The War of Resistance

Chapter 1049 Heroes

As a Northeasterner, Shang Zhen certainly understands Northeasterners best.

Don't say that the Northeastern people are unreasonable. They cannot bear the word "reason" in everything. The premise is to control the Northeastern people before they become aggressive.

So despite the fact that Shang Zhen spoke to Lu Dahu in the respectful tone a soldier would have when meeting his commander, he actually talked a lot and spoke very fast.

Of course you have to say more and quickly. Otherwise, if someone comes over with a loud mouth as a superior, what else will you say to them?

Shang Zhen's respectful words at least revealed enough information and hinted at Nalu Dahu.

First, we can also fight the devils, so I used the same trick to make the devils fight with the devils.

There are many factions in the Chinese army, and there are many conflicts between the factions, even within their own factions. But fighting each other is not a skill. The real skill is to fight against the Japanese.

Therefore, as a member of the Northeastern Army, it is not your skill to rely on the large number of people to defeat us with the small number of people!

There is such logic behind his words.

Second, you are many and we are few, so you cannot bully the few.

Third, the cause of the matter was that your people bullied the common people and the children of the common people.

Otherwise speaking, speaking is a skill, and long-term training has made Shang Zhen extremely sophisticated!

It’s just said that when a scholar encounters a soldier, he can’t explain what he is saying. Can you really be sure of what you say? Shang Zhen was actually not sure.

Wouldn't this battalion commander wave his hand like the blind Hao who was already buried in the ground and say, "Come on, hammer down these idiots?"

Shang Zhen still stood upright, and he did not glance at Lu Dahu's face with his peripheral vision.

Shang Zhen had received strict training. Of course, it was not when he first joined the army, but when he was in Xi'an, he trained with the Northeast Army's special training team.

How can it be that when a soldier faces his superior, his eyes wander, and he even shows a sly look? Our Shang Zhen is not that kind of person.

So when he finished speaking, he held his head high and looked straight. Although his attire was actually a bit miserable, the spirit of that soldier at least made Nalu Dahu's eyes brighten.

"Ha, he looks a bit heroic." Lu Dahu became a little interested in Shang Zhen.

Although the battalion commander Lu Dahu is not a high-ranking official, Shang Zhen is just an ordinary soldier now. The first-level official is still overwhelming. What's more, he is not the first-level. The battalion commander wants to die. Isn't it just a little soldier?

But Lu Dahu didn't expect that just before he said "He looks a bit heroic", Shang Zhen directly gave him a seamless connection: "How about a comparison?"

When he said this, Shang Zhen turned his head slightly, and his eyes met Lu Dahu's. Although Lu Dahu did not see provocation in Shang Zhen's eyes, he also saw fearlessness. .

"Okay!" Lu Dahu blurted out.

Lu Dahu himself was not very strict in restraining his subordinates. According to his idea, as long as his soldiers did not harm women and did not cause any deaths, what could he do if he took some of the people's things and did something cruel to them?

If it weren't for the fact that the scale of the group fight was really big this time, he wouldn't have bothered to care about such trivial matters as his own soldiers bullying ordinary children.

Then we went all the way from the Northeast to the Customs to fight the Japanese, and the National Government gave us nothing. So what if I, who defend the borders and the territory for you people, can eat and take some from your hands?

Besides, don’t just say that our Northeastern Army is like this. Other factions, including the Central Army, have also violated disciplines in many places!

So even if Shang Zhen said that his soldiers were robbing people of their belongings, he didn't take it seriously.

Of course I am in charge of my soldiers, so why is it your turn to come out of nowhere to meddle in your own business?

It's not like Lu Dahu has never encountered this kind of thing before. Originally, he really wanted the soldiers to beat up Shang Zhen and the others.

But he had a bad temper and was aggressive. He didn't realize that he had unknowingly fallen into Shang Zhen's trap.

What happened to Shang Zhen? Of course it’s a comparison!

Compared to what? It's better to compare with fighting than with shooting. Anyway, you can compare with anything you can use in a regular soldier's war!

In Lu Dahu's view, this competition to see who is the real hero is much more interesting than enforcing military discipline! But he didn't realize at all that since he agreed to compete with Shang Zhen and the others, he couldn't bully the smaller ones!

However, having said that, even if Lu Dahu realized afterwards that he had tricked Shang Zhen, he would still not take it seriously. Being happy would be better than anything else!

"Compare your marksmanship first!" Lu Dahu, who was always a militant, could not let his subordinates say anything else, but he had already made a clear path first.

"Duan Chao, compete with him in box cannons!" Lu Dahu waved his hand.

Duan Chaona was the commander of the third company, and his marksmanship was the most accurate in their camp.

"Who are you competing for? Unless -" The third company commander Duan Chao did not move because of Lu Dahu's order. Instead, he glanced at the twenty-ring box cannon carried by Shang Zhen.

The box cannon used by Duan Chao was only a semi-automatic box cannon with ten rounds, but it was not as good as the twenty rounds used by Shang Zhen.

The twenty-shot box gun is also called a speed machine. It can fire short bursts and bursts of fire. It is like a small machine gun when used. Who doesn't like this kind of gun.

"Unless you bet on his box gun, right? If you win, it's yours? OK! That's it!" Lu Dahu said loudly.

Yes, Lu Dahu had already regarded Shang Zhen's box cannon as the possession of their battalion, but he didn't even think about what they would lose to Shang Zhen if they lost in the gun competition.

Although Shang Zhen said that he did not dare to underestimate the world's heroes, he did not think that Duan Chao's marksmanship was better than his own.

Northeastern people all have this kind of bad character. If others don't bully the more powerful, the less powerful will be a great honor to themselves. How dare you ask the other party to gamble something? Shang Zhen is very self-aware.

"Hitting dead things won't show off our abilities. Let's kill living things." At this time, Duan Chao, the commander of the second company, said.

Living thing? Humans are living creatures, and there is a large area of ​​darkness in front of us, but there are hundreds of them!

But of course he wouldn't hit anyone. When it came to competing with guns, all the officers and soldiers became interested.

All of them knew what Battalion Commander Lu Dahu was like on a daily basis. What the superiors did well would be followed by the subordinates. It was much more interesting than fighting with guns!

What's more, they have confidence in the marksmanship of Second Company Commander Duan Chao, and of course they hope that Duan Chao can win the twenty-ring gun in Shang Zhen's hand.

If you want to hunt a living creature, then look for a living creature.

Coincidentally, at this time a soldier said: "Well, there are a lot of clever (birds) inside!"

Jia Qiao'er is what people in the Northeast call sparrows, and some people call them hometown thieves.

This time there was no need for battalion commander Lu Dahu to give orders, and the soldiers signaled to each other and stopped moving.

As for the people in the town, every house is closed, and soldiers are fighting with soldiers. They are afraid of splattering their little bodies with blood.

Suddenly, there were many people in this area of ​​the town, but it became extremely quiet.

So the sparrows, which have always been with humans, didn't know that the crisis of survival was approaching, but they were still jumping on a tree more than fifty meters away that was already growing green buds.

"I give an order, you all shoot together, the one who hits or hits the most wins." Lu Dahu looked at Shang Zhen and Duan Chaodao, who had already picked up the cannon.

When Lu Dahu said "Hit many," that was just a statement.

Everyone knows how big a sparrow is. If you can hit an object the size of a small sparrow from a distance of fifty meters, you have to be considered a sharpshooter. What's more, everyone knows that sparrows don't stay quiet very often. That never happens. It's bouncing!

Isn't there a brain teaser that is well-known to everyone in later generations? There are ten birds in the tree. You shoot one and ask how many are left in the tree.

Under the current circumstances, no one thought that one of the two of them could hit the other sparrow that had already fluttered its wings after the first gunshot.

"Fight!" Lu Dahai's order sounded suddenly, and there was no such thing as "prepare -".

So almost at the same time, gunfire rang out.

In the almost overlapping gunshots, two masses of blood mist exploded from the tree.

The sparrow is only so big, no matter how small the bullets in the cannon are, it is still enough to blow it up.

Who knows how many sparrows there were on that tree, whether it was fourteen or twenty-four, anyway, when the gun went off and two were killed, the rest naturally fluttered their wings and flew away.

But at this moment, the gunfire of the box cannon sounded again, but it was fired three times in a row.

However, two more clouds of blood mist exploded among the flying birds in the sound of gunfire, and it was only at this time that the light feathers of the birds fell in the air from the first two clouds of blood mist.

There was a "buzz" in the crowd, and the officers and soldiers couldn't help turning their heads back and looked at the two gunmen.

Shang Zhen and Duan Chao still held their guns, and they were still holding the guns with both hands. There was a faint smoke rising from the muzzles of the two men's guns.

"Who shot this?" the soldiers whispered.

They were shooting live animals or sparrows, and the shooting angles of the two of them were not many. Who knows how many birds each of the two men hit.

This all depends on consciousness.

But thankfully, there are still people in this world who are honest, and not all of them are scumbags.

"I lost. I shot twice and missed the second shot." Duan Chao said calmly as he put away his gun.

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