The War of Resistance

Chapter 1048 The cause of the group fight

More than ten minutes later, "What a bunch of trash!" Battalion Commander Lu Dahu cursed again.

While he was scolding, all his subordinates, whether they were company platoon commanders or ordinary soldiers, stood still and did not dare to say a word. Only the company commander's face seemed calm, but there was a trace of pride in his eyes.

This is just a fight, not a real case. As long as you are careful enough, you can always find out the truth.

In these ten minutes or so, he began to ask questions like a cocoon.

This inquiry process is like this. Of course, it is a bit convoluted, but it is really a process of working backwards.

The people of the third company beat the people of the second company, but the premise is that the people of the third company came over and saw the people of the second company beating the people of the third company.

When I asked the people from the third company who were beaten, they said that they only came here when they heard someone shouting that the people from the second company had been beaten.

But after they came over, they saw a soldier running over holding his nose and saying, The people from the second company beat up the people from our third company.

When they saw that the men from the Second Company were chasing after them, they went to stop them.

It was just a fight, that's all. Once the tempers of both sides got angry, there was nothing more to say. They just pushed each other for a while, and then started fighting!

But once a fight breaks out like this, it turns into a group fight. Who will ask what is clear?

The result was that half of the two companies were involved in the group fight!

The first company commander's decision to solve the case was a process of backward reasoning, so the first soldier who said that the second company beat the third company and ran over holding his nose became the key to the fight.

But when the first company commander asked the soldiers of the third company who were the first to participate in the group fight, if they could see clearly who the man looked like and who was from their company, the soldiers of the third company couldn't give an answer.

They really didn't see who it was because they were covering their faces!

The first company commander asked the man if he had any nosebleeds. Isn't it normal for his nose to bleed during a fight?

The people from the third company replied that they didn't seem to see it at that time. The two sides just passed each other and they really didn't notice it.

The first company commander asked again, "Can't you tell if the noise is from your company?"

The first group of soldiers who participated in the group fight shook their heads after trying hard to remember. It seemed that they were not from their company, but they must have a Northeastern accent.

But at this time, there was no need for the company commander to interrogate him again. A soldier from the second company was supported by other soldiers and came over and said, I know what's going on, I know who that person is!

Of course the soldier knew who the soldier who ran away covered his nose was, just because the soldier who was being helped was the kid who bullied the town before, so he had a quarrel with Shang Zhen and the others, and was finally punched by Shang Zhen. The one who collapsed!

Of course, the soldier would never say that they bullied ordinary people's children.

He just said that the man was indeed a soldier from the Northeast, but he was definitely not from our second company. The man said that we had shamed our hometown and still had the dignity to hang around here with five people and six people, so we started fighting because we were disrespectful.

It's just that the soldier (Shang Zhen) is accurate after all, but the soldier who was defeated long ago can't confirm whether he is from their camp!

There were hundreds of people in that camp, so how could he be familiar with all those hundreds of people?

When we got here, I thought the fight had turned into a silly fight, but the soldier who caused the trouble first remembered that there were not only Northeasterners in that group, but they also had Southern accents. By the way, there was also a long-haired soldier. It's like a black iron tower, and it's particularly powerful!

At this point, the cause of the fight is not revealed but the truth is revealed.

That is, people from other armies actually infiltrated into the town, and the people in that army actually included a fellow from the Northeast. The fellow from the Northeast had a conflict with the people from the Second Company, and then they got involved and dragged the Third Company into it. So the people from the second and third companies fought, but the man ran away!

Because of this, Battalion Commander Lu Dahu called his men a bunch of losers, and they were incited to start a fight among themselves!

"You're still searching for me, even if you dig three feet into the ground, you still have to dig out that idiot!" Lu Dahu scolded angrily.

Lu Dahu's answer was naturally a very resounding "yes" from the whole camp.

But just when the soldiers were about to separate, someone spoke in the yard of a nearby house: "Stop looking, we are here!"

And the only person who can say this at this time is Shang Zhen.

So, the courtyard door opened, and Shang Zhen and his group of about ten people appeared in front of the densely packed and dark crowd of hundreds of people.

The scene fell silent, and the officers and soldiers who were about to leave the search all looked at Shang Zhen, a group of tall, short, fat and thin soldiers of varying lengths.

"Yes! It's him, he's the one who beat us! Ahem!" The soldier who was almost choked by Shang Zhen's punch shouted, but then he started coughing.

Maybe Shang Zhen's punch hit this kid hard, or maybe he was just pretending, who knows.

"Sir, this brother wanted to rob people's belongings. I thought it was a disgrace to our Northeastern Army, so I stopped him!

Otherwise, how could we dare to fight with our own people? "Shang Zhen strode forward, stood at attention with a snap in front of the battalion commander Lu Dahu, and then said loudly.

Shang Zhen finally found the large force of the Northeast Army. No matter which army it belonged to, how could he lead his team to escape?

It's really hard to tell if he ran away. He didn't want the Japanese to be chasing them, and now it was his own people who were chasing him.

Therefore, even if Nalu Dahu defended his shortcomings, Shang Zhen had to come out and explain the matter clearly. He did not wait for Nalu Dahu to ask, but directly told the cause and effect of the matter in a concise and concise manner.

"You fart, since when have I ever taken anything from ordinary people?" The soldier who was beaten quickly defended.

"Then let's confront the common people." Shang Zhen said loudly.

Of course, the soldier didn't steal anything from the common people, but he was a kid. Shang Zhen didn't need Na Lu Dahu to find out the truth. He knew that as long as he said so, Na Lu Dahu would definitely believe him. Most of it.

As he said, no one is stupid. If the soldier who was beaten had not done something to bully the people, how could a dozen of them dare to challenge a battalion of the Northeastern Army?

Sure enough, just after Shang Zhen's words, Lu Dahu glanced at the beaten soldier.

The soldier quickly shut up.

The soldier knew that Lu Dahu had a bad temper. Sometimes it didn't matter whether he was reasonable or not. What was important was that Lu Dahu was pleasing to the eye. With Lu Dahu's temper, how could he possibly go into the details of such a trivial matter?

Sure enough, Lu Dahu looked at Shang Zhen when he saw his soldiers shut up. They did not ask Shang Zhen where the gang came from, but instead looked at Shang Zhen up and down.

Shang Zhen was holding a Type 38 rifle in his hand, but he was also carrying a twenty-gun box cannon. Just the box cannon could explain Shang Zhen's identity to some extent.

But this was not the focus of Lu Dahu's concern. After a while, Lu Dahu said to Shang Zhen: "You are so sinister!"

In Northeastern dialect, it is said that this person is quite yin. What does that mean? That undoubtedly means that people are too cunning, and those who can't get through clearly will come to do evil things secretly. And here it also means that Shang Zhen made trouble and made them fight against his own people.

As a native of the Northeast, Shang Zhen naturally understood the subtext behind Lu Dahu's words, "You're quite sinister."

He puffed up his chest and said again: "Sir, when we fight the Japanese, we use this to make the Japanese fight each other!

But this time we, no, you have too many people. If I don't use this trick, our people will have to tear us into pieces!

If you beat us up, we'll accept it, but if there are brothers bullying ordinary children, that's wrong! "

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