The War of Resistance

Chapter 1047 A clever mistake

The whole town was in chaos, and there was really fighting. It was not a fight between a dozen people against a dozen people, but a fight between dozens of soldiers against dozens of soldiers.

"Damn it, you guys from the Third Company still dare to shoot at us?" a soldier yelled.

People from the Northeast are taller and stronger, but the soldier who spoke is exceptionally tall and strong.

How can there be so many martial arts masters in this world? When fighting, what you rely more on is just your physical strength.

Because of this, he had already knocked down three people from the third company opposite him.

According to the habits of Northeastern people, if I can't beat you with my bare hands, then I will attack you.

So there were already soldiers on the opposite side who were already swinging their rifle butts at him.

Don't tell me, it's really easy for this soldier to shout like this.

After all, we are all in the same battalion, but you are from the second company and I am from the third company.

As far as this relationship is concerned, it would be far too far to call them brothers. In fact, they are just one family.

For example, if the Second Company is disabled in the battle with the Japanese army, the remnants of the Second Company will be reorganized into the Third Company, and vice versa. Isn't this just a family?

The soldier on the opposite side just hesitated. The big soldier stepped forward and grabbed the hand that had already raised the butt of the gun, then raised his leg and kicked him.

So, the soldier who missed the opportunity because of hesitation said "ouch" and "thump", that was because he kicked him down.

"You dare to start a gun with me?" The big man Dongbei scolded angrily, but unexpectedly another person from the Third Company rushed out next to him.

He didn't have a gun in his hand, but what he was holding was a manure spoon that had been passed down from the door of the nearby people's house!

It was already spring, and it was time to farm, but that family had just made two buckets of dung soup from the manure pit. It was so dry that it was originally intended to be used as top dressing for their own land.

But this time, luckily, the fat in the ground didn't catch up, so it was used first in the fight.

The soldier from the third company saw that several of his men had been knocked down. He got anxious and ran forward, grabbing the manure spoon at them!

As a result, the dung spoon drew an arc in the air and hit the head of the big soldier from the Second Company!

Just this one, how can I put it, it's not very harmful, but it's extremely insulting.

It doesn't hurt much, the manure scoop is made of wood.

Nowadays, China's industrial capacity is extremely weak. How could it be so luxurious that it could use iron, even inferior iron, to make a manure spoon? It's just a wooden scoop. It's just a thin layer of wood. It's impossible for someone to have a hard skull. .

Therefore, the dung spoon was smashed on the soldier's head with a "snap".

Extremely insulting.

You must know that it is a dung spoon after all, it smells so bad, it pretends to be the most filthy thing in the world, and it is now stuck on someone's head. That head is stained with dry goods, and that thing is poured down the neck and collar. It's a rare commodity.

Everyone is in the same camp, which means fighting, and no one dares to really beat the other party until it can't take care of itself.

Later, when everyone talks about this matter after dinner, some people will definitely say, look at that so-and-so from the Second Company, who is as strong as an ox, what an awesome person he is, but inside (that ), yes, it was the inner part of the fight, and he even had someone cut his excrement with a spoon.

Then tell me, will that big soldier be able to hold his head up in front of everyone in the future?

That would be fine, but when the dung spoon was picked up from the dung bucket, even though the soldier didn't deliberately wash it, the dung spoon still contained the soup and water. Of course, mostly water.

People of later generations, especially people from the south, for the sake of romance, some will go all the way to the coldest places in the north of HLJ such as Mohe and Heihe in the winter, where the daytime temperature is 30 to 40 degrees below zero.

What to do? That was just to lift a pot of boiling water into the air and let the water draw an arc in the air.

It was 30 to 40 degrees below zero, and the dripping water would turn into ice and pee into a stick. The moment the water was lifted out, a semicircular arc of water mist would be formed on the top of the person's head!

Although no one can take a picture of a beautiful rainbow in this rainbow-like water mist, the arc composed of countless ice crystals formed when the hot water comes out of the pot and the temperature drops sharply is also extremely beautiful.

And it's the same now, the arc is so beautiful, but it's not ice crystals or water vapor, but the dung soup rising out of the dung spoon.

The excrement soup also formed an arc in mid-air, and then turned into countless filthy droplets and fell down, so as long as anyone on that line was covered by rain and dew!

At this moment, "Oh my god" and "***" came together, both of which were splashed with excrement soup.

"Damn it, you guys don't want to live anymore!" There was a loud curse, and then there was a "pop" gunshot.

Although the shot was fired into the sky, the chaotic scene immediately became quiet.

When the gun goes off, it's no longer fun. After all, it's the army.

He also rode on the opponent's soldier and beat him down with his fists, and quickly climbed down.

The nose underneath was bleeding, but he didn't dare to retaliate.

The soldiers who were fighting each other were separated by their own soldiers, and they no longer dared to "set up a cucumber stand" together.

"Tell me, what the hell is going on? Why are your second company and third company fighting?" someone shouted.

The soldiers all looked at the officer who was already standing among them, holding a box cannon in his hand. It was their battalion commander Lu Dahu who had arrived.

Lu Dahu people are as their name suggests, rude Lu, big tigers everywhere, real tigers.

But no matter how fierce Lu Dahu was, he never thought that his soldiers would be even more fierce. His grandma's dung soup was nothing more than a drop of it, and even a drop fell on my big face!

"Tell me, why are you fighting?" Another person rushed into the scene panting, it was the third company commander.

"Yes, why did you fight?" Another person came around from behind a low wall, that was the second company commander.

As for the officer standing aside and watching silently, that was of course the first company commander.

The company commander's face seemed concerned, but in his heart he was sneering. He was not going to get involved. Why was it his fault that they started fighting three times in a row?

In fact, it had been a while since the company commander arrived, and he originally wanted to stop it.

We are all in the same battalion, so it is impossible for soldiers who are not from their company not to know him.

But just when he was about to speak out, he suddenly discovered that the second company commander had also arrived, but he was hiding behind the wall!

The captain of the company was confused, and he immediately figured out the reason.

It was obvious that the second company took advantage of this fight, so the second company commander pretended not to see it and did not stop it.

Not to mention the third company commander, he arrived later than the battalion commander.

You guys don’t stop fighting, so why should I care if I just eat carrots and don’t worry about you? So he remained silent.

"Report to the battalion commander that the third company beat our second company first!"

"Report to the company commander, the men of the second company beat us third company first!"

Since the chief asked, of course the soldiers below were suing themselves, but there were too many people talking, so there was another "buzz" sound.

"Damn it, tell me one by one! Do you still have some rules?" Lu Dahu scolded angrily, not forgetting to reach out and wipe his face with his left hand.

"Speak first!" the second company commander pointed at one of the soldiers and said.

"Report to the battalion commander and company commander, I don't know why the fight started, but when we heard the noise and turned out of the alley, we saw their men riding on top of us and beating us!" the soldier reported.

This soldier was the one who was hit by the dung spoon.

The second company commander and the third company commander usually had no conflicts.

But it's useless if they don't have conflicts. If the official can't protect the calf, then who of the soldiers below will sacrifice their lives for you.

The second company commander designated that soldier to report. There were two reasons for this. One was that this boy looked the worst, and the one with both feces and soup was detained. Isn’t that the worst? Let him speak to win the sympathy of the battalion commander.

But this is still secondary, the second reason is the most important.

The important thing is that this guy is big, and he can also speak.

The commander of the second company didn't know why the fight started, so of course he picked someone who could speak out. He took the blame and blamed it on the third company.

"Don't be evil and complain first. We turned around when we heard the noise. We saw people from our third company being beaten by people from the second company, so we reached out." A soldier from the third company quit. Even though their commander is a stupid person, there are naturally some people under his command who are very bad-tongued.

"When did our men from the second company beat your men from the third company?" The soldiers from the second company began to retort.

"It was you guys from the second company who hit you. How about we hit you for no reason?" The soldiers from the third company naturally wanted to defend themselves.

"Fuck, who knows?" the man from the second company said.

"Shut up! I'll ask!" The company commander who glanced at the expression of battalion commander Lu Dahu from the side spoke.

When the battalion commander comes, he can't stand by and watch the fun. He, the most recognized wise man in the battalion, has to solve the case.

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