The War of Resistance

Chapter 999 The little guy who refuses to give up

Sometimes people's thoughts are like seeds buried in the soil. They can't be removed by fire or knife from outside. But if they can't be removed, they will sprout as long as the conditions are right.

The same goes for Shang Zhen's idea of ​​fighting the Japanese.

They hurried through the mountains and fields, but when they took a shortcut again and arrived on the main road, they still found the Japanese shoe prints in the low-lying areas. As for the Japanese soldiers, they still didn't find them.

In other words, the Japanese army was still ahead of them, and they did not catch up with them.

As for how they, who had never been to this area, found the road again in the mountains, it was because the terrain in this area was relatively flat. When Shang Zhen held a meeting with the soldiers, he climbed to the top of the mountain and looked at the road. general direction.

Faced with this situation, everyone felt somewhat discouraged.

"How about we stop chasing him?" A veteran said in frustration.

No one said a word, as if the only answer to him was discouragement.

But in the end, when Li Qingfeng saw that Xiao Dizi looked unwilling, he asked, "Do you still want to pursue me?"

"Yeah." Xiao Dizi nodded.

"Why?" Li Qingfeng asked.

"I was captured as a young man together with my brother. He was beaten to death by the Japanese." Xiao Dizi said in a low voice.

Yes, Xiao Dizi spoke in a low voice, but Qingfeng Li couldn't help but asked him why his voice was not low, and everyone listened to his answer.

Xiao Dizi's answer gave all the soldiers an answer. No wonder!

What is the hatred that cannot be resolved in this world? It's a blood feud!

Blood feud is a life-and-death feud, each with the sole mission of killing the other party. It cannot be exchanged with interests, and the only thing that needs to be exchanged is the life of the other party!

Everyone knows that living is good, but there is no reason to hesitate to lose one's life just to avenge blood!

In other words, living is meaningless if you can't avenge this blood revenge. In other words, living is just to avenge this blood revenge.

No one among the veterans laughed at Xiao Dizi this time, just because they understood Xiao Dizi.

The veterans have no blood relatives in their former Hao Blind Company, but they have close friends, so of course they can call them brothers. Although the men never call them brothers, they only shout "Brothers, charge" when charging. !”

So, naturally, the veterans thought of those comrades who had died in battle, how much money they still owed this damn ghost, and who they stole chickens from when the damn ghost couldn't be called a ghost, and - forget it, it's all These are private matters not suitable for children.

Then, they thought of Hao Xiazi who had already been buried.

At this time, someone climbed to a high place and began to look into the distance, re-determining the direction of the road. That was Lao Qiuzi.

Then under the command of Lao Qiuzi, the more than thirty soldiers started a new journey.

But this time they couldn't run like chickens in blood as Shang Zhen encouraged them, shouting vulgar slogans while running through the mountains and fields, and their speed finally slowed down.

At this time, Shang Zhen paid special attention to Old Qiuzi and followed him. He found that Old Qiuzi was smiling as he walked, but that smile was not a normal smile, it was a bitter smile.

"I'm curious, why do you continue to chase those little devils and want to avenge Blind Hao?" Shang Zhen asked.

Lao Qiuzi glanced at Shang Zhen and said nothing, acquiescing. Then he answered the question and said, "Suddenly it felt funny."

"How ridiculous?" Shang Zhen asked.

"What will happen if we catch up with those little devils? I think those little devils have to have a squadron even if they don't have a squadron. We can't defeat them.

And if you can't beat it according to your fighting style, you won't hit hard, that is, shoot a few shots from a distance.

Do you think we were so tired that we chased these little devils just to scare them with a few shots from a distance? "

Of course Shang Zhen understood what Lao Qiuzi said about firing a few shots from a distance to scare them. That was just a metaphor. In fact, it meant chasing a group of Japanese troops whose strength far exceeded their own. Doing things that are not worthwhile or thankless.

"Think about it, fighting the Japanese is our dream. We can't stop thinking until the little Japanese are driven out of China." Shang Zhen finally answered.

In fact, Shang Zhen understood Lao Qiuzi's psychology. He didn't know whether they could catch up with the Japanese army, but since the soldiers wanted to pursue them, he had no reason not to pursue them.

Just this kind of pursuit? How should I put it, it was not what Shang Zhen liked.

Although he is walking on the land of China, the irony is that Shang Zhen does not have a detailed map in his hand, so that he does not even know where he is walking, and neither do the soldiers.

Shang Zhen only knew that going further south should be Xuzhou, and there seemed to be Taierzhuang.

And they refused to contact the main force. He didn't know the specific battle situation or where the battle line was roughly.

He feels uneasy if he doesn't understand.

Why is there no Japanese plane in the sky? If there is a Japanese plane now, I should be able to guess something, right?

It's already afternoon, and even if the kid has a mobile plane, he probably won't come out. Who knows how far the kid's airport is from here.

Shang Zhen was thinking wildly in his mind, and suddenly he remembered a word he heard the old man say, "go with the flow".

After all, Da Laobeng was born as a monk, and he had memorized a few Buddhist scriptures.

Shang Zhen didn't ask what "fate" meant. In his understanding, people like himself and his soldiers couldn't let go of the opportunity to fight the Japanese, so he just let it happen.

But who knows what role a little person like himself will play in this war?

Shang Zhen's knowledge was limited. He did not know that battles like the LY Blockade were rare in the entire anti-Japanese war. That is, battles of all sizes were very frequent, especially small battles.

The reason why such a situation occurred is because the Forty Army was very determined to resist Japan.

Only when all officers and soldiers have the same goal of resisting Japan to the end, will such countless small-scale battles be extremely numerous.

A division that was crippled turned into a regiment, a regiment that was crippled turned into a battalion, and a battalion that was crippled turned into a company and a platoon, and even the platoon organization no longer existed, but what was left was The remnants of the soldiers still refused to surrender or retreat, but they were still fighting desperately against the invaders.

And this is the importance of all these little people who are very small individually but are extremely great when they are gathered together in large numbers.

A real warrior is not only about charging on the battlefield, but also about being able to take the initiative to attack the Japanese invaders even when there are no superiors, no orders, and no machine guns to supervise the team.

There are too many examples like this in China's five thousand years.

Shang Zhen did not know that the three northeastern provinces had been occupied by Japanese invaders for eight years, and countless little people like him still did not give up resistance.

Before there was the Northeast Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army, and then there was the Northeast Anti-Japanese Alliance, and in the Northeast Anti-Japanese Alliance, the heroic deeds of eight women who threw themselves into the river took place.

The general situation of the matter is this.

The Japanese army made a sneak attack on the Northeast Anti-Japanese Alliance. The eight female anti-alliance fighters were originally behind the Japanese army and the Japanese army did not detect them.

But they shot at the Japanese army from behind. As a result, the Japanese army who sneaked into the anti-alliance force turned around and chased them.

In the end, they ran out of bullets and had no chance of becoming prisoners, so they turned around and jumped into the bitterly cold Mudanjiang River. The youngest anti-alliance female warrior among them was only thirteen years old!

If these eight female warriors had only cared about their own safety, they could have easily escaped, but they did not. Instead, they took the initiative to cause death for the safety of the larger army, and became "abandoned children" willingly.

From this perspective, Shang Zhen and others, the remnant soldiers of the Forty Army who are still fighting on their own, and even the officers and soldiers who refuse to lay down their weapons on the entire anti-war battlefield, all play such a role.

A national war certainly requires theoretical support such as "protracted war" and "trading space for time", but it also requires thousands of little people to practice it at the expense of their own lives!

Fortunately, China has a profound cultural heritage of 5,000 years and has never lacked thousands of such little people.

Well, Shang Zhen and the others were moving forward like this, and at dusk, Wang Xiaodan, who had been leading the front, ran back and reported: "Quick! Quick! The little Taoist saw the little Japanese in the telescope!"

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