The War of Resistance

Chapter 1140 News about Shang Zhen (1)

China and Japan started fighting in Taierzhuang in mid-March, and have been fighting for more than half a month now.

How big is the area of ​​Taierzhuang? It is about 1.1 kilometers long from east to west, about 1 kilometers wide from north to south, and the perimeter of the city wall is 5.7 kilometers.

How many troops did the enemy and us invest? There are more than 50,000 Japanese troops and nearly 300,000 Chinese troops.

Although not all battles were fought in Taierzhuang, compared with the troops invested by both the enemy and ourselves, Taierzhuang could only be regarded as a small place.

Even if the enemy and we did not invest all their troops in such a small place, it is conceivable how many people fell in Taierzhuang.

Just like the scene described in the movie shot in later generations, the city wall collapsed like a hillside, and the corpses of soldiers from both sides were strewn from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain.

But this scene only happened in the early stages of the Taierzhuang war. The corpses on the "hillside" were piled up and strewn with no one to clean them up, because the fierce fighting continued, in every street, every lane, every street. A fight for a house.

Both China and Japan suffered huge casualties, but the Japanese army finally occupied more than half of Zhuangzi. When only the last half of Zhuangzi was left, the Chinese defenders continued to organize death squads to fight back, and the enemy and ourselves started a tug of war again.

The Chinese defenders did not know what difficulties the Japanese army had, but the Chinese defenders were indeed under great pressure. The 31st Division defending the city approached the group army, the group army approached the theater headquarters, and the theater commander approached a certain Central Army as a reserve force and asked him to Attack.

In any case, the Chinese army that still has an organic system still has combat effectiveness.

At this time, a few miles northwest of Taierzhuang, there were many stragglers from the Chinese army hiding in a ruined wall that had also been burned by the war.

It was said that there were many, but it was close to a hundred. However, these hundreds of people belonged to different armies, but they were all from a mixed army.

Their respective troops were defeated by a Japanese cavalry charge, and these skirmishers were also routed, and after several twists and turns, they all hid in the ruins.

It stands to reason that during the Battle of Taierzhuang, this place was not an important traffic artery. They were just afraid of the Japanese cavalry so they hid here. When it got dark, they dispersed.

After all, they were all anti-Japanese teams. We all gathered together temporarily to keep warm. Although we didn't know each other very well, we also started chatting.

But we are both soldiers fighting, no matter how much we talk, how can we get away from the current war.

So it’s nothing more than how strong the firepower of the Japanese army was, how difficult it was for the Japanese devils to fight, and how brutally the Taierzhuang defenders fought. Of course, there are also some miscellaneous troops. A common topic is to criticize the Central Army and talk about the Central Army. Why hasn't a certain department taken action yet?

Regardless of whether they are in the north or the south, most people who serve in the military say what they have in mind. This is actually the same as staying in the army for a long time and will be affected by subtle influences.

Military orders must be concise and easy to understand and must not be meandering. If an order requires people to ponder for a while, wouldn't it be a missed opportunity?

This is just like the People's Army has a slogan for capturing prisoners called "Send the gun and don't kill". Anyone who is not stupid can understand this.

That means that if you hand over the gun and surrender, I won’t kill you. But that only has four words, and it’s very fast to say it. If you change it to “I won’t kill you if you surrender,” it’s really a fast battle in a life-and-death battlefield. The rhythm doesn't match, it delays things too much!

The soldiers talked about their own experiences, and while they were talking, some of the participants thought about the life and death of their brothers, and their voices became louder: "The firepower of these Japanese soldiers is too fierce.

We hadn't even dug any fortifications when we arrived at the position. The Japanese planes dropped a string of bombs of that size in the sky, and the number of people was reduced by less than half.

Then the Japanese cavalry came. If our legs were fast, we could run away, but if our legs were slow, we would not be able to get out. "

"Then you didn't shoot at the Japanese devils?" Someone asked next to him.

"I'm not afraid of the jokes of you brothers. Why are you shooting? When the big Japanese bomb came down, two of the three machine guns in the company were blown up. The third one was still there, but it was hacked by the Japanese cavalry again." !” the man said again.

Upon hearing what the man said, the others fell silent regardless of their group.

They are all fighting as soldiers. It is an indisputable fact that the vast majority of the Chinese army cannot defeat the Japanese army. Besides, as the soldier just said, the Japanese army has aircraft, artillery and cavalry, so how can they fight with others?

The Japanese planes were flying in the sky. There were really a few infantrymen who could hit the planes with their guns. So if everyone could hit the planes with rifles, why would they use anti-aircraft machine guns?

The Japanese cavalry are also big horses running like flying. Most of the guns used by these soldiers are old sleeves. The guns were made in the Qing Dynasty. The rifling is almost worn out, and the effective shooting range is limited. Just a hundred meters.

If they were facing the Japanese infantry who were attacking upwards, they could still fire volleys or something like that. But if they encountered the Japanese cavalry running like flying within a hundred meters, their sabers would have been able to fall without even taking two shots. Now that it’s on them, how can we fight the battle?

In fact, although these soldiers belong to different armies, their situations on the battlefield are similar. Now if you laugh at others, it is equivalent to laughing at yourself, so who would respond without opening their eyes?

It's just that in the silence, someone who was very ignorant finally sighed "Alas" and then muttered: "All those who can fight will go to guard Taierzhuang."

As soon as the man spoke, the others all looked over, their expressions not very good.

There were more than 20 people in that group, both tall and thin. They were just listening and did not talk to other soldiers. However, there were soldiers who heard them talking. They had a Northeastern accent. In other words, these people should be Northeastern Army.

"Then why don't you go to defend Taierzhuang?" The man who told the story about the Japanese army's stubbornness at the beginning asked back when the Northeast Army's words didn't sit well with him, and there was a hint of sarcasm in his words.

This person already spoke very tactfully. In fact, if he added another sentence to the front, it would be more complete. He could have said, "You are so capable of fighting and so ambitious, then why don't you defend?" Where is Taierzhuang?"

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