The War of Resistance

Chapter 1116: Born as a human, not a dog (2)

Ever since this little puppet soldier was tied to the carriage by Shang Zhen's order, he had hated Shang Zhen.

Just as he summed up for himself, his ability to survive until now is all due to his own hard life!

Six people were tied into the car, and he happened to be one of the six.

It was just one sixth, and he was still tied facing the front of the carriage.

In this way, when Shang Zhen drove away, the bullets from the Japanese army behind him were like locusts.

This road, of course, can't be said to be all the way, that is, the road Shang Zhen drove to this hilly forest was no more than one thousand meters in total.

And on the way less than a kilometer away, his companions discovered that they were being used as human shields by Shang Zhen, so they tried their best to scold Shang Zhen with the most vicious and filthy words in the world.

He also cursed at that time.

But after they only cursed for a while, their angry curses were lost in the scream of the Japanese 6.5mm rifle bullets.

As a soldier, the little puppet soldier also knew that the bullets of the Type 38 rifle could penetrate two.

Because the guy next to him was seriously injured in that way, and the other guy back to back with him was also beaten to death in that way.

Shang Zhen used them as human shields, and the companions sitting back to back with them in the front row became their human shields.

It's just that this human shield can't compare to the Japanese armor, so his companions all died one after another.

And the reason why he was not penetrated twice by the 6.5mm bullet was because he guessed that the bullet that hit his back-to-back companion was stuck in the brother's spine.

The Japanese bullets are so sharp and thin, if they had not hit the person's spine but hit other bones in the person's upper body, they would probably have passed through!

So, he was able to survive the bullets that were like raindrops. Although his face was splashed with blood, he was still unscathed. What if this wasn't a fate?

And next, the carriage hit a tree, and the horse pulling the carriage was hit half to death. He just bent over, and the bayonet inserted in the carriage board almost stabbed his neck open.

Who doesn't know that to kill a pig, you need to stab the heart with a sharp knife, but to kill a pig, you need to chop off the head and a thick blood vessel next to the neck.

And who stuck the bayonet in the carriage? Wasn't that a good thing done by that boy?

I am not dead again. Isn't this also because I have a hard life?

Then, the Japanese cavalry rushed up. Regardless of whether they were horses or humans, the kid knocked them down with box cannons. However, the Japanese soldiers who rushed in front of him almost smashed him. die!

Isn't all this what you are seeing before you? Don't you know that the Japanese soldier has already reached behind him with the saber and almost beheaded him? Isn't it a good thing?

If he could kill this kid, he would have to relieve his hatred. The little puppet soldier saw that the Japanese soldier was only a few steps away from the kid who made his teeth itch with hatred. All he needed to do was to swoop the knife with all his strength. With a wave, the kid's head fell to the ground.

And once that kid dies, maybe he can continue to hang out with Li Tantou's gang, learn to smoke, visit brothels, steal money from rich people, and also learn to steal a girl that he likes for himself!

But when he saw that the Japanese soldier in front had already raised the saber, he didn't know why he suddenly remembered what the boy said. Anyway, he was dead. He could have been a straight-backed person, so what? Do you have to be a dog?

"Oops! There's someone behind me!" The little puppet soldier couldn't understand himself. He suddenly pulled his neck and shouted!

And because he shouted too quickly, he instinctively wanted to stand up.

But how could he stand up? Because he used too much force and the reaction force of the rope was too great, he let out another groan!

But it was still too late, at least from the perspective of the little puppet army.

He saw that in his shouts, the Japanese soldier holding a knife with both hands had slashed the knife forward fiercely.

It’s over! The Japanese sabers are so bright, even brighter than their bayonets!

This was the thought that this little puppet soldier had at this moment.

What is the fastest speed in the world? Physically it is light.

As far as the current scene is concerned, it can also be said that the saber waving in the hand of the Japanese soldier flashed in the sun.

But what is fast is light after all, not the waving saber, because there are things in this world that are faster than the waving saber, such as bullets!

Just when the sword's light stroke in mid-air only created a short arc and did not reach the forty-five degrees, the gunshot rang out.

The little puppet soldier who was watching from behind was surprised to find that the arc of the knife that was raised to the Japanese soldier's head was messed up and turned into a diagonal fall, and then the puppet soldier's body fell forward. Go down.

By this time, the little puppet army had already ignored Shang Zhen, who had turned around and raised his gun to shoot in front of the fallen Japanese army. Just like when taking a photo, only taking a leaf or a small flower as the main object, the background has been blurred. generally.

The little puppet soldier kept his eyes fixed on the Japanese soldier who lay down. He found that there was no blood or bullet holes anywhere behind the Japanese soldier.

So, the shot just now should have hit the Japanese soldier's head. Considering that a person can be fatally hit but is hard enough to prevent bullets from flying out, it can only be the human skull...

Ten minutes later, Shang Zhen and the little puppet soldier were squatting opposite each other somewhere in the woods.

"I regret it." The little puppet soldier said.

"Repent of saving me?" Shang Zhen asked.

"I regret shouting out at the wrong time." The little puppet soldier replied.

Shang Zhen looked at him silently, but his eyes showed doubts.

"If I had shouted earlier, if you had fired earlier, you would have killed that imperial army -" the little puppet army explained.

But since he mentioned the "Imperial Army", how could Shang Zhen let him go on? So Shang Zhen interrupted him with "Fart!" and reminded him, "Call him a Japanese devil, or call him a little devil!"

"Okay, if I had told you earlier, I would have shot you and you would have killed that Japanese devil.

If I had called you late, I wouldn't have had to shoot you, and your head would have been removed like a pig's head. "The little puppet soldier could only follow Shang Zhen's reminder. He was really not used to the sudden change of calling the Japanese army from the familiar "imperial army" to "Japanese devils."

Shang Zhen nodded. There was nothing wrong with what the little puppet army said, and that was exactly what happened.

"But I happened to shout when that imperial soldier, no, that Japanese soldier raised his sword at you, and that's when trouble started.

If I pretended not to see it, even if that Japanese soldier killed you, he might not be able to find out that I was pretending to be dead, and I would be able to survive.

If I call for breakfast and you beat the Japanese to death, then I will still be your savior.

Although you are cruel and ruthless, even more ruthless than our Shandong thieves, you can't kill my savior, can you?

But what I shouted was unfair. If that Japanese soldier killed you and heard me shouting again, wouldn't we both die together? "The little puppet soldier said it clearly.

While the little puppet soldier said this, Shang Zhen was still observing the movements around him.

And when the little puppet army finished speaking, he saw that Shang Zhen, who was originally squatting, had already stood up and said: "Let's go, it's time for us to run for our lives."

"Hey, are you leaving now? You haven't expressed your position yet!" The little puppet soldier was unhappy.

"Everything you said is right, what should I say?" Shang Zhen replied.

"Then you haven't thanked me for saving my life!" The little puppet soldier was even more unhappy.

Shang Zhen glanced at the little puppet soldier and threw him the saber captured from the Japanese army in his hand.

"That's it?" The little puppet army felt that Shang Zhen's gratitude to his savior was not in line with expectations.

"There are many people who saved my life." Shang Zhen no longer paid attention to the small puppet army, but started walking carefully through the woods.

"Then why are you thanking others?" The little puppet army looked at the saber he picked up with some disgust. He thought, he saved Shang Zhen's life, so Shang Zhen must have a box cannon of his own.

But he didn't expect that Shang Zhen would ask him: "You want to know how I thank others?"

"Of course!" said the little puppet soldier.

"Generally speaking, when I'm not fighting, I burn more paper for the brothers who saved me." Shang Zhen answered without looking back.

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