The War of Resistance

Chapter 1141 News about Shang Zhen (2)

A war of resistance brought together Chinese people from all over the world, and people from other provinces still had some understanding of the Northeastern people.

Northeastern people have a bad temper and can't bear to be provoked. The person who just told the story felt that if he said this, the stupid big man who just answered his words might say "just go" in a hurry.

But who would have thought that his idea was really wrong, but the big man from the Northeast Army replied without even taking a hit: "You're an idiot!"

His answer to this sentence was so stupid. He was the one who picked on others just now, but now he is the one who feels confident not to say anything if he doesn't want to.

But his words made the other soldiers' expressions change again.

Not even a fool can understand the meaning of this sentence, but you can keep it in your heart, or you can say it privately among your own men, but if you say it in front of other troops, it will be a big deal. Something is terribly wrong.

You're just an idiot going to guard Taierzhuang. What do you call this? Is this human talk? If you say that, who do you think those anti-Japanese officers and soldiers who are fighting bloody battles on the front are?

Second, these people are now skirmishers, which can be said to be broken troops. This means that there are no officers in front of them.

If there are officers in front of you who dare to say that the anti-Japanese officers and soldiers fighting in front are idiots, it would not be an exaggeration to say that you are trying to deceive the morale of the soldiers!

This is wartime, because of this sentence, even if an officer is enforcing the law and shoots you, it will not be too much!

It's just that there are really no officers among this group of stragglers at this time. The biggest official position is platoon leader and deputy platoon leader, but everyone has their own place. How can the small platoon leader of the Northwest Army care about the Northeast soldiers? What?

However, if they don't say anything, they won't say anything. But in their hearts, they have a little more contempt for this group of Northeast Army people.

"They are all from the Northeast Army. Why is there such a big gap between these people?" Then someone else sighed.

"Hey, what do you mean by that? Did you see the Northeastern Army there?" When someone said that, the Northeastern Army soldier who just said, "Idiots go to defend Taierzhuang" stood up. asked.

It is impossible to say that this soldier is 1.8 meters tall, but he is also a strong man. When he stands up, he looks like a little calf.

If the Northeastern people are all shouting outside, then it is okay to bluff the common people, but if you want to bluff the soldiers of other armies with their superficial ferocity, it is not possible.

Everyone is fighting for life and death, who is afraid of whom? People just think there is no need to argue with him.

At this time, the person who couldn't stand the Northeast Army was not afraid of the Northeast Army in his heart. Besides, as he said, it was not like he had never seen the Northeast Army. Then he had fought side by side with the Northeast Army. That person Why didn’t the Northeastern Army look as dead as the guy in front of me?

The reason why he mentioned the Northeastern Army was to compare the Northeastern Army with the guys in front of him, so as to insult the other side. However, he still used the Northeasterners to attack the Northeasterners, even if the guy in front of him suffered damage. The mute can't tell the pain of eating Coptis chinensis!

"That brother is very powerful. He uses a 20-shot box cannon. The gun fires very fast and accurately. He knocked down more than a dozen Japanese soldiers while I was watching!" The man praised loudly.

"Is it true?" This time, before the Northeast Army group could ask, the other soldiers didn't believe it.

"I don't have any friendship with the Northeast guys? Do I have to say good things to others and brag?" the man said, and then changed the subject and said, "But don't worry about which army we are from, we are all fighting the Japanese devils, so how can we Anyone who fights against the Japanese is a hero, and we can’t go out of our way to belittle someone just because he is from the Northeast Army!”

The soldier spoke in a reasonable manner, and the other soldiers nearby nodded.

And even the guy in the Northeast Army, who looked a little stunned, came up with something nice to say and just opened his mouth but didn't say anything.

But at this time, several soldiers in the Northeast Army exchanged glances with each other, and then stood up in unison and said: "Brother, please tell us, please tell us what that person looks like!"

"What's it like?" When the narrator heard that the Northeast Army soldier was interested, his interest became even higher. The more he praised the Northeast Army soldier he saw as being extremely brave, the more contrast it made. The Northeastern Army in front of us was so cowardly.

"That brother has two twenty-gun box guns with him, and the magazines are so long." As he spoke, he began to gesture with the length of the magazines, and then he made a shoulder with the box guns. The shooting posture, "The shooting skills of that Northeast Army brother are so accurate, I have never seen them in my life!"

He was just like "pop", "pop", "pop", and a Japanese soldier fell down with the sound of a gunshot.

How accurate is that shooting? It has to be 200 meters away, and the marksmanship is even more accurate than our rifles! "

"Really?" Other soldiers next to him expressed doubts.

"What's the point of lying to you? That's the real hero in the Northeast Army!" The soldier who told the story said loudly in a tone of great admiration. After finishing speaking, he didn't forget to glance at the super guy who looked like a tiger opposite. The soldiers of the Northeast Army had a hint of contempt in their eyes this time.

The reaction of the Northeast Army soldier opposite him was obviously a little slow. He didn't even think that he was praising others at the expense of himself, but he still listened to it with relish!

At this time, the soldier who told the story realized that it was meaningless to compete with the other party. He seemed to have encountered a fool!

But at this time, the few people from the Northeast Army who had come forward stopped. One of the veterans, who looked to be in his fifties, asked: "Let me ask you what he looks like." ? Why is it useless for you to clean up?"

The soldier glanced at the veteran with wrinkles on his face and said, "If you ask me, I'll tell you, I haven't praised that great hero enough."

In his subconscious, he was also from the Northeast Army. If he went on to praise the sharpshooter of the Northeast Army, wouldn't that be a disparagement of the Northeast Army in front of him who dared not go to the front line?

There should be a bottom line in being a human being. No one requires you to take the initiative to go to the front line, but if you don't go to the front line, you must not slander those real heroes who dare to go to the front line!

Therefore, his next answer almost made the Northeastern Army veteran opposite him get angry and twisted his nose, but he said:

"What can he look like? He is a god of death! A god of death who specializes in killing Japanese devils!

When he fired, oh my, I felt like there was that halo behind his head, like a god or a Buddha! Shining brightly! It's so shaking that I can't see clearly! "

The conscience of heaven and earth, he actually knows that there is a halo behind the statues of gods and Buddhas, and he even knows an idiom called "rays of light"! Considering the cultural quality of Chinese soldiers nowadays, is this easy? It’s not easy!

"What the hell -" The veteran was really anxious, and another soldier beside him, who was still very handsome, was busy patting the veteran's shoulders to signal him not to be anxious, and then told the soldier who was telling the story Said: "You are singing a hymn here, just tell me what the man who shoots accurately looks like, his eyes, nose, mouth and height!"

It was obvious that the soldier speaking now was a truly literate person, and he actually knew hymns.

Singing hymns is one of the religious rituals of Christianity, which is specially used to praise God!

In today's China, if you can know Christianity and hymns, isn't that considered literate? Those who know this are even rarer than the old scholar who can memorize the Four Books and Five Classics!

At this time, the soldier who told the story saw that the soldiers of the Northeast Army were getting anxious, so he stopped talking and said: "I am so tall, I am not fat or thin, and I am quite dark. I can shoot very accurately, and my skills are very special." Okay, run very fast!"

Now he really isn't trying to sell things anymore, but the things he described are by no means a person's distinguishing features!

At this time, the Northeast Army soldier on the opposite side wanted to ask him whether the person you mentioned had single eyelids or double eyelids, but he probably wouldn't notice such a detail, so he didn't ask.

"Did he say which army he was from? Where did he come from? Where did he go?" At this time, a soldier with a long, small nose and small eyes from the Northeast Army opposite asked anxiously.

"He didn't say which army he was in, but I heard him say that he was coming from LY. He seemed to be going into Taierzhuang, but he wouldn't let us pass." The narrator said again.

But at this time, the eyes of the Northeast Army soldiers all lit up, and many of them said in unison with joyful faces: "Shang Zhen!"

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