheng.

 “Get out of the way.” Cun Yunsheng cursed, then pointed to the north and said.

“Forgot the Leiyun Airport Garrison Command, Colonel Cun Xingfu is my uncle?”

“But what does this have to do with our fighter jets? Did you ask your uncle to dispatch pilots?” Long Wenwen asked doubtfully.

"Yes, regimental commander, even if the airport garrison headquarters is your uncle, he has no right to mobilize pilots. They are directly under the mountain city." Meng Fanxiao also quickly advised.

"Who told you to ask my uncle to send pilots? I was thinking that my uncle gave me a lot of support before, and now is the time to repay him." Cun Yunsheng immediately said his plan.

To put it bluntly, he gave these fighter planes to his uncle as a favor, and then asked his uncle to run them up and down through the fighter planes to see if they could go up a level.

 After all, there are no generals in the Cun family now, and the weight of their words is not enough.

  If he can be promoted to a general officer through a few fighter planes, it will be a great help to him.

Not to mention, Cun Yunsheng also has a plan, which is to arrange for a few people to go to Leiyun Airport and let them learn how to fly fighter planes.

 In fact, he also considered waiting until Imphal to let the US military train how to fly fighter planes.

 But for what reason, he had no idea at all.

 Even the US military may refuse directly.

 But it would be different if it was Lei Yun Airport. It would be absolutely no problem to sneak a few people in there with his uncle taking care of them.

 These fighter planes are the stepping stone.

Hearing this, Meng Fangliao and Long Wenwen suddenly realized that they did not expect that their group members had such an idea.

But they also think it's normal. After all, when Cun Yunsheng first started his career, his uncle did give him a lot of support. Now it's not too much to repay him with a few fighter planes.

“Tuan Zuo is still affectionate and righteous. He always thinks of his family.” Long Wenwen couldn’t help but give a thumbs up.

“Okay, stop flattering and watch my plane. If something goes wrong, you know the consequences.” Cun Yunsheng glared at him, and then he wrote another letter home.

The beginning is still about greetings, and the middle is about the hardships after entering Myanmar. It also focuses on the achievements of the Sichuan Army, which was even classified as directly under the Allied Forces Command.

Finally, he said that his troops had withdrawn to Bhamo, where they found several fighter planes left behind by the British army. He wondered if his uncle was interested.

 At the same time, he also vaguely proposed that he could use these fighter planes to find a way to raise his military rank.

 After finishing writing home, Cun Yunsheng immediately asked Meng Fanglia to send it out through the radio.

“Gentlemen, I don’t know whether to say something or not.” Meng Fangliao looked at Cun Yunsheng and said.

“Put it off quickly, you and I are so particular.” Cun Yunsheng glared at him and motioned for the other party to speak quickly.

"What reasons are you going to use to make those fighter planes disappear? Those are the British fighter planes, and you just gave them away like this? If the British guys blame them, I'm afraid it will be very troublesome." Meng Fangliao said worriedly.

I have something to do, so I’m late. Sorry, there’s another update. I’ll hurry up and try to do it before eleven o’clock!



 (End of this chapter)

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