The War of Resistance

Chapter 1104 The sharp gun saves people

The sound of gunfire still echoed in the mountains and fields, and the puppet troops on the mountains were shooting condescendingly into the valley ahead.

"I'm keeping an eye on them all, and I can't let any of them escape!" a puppet company commander shouted.

At this time, a puppet soldier shouted urgently: "Fight quickly, another one appears!" Before he could finish his words, the light machine gun set up next to the puppet officer fired a short burst of fire. Come.

The bullet hit a rock in the valley in front of it, and a stream of sparks erupted, and the head that had just been exposed retracted again.

"Oh, he wasn't killed!" The puppet soldier who just shouted was very regretful.

"Shut your mouth!" the machine gunner scolded, "Company Commander, is it your turn to take command here?"

The puppet soldier glanced at the officer beside him and quickly shut his mouth.

"It's good not to kill them. Three rows cover, one row covers from the left, and the second row covers from the right! If you can catch those alive, don't let them die." The puppet army officer was not without pride, and then he said, "Hey, hey, Officers, soldiers, bandits, damn them!”

These puppet soldiers are Li Tantou's subordinates, and they still have a bandit spirit from top to bottom.

As for what the national army is, we don’t care whether it is the central army or the miscellaneous army. It is what was called the official army in ancient times.

Although there have been times since ancient times when bandits became powerful, most of the time it was the officers and soldiers who suppressed the bandits. The officers, soldiers, horses, and well-armed troops could always drive the bandits away.

But just as a famous non-traditional Chinese poem says, "One day it will turn upside down, and the thinner ones at the bottom will become thicker at the top." Now that the bandits have "turned over and become serfs to sing" and blocked the officers and soldiers in the valley, then they How could you not be proud?

Yes, they blocked a group of national troops in the valley below, with machine guns set up on the mountain. If he let the two platoons outflank them, wouldn't it be like the official army trying to deal with them again? "Close the door to beat the dog" and "catch the turtle in the urn", this time these two words are used by the national army, no, by the government army!

The puppet troops began to outflank them. Each one held a gun and hunched over his waist. If he attached a bayonet, he would have a bit of virtue as a Japanese invader enters the village.

The national army trapped in the valley by the puppet army would have escaped long ago if they could. The reason is that the puppet army occupied the top of the hill and shot from a high position. They dared to poke their heads out from behind the stone that was barely able to hide themselves. You're bound to get shot if you come, let alone turn around and run away.

The siege of the puppet army is like a ring that is beginning to close. When it is still closing, it is the time when this small national army has no way to survive.

At least from the perspective of the puppet army, this combat plan is so perfect, but from the perspective of the national army, they are so desperate.

The reason why such a scene did not happen next was because of the appearance of a person, and this person was naturally Shang Zhen.

At this time, Shang Zhen, who was determined to teach this group of puppet soldiers a lesson, was already in place.

When the puppet army shot those few refugees, including Shang Zhen, it was just a manifestation of the puppet army's habit of being violent. As for the few refugees who escaped, they didn't take it seriously. After shooting those few refugees, the puppet army focused their attention. Naturally, it moved back to Shanwa.

And at this moment, Shang Zhen started to make a detour with his big baggage on his back. If he wanted to save people, he would naturally run to the other side of the hill. In order to avoid being discovered by the puppet troops, his circle was quite large.

Shang Zhen carried that baggage with him from beginning to end. When he wasn't moving, he looked like a beggar to anyone with the way he dressed.

But when he really started running away with that baggage on his back, he looked more like a thief who had successfully stolen!

He was running fast, the baggage bouncing with the rhythm of his running, and where his clothes had been torn open long ago, there was a long strip of cloth swaying in the wind. When he was still, he looked dejected. And when running, he looks so cool!

Whether it is common people or soldiers, facing the invaders, if they do not resist, they will be docile people who are extremely aggrieved even if they are alive. And even if the most ordinary people are determined to resist, then there will be a kind of hero that makes people's blood rush. So angry!

As small as an individual, as large as a nation, there are countless people with lofty ideals who have charged forward against the enemy's artillery fire and built our new Great Wall with our own flesh and blood!

Shang Zhen had already observed the mountain depression. There was a large and small stone there. Although he couldn't see how many national soldiers were hidden inside, judging from the area of ​​the stone, the people inside would definitely not be there. too much.

The stone was located in the middle of the mountain valley, roughly the same distance from the hilltop occupied by the puppet army on the opposite side to the woods where he was. He was less than 200 meters away from the puppet army's position.

At this time, Shang Zhen had already seen that the puppet troops were beginning to take a detour. After taking two deep breaths, he aimed the box cannon at the opposite hill.

If I don’t give you any clues, you really don’t know that Lord Ma has three eyes!

Shang Zhen, who was already annoyed by this group's disregard for human life, could no longer hold back, and his cannon with a wooden box in it began to "pop", "pop" and "pop".

What else can be said about Shang Zhen’s marksmanship? In order to ensure accurate shooting, he had been breathing here for a while and his breath had calmed down.

He only fired five shots, and all the puppet soldiers who had their heads exposed on the mountain disappeared!

Those who were passive were those who were directly hit by Shang Zhen, such as the shooter of the machine gun, or the company commander who was dancing and commanding half of the battle just now.

Those who took the initiative to shrink back were naturally frightened by Shang Zhen's shooting skills.

When the puppet troops who circled around from both sides heard the sound of gunshots, in addition to observing where Shang Zhen, the gunman, was hiding, they naturally also turned to see the reaction on the top of the mountain, and what they saw shocked them.

What they saw was that their company commander was lying on the edge of the hill, with his upper body sticking out.

Although they couldn't see clearly whether the company commander was shot, they could guess that if he were alive, he would have retracted his body instead of being exposed within the shooting range of the gunman on the opposite side.

And the muzzle of their machine gun, which was originally added to the ridgeline, was pointed diagonally towards the sky.

If the muzzle of the gun is pointed at the sky, it can only be supported by the butt of the gun.

The reason why the gun butt rested on the ground was of course because the gun butt had fallen off the shooter's shoulder. As for the shooter's head, it was naturally lying on the ridge of the hill.

The puppet troops all like box cannons. When they hear the rapid "pop", "pop" and "pop" sound of the box cannon, they know they have encountered a master who uses the box cannon.

Whether it is the puppet army or the national army, because China has always been weak, even the range of the rifle is limited, and everyone has an instinctive fear of sharpshooters.

During the Great War in the Central Plains, there was once a rifle master on one side. He broke off his rifle at the back, which frightened the hundreds of pursuers behind him from pursuing any more!

Seeing that the new national army's marksmanship was accurate, the puppet troops who were outflanking on both wings hurriedly got down.

And just as they lay down, they heard two more gunshots, "pop" and "pop". One person from each of their two roundabout teams was shot, but the two people who were shot were from their respective teams. The one who runs at the front!

And at this time, how could the national troops who were originally pinned by the machine guns in the mountains and rocks not run away.

From there, more than a dozen soldiers emerged and charged towards Shang Zhen.

Those national troops have wanted to run away for a long time, but they really don't have much ammunition, and now they see reinforcements coming from their side. If they don't run away, they really have no chance!

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