The War of Resistance

Chapter 1050 No need to compete anymore

There were only a few shots fired in total, and the scene became quiet. Everyone looked at Lu Dahu.

With just a few shots, the difference in marksmanship has been made. They, Lu Dahu Camp, have lost!

I used a box cannon to hit such a large sparrow at a distance of about fifty meters, and two more were able to fly.

As for this marksmanship, let alone they have never seen it, they have never heard of it.

"Boy, you're so good at playing box cannon! You were originally a guard for the superior? Or an officer? Or did you come from a high school?" At this time, Lu Dahu finally realized that Shang Zhen was different from others. .

Lu Dahu doesn't think that shooting requires talent. He only believes that good shooters are fed by bullets.

Nowadays, China has the opportunity to shoot a large number of box cannons. Lu Dahu believes that they are the above three types of people.

Shang Zhen also didn't expect that Lu Dahu's brain circuit would be a bit strange, and he actually thought that he had the experience of staying in the lock.

That is the bandit den in the Northeast.

Which of your eyes can tell that I have been in locks? It seems to you that Shang Zhen was complaining in his heart, but his answer was: "Reporting to the commander, I can barely be considered as a company commander."

"Company commander? With these southern soldiers?" Lu Dahu asked, pointing to the dozen or so soldiers under Shang Zhen, and he didn't forget to take a few more glances at the second grader.

By now, Lu Dahu naturally knew that Shang Zhen's soldiers were not from the Northeast, and there was a female soldier among them. The combination of Shang Zhen and Shang Zhen was a bit strange!

"Let's count two companies. The ones from our Northeastern Army were killed first. There are not many left.

Later I brought them here again, and there were only so many people left. "Shang Zhen replied half-truthfully.

If you want others to take you seriously, you have to give yourself some value.

Sure enough, after Shang Zhen finished speaking, Lu Dahu looked at Shang Zhen up and down again.

As the saying goes, "People cannot be judged by their appearance, and sea water cannot be measured."

From a biological point of view, people are all ordinary people. If you just judge people by their appearance, you won't be able to tell anything.

To use an inappropriate analogy, when a young man and a woman are on a blind date, the man thinks that the woman looks just like an ordinary person, but if he knows that the woman has a high degree of education and is a Ph.D., the feeling will be different.

Those two really embraced each other and even had closer contact. Was that just an interaction with a woman? no! When I hold someone's hand, it feels like they are all books. What I'm hugging is just a woman's body, it's an ocean of knowledge!

And isn't this the case between men?

Lu Dahu is not stupid for having an impatient temper. He eventually needs to face up to Shang Zhen's military experience.

Shang Zhen saw that Lu Dahu was silent and glanced at him secretly. He didn't know what Lu Dahu was planning. If it wasn't for finding a large army, he would be too lazy to compete with others.

How about I say something more to him? Shang Zhen thought to himself, what should I say? It would be better to have hatred between the family and the country.

But before Shang Zhen could think of what to say, the second company commander whispered: "Batalion Commander, can we still compete with them?"

The second company commander really shouldn't ask that. If Lu Dahu is allowed to think like this, what else can he compare? After all, they are all from the Northeastern Army. Sometimes the soldiers don't know each other even if they don't fight each other, not to mention that they are all from the Northeastern Army who have left their hometown.

But when the second company commander asked this question, Lu Dahu, who always liked the excitement, casually replied: "Competition, of course!"

With just one word from the chief, the matter was settled. Then the competition had to continue, but what was the competition?

At this time, the second company commander said: "We still have to fight. You beat my brothers, but they won't accept it!"

Not convinced? Shang Zhen glanced at it again. He had noticed before that the guy who was suffocated by his punch at first was convinced or not, but he was being supported by someone else anyway!

Of course Shang Zhen knew that his punch was definitely hard enough.

People know that they have a whole camp in the town. Shang Zhen doesn't know that they are a battalion, but he also knows that there are many people. It is not his character to let people beat him up, so he will naturally be ruthless.

Wasn't the guy he beat up the company commander's brother-in-law or something like that? Shang Zhen guessed.

Otherwise, if the battalion commander Lu Dahu didn’t want to fight, why would the company commander still want to fight?

Shang Zhen has experience in this regard. For example, the person they beat up, Fatty Wang Qingfeng, was not the brother-in-law of the officer Liu Chengyi?

What the hell, is there no good brother-in-law in the world, so all the brother-in-law’s brothers-in-law have to hang their hats behind their butts? Shang Zhen made malicious speculations.

"Stop fighting, what's the point of fighting? Why don't we just drop bombs!" Shang Zhen didn't reply, but someone in their group spoke up, it was Qingfeng Li.

"Bomb-dropping? With you, a skinny monkey?" The second company commander did not expect that the person in Shang Zhen's group who spoke at this time turned out to be a soldier who looked about fifteen or sixteen years old.

"What's wrong with my little skinny monkey? It's just a bomb-throwing competition between us. If you beat me, then keep fighting. If you can't even beat me by throwing bombs, what's the point of competing?" Qingfeng Li said sharply.

"Little ** boy, there is no place for you to talk." The second company commander was showing off his official power.

"When you go to the battlefield to fight the Japanese, I will rush you. Do you think there is any room for me to talk now?" Qingfeng Li did not give in at all.

"Fuck!" "Fuck!" Two swear words were said at the same time.

The first sentence is from the second company commander, but the latter sentence is from the third company commander Duan Chao, but the meaning expressed by the same word is different.

But it was the third company commander Duan Chao who rushed to speak next: "This kid is right. The company commander is nothing but a shitty official. If we fight a war, we have to rush to the front. Just compete.

Besides, how can the second tiger in our camp be afraid of a cub?

In any case, although the fight did not continue, the whole battalion was still here, but Duan Chao said such a sentence and even brought out the "two tigers" of our camp.

Each unit has its own story and its own allusions, which are sometimes not humane to outsiders.

This "Two Tigers" refers to the Second Company Commander, because his original name was Chen Bao, but later when Lu Dahu became their battalion commander, he changed his name to "Chen Hu".

Just because of this name change, the conduct of Second Company Commander Chen Huping always arouses people's imagination.

Chen Hu's men attacked Shang Zhen and the others, but Shang Zhen took advantage of them and started fighting with the Third Company's men.

But the reason why Shang Zhen succeeded in grafting others on was not only due to the chaotic situation, but also because it was difficult to deal with the two consecutive companies.

Duan Chao had already accepted Shang Zhen's marksmanship and no longer wanted to compete. It was time to turn "enemies" into friends, but the two tigers still refused and still wanted to fight. How could he let this two tigers fight? Erhu got his wish? So he deliberately used words to bully the other party.

In public, the second company commander certainly knew that he could not conflict with the third company commander Duan Chao at this time, otherwise the battalion commander Lu Dahu would not let him go.

Since he was overwhelmed by Duan Chao's words, he could only resort to dropping bombs.

So Qingfeng Li and the second company commander stood together, and naturally they each held a grenade in their hands.

But at this time, someone from Shang Zhen's group of soldiers came up and spoke. The one with a naive voice was the old fool.

"What's the point of dropping a bomb?" Big Boss said, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, Qingfeng Li gave his grenade to Big Boss in a tacit understanding.

"Hey! You don't want to play around!" Someone from the second company's soldiers spoke.

But at this time, the old man had already raised his hand and threw out the grenade, which of course it was impossible to twist the cap and pull the string.

Then everyone saw the grenade draw a semicircular arc in the air and fly farther and farther, and then it became the size of a sparrow before it fell behind a broken house and disappeared.

Originally, the appearance of Big Boss caused a commotion among the soldiers, but when the grenade disappeared, the scene became silent again.

Although I can't figure out the specific distance that the grenade was thrown by the old man, there is always seventy or eighty meters, which is already twice the distance of ordinary soldiers!

Is this a grenade? This is obviously a Japanese grenade!

"This is nothing more than a comparison. Let's stop competing. From now on, you guys can just hang out with us!" Lu Dahu's loud voice rang out again.

Although there was no fight, Shang Zhen and the others did show their fighting qualities far beyond those of ordinary soldiers. Lu Dahu, who now felt that he had lost face, had lost interest in the test.

"You are very proud, aren't you? I'll be happy to see you in the future!" The second company commander said to Shang Zhen in a low voice when he saw the battalion commander Lu Dahu leaving in a wave of his sleeves.

This two tigers did not shy away from the threat to Shang Zhen from the other two company commanders.

They were not surprised by the behavior of the two tigers, but they just wanted to see Shang Zhen's reaction.

Shang Zhen's threat to the second company commander was expressionless, and just when the three companies were about to follow Lu Dahu, they came to Shang Zhen and sighed and said: "September 18th That night, I was in Beida Camp, and there were not many old brothers left."

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