The War of Resistance

Chapter 1115 Chapter 1108 Born as a human, not a dog (1)

Seeing the carriage stop, he was shocked. The little puppet soldier just thought that his life had been saved, but then he saw the horse pulling the carriage in front gave a feeble cry and fell down.

Has this horse been shot? The little puppet soldier subconsciously thought, and then he saw a large streak of blood on the horse's neck. It turned out that the horse was frightened and ran too fast, but it hit a branch of a tree. The broken branch had severely injured it. .

The horse pulling the carriage fell over, and the carriage fell down. Fortunately, the little puppet soldier was tied to the carriage. The two shafts in front of the carriage were stuck on the ground. He just moved his body forward. Lean away.

This force was so strong that the person his back was leaning on was a dead person. Even though it had hardened, he was still being carried and lay back.

Under the action of the two forces, the little puppet soldier's head hit the car board.

To say that this was not too harsh, but he instinctively felt that his neck was actually chilly!

He subconsciously glanced down from one side of his face, and saw that his neck was touching a bayonet stuck in the car board!

The bayonet was originally stuck into the carriage by Shang Zhen to stabilize his body when the carriage was jolted. As soon as the carriage stopped, Shang Zhen disappeared, but the bayonet remained.

Seeing that he had barely survived, the little puppet soldier immediately forgot all the discomfort in his jolted body, and cold sweat immediately flowed down his temples.

He wanted to open his mouth and scold Shang Zhen but he didn't dare. He struggled for a while and suddenly felt that the rope binding his hands was loose, so he hurriedly hugged him in the carriage.

At this time, the little puppet soldier also figured out that if he couldn't run away, he would die sooner or later!

When the Japanese cavalry caught up from behind, how could they care whether they were puppet soldiers or not?

What's more, he is still wearing the clothes of the national army. When people see him, they will definitely give him a saber, and that saber will never be used to cut the rope for him, it will definitely separate his head!

Just come whatever you think of, when this little puppet soldier thought of the Japanese cavalry chasing behind him, he heard the sound of horse hooves getting closer and closer!

The Japanese war horses were running very fast. At first, there was only a dull sound, but then it became like beating war drums!

The little puppet soldier subconsciously turned his head to look.

Since the carriage had already collapsed, he was rushed forward and tied to the carriage. Now his position was naturally very low, so he saw the tall Japanese horse that was only a few dozen meters away from him and was charging towards him. !

The horse's nostrils seemed to be breathing white air, just like the legendary Bull Demon King.

The thick kneecaps and the huge raised hoofs were like the bowl of the ocean, and behind the high horse's head there was a flash of sharp swords. They were Japanese cavalry!

Moreover, the Japanese cavalry was not just one, but several horses rushing over side by side!

It’s over, it’s over this time!

For some reason, he suddenly remembered what Shang Zhen said to him earlier. He was going to die anyway. Why would he be a dog when he could be a human being? The result - well, he died anyway!

But at this moment, the gunfire of the box cannon rang out, and the gunfire rang out from under the carriage.

Amidst the shooting sounds of "Pap-Pap-Pap" and "Pap-Pap-Pap", the little puppet army became abnormal when they saw the approaching Japanese war horses!

How do you call it abnormal? It was at this moment, in the sound of the box cannon firing, that the horses changed at the same time.

Some staggered forward but fell down immediately, and the Japanese soldiers above were thrown away.

There were also those who directly raised their sons, but directly threw the Japanese soldiers above them from their horses.

But there was also a war horse that was not running slow but fast, and actually hit him with an acceleration visible to the naked eye!

The reason why this happens is that the penetrating power of the box cannon is indeed limited. You can use it to hit people, but if you use it to hit horses, it will be too difficult to knock them down without directly hitting their vital points!

And the war horse was only a few dozen meters away from the carriage. It would take no more than ten seconds for a person to rush over, let alone a galloping war horse! Why should we aim at this critical moment? Then fight!

"Pap-pap-pap" "Pap-pap-pap" the gunshots of the box cannon rang out rapidly again.

But this time, the little puppet soldier saw blood splattered on the huge horse's head, which was held high. This time, the two short bursts of the box cannon all hit the horse's head.

As a result, the horse fell down with a crash, but although the Japanese soldier was thrown away, the saber did not escape his hand. Instead, he opened his teeth and waved the saber towards him.

The little puppet soldier instinctively turned his head and lowered his body, and then felt the impact of huge force. This time he almost lost his breath, and it was no longer possible for him to cry out, and he could only make a muffled groan.

But then gunshots rang out again. This time, the little puppet soldier hit his head on the ground and couldn't see. He didn't know what the situation was. Then he had only one choice now, that is, pretend to be dead!

Maybe the killer star and the Japanese can fight to the death. It would be better if they both die, then I can always escape with my life.

The little puppet soldier put his head on the ground and thought wildly, but on the surface he acted like a dead dog, but the movement around him did not stop.

He heard the sound of a war horse falling to the ground. The word "plop" cannot be used to describe it and must be described as "bang" to be more appropriate. There were the shouts of Japanese soldiers. Of course, the initiator of all these sounds was the box cannon. "Pop" "Pap" sound.

However, the noises other than the gunshots quickly disappeared, but the "pop" and "pop" sounds of the cannon remained the same.

But this time the gunshot was no longer under the carriage.

Now the little puppet soldier also figured out that the boy somehow got under the carriage in the blink of an eye when the carriage stopped.

The horse he hit just now almost hit the car, so he must have changed places.

That kid, no, that killer star is really powerful!

At this time, this little puppet soldier couldn't help but admire Shang Zhen.

The box cannon was what that kid used. The gunshots kept going, which proved that the kid was not dead. And with that kid’s shooting skills, not to mention that the gun would never miss, a few shots would always kill a Japanese horse or a Japanese. People.

Now it seems that the Japanese who caught up behind him must have been killed by this guy. This guy should be shooting at the Japanese who came around from both sides now, right?

The little puppet soldier suddenly wanted to open his eyes and see what the battle was like.

But just as he was about to move, he thought again, that's not right! Why do I still care about that kid? That boy almost killed himself. The fact that he can survive until now is not because that boy is soft-hearted, but because his life is hard enough!

But what happened next was not something that this little puppet soldier could do just because he wanted to pretend to be dead.

Just as the little puppet soldier was thinking wildly, he suddenly felt himself being touched. Of course, it could also be that someone touched the dead man behind him. Anyway, he was touched.

what's going on? The little puppet soldier pretended to prick up his ears and listen carefully to what was going on around him, but at this moment he felt someone moving next to him.

This must be a Japanese, the one who fell off the horse and hit him. He probably didn't fall to death, but the kid thought he did.

The voice passed beside him very slowly.

At this moment, the little puppet soldier suddenly realized that this Japanese soldier was not here to kill him, right? Even if you die, you must die in vain!

No one knows whether curiosity will kill a cat, but curiosity will definitely make a cat open its eyes!

So, the little puppet soldier didn't move his head and finally raised his eyelids.

But his head was stuck on the ground, but he could still see even if he lifted his eyelids! What, what he saw was blood, he didn’t know if it was horse blood or human blood, but it was a pool of boss blood, almost dripping onto his face.

Stimulated by the bright red blood, the little puppet soldier finally moved slightly and raised his face slightly, and then he saw a pair of Japanese big-toed shoes. To be precise, one of them was stepped on the ground, and the other one was carrying it away. Revealing the thick rubber heels.

The little puppet soldier looked up and saw the back of a Japanese soldier walking forward with his waist hunched over.

Since he was looking at the back of the Japanese soldier, he couldn't see the guy's expression, but the little puppet soldier saw the sharp tip of a knife exposed on the guy's side.

The little puppet soldier raised his head slightly and adjusted his sight. This time he saw that behind a tree in front of the Japanese soldier was the killer who was changing the magazine of the box cannon!

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