The War of Resistance

Chapter 1000 The plan failed

When Wang Xiaodan came back to report, his tone was still very urgent. Of course, it was because he discovered the Japanese army.

At that moment, all the soldiers involuntarily clenched their guns.

They spent most of the day tracking this group of Japanese soldiers. What was they trying to do? Of course it was for this group of Japanese soldiers to bring such a guy.

According to Shang Zhen's usual style, even if he fired a volley of guns at the Japanese army from a distance, let alone killing and wounding a few Japanese soldiers, it would be good to torment the Japanese army!

At that time, Shang Zhen also followed Wang Xiaodan to the front to observe the Japanese army.

But in the end, the decision made by Shang Zhen made the soldiers confused for a while, just because Shang Zhen directly ruled out the possibility of attacking the Japanese army. The reason was that this group of Japanese soldiers were very vigilant.

It was already dusk. It stands to reason that the Japanese army was not the Chinese army and had an advantage in all aspects. However, this group of Japanese soldiers neither found a village to move in nor started a fire to cook. They actually ate cold food.

Moreover, according to the observations of the leading soldier Qingfeng Li and his colleagues, the Japanese army placed at least four hidden sentries around their camp.

This was just what Qingfeng Li and the others observed, and they didn't know if there were others in the dark.

Under such circumstances, how could Shang Zhen, who had always been cautious, be willing to attack the Japanese army again?

From Shang Zhen's point of view, not to mention that each of the Japanese troops was a sharpshooter, but that would be the same. If they attacked rashly, even if they missed a few Japanese troops, they would definitely suffer heavy losses if they dared to charge into the open area.

"So, let's wait until daybreak to find a suitable terrain on the road ahead and then fight these little devils." In the end, Shang Zhen concluded with this sentence.

Then he said to Wang Xiaodan: "Let's go around to the little devil and take a look."

"Okay!" Wang Xiaodan was overjoyed.

It's not like Shang Zhen never took Wang Xiaodan out with him every time, but every time, he still took Li Qingfeng and Da Laoban with him. Even Wang Xiaodan himself knew that Shang Zhen took Li Qingfeng and Da Laoban with him. The old fool brought him along by the way.

But this time it was different. Shang Zhen had already withdrawn Li Qingfeng and Big Boss, but this time he had to take himself out. What did this mean? This at least shows that in Shang Zhen's mind, he is different from before!

"You should rest, but you should not start a fire. You should be careful." Shang Zhen dropped these words and headed towards the mountains with Wang Xiaodan.

The road was tortuous, and the Japanese army was now to their southwest. Shang Zhen took Wang Xiaodan to the south. He had to avoid the Japanese guard post.

Seeing Shang Zhen and Wang Xiaodan walking further and further away, Old Qiuzi couldn't help but curl his lips. He guessed that Shang Zhen had gone out to explore the terrain.

That's all for Shang Zhen, it was Wang Xiaodan who made Lao Qiuzi pout, and only a fool like Wang Xiaodan would follow Shang Zhen.

The target is in front, and there are sentries on the target. In order to prevent others from discovering it, Shang Zhen and the others need to make a big circle. The distance is not ordinary.

Shang Zhen took Wang Xiaodan away, and the soldiers relaxed in the woods.

The battle was at least temporarily unfinished, so everyone took out the dry food they had brought and ate it.

Everyone was silent while eating, after all, it had been a tiring day.

After finishing eating, the old man gently touched Qingfeng Li and said, "What do you think the two of us secretly go to the little devil's place after dark?"

The old man said this in a neither high nor low voice. Qingfeng Li was not the only one who heard what he said.

"What, you want to be a death squad?" Ma Erpao answered.

No wonder Ma Erpao thought this way. Isn't that what the death squads do when they break into the enemy camp at night?

"Why do you want to die?" The old man had no intention of hiding it from others, or at least he had no other intentions at the moment.

"Bullshit, it's up to you to decide whether to die or not? Ask the dead people who is willing to die?" Ma Erpao disagreed. He felt that the old man was too naive, or too stupid.

"Shang Zhen is not at home, so don't make your own decisions." Li Qingfeng said.

"I'm just telling you, I'm wondering if I can wait until dark when I reach a place not far from the Japs and throw the grenade, and then run away. What's the danger?" the old fool asked again.

"Huh?" Upon hearing what Big Old Man said, several veterans looked over. They felt that Big Old Man's move seemed feasible, but they knew that Big Old Man was definitely very powerful.

"How far is it from the place not far from the Japanese?" Lao Qiuzi asked.

"Well, one foot is equal to more than three meters. Then I can throw it more than thirty feet, which is about a hundred meters." The old fool was doing the math.

"A hundred meters?" The veterans were stunned, each with their mouths wide open.

They really couldn't believe that the old man could throw the grenade more than a hundred meters.

That's just a hundred meters away. Their veterans' marksmanship skills didn't dare to hit the target at a hundred meters, but the old man now told them that they could throw the grenade a hundred meters away!

Of course they knew that Big Boss could throw a grenade far, but they never imagined that Big Boss could throw a grenade that far!

"With a run-up?" Old Ball asked after being surprised for a moment.

"Then you have to take two steps." The old man replied with some uncertainty.

"Ha." Old Qiuzi smiled, "You run two steps and throw out a grenade, then run two steps and throw out another grenade. When you throw away the grenade, you will be in front of the Japanese. When you are done, you will Wrestling with a kid?"

The old ball boy's words are still very bluffing, but is the big old fool really stupid?

When the old ball player finished saying this, the big old fool had already reacted: "Nonsense, after I ran like that a few times, I could hit the ball from where I was, and I could hit nearly thirty shots from where I was. Damn it, why should I run up to that little devil?"

As soon as the old fool said this, the soldiers all laughed.

"I think this trick can be tried. I don't know how many little devils will be killed, but it will definitely mess up the little devils." Lu Yifei said.

"Then we have to wait until Shang Zhen and Wang Xiaodan come back." Old Qiuzi said, "It seems that Shang Zhen can be included. I think Shang Zhen seems to be quite powerful."

"What's the use of talking so lively? There are only two people who can throw grenades. What are the rest of us doing? Watching from the side?" Lu Yichun asked.

"What are you not satisfied with? Then if the grenade goes off, if the kid shoots or makes a bright light, let's fire a volley and run away." Li Da Ming finally got the word.

However, just when Li Dabai rushed to speak, several veterans said at the same time: "You understand?"

So Li Dabai shut up, while Ma Chuncai, who had been silent next to him, laughed happily.

"We have to wait for Shang Zhen to come back, but now let's take a look at the terrain and find out how to get there safely. It will be dark soon." At this time, Qingfeng Li suggested.

During today's march, Qingfeng Li and several other soldiers had been serving as vanguards. They were the first to discover the Japanese army, but while they were eating, Qingfeng Li and the others withdrew and changed guard.

Since everyone is discussing harming the Japanese army after dark, it is important for them to observe the terrain and try to avoid the Japanese sentries and find a relatively safe path.

Lao Qiuzi, the veterans, Li Qingfeng and others moved, and as soon as they moved, Xu Shenwei, Dong Qiu and the new recruits would follow.

"You guys wait here. We won't need so many people to see the terrain. You can go there together when the shooting starts." Old Qiuzi said.

Dong Qiu was about to retort, but then Old Qiuzi said: "What's the use of going too many times? Just look at the terrain. The little Taoist priest and I can go. Don't follow any of you."

What Lao Qiuzi said was to exclude other veterans. In this way, Dong Qiu, Xu Shenwei and the new recruits really couldn't say anything. After all, if more than thirty people passed, the target would indeed be too big.

Lao Qiuzi and Li Qingfeng took their guns and headed towards the direction of the Japanese army station. This was the second time they went out after Shang Zhen and Wang Xiaodan left.

However, unlike the silence in the woods when Shang Zhen and Wang Xiaodan left, the soldiers had already begun to check their guns.

Shang Zhen only took Wang Xiaodan to check the terrain where the Japanese army might be ambushed. That was to conduct an ambush.

But Lao Qiuzi and Li Qingfeng took the initiative to explore the way to attack the Japanese army in the dark, and they would also have the opportunity to shoot a few shots when the time came. So why didn't the soldiers prepare for battle in advance?

Just when the soldiers were checking their firearms, they suddenly heard a gunshot from the front, and just as the reverberation of the gunshot was still echoing in their ears, Qingfeng Li's sharp high-pitched voice was heard. Shouting: "The little devil is coming up!"

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