The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 92: If you have any questions, I'll take care of it!

Chapter 92 If you have any questions, I’ll take care of them!

“Yunsheng, I didn’t expect that you would become famous without saying a word, and you would achieve such great achievements in such a short period of time.”

 “If I didn’t believe that you can’t lie to others, I really wouldn’t believe it.”

"The guy who cried all the time when he was a child, one day became famous in a foreign land and increased the prestige of our Chinese soldiers."

 At the simple airport, Cun Xingfu, who had just gotten off the plane, looked at Cun Yunsheng in front of him and couldn't help but sigh.

 Can’t lie to others?

Meng Fangliao, Lin Yi and other officers of the Sichuan Army looked at each other in confusion.

 Your nephew cannot lie?

 Are you sure you are talking about him?

This guy deceived the British army into dying and deceived Stilwell.

Isn't this called a lie?

 They now even suspect that they were deceived by this harmless guy.

But now that I think about it, they were willing to be deceived in the first place.

Meng Fanglia really wants to stand up and say something, sir, are you really talking about our own group?

 Could it be someone else?

 But when he saw Cun Yunsheng's glare, he was frightened again.

"Fifth Uncle, I don't agree with what you said. People will change, and our country will be lost. Our soldiers should rise up and kill the enemy to repay the country." Cun Yunsheng said with a firm look.

"It seems that you have really grown up. Very good. The third generation of my Cun family has also become a talented person. He is much more promising than our uncles." Cun Xingfu patted Cun Yunsheng on the shoulder and sighed. With.

“The third brother is as curious as if there is knowledge under the spring, so he is naturally very happy. You have not dishonored the reputation of the Cun family.”

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng remained silent. Everyone else also knew the tragic story of General Cun Xingqi.

"Grandpa, how are you?" Cun Yunsheng said in a hoarse voice after a long time.

“My body is pretty strong, but I’m just worried about whether your boy will disgrace the reputation of the Cun family. If I knew that your boy had achieved such a proud record, I’d probably be happy to eat a few more bowls of rice.” Cun Xingfu said with a smile.

 Obviously Cun Yunsheng's excellent performance makes him proud.

"Go back and take a look when you have the chance. Grandpa is eighty-eight after all..." Cun Xingfu patted his shoulder again, sighed, and then continued.

“What do you mean, do you want to abandon Bhamo and retreat to Myitkyina?”

"Yes, according to the order of the Allied Forces Command, I will withdraw to Imphal via Myitkyina, reorganize there, and fight again another day." There is nothing to hide about this kind of thing, so Cun Yunsheng said directly .

"You don't know what kind of bad luck you have. You are directly under the Allied Forces Command. It sounds very respectable. In fact, every step is like walking on thin ice. I don't know how many people are watching you. You are fully equipped with beautiful weapons and equipment. That's Xue Tian, ​​right? "The people behind them should all be security guards, right? They're all armed with Thompson submachine guns. Even I feel jealous when I look at them." Cun Xingfu glanced at Xue Tian, ​​who was on guard not far away, and said with some envy.

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng said with a smile.

"Fifth Uncle, I don't have much else right now, just equipment. I will send you a battalion of fine equipment later."

This sentence is really not a boast. The weapons and equipment seized at Tangji Railway Station are enough to equip a regiment. Although they are all British-made weapons, they are still better than fire sticks, right?

"Haha, you are really rich now. You just bought a battalion of beautiful weapons and equipment. People who don't know would think you are bragging." Cun Xingfu patted the other party on the shoulder and said happily.

“It’s rare that you are still thinking about your fifth uncle, but I am just an airport garrison commander, and I don’t have much chance to go to the battlefield. It’s useless to ask for beautiful weapons and equipment, so you should keep it for yourself. You will have to fight hard next.”

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng would be lying if he said he was not moved. Then he thought of the Japanese offensive later and wanted to remind his fifth uncle, but he still swallowed it.

"Lao Cun, you two uncles and nephews can catch up with each other later, I want to see the fighter plane." Huang Kekuan finally couldn't wait any longer and couldn't help but said.

"Hahaha, I thought you could hold back your words. Come on, Yunsheng will introduce you." Cun Xingfu laughed when he heard Huang Kekuan's voice, and then began to introduce both parties.

“Huang Kekuan, captain of the second squadron of the third brigade of Leiyun Airport, is only one fighter away from becoming an ace pilot. This is my nephew, Cun Yunsheng.”

"Hey, don't listen to your fifth uncle's bragging. It's not that exaggerated. Well, you can call me Uncle Huang or Uncle Ke Kuan." Huang Ke Kuan looked familiar, which made Cun Yunsheng smile.

 “Alas, Uncle Huang.”

"Let's go and see the fighter plane first. Do you know what model it is? Why am I asking this? You, an Army member, definitely don't understand fighter planes." Huang Kekuan said and patted his head, feeling that the question was redundant.

"If I guess correctly, it should be a Spitfire." Cun Yunsheng didn't care about the opponent's attitude. After all, he was able to shoot down four Japanese fighter planes with lagging fighters. As expected, he must be an ace pilot. For such a capable fighter People, he always admired.

"What? A Spitfire? You kid can't admit it, right? There are no such fighter planes in the Far East battlefield. If there were, the British fighter planes would not be beaten by the Japanese and would not dare to take off." As a person. A would-be ace pilot, he had naturally heard of jet fighters.

It is simply unbelievable to hear that Spitfires appeared here in Bhamo.

“Don’t worry, you won’t be mistaken. There is a weapons list in the British guy’s office. It clearly records that there are three Spitfire fighter jets. I guess the reason why they appear here is to catch the Japanese soldiers by surprise.”

“Who would have known that the front line was constantly being defeated, and the Japanese army was almost reaching Bhamo, so those British troops had no intention of fighting and just wanted to escape.” Cun Yunsheng said with a shrug.

After confirming that it was a Spitfire fighter, Huang Kekuan felt that the whole person was thirsty. If these three fighters were sent back, it goes without saying that the air combat capability of Leiyun Airport would be greatly enhanced.

 Are Chinese pilots inferior to the Japanese army?


 They dared to fight to the death even more than the Japanese army!

 Even for the sake of honor, you can die together with the Japanese fighter planes.

 So, they are not afraid of death!

 Aren’t you afraid that airplanes are not as good as others?

"There won't be any problem if we fly it back, right?" If it's just an ordinary British-made fighter plane, just fly it back. At worst, you'll have to pay some compensation later. Air Force pilots at this time are really not short of money.

It’s not that the military pay is huge, but that the families behind each have a deep foundation.

 To put it bluntly, they are a group of second generations.

 In order to protect their homes and country, they have gone to the battlefield one after another.

 So when they came here, Huang Kekuan thought that if they drove back and the British asked for fighter planes, they would pool money to compensate the British and treat them as if they bought them.

I believe that the British will not damage the relationship between allies for a few old fighter planes.

 But now it’s the Spitfire, and things are in trouble.

This is a very advanced fighter plane. At least in Huang Kekuan's eyes, it is absolutely advanced and countless times more powerful than the two-winged wooden fighter plane they originally flew.

“What’s wrong with an old fighter plane that’s missing its teeth?” To be honest, Cun Yunsheng really didn’t like this crappy plane.

If it were a jet fighter, he might have given it a high look. No matter how superior a propeller-driven fighter is, it is just a propeller-driven fighter and will eventually be eliminated.

"How dare you say that? If the British guys knew about this old toothless fighter jet, I'm afraid they would be furious." Huang Kekuan smacked his tongue and gave Cun Yunsheng a thumbs up.

 “You have courage, you are much better than your fifth uncle.”

“Forget it, you guys are not afraid, so what should I be afraid of? At worst, I will return it to the British army when the time comes, and let us have a good time first.”

 Huang Kekuan felt that he was worse than a young boy, so he simply didn’t care.

 The worst case scenario is to return it to the British army.

“Don’t worry, I won’t say it was your kid who gave it to me. I’ll just say I bought it on the black market.” Huang Kekuan even comforted Cun Yunsheng.

"I think you should tell the truth. After all, the British are not fools. If I buy a jet fighter on the black market, people who don't know it think I am reselling arms. Then the crime will be even greater." Cun Yunsheng was speechless for a while.

"In that case, the British won't be able to trouble you?" Cun Xingfu said anxiously.

"Trouble me? They must have the courage. Besides, if these planes are not given to the allies, should they be given to the Japanese army? If we hadn't arrived at Bhamo in advance, wouldn't they have fallen into the hands of the Japanese army?" Cun Yun Sheng sneered.

“You don’t have to worry about this. When the time comes to investigate, you can tell the truth. If you have any problems, I’ll take care of them.”

Hearing this, Cun Xingfu glanced at his nephew in surprise. He didn't expect that this kid would be so confident after not seeing him for a while.

 Since the other party has said so, it is hard for them to say anything else.

Only Meng Fanlie and others knew that their group really didn't take the British people seriously.

I have never seen how many British people have been tricked to death.

When he arrived at the hangar and looked at the Spitfire fighter jets in front of him, Huang Kekuan was really red-eyed. He immediately asked his subordinates to start testing the fighters and found that everything was fine.

 It's a **** thing that there could be any problems. After all, it's newly shipped and has just been assembled. It's waiting for the pilot to arrive and is ready to go to the battlefield.

As a result, the front line was defeated all the way, and the British army forgot that there were still fighter planes here.

  After all, for Alexander, withdrawing the British-Burmese army to India was the most important thing, and everything else was trivial.

 “Are we going to drive back?” Huang Kekuan always felt a little embarrassed.

 “How about staying for a meal?” Cun Yunsheng suggested.

"Forget it, we also sneaked out. If we are discovered, we will definitely not be able to explain clearly. Let's eat next time we meet. There will be opportunities to meet in the future." Cun Xingfu shook his head and said.

"Let your people go back with us, and we guarantee that they will learn to fly fighter planes in three months." After taking other people's things, Huang Kekuan was naturally very concerned about Cun Yunsheng's request, and even patted his chest and promised that the three of them would Yue definitely lets them learn.

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng was not surprised. After all, three months is enough to learn a propeller-driven fighter jet.

Like the kamikaze squads in the later period of the Japanese army, they learned it for a few days and then flew fighter planes to commit suicide.

 Suffice it to say that it is not difficult to build a propeller-driven fighter.

“They are already waiting at the airport.” Cun Yunsheng said with a smile.

When he arrived at the airstrip and saw ten new faces, Huang Kekuan nodded and immediately arranged for people to take off the fighter jets.

 “This is?” Cun Xingfu looked at the weapons and equipment in front of him, and then looked at Cun Yunsheng.

“The art equipment of a battalion is mainly composed of Thompson submachine guns and some M1 Garand rifles. I have a lot of these now.” Cun Yunsheng explained with a smile.

“The Japanese army will definitely continue to attack southwest Yunnan in an attempt to cut off the China-Myanmar Highway, so Leiyun Airport must be the focus of the Japanese army’s attack. With this weapon, Uncle Wu will use it to strengthen the airport’s defense firepower.”

Hearing this, Cun Xingfu was a little moved, and then he patted the other party's shoulder without saying a word.

it is more than words.

 Happy May Day to everyone!



 (End of this chapter)

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