The War of Resistance

Chapter 1105 Love and Righteousness

A group of Chinese soldiers were running in the fields. They were Shang Zhen and the soldiers he rescued.

Shang Zhen, who was running in front, looked a little anxious. If he started running, how many people could catch up with him?

But in order to take care of the soldiers behind him, he ran past but had to stop and wait, while his eyes kept scanning the surroundings.

The area they are now in is just north of Taierzhuang, which is also one of the main directions for the Japanese army to attack Taierzhuang.

The sound of gunfire during their previous battle would have attracted more Japanese and puppet troops. How could Shang Zhen not be anxious?

But what's the point of just running fast? Not to mention that ordinary soldiers can't keep up with his pace, but there are still three minor injuries among these soldiers.

A lightly injured person can be treated as a flesh wound, such as a shot in the calf but no bones were injured, a sprained ankle, or a shot in an arm.

But no matter what, as long as there is an injury on the body, the pain will affect the whole body at once, and it will be impossible to get up quickly.

Shang Zhen was so anxious that when one of the soldiers he rescued naturally introduced him as "Fang Yong", Shang Zhen waved his hand to stop the other person from talking anymore. His answer was "Run out first and then talk."

Shang Zhen thought to himself, I don't care which part of the army you belong to. If you can't run to a safe place, someone may die soon. What's the use of introducing each other?

They ran along the road for a while, and Shang Zhen estimated that they had managed to throw away the puppet troops behind them for more than three miles. Seeing that the three wounded men were struggling to follow him, Shang Zhen finally pointed to a forest on the roadside and said: "Everyone take a break."

When Shang Zhen said this, the dozen or so soldiers, especially the three wounded, quickly followed Shang Zhen into the woods.

After entering the woods, everyone ran inside again and then stopped. All of a sudden, the more than ten soldiers all took a break.

What is a movie? That means they all fell down, lying sideways and upright. More than a dozen people were breathing heavily, while the three wounded were grinning.

This is really no wonder for these soldiers. Nowadays, there are only a few Chinese soldiers with as good physical strength as Shang Zhen. What's more, these soldiers have been fighting the Japanese army for several days, and they haven't had anything decent to eat. Naturally, physical strength is not enough.

"Thank you so much, brother, for saving us. We will never forget your life-saving grace!" It was the man who was naturally introduced to Shang Zhen as Fang Yong who expressed his gratitude to Shang Zhen.

Now these soldiers don't know who Shang Zhen's name is and which army he belongs to. They don't even know whether Shang Zhen is a soldier. Who knows that Shang Zhen is wearing tattered casual clothes.

What they saw now was that Shang Zhen only had a twenty-ring box cannon in his hand, and his marksmanship in the battle just now was extremely accurate, which they had never seen before in their lives!

All the soldiers looked gratefully at Shang Zhen who was unpacking his baggage. However, when Shang Zhen heard Fang Yong speaking, he just raised his head and continued to fiddle with the baggage without saying a word.

The soldiers looked at each other and didn't know what to say for a while.

It could be said that Shang Zhen was indeed their savior, but in their eyes, Shang Zhen looked like he was not easy to make friends with at this time, and seemed a bit unhuman.

But at this moment, Shang Zhen had already unpacked his baggage, and then under the gaze of the soldiers, he took out the nine-dragon belt and hung it on his body, and slung another box cannon across his body. On the body.

Shang Zhen's move shocked the soldiers again. The clothes on the horse and the saddle on the horse. The leather nine-dragon belt and two twenty-ring box cannons were not something ordinary soldiers could have.

And just as these soldiers were shocked, they saw Shang Zhen spreading the calico bundle again, and then they saw Shang Zhen magically display a stack of thick pancakes in front of them!

How important is food to people? Let's put it this way, when there is a person who is about to starve to death but is about the same, if you put a choice between food and a beautiful girl in front of him, anyone will choose the food.

Human beings’ first need is to survive. Only by having food can they survive. And when survival is no longer a problem, then you will be full and warm, and then you will complete the great task of human reproduction!

"Everyone divide this and eat it. We have to run away soon. This is the world of little devils now." Shang Zhen said in a deep voice.

That Fang Yong was obviously the one in charge of this group of soldiers. He once again glanced at Shang Zhen with great gratitude and waved his hand without any pretense: "Eat for each!"

It cannot be said that only women say petty bourgeois words to express the friendship between sisters. This is also the case between some men.

But do we still need promises between real soldiers? A look is already a promise from the heart. We will support each other with our backs and trust each other with our lives. We will go through fire and water without hesitation!

In fact, for these soldiers who had just marched in a hurry, what they lacked most was water, not food. But the problem was that they were very hungry. So what happened next was that these soldiers struggled to chew the hard food. He was able to poke a bullet into Shandong pancakes for Shang Zhen!

Some were so anxious to eat that they choked and rolled their eyes, but they were suddenly slapped on the back by the companion next to them, so the soldier swallowed the pancake that had not yet been chewed in his mouth.

The soldiers were so hungry that no one spoke, and Shang Zhen was also chewing pancakes while observing the situation on the road.

After a while, a soldier with the bottom in his stomach came closer to Shang Zhen and asked: "This life-saving brother, where are we going? Why don't we run to Taierzhuang?"

"It's too fast to go there and kill a lot of Japanese outside." Shang Zhen replied casually.

Shang Zhen's answer was really simple and straightforward. The soldier was told that he didn't know how to answer the question.

At this time, a wounded man said: "I'm sorry, brother, it's us who have dragged you down!"

This time Shang Zhen remained silent.

At this time, Fang Yong said hurriedly: "You can't say that. If you are not the only one who is dragging this brother down, then we can't keep up with him?"

"It's all about fighting Japanese invaders. It's not about being a drag or not." Shang Zhen finally said.

Previously, when Shang Zhen saw these friendly people being trapped by the puppet troops, it was impossible for him not to save them. Originally, he planned to rescue these people, but they also went their own ways.

But he saw that this group of soldiers did not ignore the three wounded. Instead, some soldiers took the initiative to fall behind and hold their guns.

What does that mean? That means providing cover or blocking for the injured.

This alone is enough to prove that there is affection and righteousness between this group of soldiers. Also because of this, Shang Zhen feels that it is worthwhile for him to save this group of soldiers!

"May I ask this brother what his name is? Which part is it?" Only then did Fang Yong think of asking.

"Shang Zhen, from the Northeast Army." Shang Zhen replied.

But at this moment, Shang Zhen suddenly moved and made a hidden gesture with his hand. The soldiers knew that there was a situation and hurriedly knelt down.

And at this moment, they heard the faint sound of horse hooves coming from the road ahead!

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