The War of Resistance

Chapter 1106 The embarrassment of running away

More than a dozen Japanese cavalrymen ran across the road ahead. The soldiers with Shang Zhen lowered their heads and held their breath.

Soldiers actually have this characteristic. If they make up their minds and refuse to surrender or become puppet soldiers, then whether they charge on the battlefield or shoot at the enemy, they will die in an instant. matter.

But when there is hope of life, people will worry about gains and losses.

They watched the Japanese cavalry running past in a mighty manner on the road ahead. Although some were itching with hatred, others held their breath nervously.

And when they saw the Japanese cavalry squad running past, they didn't forget to take a look at Shang Zhen who was right next to them.

Undoubtedly, Shang Zhen has now become their backbone.

And when they saw that Shang Zhen was as calm as ever, they felt a little more at ease.

But just as the Japanese cavalry team ran over, Shang Zhen said: "We can't stay in this woods, find a safe place quickly."

Shang Zhen's words were naturally correct, so under the leadership of Shang Zhen, they retreated into the woods.

"Brother Shang, where are we going?" Fang Yong asked.

Shang Zhen remained silent again. Fang Yong was now somewhat used to Shang Zhen's reticence and did not ask any more questions.

But he didn't know that at this time, Shang Zhen was sighing in his heart, this forest is too small, and now you can see the light in front of it. It would be great if this was an old forest in the Northeast!

The old forests in the Northeast are also the primeval forests in the Northeast. Otherwise, why not call them the old forests?

The old forests in the Northeast are like a vast sea. Once people hide in them, no matter how many Japanese soldiers enter, they will be like sesame salt sprinkled on the big sesame cakes. Let alone a dozen or so people. It’s too difficult to find someone with a hundred and eighty percent!

But what does this forest look like? It's like a small river. It's too small. If you plunge down from this bank, you can still hold your breath, but the hand in front of you has already touched the other bank. How can you hide it? O man!

Yes, Shang Zhen knew that it would be impossible for them not to hide.

These soldiers were already weak and had three wounded. If they ran outside, they would soon be discovered by the Japanese and puppet troops.

But where to hide it? There is really no good place!

This is a hilly area with undulations, and even if there are hills, they are not extremely high mountains that are difficult to climb.

Not to mention that people can go up easily, but the Japanese cavalry can jump up with only a few ups and downs, and then they can observe the situation hundreds of meters around.

How about hiring a local as a guide to see if there are any hidden places? Pull them down quickly. Due to the large-scale Japanese attack, those people have become refugees and the Japanese devils are chasing them everywhere!

Shang Zhen is a person with a very strong sense of crisis. If he did not have enough sense of crisis, that is, the prediction of danger, he would not be alive until now.

But the current situation is that the enemy situation forces them to hide, but at least for now, there is no ideal hiding place!

So, how do you ask him to answer Fang Yong's question?

After leaving the woods, Shang Zhen ran while observing the surrounding terrain. All he could see were hills, woods, fields, and ditches.

The terrain like this is not very safe anywhere.

This made Shang Zhen think of how the recruits looked when they first entered the battlefield. Because of the nervousness, he felt unsafe anywhere, so he could only hide in the trench and tremble while holding his rifle tightly.

"How about we go up that mountain?" Fang Yong suggested.

Shang Zhen glanced at the mountain Fang Yong pointed at and shook his head.

When talking about mountains, they were all based on the "seat". Nowadays, mountains are all about the "person", and the mountain is not big.

Based on Shang Zhen's experience, he estimated that the mountain was only sixty or seventy meters high, and the vegetation on the mountain looked quite lush. If you were to hide there compared to other places around, it would mean that you were getting bigger.

"Why?" A soldier followed Shang Zhen and asked.

"It's too obvious." Shang Zhen replied.

When Shang Zhen said this, some of the soldiers did not react, while others understood.

Compared with other places, it is indeed a better place to hide.

But precisely because it is a good place to hide, once the Japanese and puppet troops conduct a search, it will inevitably become the focus of the Japanese army's search.

Once discovered by the Japanese and puppet troops, it is inevitable that they will die in battle, and the difference is only a matter of dying early or late.

Since they couldn't hide in that place, they could only continue running in the fields.

And when they ran under the previous mountain, some soldiers still glanced at the mountain with nostalgia.

But at this moment, the soldier who looked back shouted: "Those little devil cavalry are back!"

The woods where Shang Zhen and the others were hiding before were just on the roadside and didn't cover a very large area. When they got here, the woods naturally couldn't cover the road.

Shang Zhen glanced back and saw Japanese troops running down the road on horseback!

It’s broken, Shang Zhen thought to himself.

Previously, Shang Zhen fought a battle with the puppet army to save Fang Yong and others.

After the fight, they ran north along the road. The direction the Japanese cavalry had just rushed was the direction of the previous gunshots, and now the Japanese cavalry not only came back but also went down the road. This cannot but arouse Shang Zhen's thoughts.

"If we occupy this hill, at least the terrain -" Fang Yong suggested again.

Fang Yong's meaning is obvious, that is, they can't outrun the Japanese cavalry, so now they can only stick to the mountains.

"There is a village ahead!" At this time, they had already bypassed the hill and another soldier suddenly said.

When Shang Zhen looked forward, he just glanced at it and said loudly: "Go there quickly!"

The village was two hundred meters away, and Shang Zhen was sure that the village had been burned by the Japanese and puppet troops after just one glance.

This reminded him of the time he hid in the burned-down house.

Shang Zhen actually understood that even hiding in that village might not be safe.

But if compared with this hill, there is always more hope, because if the Japanese army really starts searching, then they will definitely have a battle with the Japanese army hiding on this mountain!

Everyone ran wildly again, but this time Shang Zhen took the initiative to stay behind.

Although he has only had limited contact with these friendly forces that he still doesn't know which part they are, Shang Zhen really doesn't want to escape alone.

Not to mention, these soldiers who refused to give up their wounded were all kind and righteous people. Even though they did not surrender despite their words, Shang Zhen felt that they were real anti-Japanese fighters.

On the matter of resisting Japan, whether it sounds nice or not, only life and death can test who is the true backbone of the nation!

Everyone ran very fast. The imminent survival crisis made the three lightly wounded men temporarily forget their injuries. But the problem was that the Japanese cavalry ran faster!

"No way, we can't outrun them!" A soldier said while breathing heavily.

"You've got time, run!" Shang Zhen, who kept looking back, said urgently.

The reason why Shang Zhen said this was because he found that at least for now, the Japanese cavalry had not noticed them and were running towards the small woods where they had hidden before.

When the Japanese cavalry went to the woods, they would definitely not find anything. They would then follow the "path" they had just run and run towards the hill. But the hill could block Shang Zhen's view!

Therefore, although time is not rich, it is not as short as the soldier thought.

For that glimmer of life, everyone ran desperately. The Japanese army's tall horses ran like the wind, but Shang Zhen and others also ran with the wind whining in their ears.

When Shang Zhen and the others finally ran to the burned village and hid behind the ruins, there was no sound of gunfire behind them.

But just when everyone breathed a sigh of relief, they saw a Japanese cavalry coming out from behind the hill. It seemed that the direction he was heading this time was towards their village!

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