The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 91: Is this making fun of me?

Chapter 91 Are you trying to make fun of me?

"Reason? I am now the commander of Ba Mo. Isn't the reason very simple?" Cun Yunsheng looked at the other party and sneered.

“The Japanese army was about to arrive in Bhamo. In order not to leave equipment to the Japanese army, I decided to transport the plane back to Imphal. However, there was no pilot, so I had to ask for help from Leiyun Airport.”

“As for why the plane arrived at Leiyun Airport, that’s beyond my control.”

“Perhaps the pilots at Leiyun Airport were worried about being shot down by Japanese fighter planes, so they decided to fly back first and wait for the opportunity to send them back later.”

“I will be in Myitkyina by then, and this nonsense will have nothing to do with me.”

“Just asking you, have these aircraft fallen into the hands of the Japanese army?”

 “No, right? That’s not considered capitalizing on the enemy.”

Cun Yunsheng's words made Meng Fanglia give him a thumbs up. He could only say that his group had taken their shamelessness to the extreme.

He explained all the wrong ideas in a clear and logical way.

 He was really convinced.

 “You are this.”

Seeing this, Cun Yunsheng didn't say anything, but came to Major Taylor's office. He needed to know how much wealth Bamo still had.

The telegram from the other side arrived at Leiyun Airport soon.

At this time, Colonel Cun Xingfu of the Airport Garrison Command looked at the map of Myanmar. According to the intelligence collected so far, the Japanese army had captured Tonggu.

 But the Sichuan Army's record has not yet been spread.

There is no other way. The Burmese expeditionary force failed miserably all the way. Except for some high-level officials in the mountain city, no one else knew about it at all.

Not to mention that Cun Xingfu's rank is not even that of a senior military officer, so he doesn't even know this information.

 So he can only judge the situation in Myanmar through the news published in newspapers.

“It’s not good. The loss of Tonggu means that Myanmar has now entered a stage of strategic stalemate.”

"How did the 200th Division fight? Why couldn't they defend Tonggu?" Cun Xingfu didn't know what deceptive things the British army had done.

 After all, such things that damage the image of the Allied Forces must not be reported, otherwise it will seriously affect morale.

 So, Cun Xingfu did not know the role played by the British army, but simply thought it was the lost Tonggu of the 200th Division.

"Well, I don't know where Yunsheng's Sichuan Army is. His motley crew is probably destined to be cannon fodder. I hope he can be smarter and not be stupid. If he encounters something wrong, he will flee immediately." Because the intelligence was too much It was rare, so Cun Xingfu couldn't be analyzed further, and he immediately began to care about Cun Yunsheng's safety.

After all, he is the third generation of the Cun family and the only one to join the army.

 So it will receive more attention.

“Sir, I have a letter home from you.” The adjutant walked in with the telegram he had just received and said loudly.

"Letter from home? Is it from the old man? He is over eighty, can't he take good care of himself? It's not his turn to worry about war or anything."

"Oh, you don't have to think about it, I must ask if there is any news about Yunsheng." With that, Cun Xingfu opened the telegram, and the message that caught his eye made him stunned.

The further he looked down, the more frightened he became. He even held his heart for a long time before gasping for air.

 “What this boy brings is not a surprise, but a shock.”

 No wonder he said that, it is really a remarkable achievement.

They successively eliminated more than 3,000 Japanese troops, defeated the Japanese infantry regiment and heavy artillery regiment, wiped out a squadron, and severely damaged a brigade.

 Had it not been limited by transportation capacity, all the Japanese heavy artillery would have been his.

Even so, Cun Xingfu was also frightened by such a terrifying record.

Even the Sichuan Army Corps was classified as a force directly under the Allied Forces Command.

To be honest, if it weren't for Cun Yunsheng's solemn guarantee, he would have suspected that someone was joking with him.

But then he also became curious, why was Shancheng not publicizing such a brilliant achievement?

After all, the British army suffered a disastrous defeat and the expeditionary force was also at a disadvantage. The Sichuan Army's performance was very impressive and should be vigorously publicized.

 Fortunately, the letter also explained it to him. First of all, the Sichuan Army Corps is affiliated to the 45th Army of the Sichuan Army.

 The current situation of the Sichuan Army is well known to everyone.

Since Liu Xiang died of illness, the Sichuan Army has been artificially split into several forces.

If the achievements of the Sichuan Army are widely publicized, it means that the Sichuan Army may rise again.

 This is what Shancheng does not want to see.

Secondly, the Sichuan Army Corps followed Stilwell's command without Shancheng's consent, which had angered Shancheng.

 So Shancheng will only treat the Sichuan Army coldly, and don't expect to hear any praise or anything like that.

 The dilemma that Cun Yunsheng encounters now is that he cannot return to Zenda.

 Once he comes back, it means he will lose everything.

He was the hope of the Cun family's rise, so he decided to lead his troops to Imphal to complete the reorganization there.

However, he took over a batch of fighter planes in Bhamo. I wonder if his uncle is interested.

“I didn’t expect this brat to do so many earth-shattering things.” The corners of Colonel Cun Xingfu’s mouth rose slightly, and the smile on his face could not be suppressed.

“With a few British aircraft, if you put them into operation, you still have a chance to be promoted to a general officer.”

Cun Xingfu was still a little moved by Cun Yunsheng's proposal. He had been in the position of colonel for a long time.

 Although he is an airport defense commander, he is actually useless. Since the movement of aircraft is not his responsibility, he is responsible for airport security.

 If anything happens, he will be the scapegoat.

 So he was still depressed in his heart and wanted to be like Cun Yunsheng and ride on the battlefield.

Especially seeing that Cun Yunsheng has achieved such great achievements at such a young age, I am naturally extremely envious.

As for the later mentioned hope of sending a few people over to learn to fly airplanes, it was nothing to him.

Although he can't mobilize the plane, there is no problem in arranging a few people. After all, those pilots also rely on various logistic services provided by the airport guard group.

“But this brat is so brave. Even the British plane dared to sneak down.” Cun Xingfu chuckled, then thought for a while, picked up the phone, and called someone.

Not long after, a pilot with the rank of captain walked into the office. This man was Huang Kekuan, the second squadron leader of the third flight group of Leiyun Airport.

 “Lao Cun, what do you want from me?” The two of them were very familiar with each other, so as soon as Huang Kekuan came in, he sat down on the chair with a cigarette in his mouth.

"I'm busy. Another group of students has been sent from the mountain city. I'm having a headache about the plane and the fuel."

“We only allocated a small amount of money to go up to the peak. Now that prices have soared and fuel prices are so high, we can’t even fly a few times. Such students will die if they go to the sky.”

 After sitting down, Huang Kekuan did not treat Cun Xingfu as an outsider and quickly complained about Shangfeng's deduction of funds.

“Money is needed everywhere now, and it’s normal to withhold funds. I’ve been submitting the anti-aircraft machine gun requirement for half a year, and there’s no sign of it. Just get used to it.” Cun Xingfu also said.

Hearing this, Huang Kekuan stopped talking. This is still the case now, so they can understand.

  After all, Jiangsu and Zhejiang, which are important sources of tax revenue, are in the hands of the Japanese army, and Shancheng really has no money.

Even the American weapons purchased only cost over one million US dollars a year, which is simply not enough.

“Tell me, what’s going on?” Huang Kekuan asked again.

"It's not a big deal. My nephew has acquired a few fighter planes. I wonder if your flight team is interested?" Cun Xingfu said directly.

"Are you saying you want to sell? Don't look for me. I'm just a squadron leader. I can't decide anything. Are you interested in the funds? That stuff is not even enough to buy parts for an aircraft." Huang Kekuan also said Thinking that the other party was interested in the little funds in his hand, he couldn't help but shake his head and persuade.

“No, it’s free on the plane.” Cun Xingfu shook his head quickly.

"Huh? Free delivery? Pie in the sky? Is there such a good thing?" Huang Kekuan was immediately confused. Is there anyone sending a plane?

This is strange.

“Well, it’s free, but the plane is not here, so you need to take someone to fly back.” Cun Xingfu explained with a smile.

 “That’s not a problem, tell me where it is?” Huang Kekuan frowned with a confident expression.

 “In Bamo.” Cun Xingfu said quickly.

"Huh? Bhamo? Isn't that the British territory? Are you asking me to go to the British territory and bring the plane back? Is your nephew stealing a British fighter plane?"

"Old Cun, please don't harm me. Even if you give me ten nerves, I wouldn't dare to steal a British guy's plane. Not only will I be doomed, but you will also be doomed." Huang Kekuan was startled and immediately jumped from his seat. He stood up and shook his head like a rattle.

 “I still have something else to do…”

"Wait a minute, I didn't steal it, it was given to me by the British army." Cun Xingfu's words made Huang Kekuan even more confused. When would a British guy be so kind?

 Also send a plane?

 Ask them to send some equipment, but they are not willing to do so. How can they be willing to send a plane?

 He always felt that there was something wrong with it.

 There is no other way, Cun Xingfu can only take out the letters he received from home.

After reading the letter home with a puzzled expression, Huang Kekuan's expression was the same as before. He couldn't believe it. Are you kidding me?

 Are you trying to make fun of him?

 After Cunxingfu’s confirmation, I realized that this was actually true.

 “You have an amazing nephew.” After a long time, Huang Kekuan sighed with emotion.

"Okay, I know this. What I mean is, do you still want the plane? If not, it will explode. In addition, there is less fuel. They are all in short supply. It will cost money to transport them back." He said angrily.

"Definitely, but nothing will happen, right? If the British know that we have driven the plane back, they will be in trouble." Huang Kekuan was still a little worried, after all, Britain is not that easy to get along with.

"What's the trouble? When the time comes, we will push it to the black market and say we bought it from the black market. As for the source, we don't know." Cun Xingfu said nonchalantly.

Hearing this, Huang Kekuan thought for a while. These British fighter planes are a good thing. They are much better than the remaining old planes.

Thinking of this, Huang Kekuan gritted his teeth and said.

“Done, you are right, when the time comes, we will say we bought it from the black market.”

“One more thing, my nephew asked me to send a few people over to study.” Cun Xingfu asked again.

"No problem. I have to train new students anyway. When the time comes, you can arrange for them to come in and let them learn together. But why does your nephew want a pilot? He is just a regiment leader. Could it be that he wants to form a flying team? "Huang Kekuan couldn't help but ask.

"Who knows, young people have many ideas, and I can't keep up with the times." Cun Xingfu was also a little confused, but he couldn't make his nephew look bad.

“Perhaps he really wants to form a flying team. After all, he is now highly valued by the Allied Forces Command. Maybe he will be equipped with a flying team for his regiment by then.”

"Hey, let's see what you can do. I'll go back and make preparations. In two hours, we will fly to Bhamo and let your nephew prepare the field airport. In addition, you have to follow up with the top to operate it. Don't let the planes arrive by then. When you come back, no one will remember your achievements." Huang Kekuan reminded me kindly.

"Don't worry, I know all this." After Huang Kekuan left, Cun Xingfu immediately sent a telegram to Bhamo.

 After receiving the telegram, Cun Yunsheng immediately felt relieved.

 Immediately let the engineering company and others go to build a simple runway.

At the same time, Sun Yunfei was asked to call the recruited intellectuals to the office. He wanted to teach these people a lesson.

   It just happened to be stuck, change it first and then change it! Also wish everyone a happy May Day! Have fun, eat well, and be safe when traveling!



 (End of this chapter)

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